% $ biblatex auxiliary file $ % $ biblatex bbl format version 2.8 $ % Do not modify the above lines! % % This is an auxiliary file used by the 'biblatex' package. % This file may safely be deleted. It will be recreated as % required. % \begingroup \makeatletter \@ifundefined{ver@biblatex.sty} {\@latex@error {Missing 'biblatex' package} {The bibliography requires the 'biblatex' package.} \aftergroup\endinput} {} \endgroup \sortlist[entry]{nyt/global/} \preamble{% \providecommand{\noopsort}[1]{} } \entry{EngelundH67}{book}{} \name{author}{2}{}{% {{hash=EF}{% family={Engelund}, familyi={E\bibinitperiod}, given={F.}, giveni={F\bibinitperiod}, }}% {{hash=HE}{% family={Hansen}, familyi={H\bibinitperiod}, given={E.}, giveni={E\bibinitperiod}, }}% } \list{publisher}{1}{% {Teknisk Forlag, Copenhagen}% } \strng{namehash}{EFHE1} \strng{fullhash}{EFHE1} \field{labelnamesource}{author} \field{labeltitlesource}{title} \field{sortinit}{E} \field{sortinithash}{E} \field{title}{A monograph on Sediment Transport in Alluvial Streams} \field{year}{1967} \endentry \endsortlist \endinput