NetCDF-3 Classic { dimensions: lon = 21601 ; lat = 10801 ; variables: // Preference 'PRESERVE_FVD': false, // dimensions consistent with ncBrowse, not with native MATLAB netcdf package. double lon(lon), shape = [21601] lon:standard_name = "longitude" lon:long_name = "Uniformly spaced longitudes (-180E - +180E)" lon:units = "degrees_east" lon:axis = "X" lon:spacing = 0.0166667 lon:actual_range = -180 180 double lat(lat), shape = [10801] lat:standard_name = "latitude" lat:long_name = "Uniformly spaced latitudes (-90E - +90E)" lat:units = "degrees_north" lat:axis = "Y" lat:spacing = 0.0166667 lat:actual_range = 90 -90 int16 topo(lat,lon), shape = [10801 21601] topo:standard_name = "surface_altitude" topo:long_name = "topography" topo:units = "meters" topo:axis = "Z" topo:spacing = 0.0166667 topo:actual_range = -10577 8430 topo:_CoordinateAxes = "lat lon" topo:positive = "up" //global Attributes: :Conventions = "CF-1.5 COARDS" :title = "GEBCO One Minute Grid" :institution = "GEBCO" :source = "2.00" :history = "$HeadURL$ $Date$ $Author$ $Revision$" :references = "The GEBCO One Minute Grid, version 2.0," :comment = "" :email = "" :version = "20091120, modified to CF by $HeadURL$ $Date$ $Author$ $Revision$" :terms_of_use = "Data within this GEBCO grid are subject to copyright and database right restrictions. Reproduction of the gridded bathymetry sets in derivative form for scientific research, environmental conservation, or education or other non-commercial purposes is authorised without prior permission, providing the source material is properly credited. The production of these gridded data sets is the result of an international collaboration of numerous scientists and hydrographers who have devoted mich of their time and effort, often on a voluntary basis. The work was stimulated by a wish to create an authoritative, high-quality bathymetry of the world's oceans for the benefit of us all. Therefore we ask you to contact us first, should you wish to pass on the data to third parties of use the data for commercial purposes. In the first instance, please contact the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) and include a clear statement of the purpose for which the material will be used and the manner in which it will be reproduced. In the case of commercial activities, a contribution may be requested for the further improvement of GEBCO's datasets." :attribution = "Any material reproduced from GEBCO gridded data sets should be accompanied by appropriate attribution to the source of the material. The version number of the grid is given in the header information within the grid data file. For the GEBCO bathymetry data, this should be of the form (including the appropriate version number): Reference for the GEBCO_08 grid: 'The GEBCO One Minute Grid, version 2.0,' For non-GEBCO material, such as land data from the SRTM30 dataset, the ackowledgement should include reference to the original source material." :disclaimer = "THIS GEBCO GRID IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION OR FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE INVOLVING SAFETY AT SEA. Data use in the creation of this GEBCO grid have been obtained from sources believed to be relaible but their accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure their reliability within the limits of present knowlegde, no responsibility can be acccepted by those involved in their compilation or publication for any consequential loss or damage arasing from their use. This GEBCO grid is essentially a deep water product and does not include detailed bathymetry for shallow shelf waters. Even to the present day, most areas of the world's oceans have not been fully surveyed and, for the most part, bathymetric mapping is an interpolation based on random tracklines of data from many different sources. The quality and coverage of data from these sources is highly variable. Although this GEBCO grid is presented at intervals of one arc-minute, this does not implly that knowlegde is available on sea floor depth at this resolution - the depth in most 30 arc-second squares of the world has yet to be measured." }