function varargout = plotTextFiles(dirName,varargin) %PLOTTEXTFILES Plot the series in selected txt files % % More detailed description goes here. % % Syntax: % varargout = plotTextFiles(varargin) % % Input: % dirName = the directory name where the text files are found % varargin = keyword/value combinations % 'files' : the name of the file(s) to be used, wildcards % are allowed. % 'header' : the number of header lines to be skipped % default=0 % 'x' : the column of the x-base, default = 1 % 'y' : the column of the series values, default = 2 % 'plot' : the name of the jpg file % % Output: % varargout = 1 : success % 0 : no success % % Example % plotTextFiles('dirname','header',5,'plot','try') % % See also %% Copyright notice % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copyright (C) 2010 % Lou Verhage % % % %
% % This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public % License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either % version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU % Lesser General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public % License along with this library. If not, see . % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % This tool is part of OpenEarthTools. % OpenEarthTools is an online collaboration to share and manage data and % programming tools in an open source, version controlled environment. % Sign up to recieve regular updates of this function, and to contribute % your own tools. %% Version % Created: 01 Sep 2010 % Created with Matlab version: (R2009a) % $Id: $ % $Date: $ % $Author: $ % $Revision: $ % $HeadURL: $ % $Keywords: $ %% initialize OPT.files = '*.txt'; OPT.header = 0; OPT.x = 1; OPT.y = 2; OPT.plot = 'test'; OPT.title = 'test'; OPT = setproperty(OPT,varargin{:}); % get the files for the given combination of dir and files f=dir([setBackslash(dirName,'set') OPT.files]); m = 0; l = 0; lh =''; springtij = false; gemtij = false; doodtij = false; for n=1:length(f) if ~f(n).isdir series=loadTextFile([setBackslash(dirName,'set') f(n).name],'header',OPT.header); series(series == -999.9) = NaN; m = m + 1; if f(n).name(1:1) == 's' specs='s-g'; elseif f(n).name(1:1) == 'g' specs='x-r' ; elseif f(n).name(1:1) == 'd' specs='.-b'; end if m == 1 plot(series(:,1),series(:,2),specs); hold on grid on else plot(series(:,1),series(:,2),specs); end if f(n).name(1:1) == 's' if ~springtij lh{m} = 'Springtij'; springtij=true; else lh{m} = ''; end elseif f(n).name(1:1) == 'g' if ~gemtij lh{m} = 'Gemiddeld tij'; gemtij=true; else lh{m} = ''; end elseif f(n).name(1:1) == 'd' if ~doodtij lh{m} = 'Doodtij'; doodtij=true; else lh{m} = ''; end end end end legend(lh,'location','best'); xlabel('Jaar'); ylabel('Waterstand [m tov NAP]'); title(OPT.title); print(gcf,'-dpng','-r300',[setBackslash(dirName,'set') OPT.plot '.png']); print(gcf,'-dpdf','-painters',[setBackslash(dirName,'set') OPT.plot '.pdf']); close(gcf); if nargout ==1 varargout{1} = 1; end