close all clear all; paths.figs=fullfiel(cd,'Figures'); mkdir(paths.figs) load(fullfile(,'run_summary.mat'); ic=make_icol_scheme; addpath(genpath('E:\My software')); % pps={'Run1M_00';'Run1M_00_facua02';'Run1M_00_wetslope';'Run1M_both';'Run1M_longshore';'Run1M_longshore_Cz';'Run1M_longwaves';'Run1M_perpendicular';'Run1M_irregular'}; % % labs={'simple';'facua 0.2';'wetslope 0.2';'longshore+longwaves';'longshore on';'longshore on-Cz=0.5';'longwaves on';'perpendicular';'irregular'}; % Explanation: % Default values are (Simple) % facua=0.5 % wetslope=0.3 % Chezy=0.65 % waves with 300o degree % lws=0 % left = 1 % right = 1 % Each run changes the parameter noted on the legend. % perpendicular is one run with default values and waves coming from 270 % irregular is one run with irregular grid of minimum grid spacing=0.5 m % longshore on means: % left = 0 % right = 0 % leftwave = 1 % rightwave= 1 % here i make comparison plots for some cases and you can add yours if you % want cmps={[1 2 3];[1 4 5 6 8];[1 4 9];[1:length(runres)];[1 2 3 8 9]}; tits={'Effect of facua and wetslope';'Effect of longshore';'Effect of long waves and irregular grid';'All cases';'Effect of facua, wetslope, wave direction and irregular grid'}; for it=1:length(tits) figure(it) pp=plot(field.xi,field.zi,'color','k'); set(pp,'Linewidth',2) hold on pp=plot(field.xf,field.zf,'color',[0.5 0.5 0.5]); set(pp,'Linewidth',2) % add formating xlabel('Cross-shore distance (m)');ylabel('Elevation (m)');%title(['wave condition ' num2str(ii) ' iter ' num2str(i) '/' num2str(nt)]); grid on box on cl=cmps{it}; leg2={'Initial','Final'}; for it2=1:length(cl) itt=cl(it2); plot(runres(itt).x,runres(itt).final,'color',ic(:,it2)) axis([1000 1600 -5 8]) leg2{it2+2}=runres(itt).leg; end legend(leg2,2) title(tits{it}) print('-dtiff', % % set limits % yl1=-6 ; % yl2=8; % % xx=repres(i).x; % nst=repres(i).z; % % % inds=find(nst>yl1 & nst < yl2); % % xl1=min(xx(inds)); % xl2=max(xx(inds)); % axis([xl1 xl2 yl1 yl2]) % % plot([xl1 xl2],[2 2],'k') end function icol=make_icol_scheme icol(:,1)=[162 38 109]/255; icol(:,2)=[0 96 255]/255; icol(:,3)=[80 162 84]/255; icol(:,4)=[192 119 38]/255; icol(:,5)=[239 0 0]/255; icol(:,6)=[0 0 0]; icol(:,7)=[0.5 0.3 1]; icol(:,8)=[0.7 0.7 .9]; icol(:,9)=[0.7 0.1 .7];