********************************************************** Welcome to XBeach revision 1360M date Thu Sep 16 17:03:06 EDT 2010 URL: URL: https://repos.deltares.nl/repos/XBeach/trunk ********************************************************** Simulation started: YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss time zone (UTC) 20101203 11:54:05 -0500 General Input Module MPI version, running on 8processes Reading input parameters: -------------------------------- Physical processes: swave = 1 (no record found, default value used) lwave = 1 (no record found, default value used) flow = 1 (no record found, default value used) sedtrans = 1 (no record found, default value used) morphology = 1 (no record found, default value used) nonh = 0 (no record found, default value used) gwflow = 0 (no record found, default value used) q3d = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Grid parameters: xori = 0.0000 yori = 0.0000 alfa = 0.0000 nx = 619 ny = 2 posdwn = -1.0000 depfile = z_run_03.dep vardx = 1 xfile = x.grd yfile = y.grd thetamin = -180.0000 thetamax = 180.0000 dtheta = 360.0000 Warning: value > recommended value of 20.00 00 thetanaut = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Model time parameters: CFL = 0.7000 tstop = 172800.0000 -------------------------------- Physical constants: rho = 1025.0000 g = 9.8100 -------------------------------- Initial conditions: zsinitfile = None specified -------------------------------- Wave boundary condition parameters: instat = jons bcfile = jonswaplist_storm_04.txt taper = 100.0000 (no record found, default value used) leftwave = neumann (no record found, default value used) rightwave = neumann (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave-spectrum boundary condition parameters: random = 1 fcutoff = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) nspr = 0 (no record found, default value used) trepfac = 0.0100 (no record found, default value used) sprdthr = 0.0800 (no record found, default value used) oldwbc = 0 (no record found, default value used) correctHm0 = 1 (no record found, default value used) oldnyq = 0 (no record found, default value used) Tm01switch = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Flow boundary condition parameters: front = abs_2d (no record found, default value used) left = wall right = wall back = abs_2d ARC = 1 order = 2.0000 (no record found, default value used) carspan = 0 (no record found, default value used) epsi = 0.0100 -------------------------------- Tide boundary conditions: tideloc = 2 paulrevere = 0 zs0file = Scaled_Surge_Storm_04.dat -------------------------------- Discharge boundary conditions: disch_loc_file = None specified disch_timeseries_file = None specified -------------------------------- Wave breaking parameters: break = roelvink2 gamma = 0.5500 alpha = 1.0000 n = 10.0000 gammax = 5.0000 delta = 0.0000 fw = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) breakerdelay = 1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Roller parameters: roller = 1 beta = 0.1000 rfb = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave-current interaction parameters: wci = 0 hwci = 0.1000 (no record found, default value used) cats = 20.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Flow parameters: bedfriction = chezy (no record found, default value used) cf = 0.0030 (no record found, default value used) C = 55.0000 nuh = 0.1500 nuhfac = 1.0000 nuhv = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) smag = 1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Coriolis force parameters: wearth = 0.0417 (no record found, default value used) lat = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wind parameters: rhoa = 1.2500 (no record found, default value used) Cd = 0.0020 (no record found, default value used) windfile = None specified windv = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) windth = 270.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Bed composition parameters: ngd = 2 nd = 20 rhos = 2650.0000 dzg = 0.1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg1 = 0.1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg2 = 0.1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg3 = 0.1000 (no record found, default value used) por = 0.4000 D50 = None specified Setting D50 to default value 0.0002 D90 = None specified Setting D90 to default value 0.0003 sedcal = None specified Setting sedcal to default value 1.0 ucrcal = None specified Setting ucrcal to default value 1.0 -------------------------------- Sediment transport parameters: form = soulsby_vanrijn (no record found, default value used ) waveform = ruessink_vanrijn (no record found, default value use d) sws = 1 (no record found, default value used) lws = 1 (no record found, default value used) BRfac = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) facsl = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) z0 = 0.0060 (no record found, default value used) smax = -1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsfac = 0.1000 (no record found, default value used) facua = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) turb = none (no record found, default value used) Tbfac = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) Tsmin = 0.2000 (no record found, default value used) lwt = 0 (no record found, default value used) betad = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) sus = 1 (no record found, default value used) bed = 1 (no record found, default value used) bulk = 1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Morphology parameters: morfac = 10.0000 morfacopt = 1 (no record found, default value used) morstart = 5000.0000 wetslp = 0.3000 dryslp = 1.0000 hswitch = 0.1000 dzmax = 0.0500 (no record found, default value used) struct = 0 -------------------------------- Output variables: timings = 1 (no record found, default value used) tunits = None specified tstart = 0.0000 tint = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsglobal = None specified tintg = 2000.0000 tspoints = None specified tintp = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tscross = None specified tintc = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsmean = None specified tintm = 172800.0000 (no record found, default value used) nglobalvar = 6 Will generate global output for variable "H" Will generate global output for variable "ue" Will generate global output for variable "ve" Will generate global output for variable "zb" Will generate global output for variable "zs" Will generate global output for variable "pbbed" npoints = 0 (no record found, default value used) nrugauge = 0 (no record found, default value used) nmeanvar = 0 (no record found, default value used) ncross = 0 (no record found, default value used) outputformat = fortran (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Drifters parameters: ndrifter = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave numerics parameters: scheme = lax_wendroff -------------------------------- Flow numerics parameters: eps = 0.0100 umin = 0.0000 hmin = 0.2000 secorder = 0 (no record found, default value used) oldhu = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Sediment transport numerics parameters: thetanum = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) sourcesink = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Bed update numerics parameters: frac_dz = 0.7000 (no record found, default value used) nd_var = 2 (no record found, default value used) split = 1.0100 (no record found, default value used) merge = 0.0100 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- MPI parameters: mpiboundary = None specified -------------------------------- Finished reading input parameters -------------------------------- Stepping into the time loop .... ------------------------------------ Building Grid and Bathymetry and.... Distributing wave energy across the directional space .... ------------------------------------ nx = 619 ny = 2 dx = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) dy = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) xori = 0.0000 yori = 0.0000 alfa = 0.0000 posdwn = -1.0000 vardx = 1 processor grid: 8 X 1 readtide: reading tide time series from Scaled_Surge_Storm_04.dat ... rhoa = 1.2500 (no record found, default value used) Cd = 0.0020 (no record found, default value used) windv = 0.0000 (no record found, default value used) windth = 270.0000 (no record found, default value used) Initializing ..... Fortran outputformat ncross = 0 (no record found, default value used) Distribution of matrix on processors proc is lm js ln 018013 1798013 21577913 32347913 43117913 53887913 64657913 75427913 proc left right top bot 0 T T T F 1 T T F F 2 T T F F 3 T T F F 4 T T F F 5 T T F F 6 T T F F 7 T T F T Simulation 0.0 percent complete Time remaining 119016 hours and 21 minutes Setting up boundary conditions waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap01.inp ... Hm0 = 3.8589 fp = 0.0865 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 3.85894800000000 Tp = 11.5665772184695 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.5809223775461 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap01.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap01.inp ... file done Boundary conditions complete, starting computation disch_loc_file = None specified Simulation 0.3 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes Simulation 0.6 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes Simulation 0.9 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap02.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0855 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 11.7026131935261 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.7047446717689 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap02.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap02.inp ... file done Simulation 1.2 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes Simulation 1.5 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 1.8 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 2.0 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap03.inp ... Hm0 = 4.0568 fp = 0.0834 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 4.05684200000000 Tp = 11.9846596356663 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.9619169524151 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap03.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap03.inp ... file done Simulation 2.3 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes Simulation 2.6 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 2.9 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap04.inp ... Hm0 = 4.0568 fp = 0.0824 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 4.05684200000000 Tp = 12.1307696973373 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.0945357949116 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap04.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap04.inp ... file done Simulation 3.2 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes Simulation 3.5 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes Simulation 3.8 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes Simulation 4.0 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap05.inp ... Hm0 = 4.0568 fp = 0.0814 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 4.05684200000000 Tp = 12.2804863072578 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.2316280794699 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap05.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap05.inp ... file done Simulation 4.3 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes Simulation 4.6 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes Simulation 4.9 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes Simulation 5.2 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap06.inp ... Hm0 = 4.0568 fp = 0.0814 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 4.05684200000000 Tp = 12.2804863072578 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.2316280794699 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap06.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap06.inp ... file done Simulation 5.4 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes Simulation 5.7 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 6.0 percent complete Time remaining 28 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap07.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0804 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 12.4340992738486 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.3711253476732 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap07.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap07.inp ... file done Simulation 6.3 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 6.6 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 6.8 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 7.1 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap08.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0794 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 12.5914453720143 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.5188746524869 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap08.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap08.inp ... file done Simulation 7.4 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 7.7 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 8.0 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 8.2 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap09.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0794 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 12.5914453720143 dir = 110.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.5188746524869 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap09.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap09.inp ... file done Simulation 8.5 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 8.8 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 9.1 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 9.4 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap10.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0784 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 12.7528247506823 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.6617268874122 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap10.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap10.inp ... file done Simulation 9.7 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 9.9 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 10.2 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap11.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0784 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 12.7528247506823 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.6617268874122 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap11.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap11.inp ... file done Simulation 10.5 percent complete Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 10.8 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 11.0 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 11.3 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap12.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0784 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 12.7528247506823 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.6617268874122 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap12.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap12.inp ... file done Simulation 11.6 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 11.9 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 12.2 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 12.5 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap13.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0774 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 12.9185613890037 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.8170900475844 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap13.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap13.inp ... file done Simulation 12.7 percent complete Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 13.0 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 13.3 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap14.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0764 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 13.0884912896090 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.9717975096681 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap14.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap14.inp ... file done Simulation 13.6 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 13.9 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 14.1 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 14.4 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap15.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0764 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 13.0884912896090 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.9717975096681 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap15.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap15.inp ... file done Simulation 14.7 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 15.0 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 15.3 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 15.5 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap16.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0764 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 13.0884912896090 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.9717975096681 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap16.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap16.inp ... file done Simulation 15.8 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 16.1 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 16.4 percent complete Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 16.7 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap17.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0764 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 13.0884912896090 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.9717975096681 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap17.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap17.inp ... file done Simulation 16.9 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 17.2 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 17.5 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap18.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0754 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 13.2629512719170 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.1353274977243 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap18.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap18.inp ... file done Simulation 17.8 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 18.1 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 18.3 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 18.6 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap19.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0754 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 13.2629512719170 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.1353274977243 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap19.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap19.inp ... file done Simulation 18.9 percent complete Time remaining 24 minutes Simulation 19.2 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 19.5 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 19.8 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap20.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0754 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 13.2629512719170 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.1353274977243 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap20.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap20.inp ... file done Simulation 20.0 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 20.3 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 20.6 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap21.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0744 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 13.4421249311091 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.2942204350398 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap21.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap21.inp ... file done Simulation 20.9 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 21.2 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 21.4 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 21.7 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap22.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0744 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 13.4421249311091 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.2942204350398 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap22.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap22.inp ... file done Simulation 22.0 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 22.3 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 22.6 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 22.8 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap23.inp ... Hm0 = 3.9579 fp = 0.0744 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 3.95789500000000 Tp = 13.4421249311091 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.2942204350398 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap23.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap23.inp ... file done Simulation 23.1 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 23.4 percent complete Time remaining 23 minutes Simulation 23.7 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 24.0 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap24.inp ... Hm0 = 4.0568 fp = 0.0744 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 4.05684200000000 Tp = 13.4421249311091 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.2942204350398 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap24.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap24.inp ... file done Simulation 24.2 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 24.5 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 24.8 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap25.inp ... Hm0 = 4.0568 fp = 0.0744 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 4.05684200000000 Tp = 13.4421249311091 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.2942204350398 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap25.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap25.inp ... file done Simulation 25.1 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 25.4 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 25.6 percent complete Time remaining 22 minutes Simulation 25.9 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap26.inp ... Hm0 = 4.1558 fp = 0.0744 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 4.15578900000000 Tp = 13.4421249311091 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.2942204350398 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap26.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap26.inp ... file done Simulation 26.2 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 26.5 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 26.8 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 27.0 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap27.inp ... Hm0 = 4.1558 fp = 0.0744 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 111.0000 Hm0 = 4.15578900000000 Tp = 13.4421249311091 dir = 111.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.2942204350398 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap27.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap27.inp ... file done Simulation 27.3 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 27.6 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 27.9 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap28.inp ... Hm0 = 4.1558 fp = 0.0734 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 112.0000 Hm0 = 4.15578900000000 Tp = 13.6263915952417 dir = 112.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.4614533647892 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap28.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap28.inp ... file done Simulation 28.1 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 28.4 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 28.7 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 29.0 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap29.inp ... Hm0 = 4.1558 fp = 0.0734 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 112.0000 Hm0 = 4.15578900000000 Tp = 13.6263915952417 dir = 112.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.4614533647892 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap29.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap29.inp ... file done Simulation 29.3 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 29.5 percent complete Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 29.8 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 30.1 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap30.inp ... Hm0 = 4.2547 fp = 0.0734 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 112.0000 Hm0 = 4.25473700000000 Tp = 13.6263915952417 dir = 112.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.4614533647892 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap30.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap30.inp ... file done Simulation 30.4 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 30.7 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 30.9 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 31.2 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap31.inp ... Hm0 = 4.2547 fp = 0.0734 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 112.0000 Hm0 = 4.25473700000000 Tp = 13.6263915952417 dir = 112.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.4614533647892 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap31.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap31.inp ... file done Simulation 31.5 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 31.8 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 32.0 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap32.inp ... Hm0 = 4.3537 fp = 0.0734 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 113.0000 Hm0 = 4.35368400000000 Tp = 13.6263915952417 dir = 113.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.4614533647892 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap32.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap32.inp ... file done Simulation 32.3 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 32.6 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 32.9 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 33.2 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap33.inp ... Hm0 = 4.3537 fp = 0.0734 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 112.0000 Hm0 = 4.35368400000000 Tp = 13.6263915952417 dir = 112.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.4614533647892 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap33.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap33.inp ... file done Simulation 33.4 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 33.7 percent complete Time remaining 20 minutes Simulation 34.0 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 34.3 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap34.inp ... Hm0 = 4.4526 fp = 0.0734 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 113.0000 Hm0 = 4.45263200000000 Tp = 13.6263915952417 dir = 113.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.4614533647892 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap34.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap34.inp ... file done Simulation 34.5 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 34.8 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 35.1 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 35.4 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap35.inp ... Hm0 = 4.4526 fp = 0.0734 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 113.0000 Hm0 = 4.45263200000000 Tp = 13.6263915952417 dir = 113.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.4614533647892 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap35.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap35.inp ... file done Simulation 35.7 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 36.2 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap36.inp ... Hm0 = 4.5516 fp = 0.0744 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 113.0000 Hm0 = 4.55157900000000 Tp = 13.4421249311091 dir = 113.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.2942204350398 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap36.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap36.inp ... file done Simulation 36.5 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 36.8 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 37.0 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 37.3 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap37.inp ... Hm0 = 4.6505 fp = 0.0744 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 113.0000 Hm0 = 4.65052700000000 Tp = 13.4421249311091 dir = 113.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.2942204350398 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap37.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap37.inp ... file done Simulation 37.6 percent complete Time remaining 19 minutes Simulation 37.9 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 38.1 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 38.4 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap38.inp ... Hm0 = 4.6505 fp = 0.0744 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 113.0000 Hm0 = 4.65052700000000 Tp = 13.4421249311091 dir = 113.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.2942204350398 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap38.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap38.inp ... file done Simulation 38.7 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 38.9 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 39.2 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 39.5 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap39.inp ... Hm0 = 4.7495 fp = 0.0744 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 114.0000 Hm0 = 4.74947400000000 Tp = 13.4421249311091 dir = 114.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.2942204350398 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap39.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap39.inp ... file done Simulation 39.8 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 40.0 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 40.3 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 40.6 percent complete Time remaining 18 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap40.inp ... Hm0 = 4.7495 fp = 0.0744 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 114.0000 Hm0 = 4.74947400000000 Tp = 13.4421249311091 dir = 114.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.2942204350398 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap40.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap40.inp ... file done Simulation 40.9 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 41.1 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 41.4 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap41.inp ... Hm0 = 4.8484 fp = 0.0744 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 114.0000 Hm0 = 4.84842200000000 Tp = 13.4421249311091 dir = 114.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 12.2942204350398 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap41.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap41.inp ... file done Simulation 41.7 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 42.0 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 42.2 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 42.5 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap42.inp ... Hm0 = 4.9474 fp = 0.0764 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 114.0000 Hm0 = 4.94736900000000 Tp = 13.0884912896090 dir = 114.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.9717975096681 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap42.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap42.inp ... file done Simulation 42.8 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 43.3 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 43.6 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap43.inp ... Hm0 = 4.9474 fp = 0.0764 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 114.0000 Hm0 = 4.94736900000000 Tp = 13.0884912896090 dir = 114.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.9717975096681 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap43.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap43.inp ... file done Simulation 43.9 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 44.2 percent complete Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 44.4 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 44.7 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap44.inp ... Hm0 = 5.0463 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = 0.0784 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 115.0000 Hm0 = 5.04631600000000 Tp = 12.7528247506823 dir = 115.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.6617268874122 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap44.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap44.inp ... file done Simulation 45.0 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 45.5 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 45.8 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap45.inp ... Hm0 = 5.1453 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = 0.0784 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 116.0000 Hm0 = 5.14526300000000 Tp = 12.7528247506823 dir = 116.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.6617268874122 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap45.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap45.inp ... file done Simulation 46.1 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 46.3 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 46.6 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap46.inp ... Hm0 = 5.3432 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = 0.0784 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 116.0000 Hm0 = 5.34315800000000 Tp = 12.7528247506823 dir = 116.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.6617268874122 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap46.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap46.inp ... file done Simulation 46.9 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 47.1 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 47.4 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 47.7 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap47.inp ... Hm0 = 5.4421 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = 0.0794 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 118.0000 Hm0 = 5.44210600000000 Tp = 12.5914453720143 dir = 118.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.5188746524869 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap47.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap47.inp ... file done Simulation 48.0 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 48.2 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 48.5 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 48.8 percent complete Time remaining 16 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap48.inp ... Hm0 = 5.4421 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = 0.0794 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 119.0000 Hm0 = 5.44210600000000 Tp = 12.5914453720143 dir = 119.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.5188746524869 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap48.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap48.inp ... file done Simulation 49.0 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 49.3 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 49.6 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 49.8 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap49.inp ... Hm0 = 5.5411 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = 0.0794 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 121.0000 Hm0 = 5.54105300000000 Tp = 12.5914453720143 dir = 121.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.5188746524869 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap49.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap49.inp ... file done Simulation 50.1 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 50.4 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 50.7 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 50.9 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap50.inp ... Hm0 = 5.6400 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = 0.0794 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 123.0000 Hm0 = 5.64000000000000 Tp = 12.5914453720143 dir = 123.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.5188746524869 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap50.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap50.inp ... file done Simulation 51.2 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 51.5 percent complete Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 52.0 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap51.inp ... Hm0 = 5.6400 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = 0.0784 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 124.0000 Hm0 = 5.64000000000000 Tp = 12.7528247506823 dir = 124.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.6617268874122 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap51.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap51.inp ... file done Simulation 52.3 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 52.5 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 52.8 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 53.1 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap52.inp ... Hm0 = 5.5411 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = 0.0784 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 124.0000 Hm0 = 5.54105300000000 Tp = 12.7528247506823 dir = 124.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.6617268874122 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap52.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap52.inp ... file done Simulation 53.3 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 53.6 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 53.9 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 54.1 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap53.inp ... Hm0 = 5.4421 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = 0.0784 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 125.0000 Hm0 = 5.44210600000000 Tp = 12.7528247506823 dir = 125.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.6617268874122 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap53.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap53.inp ... file done Simulation 54.4 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 54.7 percent complete Time remaining 14 minutes Simulation 54.9 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap54.inp ... Hm0 = 5.3432 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = 0.0774 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 125.0000 Hm0 = 5.34315800000000 Tp = 12.9185613890037 dir = 125.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.8170900475844 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap54.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap54.inp ... file done Simulation 55.2 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 55.5 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 55.7 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 56.0 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap55.inp ... Hm0 = 5.1453 Warning: value > recommended value of 5.0000 fp = 0.0784 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 124.0000 Hm0 = 5.14526300000000 Tp = 12.7528247506823 dir = 124.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.6617268874122 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap55.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap55.inp ... file done Simulation 56.3 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 56.6 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 56.8 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 57.1 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap56.inp ... Hm0 = 4.9474 fp = 0.0794 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 125.0000 Hm0 = 4.94736900000000 Tp = 12.5914453720143 dir = 125.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.5188746524869 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap56.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap56.inp ... file done Simulation 57.4 percent complete Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 57.9 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 58.2 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap57.inp ... Hm0 = 4.7495 fp = 0.0814 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 126.0000 Hm0 = 4.74947400000000 Tp = 12.2804863072578 dir = 126.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 11.2316280794699 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap57.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap57.inp ... file done Simulation 58.5 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 58.7 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 59.0 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 59.3 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap58.inp ... Hm0 = 4.6505 fp = 0.0844 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 127.0000 Hm0 = 4.65052700000000 Tp = 11.8418871231319 dir = 127.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.8319115700141 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap58.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap58.inp ... file done Simulation 59.5 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 59.8 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 60.1 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 60.4 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap59.inp ... Hm0 = 4.4526 fp = 0.0855 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 4.45263200000000 Tp = 11.7026131935261 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.7047446717689 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap59.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap59.inp ... file done Simulation 60.6 percent complete Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 60.9 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 61.2 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 61.5 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap60.inp ... Hm0 = 4.2547 fp = 0.0865 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 4.25473700000000 Tp = 11.5665772184695 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.5809223775461 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap60.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap60.inp ... file done Simulation 61.7 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 62.0 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 62.3 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap61.inp ... Hm0 = 4.0568 fp = 0.0885 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 4.05684200000000 Tp = 11.3036499485684 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.3411983052013 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap61.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap61.inp ... file done Simulation 62.6 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 62.8 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 63.1 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 63.4 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap62.inp ... Hm0 = 3.8589 fp = 0.0915 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 3.85894800000000 Tp = 10.9309926434420 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 10.0013714252282 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap62.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap62.inp ... file done Simulation 63.7 percent complete Time remaining 11 minutes Simulation 63.9 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 64.2 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 64.5 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap63.inp ... Hm0 = 3.7600 fp = 0.0935 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 3.76000000000000 Tp = 10.6959879349256 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.78423091435292 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap63.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap63.inp ... file done Simulation 64.8 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 65.1 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 65.3 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 65.6 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap64.inp ... Hm0 = 3.5621 fp = 0.0945 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 3.56210500000000 Tp = 10.5821225621435 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.67746495048030 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap64.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap64.inp ... file done Simulation 65.9 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 66.2 percent complete Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 66.5 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 57 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap65.inp ... Hm0 = 3.3642 fp = 0.0975 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 3.36421100000000 Tp = 10.2548325898580 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.37939301532844 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap65.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap65.inp ... file done Simulation 66.7 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 52 seconds Simulation 67.0 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 46 seconds Simulation 67.3 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 44 seconds Simulation 67.6 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 34 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap66.inp ... Hm0 = 3.2653 fp = 0.0985 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 3.26526300000000 Tp = 10.1502233049127 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.28366217599238 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap66.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap66.inp ... file done Simulation 67.9 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 32 seconds Simulation 68.1 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 23 seconds Simulation 68.4 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 28 seconds Simulation 68.7 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 14 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap67.inp ... Hm0 = 2.9684 fp = 0.0995 fnyq = 0.3000 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 2.96842100000000 Tp = 10.0477267018337 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.19058432319301 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap67.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap67.inp ... file done Simulation 69.0 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 13 seconds Simulation 69.3 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 4 seconds Simulation 69.5 percent complete Time remaining 9 minutes and 3 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap68.inp ... Hm0 = 2.7705 fp = 0.1005 fnyq = 0.3016 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 2.77052600000000 Tp = 9.94718047169530 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.09868593598770 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap68.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap68.inp ... file done Simulation 69.8 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 55 seconds Simulation 70.1 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 55 seconds Simulation 70.4 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 49 seconds Simulation 70.7 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 45 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap69.inp ... Hm0 = 2.5726 fp = 0.1015 fnyq = 0.3046 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0015 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 2.57263200000000 Tp = 9.84872360542074 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 9.00862744081685 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap69.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap69.inp ... file done Simulation 70.9 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 37 seconds Simulation 71.2 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 31 seconds Simulation 71.5 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 25 seconds Simulation 71.8 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 26 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap70.inp ... Hm0 = 2.4737 fp = 0.1035 fnyq = 0.3106 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0016 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 2.47368400000000 Tp = 9.65754350723350 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.83375500580206 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap70.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap70.inp ... file done Simulation 72.1 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 18 seconds Simulation 72.4 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 10 seconds Simulation 72.6 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 4 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap71.inp ... Hm0 = 2.3747 fp = 0.1046 fnyq = 0.3137 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0016 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 2.37473700000000 Tp = 9.56461856301171 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.74875655970980 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap71.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap71.inp ... file done Simulation 72.9 percent complete Time remaining 8 minutes and 5 seconds Simulation 73.2 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 54 seconds Simulation 73.5 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 49 seconds Simulation 73.8 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 44 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap72.inp ... Hm0 = 2.1768 fp = 0.1056 fnyq = 0.3167 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0016 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 2.17684200000000 Tp = 9.47355457241111 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.66546032788711 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap72.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap72.inp ... file done Simulation 74.0 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 39 seconds Simulation 74.3 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 39 seconds Simulation 74.6 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 29 seconds Simulation 74.9 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 24 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap73.inp ... Hm0 = 2.0779 fp = 0.1056 fnyq = 0.3167 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0016 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 127.0000 Hm0 = 2.07789500000000 Tp = 9.47355457241111 dir = 127.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.66546032788711 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap73.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap73.inp ... file done Simulation 75.2 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 21 seconds Simulation 75.5 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 16 seconds Simulation 75.7 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 9 seconds Simulation 76.0 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 4 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap74.inp ... Hm0 = 1.9789 fp = 0.1066 fnyq = 0.3197 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0016 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 127.0000 Hm0 = 1.97894800000000 Tp = 9.38420825434958 dir = 127.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.58373525112873 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap74.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap74.inp ... file done Simulation 76.3 percent complete Time remaining 7 minutes and 11 seconds Simulation 76.6 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 57 seconds Simulation 76.9 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 49 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap75.inp ... Hm0 = 1.8800 fp = 0.1086 fnyq = 0.3257 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0016 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 127.0000 Hm0 = 1.88000000000000 Tp = 9.21039300746963 dir = 127.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.42474644553231 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap75.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap75.inp ... file done Simulation 77.1 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 46 seconds Simulation 77.4 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 39 seconds Simulation 77.7 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 36 seconds Simulation 78.0 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 29 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap76.inp ... Hm0 = 1.7811 fp = 0.1096 fnyq = 0.3287 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0016 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 127.0000 Hm0 = 1.78105300000000 Tp = 9.12591943638322 dir = 127.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.34747847041176 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap76.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap76.inp ... file done Simulation 78.3 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 27 seconds Simulation 78.6 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 18 seconds Simulation 78.8 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 25 seconds Simulation 79.1 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 10 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap77.inp ... Hm0 = 1.7811 fp = 0.1106 fnyq = 0.3318 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0017 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 127.0000 Hm0 = 1.78105300000000 Tp = 9.04289951530059 dir = 127.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.27154014894360 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap77.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap77.inp ... file done Simulation 79.4 percent complete Time remaining 6 minutes and 5 seconds Simulation 79.7 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 59 seconds Simulation 80.0 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 55 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap78.inp ... Hm0 = 1.6821 fp = 0.1116 fnyq = 0.3348 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0017 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 1.68210500000000 Tp = 8.96145677441325 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.19704447419351 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap78.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap78.inp ... file done Simulation 80.2 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 52 seconds Simulation 80.5 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 44 seconds Simulation 80.8 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 39 seconds Simulation 81.1 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 37 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap79.inp ... Hm0 = 1.5832 fp = 0.1126 fnyq = 0.3378 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0017 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 1.58315800000000 Tp = 8.88146792901931 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 8.12387867764516 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap79.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap79.inp ... file done Simulation 81.4 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 48 seconds Simulation 81.6 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 24 seconds Simulation 81.9 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 20 seconds Simulation 82.2 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 16 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap80.inp ... Hm0 = 1.5832 fp = 0.1146 fnyq = 0.3438 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0017 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 1.58315800000000 Tp = 8.72562279132673 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.98132713084752 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap80.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap80.inp ... file done Simulation 82.5 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 10 seconds Simulation 82.8 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 4 seconds Simulation 83.1 percent complete Time remaining 5 minutes and 0 seconds Simulation 83.3 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 55 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap81.inp ... Hm0 = 1.4842 fp = 0.1156 fnyq = 0.3468 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0017 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 1.48421100000000 Tp = 8.64977078107430 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.91194529738586 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap81.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap81.inp ... file done Simulation 83.6 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 56 seconds Simulation 83.9 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 45 seconds Simulation 84.2 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 40 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap82.inp ... Hm0 = 1.4842 fp = 0.1166 fnyq = 0.3498 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0017 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 128.0000 Hm0 = 1.48421100000000 Tp = 8.57522617159028 dir = 128.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.84375934340162 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap82.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap82.inp ... file done Simulation 84.5 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 37 seconds Simulation 84.7 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 31 seconds Simulation 85.0 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 26 seconds Simulation 85.3 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 19 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap83.inp ... Hm0 = 1.3853 fp = 0.1186 fnyq = 0.3559 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0018 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 1.38526300000000 Tp = 8.42985517508809 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.71078849350715 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap83.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap83.inp ... file done Simulation 85.6 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 16 seconds Simulation 85.9 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 11 seconds Simulation 86.1 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 5 seconds Simulation 86.4 percent complete Time remaining 4 minutes and 0 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap84.inp ... Hm0 = 1.3853 fp = 0.1196 fnyq = 0.3589 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0018 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 1.38526300000000 Tp = 8.35903737325610 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.64601145046668 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap84.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap84.inp ... file done Simulation 86.7 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 56 seconds Simulation 87.0 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 55 seconds Simulation 87.3 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 45 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap85.inp ... Hm0 = 1.3853 fp = 0.1206 fnyq = 0.3619 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0018 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 1.38526300000000 Tp = 8.28933080232433 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.58225085032602 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap85.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap85.inp ... file done Simulation 87.6 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 42 seconds Simulation 87.8 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 35 seconds Simulation 88.1 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 31 seconds Simulation 88.4 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 28 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap86.inp ... Hm0 = 1.2863 fp = 0.1206 fnyq = 0.3619 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0018 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 129.0000 Hm0 = 1.28631600000000 Tp = 8.28933080232433 dir = 129.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.58225085032601 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap86.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap86.inp ... file done Simulation 88.7 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 24 seconds Simulation 89.0 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 15 seconds Simulation 89.2 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 13 seconds Simulation 89.5 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 6 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap87.inp ... Hm0 = 1.2863 fp = 0.1226 fnyq = 0.3679 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0018 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 130.0000 Hm0 = 1.28631600000000 Tp = 8.15348112876793 dir = 130.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.45798915449036 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap87.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap87.inp ... file done Simulation 89.8 percent complete Time remaining 3 minutes and 1 seconds Simulation 90.1 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 55 seconds Simulation 90.4 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 51 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap88.inp ... Hm0 = 1.1874 fp = 0.1237 fnyq = 0.3710 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0019 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 130.0000 Hm0 = 1.18736900000000 Tp = 8.08714709711855 dir = 130.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.39731341601724 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap88.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap88.inp ... file done Simulation 90.6 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 47 seconds Simulation 90.9 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 41 seconds Simulation 91.2 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 35 seconds Simulation 91.5 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 32 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap89.inp ... Hm0 = 1.1874 fp = 0.1257 fnyq = 0.3770 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0019 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 130.0000 Hm0 = 1.18736900000000 Tp = 7.95779187191138 dir = 130.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.27899219205955 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap89.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap89.inp ... file done Simulation 91.8 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 27 seconds Simulation 92.1 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 21 seconds Simulation 92.3 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 16 seconds Simulation 92.6 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 11 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap90.inp ... Hm0 = 1.1874 fp = 0.1257 fnyq = 0.3770 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0019 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 130.0000 Hm0 = 1.18736900000000 Tp = 7.95779187191138 dir = 130.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.27899219205955 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap90.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap90.inp ... file done Simulation 92.9 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 7 seconds Simulation 93.2 percent complete Time remaining 2 minutes and 1 seconds Simulation 93.5 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 56 seconds Simulation 93.7 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 51 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap91.inp ... Hm0 = 1.0884 fp = 0.1277 fnyq = 0.3830 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0019 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 130.0000 Hm0 = 1.08842100000000 Tp = 7.83244826667920 dir = 130.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.16434039687626 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap91.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap91.inp ... file done Simulation 94.0 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 49 seconds Simulation 94.3 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 41 seconds Simulation 94.6 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 36 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap92.inp ... Hm0 = 1.0884 fp = 0.1287 fnyq = 0.3860 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0019 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 131.0000 Hm0 = 1.08842100000000 Tp = 7.77127581034979 dir = 131.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.10838595132679 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap92.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap92.inp ... file done Simulation 94.9 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 32 seconds Simulation 95.1 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 27 seconds Simulation 95.4 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 21 seconds Simulation 95.7 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 16 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap93.inp ... Hm0 = 1.0884 fp = 0.1287 fnyq = 0.3860 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0019 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 131.0000 Hm0 = 1.08842100000000 Tp = 7.77127581034979 dir = 131.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 7.10838595132679 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap93.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap93.inp ... file done Simulation 96.0 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 11 seconds Simulation 96.3 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 7 seconds Simulation 96.5 percent complete Time remaining 1 minutes and 1 seconds Simulation 96.8 percent complete Time remaining 56 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap94.inp ... Hm0 = 1.0884 fp = 0.1307 fnyq = 0.3921 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0020 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 131.0000 Hm0 = 1.08842100000000 Tp = 7.65169485040937 dir = 131.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.99900524776784 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap94.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap94.inp ... file done Simulation 97.1 percent complete Time remaining 55 seconds Simulation 97.4 percent complete Time remaining 47 seconds Simulation 97.7 percent complete Time remaining 42 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap95.inp ... Hm0 = 0.9895 fp = 0.1327 fnyq = 0.3981 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0020 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 132.0000 Hm0 = 0.989474000000000 Tp = 7.53579502637528 dir = 132.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.89299167920708 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap95.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap95.inp ... file done Simulation 97.9 percent complete Time remaining 37 seconds Simulation 98.2 percent complete Time remaining 32 seconds Simulation 98.5 percent complete Time remaining 28 seconds Simulation 98.8 percent complete Time remaining 22 seconds waveparams: Reading from Storm_04_jonswap96.inp ... Hm0 = 0.9895 fp = 0.1337 fnyq = 0.4011 (no record found, default value used) dfj = 0.0020 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 (no record found, default value used) s = 256.0000 mainang = 132.0000 Hm0 = 0.989474000000000 Tp = 7.47909592688436 dir = 132.000000 000000 duration = 180.000000000000 Trep = 6.84112901313912 Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 1 writing wave energy to E_Storm_04_jonswap96.inp ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 3 writing long wave mass flux to q_Storm_04_jonswap96.inp ... file done Simulation 99.0 percent complete Time remaining 17 seconds Simulation 99.3 percent complete Time remaining 12 seconds Simulation 99.6 percent complete Time remaining 7 seconds Simulation 99.9 percent complete Time remaining 2 seconds Total calculation time: 616.812500000000 seconds Timing: procs: 8 seconds: total: 1797.50433243008 loop: 17 77.23428657443 End of program xbeach