Global Attributes: institution = 'Deltares' references = '' source = 'D-Flow FM Model:' history = 'Created on 2018-06-21T09:46:01+0200, D-Flow FM' date_created = '2018-06-21T09:46:01+0200' date_modified = '2018-06-21T09:46:01+0200' Conventions = 'CF-1.6 UGRID-1.0/Deltares-0.8' Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge = 40 nmesh1d_node = 41 Two = 2 nmesh1d_FlowElemContourPts = 7 nmesh1d_crs_maxdim = 19 nmesh2d_edge = 4 nmesh2d_node = 45 nmesh2d_face = 1 max_nmesh2d_face_nodes = 4 time = 2401 (UNLIMITED) nSedTot = 1 nBedLayers = 1 Variables: mesh1d Size: 1x1 Dimensions: Datatype: int32 Attributes: cf_role = 'mesh_topology' long_name = 'Topology data of 1D network' topology_dimension = 1 node_coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' node_dimension = 'nmesh1d_node' max_face_nodes_dimension = 'max_nmesh1d_face_nodes' edge_node_connectivity = 'mesh1d_edge_nodes' edge_dimension = 'nmesh1d_edge' edge_coordinates = 'mesh1d_edge_x mesh1d_edge_y' projected_coordinate_system Size: 1x1 Dimensions: Datatype: int32 Attributes: name = 'Unknown projected' epsg = 0 grid_mapping_name = 'Unknown projected' longitude_of_prime_meridian = 0 semi_major_axis = 6378137 semi_minor_axis = 6356752.3142 inverse_flattening = 298.2572 EPSG_code = 'EPSG:0' value = 'value is equal to EPSG code' mesh1d_node_x Size: 41x1 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate' long_name = 'x-coordinate of mesh nodes' mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' bounds = 'mesh1d_FlowElemContour_x' mesh1d_node_y Size: 41x1 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate' long_name = 'y-coordinate of mesh nodes' mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' bounds = 'mesh1d_FlowElemContour_y' mesh1d_node_z Size: 41x1 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = 'altitude' long_name = 'z-coordinate of mesh nodes' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_edge_nodes Size: 2x40 Dimensions: Two,nmesh1d_edge Datatype: int32 Attributes: cf_role = 'edge_node_connectivity' mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' long_name = 'Mapping from every edge to the two nodes that it connects' start_index = 1 _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_edge_x Size: 40x1 Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate' long_name = 'characteristic x-coordinate of the mesh edge (e.g. midpoint)' mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' bounds = 'mesh1d_edge_x_bnd' mesh1d_edge_y Size: 40x1 Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate' long_name = 'characteristic y-coordinate of the mesh edge (e.g. midpoint)' mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' bounds = 'mesh1d_edge_y_bnd' mesh1d_edge_x_bnd Size: 2x40 Dimensions: Two,nmesh1d_edge Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate' long_name = 'x-coordinate bounds of 2D mesh edge (i.e. end point coordinates)' mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' mesh1d_edge_y_bnd Size: 2x40 Dimensions: Two,nmesh1d_edge Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate' long_name = 'y-coordinate bounds of 2D mesh edge (i.e. end point coordinates)' mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' mesh1d_FlowElemContour_x Size: 7x41 Dimensions: nmesh1d_FlowElemContourPts,nmesh1d_node Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate' long_name = 'list of x-coordinates forming flow element' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_FlowElemContour_y Size: 7x41 Dimensions: nmesh1d_FlowElemContourPts,nmesh1d_node Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate' long_name = 'list of y-coordinafltes forming flow element' _FillValue = -999 flowelem_crs_z Size: 19x41 Dimensions: nmesh1d_crs_maxdim,nmesh1d_node Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'initial cross-section points level' unit = 'm' flowelem_crs_n Size: 19x41 Dimensions: nmesh1d_crs_maxdim,nmesh1d_node Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'initial cross-section points half width' unit = 'm' mesh2d Size: 1x1 Dimensions: Datatype: int32 Attributes: cf_role = 'mesh_topology' long_name = 'Topology data of 2D network' topology_dimension = 2 node_coordinates = 'mesh2d_node_x mesh2d_node_y' node_dimension = 'nmesh2d_node' max_face_nodes_dimension = 'max_nmesh2d_face_nodes' edge_node_connectivity = 'mesh2d_edge_nodes' edge_dimension = 'nmesh2d_edge' edge_coordinates = 'mesh2d_edge_x mesh2d_edge_y' face_node_connectivity = 'mesh2d_face_nodes' face_dimension = 'nmesh2d_face' edge_face_connectivity = 'mesh2d_edge_faces' face_coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' mesh2d_node_x Size: 45x1 Dimensions: nmesh2d_node Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate' long_name = 'x-coordinate of mesh nodes' mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'node' mesh2d_node_y Size: 45x1 Dimensions: nmesh2d_node Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate' long_name = 'y-coordinate of mesh nodes' mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'node' mesh2d_node_z Size: 45x1 Dimensions: nmesh2d_node Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh2d_node_x mesh2d_node_y' standard_name = 'altitude' long_name = 'z-coordinate of mesh nodes' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_edge_nodes Size: 2x4 Dimensions: Two,nmesh2d_edge Datatype: int32 Attributes: cf_role = 'edge_node_connectivity' mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' long_name = 'Mapping from every edge to the two nodes that it connects' start_index = 1 _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_edge_x Size: 4x1 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate' long_name = 'characteristic x-coordinate of the mesh edge (e.g. midpoint)' mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' bounds = 'mesh2d_edge_x_bnd' mesh2d_edge_y Size: 4x1 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate' long_name = 'characteristic y-coordinate of the mesh edge (e.g. midpoint)' mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' bounds = 'mesh2d_edge_y_bnd' mesh2d_edge_x_bnd Size: 2x4 Dimensions: Two,nmesh2d_edge Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate' long_name = 'x-coordinate bounds of 2D mesh edge (i.e. end point coordinates)' mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' mesh2d_edge_y_bnd Size: 2x4 Dimensions: Two,nmesh2d_edge Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate' long_name = 'y-coordinate bounds of 2D mesh edge (i.e. end point coordinates)' mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' mesh2d_face_nodes Size: 4x1 Dimensions: max_nmesh2d_face_nodes,nmesh2d_face Datatype: int32 Attributes: cf_role = 'face_node_connectivity' mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' long_name = 'Mapping from every face to its corner nodes (counterclockwise)' start_index = 1 _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_edge_faces Size: 2x4 Dimensions: Two,nmesh2d_edge Datatype: int32 Attributes: cf_role = 'edge_face_connectivity' long_name = 'Mapping from every edge to the two faces that it separates' start_index = 1 _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_face_x Size: 1x1 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate' long_name = 'Characteristic x-coordinate of mesh face' mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' bounds = 'mesh2d_face_x_bnd' mesh2d_face_y Size: 1x1 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate' long_name = 'Characteristic y-coordinate of mesh face' mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' bounds = 'mesh2d_face_y_bnd' mesh2d_face_x_bnd Size: 4x1 Dimensions: max_nmesh2d_face_nodes,nmesh2d_face Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate' long_name = 'x-coordinate bounds of 2D mesh face (i.e. corner coordinates)' mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_face_y_bnd Size: 4x1 Dimensions: max_nmesh2d_face_nodes,nmesh2d_face Datatype: double Attributes: units = 'm' standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate' long_name = 'y-coordinate bounds of 2D mesh face (i.e. corner coordinates)' mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_edge_type Size: 4x1 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge Datatype: int32 Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh2d_edge_x mesh2d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'edge type (relation between edge and flow geometry)' units = '' _FillValue = -999 flag_values = [0 1 2 3] flag_meanings = 'internal_closed internal boundary boundary_closed' mesh1d_flowelem_ba Size: 41x1 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = 'cell_area' long_name = '' units = 'm2' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_flowelem_ba Size: 1x1 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = 'cell_area' long_name = '' units = 'm2' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_flowelem_bl Size: 41x1 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = 'altitude' long_name = 'flow element center bedlevel (bl)' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_flowelem_bl Size: 1x1 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = 'altitude' long_name = 'flow element center bedlevel (bl)' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 time Size: 2401x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: standard_name = 'time' units = 'seconds since 2010-01-01 00:00:00' timestep Size: 2401x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Latest computational timestep size in each output interval' units = 's' mesh1d_Numlimdt Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Number of times flow element was Courant limiting' units = '1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_Numlimdt Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Number of times flow element was Courant limiting' units = '1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_s1 Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = 'sea_surface_height' long_name = 'Water level' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_s1 Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = 'sea_surface_height' long_name = 'Water level' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_waterdepth Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface' long_name = 'Water depth at pressure points' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_waterdepth Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface' long_name = 'Water depth at pressure points' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_s0 Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = 'sea_surface_height' long_name = 'Water level on previous timestep' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_s0 Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = 'sea_surface_height' long_name = 'Water level on previous timestep' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_hu Size: 40x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh1d_edge_x mesh1d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh1d_edge: mean' standard_name = 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface' long_name = 'water depth at velocity points' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_hu Size: 4x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh2d_edge_x mesh2d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_edge: mean' standard_name = 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface' long_name = 'water depth at velocity points' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_u1 Size: 40x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh1d_edge_x mesh1d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh1d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Velocity at velocity point, n-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 comment = 'Positive direction is from first to second neighbouring face (flow element).' ancillary_variables = 'mesh1d_hu' mesh2d_u1 Size: 4x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh2d_edge_x mesh2d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Velocity at velocity point, n-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 comment = 'Positive direction is from first to second neighbouring face (flow element).' ancillary_variables = 'mesh2d_hu' mesh1d_u0 Size: 40x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh1d_edge_x mesh1d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh1d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Velocity at velocity point at previous time step, n-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 comment = 'Positive direction is from first to second neighbouring face (flow element).' ancillary_variables = 'mesh1d_hu' mesh2d_u0 Size: 4x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh2d_edge_x mesh2d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Velocity at velocity point at previous time step, n-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 comment = 'Positive direction is from first to second neighbouring face (flow element).' ancillary_variables = 'mesh2d_hu' mesh1d_ucx Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = 'sea_water_x_velocity' long_name = 'Flow element center velocity vector, x-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_ucx Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = 'sea_water_x_velocity' long_name = 'Flow element center velocity vector, x-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_ucy Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = 'sea_water_y_velocity' long_name = 'Flow element center velocity vector, y-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_ucy Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = 'sea_water_y_velocity' long_name = 'Flow element center velocity vector, y-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_ucmag Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = 'sea_water_speed' long_name = 'Flow element center velocity magnitude' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_ucmag Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = 'sea_water_speed' long_name = 'Flow element center velocity magnitude' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_ucxq Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = 'ucxq_velocity' long_name = 'Flow element center velocity vector based discharge, x-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_ucxq Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = 'ucxq_velocity' long_name = 'Flow element center velocity vector based discharge, x-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_ucyq Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = 'ucyq_velocity' long_name = 'Flow element center velocity vector based discharge, y-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_ucyq Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = 'ucyq_velocity' long_name = 'Flow element center velocity vector based discharge, y-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_q1 Size: 40x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh1d_edge_x mesh1d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh1d_edge: mean' standard_name = 'discharge' long_name = 'Discharge through flow link at current time' units = 'm3 s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 comment = 'Positive direction is from first to second neighbouring face (flow element).' ancillary_variables = 'mesh1d_hu' mesh2d_q1 Size: 4x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh2d_edge_x mesh2d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_edge: mean' standard_name = 'discharge' long_name = 'Discharge through flow link at current time' units = 'm3 s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 comment = 'Positive direction is from first to second neighbouring face (flow element).' ancillary_variables = 'mesh2d_hu' mesh1d_viu Size: 40x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh1d_edge_x mesh1d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh1d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Horizontal eddy viscosity' units = 'm2 s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 ancillary_variables = 'mesh1d_hu' mesh2d_viu Size: 4x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh2d_edge_x mesh2d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Horizontal eddy viscosity' units = 'm2 s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 ancillary_variables = 'mesh2d_hu' mesh1d_diu Size: 40x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh1d_edge_x mesh1d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh1d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Horizontal eddy diffusivity' units = 'm2 s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 ancillary_variables = 'mesh1d_hu' mesh2d_diu Size: 4x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh2d_edge_x mesh2d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Horizontal eddy diffusivity' units = 'm2 s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 ancillary_variables = 'mesh2d_hu' mesh1d_taus Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Total bed shear stress' units = 'N m-2' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_taus Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Total bed shear stress' units = 'N m-2' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_czs Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Chezy roughness' units = 'm0.5s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_czs Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Chezy roughness' units = 'm0.5s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 morfac Size: 2401x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Morphological factor on current hydrodynamic output timestep' units = '' morft Size: 2401x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Current morphological time' units = 's' mesh1d_z0ucur Size: 40x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh1d_edge_x mesh1d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh1d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Current related roughness' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_z0ucur Size: 4x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh2d_edge_x mesh2d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Current related roughness' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_z0urou Size: 40x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh1d_edge_x mesh1d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh1d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Current-wave related roughness' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_z0urou Size: 4x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh2d_edge_x mesh2d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Current-wave related roughness' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_sbn Size: 40x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh1d_edge_x mesh1d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh1d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed load transport, n-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_sbn Size: 4x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh2d_edge_x mesh2d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed load transport, n-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_sbt Size: 40x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh1d_edge_x mesh1d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh1d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed load transport, t-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_sbt Size: 4x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh2d_edge_x mesh2d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed load transport, t-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_e_dzdn Size: 40x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh1d_edge_x mesh1d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh1d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed slope parallel to flow link' units = '-' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_e_dzdn Size: 4x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh2d_edge_x mesh2d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed slope parallel to flow link' units = '-' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_e_dzdt Size: 40x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh1d_edge_x mesh1d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh1d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed slope normal to flow link' units = '-' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_e_dzdt Size: 4x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_edge,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'edge' coordinates = 'mesh2d_edge_x mesh2d_edge_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_edge: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed slope normal to flow link' units = '-' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_uuu Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Characteristic velocity in cell centre, x-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_uuu Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Characteristic velocity in cell centre, x-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_vvv Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Characteristic velocity in cell centre, y-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_vvv Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Characteristic velocity in cell centre, y-component' units = 'm s-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_sbcx Size: 41x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed load transport due to currents, x-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_sbcx Size: 1x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed load transport due to currents, x-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_sbcy Size: 41x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed load transport due to currents, y-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_sbcy Size: 1x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed load transport due to currents, y-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_sbcx_reconstructed Size: 41x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed load transport due to currents (reconstructed), x-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_sbcx_reconstructed Size: 1x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed load transport due to currents (reconstructed), x-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_sbcy_reconstructed Size: 41x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed load transport due to currents (reconstructed), y-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_sbcy_reconstructed Size: 1x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Bed load transport due to currents (reconstructed), y-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_sxtot Size: 41x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Total sediment transport in flow cell center (reconstructed), x-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_sxtot Size: 1x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Total sediment transport in flow cell center (reconstructed), x-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_sytot Size: 41x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Total sediment transport in flow cell center (reconstructed), y-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_sytot Size: 1x1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,nSedTot,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Total sediment transport in flow cell center (reconstructed), y-component' units = 'm3 s-1 m-1' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_mor_bl Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Time-varying bottom level in flow cell center' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_mor_bl Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Time-varying bottom level in flow cell center' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_bodsed Size: 1x41x2401 Dimensions: nSedTot,nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Available sediment in the bed in flow cell center' units = 'kg m-2' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_bodsed Size: 1x1x2401 Dimensions: nSedTot,nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Available sediment in the bed in flow cell center' units = 'kg m-2' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_dpsed Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Sediment thickness in the bed in flow cell center' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_dpsed Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Sediment thickness in the bed in flow cell center' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_DXX01 Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Sediment diameter percentile 10.0 %' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_DXX01 Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Sediment diameter percentile 10.0 %' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_DXX02 Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Sediment diameter percentile 15.0 %' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_DXX02 Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Sediment diameter percentile 15.0 %' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_DXX03 Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Sediment diameter percentile 16.0 %' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_DXX03 Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Sediment diameter percentile 16.0 %' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_DXX04 Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Sediment diameter percentile 50.0 %' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_DXX04 Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Sediment diameter percentile 50.0 %' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_DXX05 Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Sediment diameter percentile 84.0 %' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_DXX05 Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Sediment diameter percentile 84.0 %' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_DXX06 Size: 41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh1d' location = 'node' coordinates = 'mesh1d_node_x mesh1d_node_y' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Sediment diameter percentile 90.0 %' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh2d_DXX06 Size: 1x2401 Dimensions: nmesh2d_face,time Datatype: double Attributes: mesh = 'mesh2d' location = 'face' coordinates = 'mesh2d_face_x mesh2d_face_y' cell_methods = 'nmesh2d_face: mean' standard_name = '' long_name = 'Sediment diameter percentile 90.0 %' units = 'm' grid_mapping = 'projected_coordinate_system' _FillValue = -999 mesh1d_mor_crs_z Size: 19x41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_crs_maxdim,nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'time-varying cross-section points level' unit = 'm' mesh1d_mor_crs_n Size: 19x41x2401 Dimensions: nmesh1d_crs_maxdim,nmesh1d_node,time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'time-varying cross-section points half width' unit = 'm'