function [volumes,ok] = computeVolumes(file,sheets,wanted,endDate) %COMPUTEVOLUMES for the given sheets compute the combined volumes % % All given sheets are used to compute the combined volumes. Volumes to % be computed: % Total volume % Volume for diep water % Volume for ondiep water % % Syntax: % [volumes,ok] = computeVolumes(file,sheets,wanted) % % Input: % file = the name of the excell file % sheets = the names of the sheets to be used for the computation % wanted = the type of volumes to be computed. When 'all' is found all % available volume types are computed. Available now: % 'total' % 'diep' % 'ondiep' % 'plaat' % 'tussen' % 'ingrepen' (per jaar, dus niet cumulatief) % the volumes are cumulative volumes. % % Output: % volumes = the resulting volume series the date/time series (index = 1) % the parameter is a structure with the following division: % volumes.names : the names of the series (= columns) % : the dates of the series values % volumes.series: the date series of the volumes in the same % order as given with the names. % % ok = true when successfull % % Example % computeVolumes % % See also %% Copyright notice % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copyright (C) 2010 % Lou Verhage % % % %
% % This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public % License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either % version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU % Lesser General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public % License along with this library. If not, see . % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % This tool is part of OpenEarthTools. % OpenEarthTools is an online collaboration to share and manage data and % programming tools in an open source, version controlled environment. % Sign up to recieve regular updates of this function, and to contribute % your own tools. %% Version % Created: 07 Sep 2010 % Created with Matlab version: (R2009a) % $Id: $ % $Date: $ % $Author: $ % $Revision: $ % $HeadURL: $ % $Keywords: $ %% Extra information for software design % Each type of volume uses a specific column in the sheets. When more % sheets are used, the data in the columns is summed up for each volume % type. The software gives the column number for each type. % Total volume: 2 % Diep volume: 12 % Ondiep volume: 13 % The number of date records wil change over time, in the future. The % software gives the record range to be used. The volume value is computed % for each date record. % record range: 4 - 57 % A check is done whether the records hold the same dates %% Computation %set record range record.begin = 4; if isempty(endDate) record.end = 70; else record.end = []; end % initialize the volume parameter volumes.names = []; = []; stored = -1; %get the column numbers for the various volume types nr = setColumn({'total','diep','ondiep','ingreep'}); % no volumes computed yet ok = false; if isempty(sheets) return end %compute total volume if found('all',wanted) || found('total',wanted) ok = true; for nrSheet = 1: length(sheets) [dummy1,dummy2,sheet] = xlsread(file,sheets{nrSheet}); if stored == -1 %fill the date stored = 0; if isempty(record.end) for n = 1 : length(sheet) s = sheet(n,1); if strcmpi(s,endDate) record.end = n; break end end end = sheet(record.begin:record.end,1); end if nrSheet == 1 stored = stored + 1; end volumes.names{stored} = 'total'; y = getcolumn(sheet,nr(1)); a = y(record.begin:record.end,1); [a,ok0] = cell2num(a); if nrSheet == 1 x = a; else x = x + a; end end %compute the cumulative volume volumes.series(stored).data{1} = 0; for n = 2:length(x) volumes.series(stored).data{n} = volumes.series(stored).data{n-1} - (x(n) - x(n-1)); end end %compute volume beneden -5m NAP if found('all',wanted) || found('diep',wanted) ok = true; for nrSheet = 1: length(sheets) [dummy1,dummy2,sheet] = xlsread(file,sheets{nrSheet}); if stored == -1 %fill the date stored = 0; = sheet(record.begin:record.end,1); end if nrSheet == 1 stored = stored + 1; end volumes.names{stored} = 'diep'; y = getcolumn(sheet,nr(2)); a = y(record.begin:record.end,1); [a,ok0] = cell2num(a); if nrSheet == 1 x = a; else x = x + a; end end %compute the cumulative volume volumes.series(stored).data{1} = 0; for n = 2:length(x) volumes.series(stored).data{n} = volumes.series(stored).data{n-1} - (x(n) - x(n-1)); end end %compute volume beneden -2m NAP if found('all',wanted) || found('ondiep',wanted) ok = true; for nrSheet = 1: length(sheets) [dummy1,dummy2,sheet] = xlsread(file,sheets{nrSheet}); if stored == -1 %fill the date stored = 0; = sheet(record.begin:record.end,1); end if nrSheet == 1 stored = stored + 1; end volumes.names{stored} = 'ondiep'; y = getcolumn(sheet,nr(3)); a = y(record.begin:record.end,1); [a,ok0] = cell2num(a); if nrSheet == 1 x = a; else x = x + a; end end %compute the cumulative volume volumes.series(stored).data{1} = 0; for n = 2:length(x) volumes.series(stored).data{n} = volumes.series(stored).data{n-1} - (x(n) - x(n-1)); end end %compute volume boven -2m NAP if found('all',wanted) || found('plaat',wanted) ok = true; for nrSheet = 1: length(sheets) [dummy1,dummy2,sheet] = xlsread(file,sheets{nrSheet}); if stored == -1 %fill the date stored = 0; = sheet(record.begin:record.end,1); end if nrSheet == 1 stored = stored + 1; end volumes.names{stored} = 'plaat'; y1 = getcolumn(sheet,nr(1)); y2 = getcolumn(sheet,nr(3)); a1 = y1(record.begin:record.end,1); a2 = y2(record.begin:record.end,1); [a1,ok0] = cell2num(a1); [a2,ok0] = cell2num(a2); if nrSheet == 1 x = a1-a2; else x = x + (a1-a2); end end %compute the cumulative volume volumes.series(stored).data{1} = 0; for n = 2:length(x) volumes.series(stored).data{n} = volumes.series(stored).data{n-1} - (x(n) - x(n-1)); end end %compute volume tussen -5m NAP en -2m NAP if found('all',wanted) || found('tussen',wanted) ok = true; for nrSheet = 1: length(sheets) [dummy1,dummy2,sheet] = xlsread(file,sheets{nrSheet}); if stored == -1 %fill the date stored = 0; = sheet(record.begin:record.end,1); end if nrSheet == 1 stored = stored + 1; end volumes.names{stored} = 'tussen'; y1 = getcolumn(sheet,nr(2)); y2 = getcolumn(sheet,nr(3)); a1 = y1(record.begin:record.end,1); a2 = y2(record.begin:record.end,1); [a1,ok0] = cell2num(a1); [a2,ok0] = cell2num(a2); % ++ oude situatie % if nrSheet == 1 % x = a1-a2; % else % x = x + (a1-a2); % end % ++ nieuwe situatie if nrSheet == 1 x = a2-a1; else x = x + (a2-a1); end end %compute the cumulative volume volumes.series(stored).data{1} = 0; for n = 2:length(x) volumes.series(stored).data{n} = volumes.series(stored).data{n-1} - (x(n) - x(n-1)); end end %get the volume of the total ingrepen (per jaar) if found('all',wanted) || found('ingreep',wanted) ok = true; for nrSheet = 1: length(sheets) [dummy1,dummy2,sheet] = xlsread(file,sheets{nrSheet}); if stored == -1 %fill the date stored = 0; = sheet(record.begin:record.end,1); end if nrSheet == 1 stored = stored + 1; end volumes.names{stored} = 'ingreep'; y1 = getcolumn(sheet,nr(4)); a1 = y1(record.begin:record.end,1); [a1,ok0] = cell2num(a1); if nrSheet == 1 x = a1; else x = x + a1; end end %assign to volumes volumes.series(stored).data{1} = 0; for n = 1:length(x) volumes.series(stored).data{n} = x(n); end end