The python script in ..\scripts\ asssumes the following directory structure for each raw data tile: 1 \2 \3 \4\5 \6 *_year_*\geogegevens\raster\*\tilename\w001001.adf 1 - the 1st directory contains the year between the first two underscores 2 - fixed name: geogegevens 3 - fixed name: raster 4 - random name 5 - kadaster tile name 6 - filename for binary map in ESRI convention This structure was present in all raw files 1996-2009. The directories in the additions 2010-2011 were relocated to meet these criteria. Data of 2013-onward were downloaded from (/kust_2013_2, /kust_2014_2, /kust_2015_2, kust_2016_2/, kust_2017_2/). Original resolution is 2m, they were resampled to 5m to match the older data (script also uploaded).