********************************************************** Welcome to XBeach revision 1360M date Thu Sep 16 17:03:06 EDT 2010 URL: URL: https://repos.deltares.nl/repos/XBeach/trunk ********************************************************** Simulation started: YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss time zone (UTC) 20101203 13:56:29 -0500 General Input Module MPI version, running on 8processes Reading input parameters: -------------------------------- Physical processes: swave = 1 (no record found, default value used) lwave = 1 (no record found, default value used) flow = 1 (no record found, default value used) sedtrans = 1 (no record found, default value used) morphology = 1 (no record found, default value used) nonh = 0 (no record found, default value used) gwflow = 0 (no record found, default value used) q3d = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Grid parameters: xori = 0.0000 yori = 0.0000 alfa = 0.0000 nx = 619 ny = 2 posdwn = -1.0000 depfile = z_run_07.dep vardx = 1 xfile = x.grd yfile = y.grd thetamin = -180.0000 thetamax = 180.0000 dtheta = 360.0000 Warning: value > recommended value of 20.00 00 thetanaut = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Model time parameters: CFL = 0.7000 tstop = 172800.0000 -------------------------------- Physical constants: rho = 1025.0000 g = 9.8100 -------------------------------- Initial conditions: zsinitfile = None specified -------------------------------- Wave boundary condition parameters: instat = jons bcfile = jonswaplist_storm_08.txt taper = 100.0000 (no record found, default value used) leftwave = neumann (no record found, default value used) rightwave = neumann (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave-spectrum boundary condition parameters: random = 1 fcutoff = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) nspr = 0 (no record found, default value used) trepfac = 0.0100 (no record found, default value used) sprdthr = 0.0800 (no record found, default value used) oldwbc = 0 (no record found, default value used) correctHm0 = 1 (no record found, default value used) oldnyq = 0 (no record found, default value used) Tm01switch = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Flow boundary condition parameters: front = abs_2d (no record found, default value used) left = wall right = wall back = abs_2d ARC = 1 order = 2.0000 (no record found, default value used) carspan = 0 (no record found, default value used) epsi = 0.0100 -------------------------------- Tide boundary conditions: tideloc = 2 paulrevere = 0 zs0file = Scaled_Surge_Storm_08.dat -------------------------------- Discharge boundary conditions: disch_loc_file = None specified disch_timeseries_file = None specified -------------------------------- Wave breaking parameters: break = roelvink2 gamma = 0.5500 alpha = 1.0000 n = 10.0000 gammax = 5.0000 delta = 0.0000 fw = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) breakerdelay = 1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Roller parameters: roller = 1 beta = 0.1000 rfb = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave-current interaction parameters: wci = 0 hwci = 0.1000 (no record found, default value used) cats = 20.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Flow parameters: bedfriction = chezy (no record found, default value used) cf = 0.0030 (no record found, default value used) C = 55.0000 nuh = 0.1500 nuhfac = 1.0000 nuhv = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) smag = 1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Coriolis force parameters: wearth = 0.0417 (no record found, default value used) lat = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wind parameters: rhoa = 1.2500 (no record found, default value used) Cd = 0.0020 (no record found, default value used) windfile = None specified windv = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) windth = 270.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Bed composition parameters: ngd = 2 nd = 20 rhos = 2650.0000 dzg = 0.1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg1 = 0.1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg2 = 0.1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg3 = 0.1000 (no record found, default value used) por = 0.4000 D50 = None specified Setting D50 to default value 0.0002 D90 = None specified Setting D90 to default value 0.0003 sedcal = None specified Setting sedcal to default value 1.0 ucrcal = None specified Setting ucrcal to default value 1.0 -------------------------------- Sediment transport parameters: form = soulsby_vanrijn (no record found, default value used ) waveform = ruessink_vanrijn (no record found, default value use d) sws = 1 (no record found, default value used) lws = 1 (no record found, default value used) BRfac = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) facsl = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) z0 = 0.0060 (no record found, default value used) smax = -1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsfac = 0.1000 (no record found, default value used) facua = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) turb = none (no record found, default value used) Tbfac = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) Tsmin = 0.2000 (no record found, default value used) lwt = 0 (no record found, default value used) betad = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) sus = 1 (no record found, default value used) bed = 1 (no record found, default value used) bulk = 1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Morphology parameters: morfac = 10.0000 morfacopt = 1 (no record found, default value used) morstart = 5000.0000 wetslp = 0.3000 dryslp = 1.0000 hswitch = 0.1000 dzmax = 0.0500 (no record found, default value used) struct = 0 -------------------------------- Output variables: timings = 1 (no record found, default value used) tunits = None specified tstart = 0.0000 tint = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsglobal = None specified tintg = 2000.0000 tspoints = None specified tintp = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tscross = None specified tintc = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsmean = None specified tintm = 172800.0000 (no record found, default value used) nglobalvar = 6 Will generate global output for variable "H" Will generate global output for variable "ue" Will generate global output for variable "ve" Will generate global output for variable "zb" Will generate global output for variable "zs" Will generate global output for variable "pbbed" npoints = 0 (no record found, default value used) nrugauge = 0 (no record found, default value used) nmeanvar = 0 (no record found, default value used) ncross = 0 (no record found, default value used) outputformat = fortran (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Drifters parameters: ndrifter = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave numerics parameters: scheme = lax_wendroff -------------------------------- Flow numerics parameters: eps = 0.0100 umin = 0.0000 hmin = 0.2000 secorder = 0 (no record found, default value used) oldhu = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Sediment transport numerics parameters: thetanum = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) sourcesink = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Bed update numerics parameters: frac_dz = 0.7000 (no record found, default value used) nd_var = 2 (no record found, default value used) split = 1.0100 (no record found, default value used) merge = 0.0100 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- MPI parameters: mpiboundary = None specified -------------------------------- Finished reading input parameters -------------------------------- Stepping into the time loop .... ------------------------------------ Building Grid and Bathymetry and.... Distributing wave energy across the directional space .... ------------------------------------ nx = 619 ny = 2 dx = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) dy = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) xori = 0.0000 yori = 0.0000 alfa = 0.0000 posdwn = -1.0000 vardx = 1 processor grid: 8 X 1 readtide: reading tide time series from Scaled_Surge_Storm_08.dat ... rhoa = 1.2500 (no record found, default value used) Cd = 0.0020 (no record found, default value used) windv = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) windth = 270.0000 (no record found, default value used) Initializing ..... Fortran outputformat ncross = 0 (no record found, default value used) Distribution of matrix on processors proc is lm js ln 018013 1798013 21577913 32347913 43117913 53887913 64657913 75427913 proc left right top bot 0 T T T F 1 T T F F 2 T T F F 3 T T F F 4 T T F F 5 T T F F 6 T T F F 7 T T F T Simulation 0.0 percent complete Time remaining 139417 hours and 11 minutes Setting up boundary conditions waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap01.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9147 fp = 0.0995 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 2.91473700000000 Tp = 10.0523728626142 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.19458318950111 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap01.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap01.inp ... file done Boundary conditions complete, starting computation disch_loc_file = None specified Simulation 0.3 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 0.6 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 0.9 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap02.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0983 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 10.1706637375155 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.30424130080654 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap02.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap02.inp ... file done Simulation 1.2 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 1.5 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 1.8 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap03.inp ... Hm0 = 3.0642 fp = 0.0960 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 3.06421100000000 Tp = 10.4156901957108 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.52868337413094 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap03.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap03.inp ... file done Simulation 2.1 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 2.4 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 2.7 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 3.0 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap04.inp ... Hm0 = 3.0642 fp = 0.0949 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 3.06421100000000 Tp = 10.5427402690507 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.64361117345522 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap04.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap04.inp ... file done Simulation 3.3 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes Simulation 3.6 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes Simulation 3.9 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 4.1 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap05.inp ... Hm0 = 3.0642 fp = 0.0937 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 3.06421100000000 Tp = 10.6729281178291 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.76432234500906 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap05.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap05.inp ... file done Simulation 4.4 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 4.7 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 5.0 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap06.inp ... Hm0 = 3.0642 fp = 0.0937 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 3.06421100000000 Tp = 10.6729281178291 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.76432234500906 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap06.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap06.inp ... file done Simulation 5.3 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 5.6 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 5.9 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 6.1 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap07.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0925 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 10.8062546601973 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.88491625685249 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap07.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap07.inp ... file done Simulation 6.4 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 6.7 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 7.0 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 7.3 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap08.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0914 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 10.9430741283841 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.0117959325048 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap08.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap08.inp ... file done Simulation 7.6 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 7.8 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 8.1 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap09.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0914 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 10.9430741283841 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.0117959325048 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap09.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap09.inp ... file done Simulation 8.4 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 8.7 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 9.0 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 9.3 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap10.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0902 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 11.0834026045996 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.1387495605550 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap10.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap10.inp ... file done Simulation 9.5 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 9.8 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 10.1 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 10.4 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap11.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0902 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 11.0834026045996 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.1387495605550 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap11.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap11.inp ... file done Simulation 10.7 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 11.0 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 11.3 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap12.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0902 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 11.0834026045996 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.1387495605550 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap12.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap12.inp ... file done Simulation 11.5 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 11.8 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 12.1 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 12.4 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap13.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0891 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 11.2273768356761 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.2691799277064 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap13.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap13.inp ... file done Simulation 12.7 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 13.0 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 13.2 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 13.5 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap14.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0879 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 11.3750113750114 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.4026357673843 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap14.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap14.inp ... file done Simulation 13.8 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 14.1 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 14.4 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap15.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0879 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 11.3750113750114 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.4026357673843 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap15.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap15.inp ... file done Simulation 14.7 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 15.0 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 15.2 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 15.5 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap16.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0879 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 11.3750113750114 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.4026357673843 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap16.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap16.inp ... file done Simulation 15.8 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 16.1 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 16.4 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap17.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0879 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 11.3750113750114 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.4026357673843 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap17.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap17.inp ... file done Simulation 16.7 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 17.0 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 17.2 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 17.5 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap18.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0868 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 11.5267131577431 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.5432484975408 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap18.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap18.inp ... file done Simulation 17.8 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 18.1 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 18.4 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 18.6 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap19.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0868 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 11.5267131577431 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.5432484975408 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap19.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap19.inp ... file done Simulation 18.9 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 19.2 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 19.5 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 19.8 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap20.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0868 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 11.5267131577431 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.5432484975408 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap20.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap20.inp ... file done Simulation 20.1 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 20.3 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 20.6 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap21.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0856 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 11.6825159466343 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.6841169660928 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap21.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap21.inp ... file done Simulation 20.9 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 21.2 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 21.5 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 21.8 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap22.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0856 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 11.6825159466343 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.6841169660928 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap22.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap22.inp ... file done Simulation 22.0 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 22.3 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 22.6 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 22.9 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap23.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9895 fp = 0.0856 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 2.98947400000000 Tp = 11.6825159466343 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.6841169660928 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap23.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap23.inp ... file done Simulation 23.2 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 23.5 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 23.7 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap24.inp ... Hm0 = 3.0642 fp = 0.0856 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.06421100000000 Tp = 11.6825159466343 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.6841169660928 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap24.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap24.inp ... file done Simulation 24.0 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 24.3 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 24.6 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 24.9 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap25.inp ... Hm0 = 3.0642 fp = 0.0856 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.06421100000000 Tp = 11.6825159466343 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.6841169660928 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap25.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap25.inp ... file done Simulation 25.2 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 25.5 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 25.7 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 26.0 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap26.inp ... Hm0 = 3.1389 fp = 0.0856 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.13894700000000 Tp = 11.6825159466343 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.6841169660928 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap26.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap26.inp ... file done Simulation 26.3 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 26.8 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap27.inp ... Hm0 = 3.1389 fp = 0.0856 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.13894700000000 Tp = 11.6825159466343 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.6841169660928 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap27.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap27.inp ... file done Simulation 27.1 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 27.4 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 27.7 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 28.0 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap28.inp ... Hm0 = 3.1389 fp = 0.0844 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 112.0000 Hm0 = 3.13894700000000 Tp = 11.8425883161024 dir = 112.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.8325172603963 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap28.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap28.inp ... file done Simulation 28.3 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 28.6 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 28.8 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 29.1 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap29.inp ... Hm0 = 3.1389 fp = 0.0844 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 112.0000 Hm0 = 3.13894700000000 Tp = 11.8425883161024 dir = 112.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.8325172603963 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap29.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap29.inp ... file done Simulation 29.4 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 29.7 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 30.0 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap30.inp ... Hm0 = 3.2137 fp = 0.0844 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 112.0000 Hm0 = 3.21368500000000 Tp = 11.8425883161024 dir = 112.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.8325172603963 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap30.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap30.inp ... file done Simulation 30.3 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 30.5 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 30.8 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 31.1 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap31.inp ... Hm0 = 3.2137 fp = 0.0844 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 112.0000 Hm0 = 3.21368500000000 Tp = 11.8425883161024 dir = 112.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.8325172603963 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap31.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap31.inp ... file done Simulation 31.4 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 31.7 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 32.0 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 32.2 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap32.inp ... Hm0 = 3.2884 fp = 0.0844 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 113.0000 Hm0 = 3.28842100000000 Tp = 11.8425883161024 dir = 113.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.8325172603963 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap32.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap32.inp ... file done Simulation 32.5 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 32.8 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 33.1 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap33.inp ... Hm0 = 3.2884 fp = 0.0844 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 112.0000 Hm0 = 3.28842100000000 Tp = 11.8425883161024 dir = 112.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.8325172603963 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap33.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap33.inp ... file done Simulation 33.4 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 33.7 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 34.0 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 34.2 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap34.inp ... Hm0 = 3.3632 fp = 0.0844 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 113.0000 Hm0 = 3.36315800000000 Tp = 11.8425883161024 dir = 113.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.8325172603963 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap34.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap34.inp ... file done Simulation 34.5 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 34.8 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 35.1 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 35.4 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap35.inp ... Hm0 = 3.3632 fp = 0.0844 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 113.0000 Hm0 = 3.36315800000000 Tp = 11.8425883161024 dir = 113.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.8325172603963 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap35.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap35.inp ... file done Simulation 35.6 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 36.2 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap36.inp ... Hm0 = 3.4379 fp = 0.0856 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 113.0000 Hm0 = 3.43789500000000 Tp = 11.6825159466343 dir = 113.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.6841169660928 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap36.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap36.inp ... file done Simulation 36.5 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 36.7 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 37.0 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 37.3 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap37.inp ... Hm0 = 3.5126 fp = 0.0856 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 113.0000 Hm0 = 3.51263200000000 Tp = 11.6825159466343 dir = 113.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.6841169660928 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap37.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap37.inp ... file done Simulation 37.6 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 37.9 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 38.2 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 38.4 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap38.inp ... Hm0 = 3.5126 fp = 0.0856 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 113.0000 Hm0 = 3.51263200000000 Tp = 11.6825159466343 dir = 113.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.6841169660928 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap38.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap38.inp ... file done Simulation 38.7 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 39.0 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 39.3 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 39.6 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap39.inp ... Hm0 = 3.5874 fp = 0.0856 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 114.0000 Hm0 = 3.58736900000000 Tp = 11.6825159466343 dir = 114.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.6841169660928 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap39.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap39.inp ... file done Simulation 39.8 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 40.1 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 40.4 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap40.inp ... Hm0 = 3.5874 fp = 0.0856 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 114.0000 Hm0 = 3.58736900000000 Tp = 11.6825159466343 dir = 114.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.6841169660928 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap40.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap40.inp ... file done Simulation 40.7 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 41.0 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 41.3 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 41.5 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap41.inp ... Hm0 = 3.6621 fp = 0.0856 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 114.0000 Hm0 = 3.66210600000000 Tp = 11.6825159466343 dir = 114.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.6841169660928 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap41.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap41.inp ... file done Simulation 41.8 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 42.1 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 42.4 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 42.7 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap42.inp ... Hm0 = 3.7368 fp = 0.0879 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 114.0000 Hm0 = 3.73684200000000 Tp = 11.3750113750114 dir = 114.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.4026357673843 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap42.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap42.inp ... file done Simulation 42.9 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 43.2 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 43.5 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap43.inp ... Hm0 = 3.7368 fp = 0.0879 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 114.0000 Hm0 = 3.73684200000000 Tp = 11.3750113750114 dir = 114.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.4026357673843 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap43.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap43.inp ... file done Simulation 43.8 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 44.0 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 44.3 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 44.6 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap44.inp ... Hm0 = 3.8116 fp = 0.0902 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 115.0000 Hm0 = 3.81157900000000 Tp = 11.0834026045996 dir = 115.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.1387495605550 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap44.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap44.inp ... file done Simulation 44.8 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 45.1 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 45.7 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap45.inp ... Hm0 = 3.8863 fp = 0.0902 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 116.0000 Hm0 = 3.88631600000000 Tp = 11.0834026045996 dir = 116.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.1387495605550 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap45.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap45.inp ... file done Simulation 46.0 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 46.2 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 46.8 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap46.inp ... Hm0 = 4.0358 fp = 0.0902 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 116.0000 Hm0 = 4.03579000000000 Tp = 11.0834026045996 dir = 116.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.1387495605550 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap46.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap46.inp ... file done Simulation 47.0 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 47.6 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 47.8 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap47.inp ... Hm0 = 4.1105 fp = 0.0914 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 118.0000 Hm0 = 4.11052700000000 Tp = 10.9430741283841 dir = 118.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.0117959325048 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap47.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap47.inp ... file done Simulation 48.1 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 48.4 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 48.7 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 48.9 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap48.inp ... Hm0 = 4.1105 fp = 0.0914 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 119.0000 Hm0 = 4.11052700000000 Tp = 10.9430741283841 dir = 119.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.0117959325048 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap48.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap48.inp ... file done Simulation 49.2 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 49.5 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 49.8 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap49.inp ... Hm0 = 4.1853 fp = 0.0914 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 121.0000 Hm0 = 4.18526300000000 Tp = 10.9430741283841 dir = 121.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.0117959325048 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap49.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap49.inp ... file done Simulation 50.0 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 50.3 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 50.6 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 50.9 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap50.inp ... Hm0 = 4.2600 fp = 0.0914 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 123.0000 Hm0 = 4.26000000000000 Tp = 10.9430741283841 dir = 123.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.0117959325048 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap50.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap50.inp ... file done Simulation 51.2 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 51.4 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 52.0 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap51.inp ... Hm0 = 4.2600 fp = 0.0902 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 124.0000 Hm0 = 4.26000000000000 Tp = 11.0834026045996 dir = 124.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.1387495605550 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap51.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap51.inp ... file done Simulation 52.3 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 52.6 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 52.8 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 53.1 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap52.inp ... Hm0 = 4.1853 fp = 0.0902 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 124.0000 Hm0 = 4.18526300000000 Tp = 11.0834026045996 dir = 124.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.1387495605550 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap52.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap52.inp ... file done Simulation 53.4 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 54.0 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap53.inp ... Hm0 = 4.1105 fp = 0.0902 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 125.0000 Hm0 = 4.11052700000000 Tp = 11.0834026045996 dir = 125.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.1387495605550 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap53.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap53.inp ... file done Simulation 54.2 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 54.5 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 54.8 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 55.1 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap54.inp ... Hm0 = 4.0358 fp = 0.0891 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 125.0000 Hm0 = 4.03579000000000 Tp = 11.2273768356761 dir = 125.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.2691799277064 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap54.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap54.inp ... file done Simulation 55.4 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 55.6 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 55.9 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 56.2 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap55.inp ... Hm0 = 3.8863 fp = 0.0902 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 124.0000 Hm0 = 3.88631600000000 Tp = 11.0834026045996 dir = 124.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.1387495605550 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap55.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap55.inp ... file done Simulation 56.4 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 56.7 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 57.0 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 57.3 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap56.inp ... Hm0 = 3.7368 fp = 0.0914 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 125.0000 Hm0 = 3.73684200000000 Tp = 10.9430741283841 dir = 125.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.0117959325048 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap56.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap56.inp ... file done Simulation 57.6 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 57.8 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 58.1 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap57.inp ... Hm0 = 3.5874 fp = 0.0937 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 126.0000 Hm0 = 3.58736900000000 Tp = 10.6729281178291 dir = 126.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.76432234500906 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap57.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap57.inp ... file done Simulation 58.4 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 58.7 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 59.0 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 59.2 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap58.inp ... Hm0 = 3.5126 fp = 0.0972 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 127.0000 Hm0 = 3.51263200000000 Tp = 10.2917717285031 dir = 127.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.41377543916117 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap58.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap58.inp ... file done Simulation 59.5 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 59.8 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 60.1 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 60.4 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap59.inp ... Hm0 = 3.3632 fp = 0.0983 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 3.36315800000000 Tp = 10.1706637375155 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.30424130080654 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap59.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap59.inp ... file done Simulation 60.6 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 60.9 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 61.2 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap60.inp ... Hm0 = 3.2137 fp = 0.0995 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 3.21368500000000 Tp = 10.0523728626142 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.19458318950111 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap60.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap60.inp ... file done Simulation 61.5 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 61.8 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 62.0 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 62.3 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap61.inp ... Hm0 = 3.0642 fp = 0.1018 fnyq = 0.3054 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 3.06421100000000 Tp = 9.82395473121660 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.98597135168559 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap61.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap61.inp ... file done Simulation 62.6 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 62.9 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 63.2 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 63.5 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap62.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9147 fp = 0.1053 fnyq = 0.3158 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0016 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 2.91473700000000 Tp = 9.50001425002138 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.68966299488690 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap62.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap62.inp ... file done Simulation 63.7 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 64.0 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 64.3 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap63.inp ... Hm0 = 2.8400 fp = 0.1076 fnyq = 0.3227 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0016 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 2.84000000000000 Tp = 9.29575369970997 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.50282587036867 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap63.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap63.inp ... file done Simulation 64.6 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 64.9 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 65.2 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 65.4 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap64.inp ... Hm0 = 2.6905 fp = 0.1087 fnyq = 0.3262 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0016 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 2.69052600000000 Tp = 9.19683996578776 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.41234947836241 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap64.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap64.inp ... file done Simulation 65.7 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 66.0 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 66.3 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 52 seconds Simulation 66.6 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 48 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap65.inp ... Hm0 = 2.5411 fp = 0.1122 fnyq = 0.3366 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0017 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 2.54105300000000 Tp = 8.91241767154176 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.15218840700141 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap65.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap65.inp ... file done Simulation 66.9 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 46 seconds Simulation 67.1 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 38 seconds Simulation 67.4 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 33 seconds Simulation 67.7 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 41 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap66.inp ... Hm0 = 2.4663 fp = 0.1134 fnyq = 0.3401 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0017 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 2.46631600000000 Tp = 8.82145377558222 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.06898373174647 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap66.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap66.inp ... file done Simulation 68.0 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 23 seconds Simulation 68.3 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 13 seconds Simulation 68.6 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 17 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap67.inp ... Hm0 = 2.2421 fp = 0.1145 fnyq = 0.3435 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0017 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 2.24210500000000 Tp = 8.73240420552587 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.98753009038719 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap67.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap67.inp ... file done Simulation 68.8 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 9 seconds Simulation 69.1 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 11 seconds Simulation 69.4 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 2 seconds Simulation 69.7 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 30 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap68.inp ... Hm0 = 2.0926 fp = 0.1157 fnyq = 0.3470 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0017 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 2.09263200000000 Tp = 8.64505978058838 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.90763614526103 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap68.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap68.inp ... file done Simulation 70.0 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 50 seconds Simulation 70.2 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 43 seconds Simulation 70.5 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 34 seconds Simulation 70.8 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 32 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap69.inp ... Hm0 = 1.9432 fp = 0.1168 fnyq = 0.3505 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0018 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 1.94315800000000 Tp = 8.55944534794145 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.82932462407583 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap69.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap69.inp ... file done Simulation 71.1 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 26 seconds Simulation 71.4 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 24 seconds Simulation 71.7 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 15 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap70.inp ... Hm0 = 1.8684 fp = 0.1191 fnyq = 0.3574 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0018 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 1.86842100000000 Tp = 8.39327530782337 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.67732888907262 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap70.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap70.inp ... file done Simulation 71.9 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 22 seconds Simulation 72.2 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 5 seconds Simulation 72.5 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 60 seconds Simulation 72.8 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 56 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap71.inp ... Hm0 = 1.7937 fp = 0.1203 fnyq = 0.3609 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0018 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 1.79368400000000 Tp = 8.31255195344971 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.60349123716359 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap71.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap71.inp ... file done Simulation 73.1 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 52 seconds Simulation 73.4 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 46 seconds Simulation 73.7 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 39 seconds Simulation 73.9 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 34 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap72.inp ... Hm0 = 1.6442 fp = 0.1215 fnyq = 0.3644 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0018 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 1.64421100000000 Tp = 8.23336654124505 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.53106034095013 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap72.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap72.inp ... file done Simulation 74.2 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 37 seconds Simulation 74.5 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 24 seconds Simulation 74.8 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 18 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap73.inp ... Hm0 = 1.5695 fp = 0.1215 fnyq = 0.3644 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0018 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 127.0000 Hm0 = 1.56947400000000 Tp = 8.23336654124505 dir = 127.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.53106034095012 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap73.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap73.inp ... file done Simulation 75.1 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 19 seconds Simulation 75.4 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 10 seconds Simulation 75.7 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 9 seconds Simulation 75.9 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 60 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap74.inp ... Hm0 = 1.4947 fp = 0.1226 fnyq = 0.3678 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0018 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 127.0000 Hm0 = 1.49473700000000 Tp = 8.15567553460453 dir = 127.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.45999637749995 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap74.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap74.inp ... file done Simulation 76.2 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 56 seconds Simulation 76.5 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 55 seconds Simulation 76.8 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 45 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap75.inp ... Hm0 = 1.4200 fp = 0.1249 fnyq = 0.3748 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0019 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 127.0000 Hm0 = 1.42000000000000 Tp = 8.00467473004234 dir = 127.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.32187594219648 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap75.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap75.inp ... file done Simulation 77.1 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 40 seconds Simulation 77.4 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 35 seconds Simulation 77.7 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 34 seconds Simulation 77.9 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 28 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap76.inp ... Hm0 = 1.3453 fp = 0.1261 fnyq = 0.3783 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0019 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 127.0000 Hm0 = 1.34526300000000 Tp = 7.93122045620380 dir = 127.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.25468731822261 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap76.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap76.inp ... file done Simulation 78.2 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 19 seconds Simulation 78.5 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 18 seconds Simulation 78.8 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 13 seconds Simulation 79.1 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 6 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap77.inp ... Hm0 = 1.3453 fp = 0.1272 fnyq = 0.3817 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0019 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 127.0000 Hm0 = 1.34526300000000 Tp = 7.85916378497328 dir = 127.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.18877708134847 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap77.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap77.inp ... file done Simulation 79.4 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 59 seconds Simulation 79.7 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 54 seconds Simulation 79.9 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 50 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap78.inp ... Hm0 = 1.2705 fp = 0.1284 fnyq = 0.3852 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0019 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 1.27052600000000 Tp = 7.78834396442284 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.12399819178625 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap78.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap78.inp ... file done Simulation 80.2 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 44 seconds Simulation 80.5 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 37 seconds Simulation 80.8 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 34 seconds Simulation 81.1 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 32 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap79.inp ... Hm0 = 1.1958 fp = 0.1296 fnyq = 0.3887 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0019 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 1.19579000000000 Tp = 7.71878907636970 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.06037633597403 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap79.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap79.inp ... file done Simulation 81.4 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 25 seconds Simulation 81.7 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 18 seconds Simulation 82.0 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 13 seconds Simulation 82.2 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 11 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap80.inp ... Hm0 = 1.1958 fp = 0.1319 fnyq = 0.3956 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0020 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 1.19579000000000 Tp = 7.58339842416981 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.93653450697126 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap80.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap80.inp ... file done Simulation 82.5 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 5 seconds Simulation 82.8 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 59 seconds Simulation 83.1 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 54 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap81.inp ... Hm0 = 1.1211 fp = 0.1330 fnyq = 0.3991 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0020 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 1.12105300000000 Tp = 7.51744046187154 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.87620275913203 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap81.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap81.inp ... file done Simulation 83.4 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 57 seconds Simulation 83.7 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 45 seconds Simulation 84.0 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 39 seconds Simulation 84.2 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 35 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap82.inp ... Hm0 = 1.1211 fp = 0.1342 fnyq = 0.4025 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0020 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 1.12105300000000 Tp = 7.45261996854994 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.81691145416102 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap82.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap82.inp ... file done Simulation 84.5 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 31 seconds Simulation 84.8 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 24 seconds Simulation 85.1 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 19 seconds Simulation 85.4 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 15 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap83.inp ... Hm0 = 1.0463 fp = 0.1365 fnyq = 0.4095 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0020 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 1.04631600000000 Tp = 7.32632936246282 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.70139343729966 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap83.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap83.inp ... file done Simulation 85.7 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 12 seconds Simulation 86.0 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 5 seconds Simulation 86.2 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 60 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap84.inp ... Hm0 = 1.0463 fp = 0.1377 fnyq = 0.4130 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0021 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 1.04631600000000 Tp = 7.26474925717939 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.64506611525365 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap84.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap84.inp ... file done Simulation 86.5 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 55 seconds Simulation 86.8 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 53 seconds Simulation 87.1 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 45 seconds Simulation 87.4 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 44 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap85.inp ... Hm0 = 1.0463 fp = 0.1388 fnyq = 0.4164 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0021 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 1.04631600000000 Tp = 7.20419572358942 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.58967779833136 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap85.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap85.inp ... file done Simulation 87.7 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 36 seconds Simulation 88.0 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 30 seconds Simulation 88.2 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 25 seconds Simulation 88.5 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 19 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap86.inp ... Hm0 = 0.9716 fp = 0.1388 fnyq = 0.4164 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0021 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 0.971579000000000 Tp = 7.20419572358942 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.58967779833136 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap86.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap86.inp ... file done Simulation 88.8 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 15 seconds Simulation 89.1 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 10 seconds Simulation 89.4 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 7 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap87.inp ... Hm0 = 0.9716 fp = 0.1411 fnyq = 0.4234 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0021 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 130.0000 Hm0 = 0.971579000000000 Tp = 7.08611758703524 dir = 130.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.48167172731755 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap87.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap87.inp ... file done Simulation 89.7 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 1 seconds Simulation 90.0 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 55 seconds Simulation 90.2 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 51 seconds Simulation 90.5 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 45 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap88.inp ... Hm0 = 0.8968 fp = 0.1423 fnyq = 0.4268 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0021 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 130.0000 Hm0 = 0.896842000000000 Tp = 7.02849351270049 dir = 130.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.42896298676380 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap88.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap88.inp ... file done Simulation 90.8 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 40 seconds Simulation 91.1 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 35 seconds Simulation 91.4 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 29 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap89.inp ... Hm0 = 0.8968 fp = 0.1446 fnyq = 0.4338 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0022 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 130.0000 Hm0 = 0.896842000000000 Tp = 6.91605978242076 dir = 130.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.32611985414569 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap89.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap89.inp ... file done Simulation 91.7 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 30 seconds Simulation 92.0 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 20 seconds Simulation 92.2 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 15 seconds Simulation 92.5 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 10 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap90.inp ... Hm0 = 0.8968 fp = 0.1446 fnyq = 0.4338 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0022 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 130.0000 Hm0 = 0.896842000000000 Tp = 6.91605978242076 dir = 130.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.32611985414569 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap90.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap90.inp ... file done Simulation 92.8 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 7 seconds Simulation 93.1 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 0 seconds Simulation 93.4 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 55 seconds Simulation 93.7 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 50 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap91.inp ... Hm0 = 0.8221 fp = 0.1469 fnyq = 0.4407 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0022 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 130.0000 Hm0 = 0.822105000000000 Tp = 6.80712024777918 dir = 130.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.22647286226323 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap91.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap91.inp ... file done Simulation 94.0 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 48 seconds Simulation 94.2 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 42 seconds Simulation 94.5 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 37 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap92.inp ... Hm0 = 0.8221 fp = 0.1481 fnyq = 0.4442 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0022 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 131.0000 Hm0 = 0.822105000000000 Tp = 6.75392740878821 dir = 131.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.17781737265996 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap92.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap92.inp ... file done Simulation 94.8 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 31 seconds Simulation 95.1 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 27 seconds Simulation 95.4 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 21 seconds Simulation 95.7 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 16 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap93.inp ... Hm0 = 0.8221 fp = 0.1481 fnyq = 0.4442 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0022 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 131.0000 Hm0 = 0.822105000000000 Tp = 6.75392740878821 dir = 131.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.17781737265996 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap93.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap93.inp ... file done Simulation 96.0 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 11 seconds Simulation 96.2 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 7 seconds Simulation 96.5 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 1 seconds Simulation 96.8 percent complete Time remaining 56 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap94.inp ... Hm0 = 0.8221 fp = 0.1504 fnyq = 0.4511 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0023 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 131.0000 Hm0 = 0.822105000000000 Tp = 6.65004156275977 dir = 131.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.08279298973087 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap94.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap94.inp ... file done Simulation 97.1 percent complete Time remaining 51 seconds Simulation 97.4 percent complete Time remaining 46 seconds Simulation 97.7 percent complete Time remaining 41 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap95.inp ... Hm0 = 0.7474 fp = 0.1527 fnyq = 0.4581 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0023 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 132.0000 Hm0 = 0.747368000000000 Tp = 6.54926026105351 dir = 132.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 5.99060833348034 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap95.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap95.inp ... file done Simulation 97.9 percent complete Time remaining 36 seconds Simulation 98.2 percent complete Time remaining 31 seconds Simulation 98.5 percent complete Time remaining 26 seconds Simulation 98.8 percent complete Time remaining 21 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_08_jonswap96.inp ... Hm0 = 0.7474 fp = 0.1538 fnyq = 0.4615 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0023 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 132.0000 Hm0 = 0.747368000000000 Tp = 6.50004875036563 dir = 132.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 5.94559456485930 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_08_jonswap96.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_08_jonswap96.inp ... file done Simulation 99.1 percent complete Time remaining 16 seconds Simulation 99.4 percent complete Time remaining 11 seconds Simulation 99.7 percent complete Time remaining 6 seconds Simulation 99.9 percent complete Time remaining 1 seconds Total calculation time: 593.250000000000 seconds Timing: procs: 8 seconds: total: 1766.60043836692 loop: 17 46.84052989473 End of program xbeach