# Generated on 06/22/2017 13:50:40 # Deltares, FM-Suite DFlowFM Model Version, DFlow FM Version [model] Program = D-Flow FM Version = MDUFormatVersion = 1.02 AutoStart = 0 # Autostart simulation after loading MDU or not (0=no, 1=autostart, 2=autostartstop). [geometry] NetFile = t02_net.nc # *_net.nc BathymetryFile = bathy_trench.xyz # *.xyb DryPointsFile = WaterLevIniFile = # Initial water levels sample file *.xyz LandBoundaryFile = # Only for plotting ThinDamFile = # *_thd.pli, Polyline(s) for tracing thin dams. FixedWeirFile = VertplizFile = # *_vlay.pliz), = pliz with x,y, Z, first Z =nr of layers, second Z = laytyp ProflocFile = # *_proflocation.xyz) x,y,z, z = profile refnumber ProfdefFile = # *_profdefinition.def) definition for all profile nrs ProfdefxyzFile = # *_profdefinition.def) definition for all profile nrs Uniformwidth1D = 0.1 # Uniform width for 1D profiles not specified bij profloc ManholeFile = # *... WaterLevIni = 0 # Initial water level Bedlevuni = -5 # Uniform bottom level, (only if bedlevtype>=3, used at missing z values in netfile BedlevType = 1 # 1: at cell centers (from BathymetryFile) # 2: at faces (from BathymetryFile) # 3: at nodes, face levels mean of node values # 4: at nodes, face levels min. of node values # 5: at nodes, face levels max. of node values # 6: at nodes, face levels max. of cell-center values PartitionFile = # *_part.pol, polyline(s) x,y AngLat = 0 # Angle of latitude S-N (deg), 0=no Coriolis AngLon = 0 # Angle of longitude E-W (deg), 0=Greenwich Conveyance2D = -1 # -1:R=HU,0:R=H, 1:R=A/P, 2:K=analytic-1D conv, 3:K=analytic-2D conv Nonlin2D = 0 # Non-linear 2D volumes, only icm ibedlevtype = 3 [numerics] CFLMax = 0.7 # Max. Courant nr. AdvecType = 3 # Adv type, 0=no, 1= Wenneker, qu-udzt, 2=1, q(uio-u), 3=Perot q(uio-u), 4=Perot q(ui-u), 5=Perot q(ui-u) without itself TimeStepType = 2 # 0=only transport, 1=transport + velocity update, 2=full implicit step_reduce, 3=step_jacobi, 4=explicit Limtypmom = 4 # Limiter type for cell center advection velocity, 0=no, 1=minmod,2=vanLeer,3=Kooren,4=Monotone Central Limtypsa = 0 # Limiter type for salinity transport, 0=no, 1=minmod,2=vanLeer,3=Kooren,4=Monotone Central TransportMethod = 1 TransportTimestepping = 0 # Timestepping method in Transport module, 0 = global (default) , 1 = local Icgsolver = 4 # Solver type , 1 = sobekGS_OMP, 2 = sobekGS_OMPthreadsafe, 3 = sobekGS, 4 = sobekGS + Saadilud, 5 = parallel/global Saad, 6 = parallel/Petsc, 7 = parallel/GS Tlfsmo = 0 # Fourier smoothing time on waterlevel boundaries (s) Slopedrop2D = 0 # Apply droplosses only if local bottom slope > Slopedrop2D, <=0 =no droplosses cstbnd = 0 # Delft-3D type velocity treatment near boundaries for small coastal models (1) or not (0) Epshu = 0.0001 [physics] UnifFrictCoef = 60 # Uniform friction coefficient, 0=no friction UnifFrictType = 0 # 0=Chezy, 1=Manning, 2=White Colebrook, 3=z0 etc UnifFrictCoef1D = 60 # Uniform friction coefficient in 1D links, 0=no friction UnifFrictCoefLin = 0 # Uniform linear friction coefficient for ocean models (m/s), 0=no Vicouv = 1E-06 # Uniform horizontal eddy viscosity (m2/s) Dicouv = 1 # Uniform horizontal eddy diffusivity (m2/s) Smagorinsky = 0 # Add Smagorinsky horizontal turbulence : vicu = vicu + ( (Smagorinsky*dx)**2)*S, e.g. 0.1 Elder = 0 # Add Elder contribution : vicu = vicu + Elder*kappa*ustar*H/6), e.g. 1.0 Irov = 0 wall_ks = 0 # Nikuradse roughness for side walls, wall_z0=wall_ks/30 Rhomean = 1000 # Average water density (kg/m3) Idensform = 0 Ag = 9.81 # Gravitational acceleration TidalForcing = 1 # Tidal forcing (0=no, 1=yes) (only for jsferic == 1) Salinity = 0 # Include salinity, (0=no, 1=yes) Backgroundsalinity= 0 Backgroundwatertemperature= 20 Temperature = 0 # Include temperature (0: no, 1: only transport, 3: excess model of D3D, 5: composite (ocean) model) SecondaryFlow = 0 [sediment] Sedimentmodelnr = 4 # Sediment model nr, (0=no, 1=Krone, 2=SvR2007) MorFile = str.mor # Morphology settings file (*.mor) SedFile = str.sed # Sediment characteristics file (*.sed) DredgeFile = # Dredging/dumping settings file (*.dad) TransportVelocity = 0 # Velocities for sediment transport, 0=Lagr bed+sus, 1=Eul bed + Lagr sus, 2=Eul bed+sus Nr_of_sedfractions = 0 # Nr of sediment fractions, (specify the next parameters for each fraction) MxgrKrone = 0 # Highest fraction index treated by Krone D50 = # Mean Sandgrain diameter (m), e.g. 0.0001 Rhosed = # Mean Sandgrain rho (kg/m3) , e.g. 2650 InitialSedimentConcentration = # Initial sediment concentration (kg /m3) Uniformerodablethickness = # Uniform erodable layer thickness (m) Numintverticaleinstein = 10 # Number of vertical intervals in Einstein integrals ( ) Jaceneqtr = 2 # 1=equilibriumtransport at cell centre, 2= at netnode (default) ( ) Morfac = 1. # Morphological acceleration factor (), bottom updates active for morfac > 0, 1d0=realtime, etc TMorfspinup = 0. # Spin up time for morphological adaptations (s) Alfabed = 1. # Calibration par bed load, default=1d0 ( ) Alfasus = 1. # Calibration par suspende load, default=1d0 ( ) Crefcav = 20. # Calibration par only in jased==3, default=20d0 ( ) [bedform] BedformFile = # Bedform characteristics file (*.bfm) [wind] ICdtyp = 2 # ( ),1=const, 2=S&B 2 breakpoints, 3= S&B 3 breakpoints, 4=Charnock constant Cdbreakpoints = 0.0025 0.0025 # ( ), e.g. 0.00063 0.00723 Windspeedbreakpoints= 0 100 # (m/s), e.g. 0.0 100.0 [time] RefDate = 20151101 # Reference date (yyyymmdd) Tzone = 0 # Data Sources in GMT are interrogated with time in minutes since refdat-Tzone*60 DtUser = 0.24 # User timestep in seconds (interval for external forcing update & his/map output) DtNodal = DtMax = 0.24 # Max timestep in seconds DtInit = 1 # Initial timestep in seconds Tunit = M # Time units in MDU (H, M or S) TStart = 0 # Start time w.r.t. RefDate (in TUnit) TStop = 600 # Stop time w.r.t. RefDate (in TUnit) [restart] RestartFile = # Restart file, only from netcdf-file, hence: either *_rst.nc or *_map.nc RestartDateTime = 20151101 # Restart time (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS), only relevant in case of restart from *_map.nc [external forcing] ExtForceFile = str.ext # *.ext ExtForceFileNew = [output] OutputDir = dflowfmoutput # Output directory of map-, his-, rst-, dat- and timings-files, default: DFM_OUTPUT_. Set to . for no dir/current dir. FlowGeomFile = # *_flowgeom.nc Flow geometry file in NetCDF format. ObsFile = t01_obs.xyn # *.xyn Coords+name of observation stations. CrsFile = t01_crs.pli # *_crs.pli Polyline(s) definining cross section(s). HisFile = HisInterval = 60 # History output, given as "interval" "start period" "end period" (s) XLSInterval = # Interval (s) between XLS history MapFile = MapInterval = 900 # Map file output, given as "interval" "start period" "end period" (s) RstInterval = 0 # Restart file output, given as "interval" "start period" "end period" (s) S1incinterval = WaqInterval = 0 # Interval (in s) between Delwaq file outputs StatsInterval = # Interval (in s) between simulation statistics output. Writebalancefile = 0 TimingsInterval = # Timings output interval MapFormat = 4 # Map file format, 1: netCDF, 2: Tecplot, 3: netCFD and Tecplot Wrihis_balance = 1 Wrihis_structure_gen= 1 Wrihis_structure_dam= 1 Wrihis_structure_pump= 1 Wrihis_structure_gate= 1 Wrimap_waterlevel_s0= 1 Wrimap_waterlevel_s1= 1 Wrimap_velocity_component_u0= 1 Wrimap_velocity_component_u1= 1 Wrimap_velocity_vector= 1 Wrimap_upward_velocity_component= 0 Wrimap_density_rho= 1 Wrimap_horizontal_viscosity_viu= 1 Wrimap_horizontal_diffusivity_diu= 1 Wrimap_flow_flux_q1= 1 Wrimap_spiral_flow= 1 Wrimap_numlimdt = 1 Wrimap_taucurrent = 1 Wrimap_chezy = 1 Wrimap_turbulence = 1 Wrimap_wind = 1 Wrimap_heat_fluxes= 0 Richardsononoutput= 0 # 1=yes,0=no MapOutputTimeVector= # File (.mpt) containing fixed map output times (s) w.r.t. RefDate FullGridOutput = 0 # 0:compact, 1:full time-varying grid data EulerVelocities = 0 TimeSplitInterval = 0X # Time splitting interval, after which a new output file is started. value+unit, e.g. '1 M', valid units: Y,M,D,h,m,s. [trachytopes] TrtRou = N TrtDef = TrtL = TrtDt = 60