function ok = Westerschelde_batch(varargin)
%WESTERSCHELDE_BATCH Whatever can be done in batch is in this m-file
% All actions needed to create or extend the needed kml file and the
% graphs to be used is in this script. The script can be adapted at any
% moment and will have no static source. For that reason commenting is
% used.
% It is possible to direct resulting files to a specific directory with
% the one an only parameter.
% Syntax:
% ok = Westerschelde_batch(varargin)
% Input:
% varargin = any key/value pair. This will vary. The possible pairs are
% described in the source.
% A fixed one:
% 'storein' : store the results in this directory, create when
% not available. Default it is the current
% directory.
% Output:
% ok = 0 when failed, 1 when successfull
% Example
% See also
%% Copyright notice
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (C) 2010 Deltares
% Lou Verhage
% Deltares
% P.O. Box 177
% 2600MH Delft
% Tel: +31 (0)88 335 8273
% Visiting adress:
% Rotterdamseweg 185
% 2629 HD Delft
% Tel: +31 (0)88 335 8276
% This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
% modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
% License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
% version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% Lesser General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
% License along with this library. If not, see .
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% This tool is part of OpenEarthTools.
% OpenEarthTools is an online collaboration to share and manage data and
% programming tools in an open source, version controlled environment.
% Sign up to recieve regular updates of this function, and to contribute
% your own tools.
%% Version
% Created: 10 Sep 2010
% Created with Matlab version: (R2009a)
% $Id: $
% $Date: $
% $Author: $
% $Revision: $
% $HeadURL: $
% $Keywords: $
%% initialize
ok = true;
OPT.storein = '';
if nargin > 0
[OPT,Set,Default] = setproperty(OPT, varargin{:});
if ~isempty(OPT.storein)
[s,mess,messid] = mkdir(OPT.storein);
% create the plots for the Macrocels
% definition of variables used in the key/value pairs for function
% Westerschelde_Volumes
% trenchtype = 'ebb';
% selectionSet = {1}; % for the given selection gives one or a set for the selection
% volumes = {'all'}; % possible combinations from:
% % total, diep, ondiep, plaat, tussen
% % (all = all are selected)
% plotname = 'tweede';% the name of the plot file, default png is used
% subtitle = 'Ebgeul Macrocel 1'%
% a set of combinations, per combination
% {set,trenchtype,plotname,subtitle}
% % combinations = {{1,'ebb' ,'Ebb-Macrocel-1' ,'Ebgeul Macrocel 1' ,'southeast'}...
% % {1,'flood','Flood-Macrocel-1','Vloedgeul Macrocel 1','southwest'}...
% % {2,'flood','Mesocel-2a' ,'Mesocel 2' ,'northeast'}...
% % {3,'ebb' ,'Ebb-Macrocel-3' ,'Ebgeul Macrocel 3' ,'southwest'}...
% % {3,'flood','Flood-Macrocel-3','Vloedgeul Macrocel 3','southwest'}...
% % {4,'ebb' ,'Ebb-Macrocel-4' ,'Ebgeul Macrocel 4' ,'northwest'}...
% % {4,'flood','Flood-Macrocel-4','Vloedgeul Macrocel 4','southwest'}...
% % {5,'ebb' ,'Ebb-Macrocel-5' ,'Ebgeul Macrocel 5' ,'southwest'}...
% % {5,'flood','Flood-Macrocel-5','Vloedgeul Macrocel 5','northwest'}...
% % {6,'ebb' ,'Ebb-Macrocel-6' ,'Ebgeul Macrocel 6' ,'southwest'}...
% % {6,'flood','Flood-Macrocel-6','Vloedgeul Macrocel 6','southwest'}...
% % {7,'ebb' ,'Ebb-Macrocel-7' ,'Ebgeul Macrocel 7' ,'southwest'}...
% % {7,'flood','Flood-Macrocel-7','Vloedgeul Macrocel 7','southwest'}...
% % };
combinations = {{1,'trenches' ,'Macrocel-1' ,'Macrocel 1' ,'southwest'}...
{2,'trenches' ,'Mesocel-2' ,'Mesocel 2' ,'northwest'}...
{3,'trenches' ,'Macrocel-3a' ,'Macrocel 3' ,'southwest'}...
{4,'trenches' ,'Macrocel-4' ,'Macrocel 4' ,'northwest'}...
{5,'trenches' ,'Macrocel-5' ,'Macrocel 5' ,'southwest'}...
{6,'trenches' ,'Macrocel-6' ,'Macrocel 6' ,'southwest'}...
{7,'trenches' ,'Macrocel-7' ,'Macrocel 7' ,'southwest'}...
% {[1,2,3,4,5,6,7],'trenches' ,'Alle macrocellen' ,'Alle macrocellen' ,'southwest'}...
% {2,'trenches' ,'Mesocel-2' ,'Mesocel 2' ,'northwest'}...
% {[10,600,601,4,6,9,500,5],'trenches' ,'Macrocel-3' ,'Macrocel 3' ,'southwest'}...
% {3,'trenches' ,'Macrocel-3' ,'Macrocel 3' ,'southwest'}...
volumes = {'all'};
for n = 2:2 %1 : length(combinations)
% {selectionSet,trenchtype,plotname,subtitle}
combi = combinations(1,n);
combi = combi{1};
selectionSet = combi{1};
trenchtype = combi{2};
plotname = combi{3};
subtitle = combi{4};
legend = combi{5};
disp (sprintf('Combination %s out of %s',num2str(n),num2str(length(combinations))));
% % ok=Westerschelde_Volumes('d:\Zandbalans\Ingrepen\zandbalans per rekenvak tm 2008_concept-leen-uitbreiding.xls',...
% % 'selection','Macrocel',...
% % 'set',selectionSet,...
% % 'trenchtype',trenchtype,...
% % 'volumes',volumes,...
% % 'plotname',{plotname,'png'},...
% % 'cd',OPT.storein,...
% % 'x','Tijd',...
% % 'y','volume t.o.v. 1955 (m^3)',...
% % 'subtitle',subtitle,...
% % 'legend',legend);
ok=Westerschelde_Volumes('d:\Zandbalans\Ingrepen\zandbalans per rekenvak tm 2008_concept-leen-uitbreiding.xls',...
'y','volume t.o.v. 1955 (m^3)',...