** INFO : Start of SOBEK computation ** INFO : Density computation set to Eckart(modified) ** INFO : Reading Network ... ** INFO : Reading Network Done ** INFO : Reading Roughness ... ** INFO : Reading Roughness Done ** INFO : Reading Cross Section Definitions ... ** INFO : Reading Cross Section Definitions Done ** INFO : Reading Cross Section Locations ... ** INFO : Reading Cross Section Locations Done ** INFO : Reading Structures ... ** INFO : Reading Structures Done ** INFO : Reading Boundary Locations ... ** INFO : Reading Boundary Locations Done ** INFO : Reading Lateral Locations ... ** INFO : Reading Lateral Locations Done ** INFO : Reading Observation Points ... ** INFO : Reading Observation Points Done ** INFO : Reading Retentions ... ** INFO : Reading Retentions Done ** INFO : Reading Initial Data ... ** INFO : Initial Water Level/Depth Loaded ** INFO : Initial Discharge Data Loaded ** INFO : Initial Salinity Data Loaded ** INFO : Initial Temperature Data Loaded ** INFO : Windshielding Data Loaded ** INFO : Reading Initial Data Done ** INFO : Reading Boundary/Lateral Data ... ** INFO : Reading Boundary/Lateral Done ** INFO : Clean Up Spatial Data ** INFO : Cleaning Up Spatial Data Done ** INFO : All Reading Done ** INFO : @(#)Deltares, SOBEKSIM Version (Win64), Nov 22 2017, 20:03:31 ** INFO : Simulation started ..... ** INFO : ** INFO : Sobek Parameters ** INFO : ** INFO : [INITIALCONDITIONS] ** INFO : initialemptywells = 0 ** INFO : initialsalinity = 0.0 ** INFO : ** INFO : [RESULTSNODES] ** INFO : density = false ** INFO : lateral1d2d = none ** INFO : lateralonnodes = none ** INFO : levelfromstreetlevel = none ** INFO : runoff = none ** INFO : salinity = false ** INFO : timewateronstreet = none ** INFO : totalarea = current ** INFO : totalwidth = current ** INFO : volume = none ** INFO : volumeerror = none ** INFO : volumesonstreet = none ** INFO : waterdepth = current ** INFO : waterlevel = current ** INFO : wateronstreet = none ** INFO : totalheatflux = false ** INFO : radfluxclearsky = false ** INFO : heatlossconv = false ** INFO : netsolarrad = false ** INFO : effectivebackrad = false ** INFO : heatlossevap = false ** INFO : heatlossforcedevap = false ** INFO : heatlossfreeevap = false ** INFO : heatlossforcedconv = false ** INFO : heatlossfreeconv = false ** INFO : bedlevel = none ** INFO : increasecrosssec = none ** INFO : meanbedlevelmain = none ** INFO : adaptedcrosssec = none ** INFO : cumincreasecrosssec = none ** INFO : integrsedtransp = none ** INFO : grainsized50 = none ** INFO : grainsized90 = none ** INFO : sedimenttransport = none ** INFO : sedimenttransportleft = none ** INFO : sedimenttransportright = none ** INFO : shieldsparameter = none ** INFO : morwaterlevel = none ** INFO : morvelocity = none ** INFO : morwidth = none ** INFO : mordepth = none ** INFO : lateralatnodes = none ** INFO : negativedepth = none ** INFO : noiteration = none ** INFO : temperature = none ** INFO : freeboard = 0 ** INFO : ** INFO : [RESULTSBRANCHES] ** INFO : chezy = none ** INFO : discharge = current ** INFO : dispersion = false ** INFO : energyheadmethod = 11 ** INFO : froude = none ** INFO : fwind = none ** INFO : infiltrationpipes = none ** INFO : levelsoutputonpipes = 0 ** INFO : riversubsectionparameters = current ** INFO : sedimentfrijlink = none ** INFO : sedimentvanrijn = none ** INFO : twind = none ** INFO : velocity = current ** INFO : wind = none ** INFO : waterlevelslope = none ** INFO : areafp1 = current ** INFO : areafp2 = current ** INFO : areamain = current ** INFO : chezyfp1 = current ** INFO : chezyfp2 = current ** INFO : chezymain = current ** INFO : dischargefp1 = current ** INFO : dischargefp2 = current ** INFO : dischargemain = current ** INFO : flowarea = none ** INFO : flowchezy = current ** INFO : flowconv = current ** INFO : flowhydrad = none ** INFO : hydradfp1 = current ** INFO : hydradfp2 = current ** INFO : hydradmain = current ** INFO : timestepestimation = none ** INFO : waterlevelgradient = none ** INFO : widthfp1 = current ** INFO : widthfp2 = current ** INFO : widthmain = current ** INFO : f1 = false ** INFO : f3 = false ** INFO : f4 = false ** INFO : ** INFO : [RESULTSSTRUCTURES] ** INFO : crestlevel = current ** INFO : crestwidth = none ** INFO : discharge = current ** INFO : gateloweredgelevel = current ** INFO : head = none ** INFO : openingsarea = none ** INFO : pressuredifference = none ** INFO : velocity = none ** INFO : waterlevel = none ** INFO : waterleveloncrest = none ** INFO : flowarea = none ** INFO : gateopeningheight = current ** INFO : valveopening = none ** INFO : waterlevelatcrest = none ** INFO : waterleveldown = current ** INFO : waterlevelup = current ** INFO : openingswidth = -1 ** INFO : thresholdforspillcountinhours = 24 ** INFO : ** INFO : [RESULTSPUMPS] ** INFO : pumpresults = none ** INFO : ** INFO : [RESULTSWATERBALANCE] ** INFO : 1d2dflows = none ** INFO : bal2d1din = none ** INFO : bal2d1dout = none ** INFO : bal2d1dtot = none ** INFO : balboundariesin = none ** INFO : balboundariesout = none ** INFO : balboundariestot = none ** INFO : balerror = none ** INFO : ballatin = none ** INFO : ballatout = none ** INFO : ballattot = none ** INFO : balstorage = none ** INFO : balvolume = none ** INFO : ** INFO : [RESULTSGENERAL] ** INFO : actualvalue = current ** INFO : delwaqnostaggeredgrid = 0 ** INFO : flowanalysistimeseries = 0 ** INFO : meanvalue = 0 ** INFO : maximumvalue = 0 ** INFO : sobeksimstamp = 1 ** INFO : reducedidresults = 0 ** INFO : ** INFO : [SEDIMENT] ** INFO : d50 = 0.0005 ** INFO : d90 = 0.001 ** INFO : depthusedforsediment = 0.3 ** INFO : ** INFO : [SPECIALS] ** INFO : designfactordlg = 1.0 ** INFO : ** INFO : [INDICATION] ** INFO : velocityreachsegments = 0.5 ** INFO : velocitystructures = 0.75 ** INFO : ** INFO : [NUMERICALPARAMETERS] ** INFO : accelerationtermfactor = 1 ** INFO : accurateversusspeed = 3 ** INFO : courantnumber = 2 ** INFO : dtminimum = 0.001 ** INFO : epsilonvaluevolume = 0.0001 ** INFO : epsilonvaluewaterdepth = 0.0001 ** INFO : floodingdividedbydrying = 10.0 ** INFO : gravity = 9.81 ** INFO : maxdegree = 6 ** INFO : maxiterations = 8 ** INFO : maxtimestep = 0 ** INFO : minimumsurfaceatstreet = 0.1 ** INFO : minimumsurfaceinnode = 0.1 ** INFO : minumumlength = 1.0 ** INFO : relaxationfactor = 1 ** INFO : rho = 1000 ** INFO : structureinertiadampingfactor = 1 ** INFO : theta = 1 ** INFO : thresholdvaluedrying = 0.001000 ** INFO : thresholdvalueflooding = 0.01 ** INFO : useomp = 0 ** INFO : usetimestepreducerstructures = 0 ** INFO : minimumlength = 0 ** INFO : lowertimestepslargeqlat = 0 ** INFO : thresholdvaluefloodingfls = 0.001 ** INFO : ** INFO : [SIMULATIONOPTIONS] ** INFO : allowablelargertimestep = 0 ** INFO : allowabletimesteplimiter = 30 ** INFO : allowablevolumeerror = 10.0 ** INFO : allowcrestlevelbelowbottom = 0 ** INFO : cflcheckalllinks = 0 ** INFO : channel = 1 ** INFO : debug = 0 ** INFO : debugtime = 0 ** INFO : depthsbelowbobs = 0 ** INFO : dumpinput = 0 ** INFO : iadvec1d = 1 ** INFO : jchecknans = 0 ** INFO : laboratorytest = 0 ** INFO : laboratorytimestep = 1 ** INFO : laboratorytotalstep = 1 ** INFO : limtyphu1d = 1 ** INFO : logginglevel = info ** INFO : manhloss = 0 ** INFO : manholelosses = 0 ** INFO : missingvalue = -999.999 ** INFO : morphology = 0 ** INFO : nosupercriticalinflow = 0 ** INFO : percentallowableolumeerror = 1.0 ** INFO : preissmannminclosedmanholes = 0.001 ** INFO : readnetworkfromugrid = false ** INFO : river = 1 ** INFO : sewer = 0 ** INFO : siphonupstreamthresholdswitchoff = 0.1 ** INFO : strucalfa = 0.9 ** INFO : strucflowdirectionaccuracyfactor = 1.0 ** INFO : structuredynamicsfactor = 1.0 ** INFO : structurestabilityfactor = 0 ** INFO : thresholdforsummerdike = 0.4 ** INFO : timersoutputfrequency = 1 ** INFO : use1d2dcoupling = 0 ** INFO : useenergyheadstructures = 0 ** INFO : userestart = 0 ** INFO : usetimers = 0 ** INFO : usevariableteta = 0 ** INFO : usewlevstatefile = 0 ** INFO : volumecheck = 0 ** INFO : volumecorrection = 0 ** INFO : waterqualityinuse = 0 ** INFO : writenetcdf = true ** INFO : writerestart = 0 ** INFO : dispmaxfactor = 0.45 ** INFO : 1dmor = 0 ** INFO : communicationwithsrw = 0 ** INFO : conveyancetableused = -1 ** INFO : conveyanceused = -1 ** INFO : convtabyzprof = -1 ** INFO : correctionforculverts = -1 ** INFO : nonegativeqlatwhenthereisnowater = -1 ** INFO : percentallowablevolumeerror = 1 ** INFO : riverstucturesallowed = -1 ** INFO : runoffinuse = 0 ** INFO : salinity = 0 ** INFO : ** INFO : [ADVANCEDOPTIONS] ** INFO : cachemode = none ** INFO : calculatedelwaqoutput = 0 ** INFO : extraresistancegeneralstructure = 0 ** INFO : laterallocation = 0 ** INFO : latitude = 5.2006670e+001 ** INFO : longitude = 4.3555600e+000 ** INFO : fillculvertswithgl = 0 ** INFO : maxloweringcrossatculvert = 0 ** INFO : maxvolfact = 0.9 ** INFO : nonegativeqlatwhenthereisnowater = 1 ** INFO : transitionheightsd = 0.5 ** INFO : ** INFO : [SALINITY] ** INFO : saltcomputation = false ** INFO : diffusionatboundaries = 1 ** INFO : ** INFO : [NUMERICALOPTIONS] ** INFO : teta = 1.0 ** INFO : tidalperiod = 12.417 ** INFO : maxmouthsperbranch = 1 ** INFO : advectionscheme = vanleer-2 ** INFO : ** INFO : [TRANSPORTCOMPUTATION] ** INFO : temperature = false ** INFO : density = true ** INFO : heattransfermodel = transport ** INFO : ** INFO : [TEMPERATURE] ** INFO : surfacearea = 1.0000000e+006 ** INFO : atmosphericpressure = 1.0000000e+005 ** INFO : daltonnumber = 1.3000000e-003 ** INFO : heatcapacitywater = 3.9300000e+003 ** INFO : stantonnumber = 1.3000000e-003 ** INFO : backgroundtemperature = 0.0000000e+000 ** INFO : ** INFO : [OBSERVATIONS] ** INFO : interpolationtype = nearest ** INFO : ** INFO : [RESULTSOBSERVATIONPOINTS] ** INFO : discharge = current ** INFO : dispersion = none ** INFO : salinity = none ** INFO : temperature = none ** INFO : velocity = none ** INFO : volume = none ** INFO : waterdepth = none ** INFO : waterlevel = current ** INFO : ** INFO : [RESULTSLATERALS] ** INFO : discharge = none ** INFO : waterlevel = none ** INFO : ** INFO : [RESULTSRETENTIONS] ** INFO : volume = none ** INFO : waterlevel = none ** INFO : ** INFO : [FINITEVOLUMEGRIDONGRIDPOINTS] ** INFO : finitegridtype = none ** INFO : ** INFO : [MORPHOLOGY] ** INFO : calculatemorphology = 0 ** INFO : additionaloutput = 0 ** INFO : morphologyinputfile = external_data-27fdae9e-156e-49cd-8da7-e8 ** INFO : sedimentinputfile = external_data-cd8e6927-0460-4417-adb5-65 ** INFO : **************************************** Info Messages : 341 **************************************** ** Normal End of Sobeksim