function varargout = ArcGisRead(fname,varargin) %ARCGISREAD read gridded data set in Arc ASCII Grid Format, and save as *.mat, *.nc file % % S = arcgisread(filename,) % [X,Y,D] = arcgisread(filename,) % % reads contents of ESRI arcGIS file into % variables X,Y and D, or into a struct S that % directly can be plotted with pcolor(D.x,D.y.D.val) % % The following keywords are recommended when using struct S: % % OPT.varname - name of data block (default 'val') % OPT.long_name - netCDF-CF convention % OPT.standard_name - netCDF-CF convention % OPT.units - netCDF-CF convention % %See web: % @ESRI %See also: ARCGIS2NC, ARC_SHAPE_READ, ARCGRIDREAD (in $ mapping toolbox) %% User defined keywords OPT.plot = 0; % plot (default off, to prevent grinding of PC with big matrices) OPT.clim = [-5 45]; % in OPT.units OPT.export = 1; % export plot OPT.mat = 1; % save as mat = 0; % save as netCDF OPT.type = 'single';% 'double','int' OPT.varname = 'val'; % name of data block OPT.long_name = ''; % netCDF-CF convention OPT.standard_name = ''; % netCDF-CF convention OPT.units = ''; % netCDF-CF convention if nargin==0;D = OPT;return;end; % make function act as object OPT = setproperty(OPT,varargin{:}); %% Open file (TO DO: perform checks on file) if OPT.plot TMP = figure; end maxX = []; minX = []; maxY = []; minY = []; for ifile = 1 : length(fname) D = []; D.varname = OPT.varname; D.long_name = OPT.long_name; if isempty(D.long_name) [PATHSTR,NAME,EXT,VERSN] = fileparts(fname); D.long_name=[NAME EXT]; end D.standard_name = OPT.standard_name; D.units = OPT.units; D.filename = fname{ifile}; fid = fopen(D.filename); basename = fullfile(fileparts(fname{ifile}),filename(fname{ifile})); %% Read header s=fgetl(fid);[tmp rest]=strtok(s);D.ncols = str2num(rest); s=fgetl(fid);[tmp rest]=strtok(s);D.nrows = str2num(rest); s=fgetl(fid);[tmp rest]=strtok(s);D.xllcorner = str2num(rest); s=fgetl(fid);[tmp rest]=strtok(s);D.yllcorner = str2num(rest); s=fgetl(fid);[tmp rest]=strtok(s);D.cellsize = str2num(rest); s=fgetl(fid);[tmp rest]=strtok(s);D.nodata_value = str2num(rest); %% Read data D.(D.varname) = repmat(nan(OPT.type),[D.ncols,D.nrows]); D.(D.varname) = fscanf( fid,'%f',[D.ncols,D.nrows])'; D.(D.varname)(D.(D.varname)==D.nodata_value)=nan; %% Create rectangular grid for irow=1:D.ncols D.x(irow)=D.xllcorner+D.cellsize*( irow-0.5 ); end maxX = max(maxX,D.x); minX = min(minX,D.x' for jcol=1:D.nrows D.y(jcol)=D.yllcorner+D.cellsize*(-(jcol-0.5)+(D.nrows)); % fixed bug in OET revision 2120 % lowest row lies 0.5* cellsize above yllcorner % substitution of lowest row index jcol = nrows, gives % (-(jcol -0.5)+(D.nrows)) = ... % (-(nrows -0.5)+( nrows)) = ... % -nrows +0.5+ nrows = +0.5 end %% Write to *.mat file if OPT.mat save([basename,'.mat'],'-struct','D'); end %% Write to netCDF (*.nc) file if arcgrid2nc([basename,'.nc'],D,'long_name',OPT.long_name,'units',OPT.units); end %% Plot data (do this last, as it can be really sloooow) if OPT.plot % TMP = figure; pcolor(D.x,D.y,D.(D.varname)); shading interp; axis equal; % caxis (OPT.clim) %tickmap('xy') hold on X=[D.x(1),D.x(end),D.x(end),D.x(1),D.x(1)]; Y=[D.y(1),D.y(1),D.y(end),D.y(end),D.y(1)]; plot(X,Y,'--r') grid on % try;close(TMP);end end fclose(fid); end diff = abs(D.xllcorner-D.xllcorner+D.cellsize*D.ncols)*0.05; xlim([D.xllcorner-diff D.xllcorner+D.cellsize*D.ncols]+diff) diff = abs(D.yllcorner-D.yllcorner+D.cellsize*D.nrows)*0.05; ylim([D.yllcorner-diff D.yllcorner+D.cellsize*D.nrows+diff]) colorbarwithtitle(['',' [',OPT.units,']']); if OPT.plot title(fname); end if OPT.export && OPT.plot print2screensize([basename,'.png']) end %% output if nargout==1 varargout = {D}; elseif nargout==3 varargout = {D.x,D.y,D.(D.varname)}; end %% EOF