* Deltares, D-Flow FM Version, Sep 09 2018, 01:25:16 * Source: * File creation date: 09:53:25, 09-09-2018 ** DEBUG : 0 0.1000020 NOD(KMAX) ** DEBUG : 6 0.7000140 XK (KMAX), YK (KMAX), ZK (KMAX), KC (KMAX), NMK (KMAX), RNOD(KMAX) Until here copy of previous diagnostic file ** WARNING: TimeSplitInterval invalid, disabling time partitioning of output. Got: 0X ** WARNING: readMDUFile: [output] wrihis_heatflux=1 was in file, but not used. Check possible typo. ** INFO : Reading Network ... ** DEBUG : 6 1.0090000E-03 hashfirst(0:hashcon - 1) ** DEBUG : 6 1.0090000E-03 hashfirst(0:hashcon - 1) ** INFO : Reading Network Done ** INFO : 1D-Network Reading Done ** INFO : Reading Roughness ... ** DEBUG : 6 1.0090000E-03 hashfirst(0:hashcon - 1) ** INFO : Reading Roughness Done ** INFO : Reading Cross Section Definitions ... ** DEBUG : 6 2.0000001E-03 CSDef%CS(CSDef%Size+CSDef%growsBy) ** DEBUG : 6 1.0090000E-03 hashfirst(0:hashcon - 1) ** INFO : Reading Cross Section Definitions Done ** INFO : Reading Cross Section Locations ... ** INFO : Reading Cross Section Locations Done ** INFO : Reading Structures ... ** INFO : Reading Structures Done ** INFO : Reading Retentions ... ** DEBUG : 6 1.0090000E-03 hashfirst(0:hashcon - 1) ** INFO : Reading Retentions Done ** INFO : Reading Advanced Parameters ... ** INFO : Reading Advanced Parameters Done ** INFO : All 1D-Reading Done ** DEBUG : unc_read_net_ugrid: net file 'dummy_net.nc' is not UGRID. No problem, will fall back to old format reader. ** DEBUG : Opened 'dummy_net.nc' as # 65536. ** DEBUG : Closed NetCDF file 'dummy_net.nc. ** INFO : Opened file : c32_obs.xyn ** INFO : Closed file : c32_obs.xyn ** INFO : Opened file : c32_crs.pli ** INFO : Closed file : c32_crs.pli ** INFO : Initializing flow model geometry... ** DEBUG : Opened 'dummy_net.nc' as # 65536. ** DEBUG : Renumber flow nodes... ** DEBUG : Sumdiff: 44 Sumdiff renum: 44 ** DEBUG : Bandwidth: 1 Bandwidth renum: 1 ** INFO : Opened file : c32.ext ** INFO : Opened file : bc_us_T1_dis.pli ** INFO : Closed file : bc_us_T1_dis.pli ** INFO : boundary: 'bc_us_T1_dis.pli' opened 1 cells. ** INFO : dischargebnd bc_us_T1_dis.pli 1 nr of open bndcells ** INFO : Opened file : bc_ds_T1_waterlevel.pli ** INFO : Closed file : bc_ds_T1_waterlevel.pli ** INFO : boundary: 'bc_ds_T1_waterlevel.pli' opened 1 cells. ** INFO : waterlevelbnd bc_ds_T1_waterlevel.pli 1 nr of open bndcells ** DEBUG : addexternalboundarypoints: added 0 bnd points for SOBEK1D-FM2D connections. ** INFO : setbedlevelfromextfile: Using bedlevel as specified in net-file. ** INFO : setbedlevelfromextfile: Unspecified bedlevels replaced using value from BedlevUni. ** INFO : setbedlevelfromextfile: Mirroring input bedlevels at open boundaries. ** INFO : Done initializing flow model geometry. Sediment fraction 1: Sediment1 ** WARNING: No Nodal Point Relations Specified, Set to (Default) Proportional. ** WARNING: Exponent of Discharge Ratio Set to Default: k = 1 ** WARNING: Exponent of Width Ratio Set to Default : m = 0 *** Start of underlayer input Underlayer mechanism : 1 Boundary name : bc_us_T1_dis Composition condition prescribed : fixed Boundary name : bc_ds_T1_waterlevel Composition condition prescribed : fixed Initial bed composition : from sediment file *** End of underlayer input Determining transport formulation(s) Reading: engelund-hansen.tra Input file : engelund-hansen.tra File in traditional MOR-format. *** Start of sediment input Ref concentration : 0.1600E+04 Option Dss : 0 Uniform mud content : 0.0000E+00 Sediment number : 1 Name : Sediment1 Type : bedload RHOSOL : 0.2650E+04 sed. distribution : piecewise loguniform SedD10 : 0.1500E-03 SedD50 : 0.2000E-03 SedDM : 0.2142E-03 SedD90 : 0.3000E-03 CDRYB : 0.1600E+04 Uniform IniThick : 0.5000E+01 [m] Formula name : Engelund-Hansen (1967) Transport formula used : 1 ACal : 0.1000E+01 RouKs : 0.0000E+00 SusFac : 0.0000E+00 *** End of sediment input *** Start of morphological input Morphological Timescale Factor : 0.1000E+01 Morphological Changes Start Time (Tunit=M) : 0.7200E+03 Fixed Layer Erosion Threshold : 0.1000E+01 Bed level updating : ACTIVE Composition updating : INACTIVE Entrainment/deposition flux in mass bal. : NEGLECTED Sand Equili. conc. profs. at boundaries : NOT USED Mud Equili. conc. profs. at boundaries : NOT USED Sediment included in fluid density calc. : NO AKSFAC : 0.1000E+01 RWAVE : 0.2000E+01 Equilibrium sed. conc. profiles :calculated (D3D mix) Suspended sed. multiplication factor : 0.1000E+01 Bed load transp. multiplication factor : 0.1000E+01 wave-rel. susp.sed.transp.fact.(SUSW) : 0.1000E+01 wave-rel. bed-ld.sed.transp.fact.(BEDW) : 0.1000E+01 Min.depth for sed. calculations(SEDTHR) : 0.1000E+00 Glob./max. dry cell erosion fact(THETSD) : 0.1000E+01 Max depth for variable THETSD (HMAXTH) : 0.1000E+01 Computing THETSD for dry bank erosion Tuning param. Shields Taucr (FACTCR) : 0.1000E+01 GLM velocities i.s.o Eulerian velocities for bed load transport and reference conc: NO EPSPAR: Always use Van Rijns param. mix. dist. : NO Standard option: Rc from Flow, Rw=RWAVE*0.025 : 1 Update bed level at inflow boundaries : YES Merge bottoms from parallel runs : NO Source/sink limiter DZMAX(depth frac.) : 0.5000E-01 Max. volumetric ref. conc. CAMAX : 0.6500E+00 Hiding & exposure formulation : None Bed slope effect formulation : None Requested percentile(s) : 10.0000 : 15.0000 : 16.0000 : 50.0000 : 84.0000 : 90.0000 Output transport rates : volume excl. pores Boundary name : bc_us_T1_dis Depth prescribed : fixed Boundary name : bc_ds_T1_waterlevel Depth prescribed : free *** End of morphological input ** INFO : Finding crossed flowlinks... ** INFO : done ** INFO : Finding flow nodes... ** INFO : done in 0.00000 sec. ** INFO : Start initializing external forcings... ** INFO : External Forcing or Initialising 'dischargebnd' from file 'bc_us_T1_dis.pli'. ** INFO : External Forcing or Initialising 'waterlevelbnd' from file 'bc_ds_T1_waterlevel.pli'. ** INFO : Closed file : c32.ext ** INFO : Done initializing external forcings. ** INFO : nogauss , nocg : 43 0 ** INFO : Finding crossed flowlinks... ** INFO : done ** INFO : Finding flow nodes... ** INFO : done in 0.00100 sec. ** INFO : Modelinit finished at: 09:53:26, 09-09-2018 ** INFO : ** Model initialization was successful ** ** INFO : * Active Model definition: # Generated on 09:53:26, 09-09-2018 # Deltares, D-Flow FM Version, Sep 09 2018, 01:25:16 # Source: [model] Program = D-Flow FM Version = MDUFormatVersion = 1.06 # File format version (do not edit this) AutoStart = 2 # Autostart simulation after loading MDU (0: no, 1: autostart, 2: autostartstop) ModelSpecific = # Optional 'model specific ID', to enable certain custom runtime function calls (instead of via MDU name). [geometry] NetFile = dummy_net.nc # Unstructured grid file *_net.nc GridEnclosureFile = # Enclosure file to clip outer parts from the grid *.pol BedlevelFile = # Bedlevels points file e.g. *.xyz, only needed for bedlevtype not equal 3 DryPointsFile = # Dry points file *.xyz (third column dummy z values), or dry areas polygon file *.pol (third column 1/-1: inside/outside) WaterLevIniFile = # Initial water levels sample file *.xyz LandBoundaryFile = # Land boundaries file *.ldb, used for visualization ThinDamFile = # Polyline file *_thd.pli, containing thin dams Cutcelllist = # File with names of cutcell polygons, e.g. cutcellpolygons.lst FixedWeirFile = # Polyline file *_fxw.pliz, containing fixed weirs with rows x, y, crest level, left ground level, right ground level PillarFile = # Polyline file *_pillar.pliz, containing four colums with x, y, diameter and Cd coefficient Gulliesfile = # Polyline file *_gul.pliz, containing lowest bed level along talweg x, y, z level Roofsfile = # Polyline file *_rof.pliz, containing roofgutter heights x, y, z level VertplizFile = # Vertical layering file *_vlay.pliz with rows x, y, Z, first Z, nr of layers, second Z, layer type ProflocFile = # Channel profile location file *_proflocation.xyz with rows x, y, z, profile number ref ProfdefFile = # Channel profile definition file *_profdefinition.def with definition for all profile numbers ProfdefxyzFile = # Channel profile definition file _profdefinition.def with definition for all profile numbers Uniformwidth1D = 200. # Uniform width for channel profiles not specified by profloc Uniformheight1D = 3. # Uniform height for channel profiles not specified by profloc Uniformtyp1Dstreetinlets = -2 # Uniform type street inlets Uniformtyp1Droofgutterpipes = -2 # Uniform type roof gutter pipes StructureFile = # File *.ini containing list of structures (pumps, weirs, gates and general structures) ManholeFile = # File *.ini containing manholes PipeFile = # File *.pliz containing pipe-based 'culverts' ShipdefFile = # File *.shd containing ship definitions WaterLevIni = 3. # Initial water level at missing s0 values BedlevUni = -5. # Uniform bed level used at missing z values if BedlevType > 2 BedlevType = 1 # Bathymetry specification # 1: at cell centers (from BathymetryFile) # 2: at faces (from BathymetryFile) # 3: at nodes, face levels mean of node values # 4: at nodes, face levels min. of node values # 5: at nodes, face levels max. of node values # 6: at nodes, face levels max. of cell-center values Blmeanbelow = -999. # If not -999d0, below this level the cell center bed level is the mean of surrouding net nodes Blminabove = -999. # If not -999d0, above this level the cell center bed level is the min. of surrouding net nodes Groundlayerthickness = -999. # Only in pipes: groundlayer thickness (m) PartitionFile = # Domain partition polygon file *_part.pol for parallel run AngLat = 0. # Angle of latitude S-N (deg), 0: no Coriolis AngLon = 0. # Angle of longitude E-W (deg), 0: Greenwich, used in solar heat flux computation. Conveyance2D = -1 # -1: R=HU,0: R=H, 1: R=A/P, 2: K=analytic-1D conv, 3: K=analytic-2D conv Nonlin1D = 1 # Non-linear 1D volumes, 1 = pipes open, 2 = pipes closed Slotw2D = 0. # - Sillheightmin = 0.5 # Weir treatment only if both sills larger than this value (m) Makeorthocenters = 0 # Switch from circumcentres to orthocentres in geominit (i>=1: number of iterations, 0: do not use) Dcenterinside = 1. # Limit cell center (1.0: in cell, 0.0: on c/g) Bamin = 1.d-6 # Minimum grid cell area, in combination with cut cells OpenBoundaryTolerance = 3. # Search tolerance factor between boundary polyline and grid cells, in cell size units RenumberFlowNodes = 1 # Renumber the flow nodes (1: yes, 0: no) Kmx = 0 # Maximum number of vertical layers Layertype = 1 # Vertical layer type (1: all sigma, 2: all z, 3: use VertplizFile) Numtopsig = 0 # Number of sigma layers in top of z-layer model SigmaGrowthFactor = 1. # Layer thickness growth factor from bed up StretchType = -1 # Type of layer stretching, 0 = uniform, 1 = user defined, 2 = fixed level double exponential [numerics] CFLMax = 0.7 # Maximum Courant number Lincontin = 0 # Default 0; Set to 1 for linearizing d(Hu)/dx; link to AdvecType AdvecType = 33 # Advection type (0: none, 1: Wenneker, 2: Wenneker q(uio-u), 3: Perot q(uio-u), 4: Perot q(ui-u), 5: Perot q(ui-u) without itself) TimeStepType = 2 # Time step handling (0: only transport, 1: transport + velocity update, 2: full implicit step-reduce, 3: step-Jacobi, 4: explicit) Icoriolistype = 5 # 0=No, 1=yes, if jsferic then spatially varying, if icoriolistype==6 then constant (anglat) Limtyphu = 0 # Limiter type for waterdepth in continuity eqn. (0: none, 1: minmod, 2: van Leer, 3: Kooren, 4: monotone central) Limtypmom = 4 # Limiter type for cell center advection velocity (0: none, 1: minmod, 2: van Leer, 3: Kooren, 4: monotone central) Limtypsa = 4 # Limiter type for salinity transport (0: none, 1: minmod, 2: van Leer, 3: Kooren, 4: monotone central) TransportMethod = 1 # Transport method (0: Herman's method, 1: transport module) TransportTimestepping = 1 # Timestepping method in Transport module, 0 = global, 1 = local (default) Vertadvtypsal = 6 # Vertical advection type for salinity (0: none, 1: upwind explicit, 2: central explicit, 3: upwind implicit, 4: central implicit, 5: central implicit but upwind for neg. stratif., 6: higher order explicit, no Forester) Vertadvtyptem = 6 # Vertical advection type for temperature (0: none, 1: upwind explicit, 2: central explicit, 3: upwind implicit, 4: central implicit, 5: central implicit but upwind for neg. stratif., 6: higher order explicit, no Forester) Cffacver = 0. # Factor for including (1-CFL) in HO term vertical (0d0: no, 1d0: yes) Jarhoxu = 0 # Inlcude density gradient in advection term (0: no, 1: yes, 2: Also in barotrop and baroclin pressure term) Horadvtypzlayer = 0 # Horizontal advection treatment of z-layers (1: default, 2: sigma-like) Zlayercenterbedvel = 1 # reconstruction of center velocity at half closed bedcells (0=no, 1: copy bed link velocities) Zlayeratubybob = 0 # Lowest connected cells governed by bob instead of by bL L/R Icgsolver = 4 # Solver type (1: sobekGS_OMP, 2: sobekGS_OMPthreadsafe, 3: sobekGS, 4: sobekGS + Saadilud, 5: parallel/global Saad, 6: parallel/Petsc, 7: parallel/GS) Maxdegree = 6 # Maximum degree in Gauss elimination Noderivedtypes = 5 # 0=use der. types. , 1 = less, 2 = lesser, 5 = also dealloc der. types FixedWeirScheme = 0 # Fixed weir scheme (0: none, 1: compact stencil, 2: whole tile lifted, full subgrid weir + factor) FixedWeirContraction = 1. # Fixed weir flow width contraction factor Fixedweirfrictscheme = 0 # Fixed weir friction scheme (0: friction based on hu, 1: friction based on subgrid weir friction scheme) Fixedweirtopwidth = 3. # Uniform width of the groyne part of fixed weirs Fixedweirtopfrictcoef = -999. # Uniform friction coefficient of the groyne part of fixed weirs Fixedweirtalud = 4. # Uniform talud slope of fixed weirs Izbndpos = 0 # Position of z boundary (0: D3Dflow, 1: on net boundary, 2: on specified polyline) Tlfsmo = 0. # Fourier smoothing time (s) on water level boundaries Logprofatubndin = 1 # ubnds inflow: 0=uniform U1, 1 = log U1, 2 = user3D Logprofkepsbndin = 0 # inflow: 0=0 keps, 1 = log keps, 2 = user3D Slopedrop2D = 0. # Apply drop losses only if local bed slope > Slopedrop2D, (<=0: no drop losses) Drop3D = 1. # Apply droplosses in 3D if z upwind below bob + 2/3 hu*drop3D Chkadvd = 0.1 # Check advection terms if depth < chkadvdp, => less setbacks Trsh_u1Lb = 0. # 2D bedfriction in 3D below this threshold (m) Epshstem = 1.d-3 # Only compute heatflx + evap if depth > epshstem Zwsbtol = 0. # tolerance for zws(kb-1) at bed Keepzlayeringatbed = 1 # bedlayerthickness = zlayerthickness at bed 0 or 1 Teta0 = 0.55 # Theta of time integration (0.5 < theta < 1) Qhrelax = 1.d-2 # Relaxation on Q-h open boundaries Jbasqbnddownwindhs = 0 # Water depth scheme at discharge boundaries (0: original hu, 1: downwind hs) cstbnd = 0 # Delft-3D type velocity treatment near boundaries for small coastal models (1: yes, 0: no) Maxitverticalforestersal = 0 # Forester iterations for salinity (0: no vertical filter for salinity, > 0: max nr of iterations) Maxitverticalforestertem = 0 # Forester iterations for temperature (0: no vertical filter for temperature, > 0: max nr of iterations) Turbulencemodel = 3 # Turbulence model (0: none, 1: constant, 2: algebraic, 3: k-epsilon, 4: k-tau) Turbulenceadvection = 3 # Turbulence advection (0: none, 3: horizontally explicit and vertically implicit) Eddyviscositybedfacmax = 0. # Limit eddy viscosity at bed ) AntiCreep = 0 # Include anti-creep calculation (0: no, 1: yes) Barocterm = 2 # (original = 1, current = 2 ) Maxwaterleveldiff = 0. # upper bound (in m) on water level changes (<= 0: no bounds). Run will abort when violated. Maxvelocitydiff = 0. # upper bound (in m/s) on velocity changes (<= 0: no bounds). Run will abort when violated. MinTimestepBreak = 0. # smallest allowed timestep (in s), checked on a sliding average of several timesteps. Run will abort when violated. Epshu = 1.d-4 # Threshold water depth for wet and dry cells SobekDFM_umin = 0. # Minimal velocity treshold for weir losses in Sobek-DFM coupling. SobekDFM_umin_method = 0 # Method for minimal velocity treshold for weir losses in Sobek-DFM coupling. SobekDFM_Minimal_1d2d_Embankment = 1.d-2 # Minimal crest height of 1D2D SOBEK-DFM embankments. sobekDFM_relax = 0.1 # Relaxation factor for SOBEK-DFM coupling algorithm. Vertadvtypmom = 3 # vertical advection for u1: 0: No, 3: Upwind implicit, 4: Central implicit, 5: QUICKEST implicit., 6: centerbased upwind expl jaupwindsrc = 1 # 1st-order upwind advection at sources/sinks (1) or higher-order (0) jasfer3D = 0 # corrections for spherical coordinates vicouv_filter = 0. # artificial viscosity for filtering (m2/s) LocSaltLev = 1. # salinity level for case of lock exchange LocSaltMin = 5. # minimum salinity for case of lock exchange LocSaltMax = 10. # maximum salinity for case of lock exchange Numlimdt_baorg = 0 # if previous numlimdt > Numlimdt_baorg keep original cell area ba in cutcell Baorgfracmin = 0. # Cell area = max(orgcellarea*Baorgfracmin, cutcell area) [physics] UnifFrictCoef = 50. # Uniform friction coefficient (0: no friction) UnifFrictType = 0 # Uniform friction type (0: Chezy, 1: Manning, 2: White-Colebrook, 3: idem, WAQUA style) UnifFrictCoef1D = 50. # Uniform friction coefficient in 1D links (0: no friction) UnifFrictCoef1D2D = 50. # Uniform friction coefficient in 1D links (0: no friction) UnifFrictCoefLin = 0. # Uniform linear friction coefficient (0: no friction) UnifFrictCoef1DgrLay = 5.d-2 # Uniform ground layer friction coefficient for ocean models (m/s) (0: no friction) Umodlin = 1. # Linear friction umod, for ifrctyp=4,5,6 Vicouv = 1. # Uniform horizontal eddy viscosity (m2/s) Dicouv = 1. # Uniform horizontal eddy diffusivity (m2/s) Vicoww = 5.d-5 # Uniform vertical eddy viscosity (m2/s) Dicoww = 5.d-5 # Uniform vertical eddy diffusivity (m2/s) Vicwminb = 0. # Minimum visc in prod and buoyancy term (m2/s) Xlozmidov = 0. # Ozmidov length scale (m), default=0.0, no contribution of internal waves to vertical diffusion Smagorinsky = 0. # Smagorinsky factor in horizontal turbulence, e.g. 0.15 Elder = 0. # Elder factor in horizontal turbulence irov = 0 # 0=free slip, 1 = partial slip using wall_ks wall_ks = 0. # Wall roughness type (0: free slip, 1: partial slip using wall_ks) Rhomean = 1000. # Average water density (kg/m3) Idensform = 1 # Density calulation (0: uniform, 1: Eckard, 2: Unesco, 3: baroclinic case) Ag = 9.81 # Gravitational acceleration TidalForcing = 0 # Tidal forcing, if jsferic=1 (0: no, 1: yes) SelfAttractionLoading = 0 # Self attraction and loading (0=no, 1=yes, 2=only self attraction) ITcap = 0. # Upper limit on internal tides dissipation (W/m^2) Doodsonstart = 55.565 # TRIWAQ: 55.565, D3D: 57.555 Doodsonstop = 375.575 # TRIWAQ: 375.575, D3D: 275.555 Doodsoneps = 3.d-2 # TRIWAQ = 0.0 400 cmps , D3D = 0.03 60 cmps VillemonteCD1 = 1. # Calibration coefficient for Villemonte. Default = 1.0. NB. For Bloemberg data set 0.8 is recommended. VillemonteCD2 = 10. # Calibration coefficient for Villemonte. Default = 10.0. NB. For Bloemberg data set 0.8 is recommended. Salinity = 0 # Include salinity, (0=no, 1=yes) InitialSalinity = 0. # Uniform initial salinity concentration (ppt) Sal0abovezlev = -999. # Vertical level (m) above which salinity is set 0 DeltaSalinity = -999. # for testcases Salimax = -999. # Limit the salinity Salimin = 0. # Limit the salinity Backgroundsalinity = 30. # Background salinity for eqn. of state (ppt) Backgroundwatertemperature = 20. # Background water temperature for eqn. of state (deg C) Temperature = 0 # Include temperature (0: no, 1: only transport, 3: excess model of D3D, 5: composite (ocean) model) InitialTemperature = 6. # Uniform initial water temperature (degC) Secchidepth = 1. # Water clarity parameter (m) Stanton = -1. # Coefficient for convective heat flux, if negative, Ccon = abs(Stanton)*Cdwind Dalton = -1. # Coefficient for evaporative heat flux, if negative, Ceva = abs(Dalton)*Cdwind Tempmax = -999. # Limit the temperature Tempmin = 0. # Limit the temperature Surftempsmofac = 0. # Hor . Smoothing factor for surface water in heatflx comp. (0.0-1.0), 0=no Soiltempthick = 0.1 # Use soil temperature buffer if > 0, e.g. 0.2 (m) Heat_eachstep = 1 # 1=heat each timestep, 0=heat each usertimestep SecondaryFlow = 0 # Secondary flow (0: no, 1: yes) BetaSpiral = 0. # Weight factor of the spiral flow intensity on flow dispersion stresses Equili = 0 # Equilibrium spiral flow intensity (0: no, 1: yes) [sediment] Sedimentmodelnr = 4 # Sediment model nr, (0=no, 1=Krone, 2=SvR2007, 3=E-H, 4=MorphologyModule) SedFile = test011d.sed # Sediment characteristics file (*.sed) MorFile = test011d.mor # Morphology settings file (*.mor) DredgeFile = # Dredging/dumping settings file (*.dad) TransportVelocity = 1 # Velocities for sediment transport, 0=Lagr bed+sus, 1=Eul bed + Lagr sus, 2=Eul bed+sus [veg] Vegetationmodelnr = 0 # Vegetation model nr, (0=no, 1=Baptist DFM) Clveg = 0.8 # Stem distance factor, default 0.8 () Cdveg = 0.7 # Stem Cd coefficient , default 0.7 () Cbveg = 0. # Stem stiffness coefficient , default 0.7 () Rhoveg = 0. # Stem Rho, if > 0, -> bouyant stick procedure, default 0.0 () Stemheightstd = 0. # Stem height standard deviation fraction, e.g. 0.1 () Densvegminbap = 0. # Minimum vegetation density in Baptist formula (1/m2) [wind] ICdtyp = 2 # Wind drag coefficient type (1=Const; 2=Smith&Banke (2 pts); 3=S&B (3 pts); 4=Charnock 1955, 5=Hwang 2005, 6=Wuest 2005, 7=Hersbach 2010 (2 pts) Cdbreakpoints = 6.3d-4 7.23d-3 # Wind drag coefficient break points Windspeedbreakpoints = 0. 100. # Wind speed break points (m/s) Relativewind = 0 # Wind speed relative to top-layer water speed, 1=yes, 0 = no) Rhoair = 1.2 # Air density (kg/m3) PavBnd = 0. # Average air pressure on open boundaries (N/m2) (only applied if > 0) Pavini = 0. # Average air pressure for initial water level correction (N/m2) (only applied if > 0) [grw] groundwater = 0 # 0=No (horizontal) groundwater flow, 1=With groundwater flow Infiltrationmodel = 0 # 0=No infiltration, 1=infiltration=interceptionlayer (with grw), 2=infiltration=Infiltrationcapacity, 3=model unsaturated/saturated (with grw) ( ) Hinterceptionlayer = 0. # Intercept this amount of rain (m) UnifInfiltrationCapacity = 0. # Uniform maximum infiltration capacity (m/s) Conductivity = 0. # non dimensionless K conductivity saturated (m/s), Q = K*A*i (m3/s) h_aquiferuni = 20. # bgrw = bl - h_aquiferuni (m), if negative, bgrw = bgrwuni h_unsatini = 0.200000002980232 # initial level groundwater is bedlevel - h_unsatini (m), if negative, sgrw = sgrwini [waves] Wavemodelnr = 0 # Wave model nr. (0: none, 1: fetch/depth limited hurdlestive, 2: Young-Verhagen, 3: SWAN, 4: wave group forcing, 5: uniform Wavenikuradse = 1.d-2 # Wave friction Nikuradse ks coefficient (m), used in Krone-Swart Rouwav = FR84 # Friction model for wave induced shear stress: FR84 (default) or: MS90, HT91, GM79, DS88, BK67, CJ85, OY88, VR04 Gammax = 1. # Maximum wave height/water depth ratio uorbfac = 0 # Orbital velocities: 0=D3D style; 1=Guza style jahissigwav = 1 # 1: sign wave height on his output; 0: hrms wave height on his output. Default=1. jamapsigwav = 0 # 1: sign wave height on map output; 0: hrms wave height on map output. Default=0 (legacy behaviour). hminlw = 0.2 # Cut-off depth for application of wave forces in momentum balance [time] RefDate = 20140101 # Reference date (yyyymmdd) Tzone = 0. # Time zone assigned to input time series DtUser = 120. # Time interval (s) for external forcing update DtNodal = 120. # Time interval (s) for updating nodal factors in astronomical boundary conditions DtMax = 120. # Maximal computation timestep (s) Dtfacmax = 1.1 # Max timestep increase factor ( ) DtInit = 120. # Initial computation timestep (s) Timestepanalysis = 0 # 0=no, 1=see file *.steps Autotimestepdiff = 0 # 0 = no, 1 = yes (Time limitation based on explicit diffusive term) Tunit = M # Time unit for start/stop times (D, H, M or S) TStart = 0. # Start time w.r.t. RefDate (in TUnit) TStop = 172800. # Stop time w.r.t. RefDate (in TUnit) [restart] RestartFile = # Restart netcdf-file, either *_rst.nc or *_map.nc RestartDateTime = yyyymmdd_HHMMSS # Restart date and time (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) when restarting from *_map.nc [external forcing] ExtForceFile = c32.ext # Old format for external forcings file *.ext, link with tim/cmp-format boundary conditions specification ExtForceFileNew = # New format for external forcings file *.ext, link with bc-format boundary conditions specification Rainfall = 0 # Include rainfall, (0=no, 1=yes) Evaporation = 0 # Include evaporation in water balance, (0=no, 1=yes) [trachytopes] TrtRou = # Include alluvial and vegetation roughness (trachytopes) (Y: yes, N: no) TrtDef = # File (*.ttd) including trachytope definitions TrtL = # File (*.arl) including distribution of trachytope definitions DtTrt = 120. # Trachytope roughness update time interval (s) [calibration] UseCalibration = 0 # Activate calibration factor friction multiplier (1 = yes, 0 = no) DefinitionFile = # File (*.cld) including calibration definitions AreaFile = # File (*.cll) including area distribution of calibration definitions [output] OutputDir = dflowfmoutput # Output directory of map-, his-, rst-, dat- and timings-files, default: DFM_OUTPUT_. Set to . for current dir. FlowGeomFile = # Flow geometry NetCDF *_flowgeom.nc ObsFile = c32_obs.xyn # Points file *.xyn with observation stations with rows x, y, station name CrsFile = c32_crs.pli # Polyline file *_crs.pli defining observation cross sections FouFile = # Fourier analysis input file *.fou HisFile = # HisFile name *_his.nc MapFile = # MapFile name *_map.nc HisInterval = 3600. 0. 10368000. # History output times, given as "interval" "start period" "end period" (s) XLSInterval = 0. # Interval (s) between XLS history MapInterval = 86400. 0. 10368000. # Map file output, given as "interval" "start period" "end period" (s) RstInterval = 2592000. 0. 10368000.# Restart file output times, given as "interval" "start period" "end period" (s) S1incinterval = 0. # Interval (m) in incremental file for water levels S1 WaqInterval = 0. 0. 10368000. # DELWAQ output times, given as "interval" "start period" "end period" (s) ClassMapInterval = 0. 0. 0. # Class map output times, given as "interval" "start period" "end period" (s) StatsInterval = -5. # Screen step output interval in seconds simulation time, if negative in seconds wall clock time WriteBalancefile = 0 # Write balance file (1: yes, 0: no) TimingsInterval = 0. # Timings statistics output interval TimeSplitInterval = 0X # Time splitting interval, after which a new output file is started. value+unit, e.g. '1 M', valid units: Y,M,D,h,m,s. MapFormat = 4 # Map file format, 1: netCDF, 2: Tecplot, 3: netCFD and Tecplot, 4: NetCDF-UGRID Wrihis_balance = 1 # Write mass balance totals to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_sourcesink = 1 # Write sources-sinks statistics to his file (1=yes, 0=no) Wrihis_structure_gen = 1 # Write general structure parameters to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_structure_dam = 1 # Write dam parameters to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_structure_pump = 1 # Write pump parameters to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_structure_gate = 1 # Write gate parameters to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_structure_weir = 1 # Write weir parameters to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_turbulence = 1 # Write k, eps and vicww to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_wind = 1 # Write wind velocities to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_rain = 1 # Write precipitation to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_temperature = 1 # Write temperature to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_waves = 1 # Write wave data to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_heat_fluxes = 0 # Write heat fluxes to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_salinity = 1 # Write salinity to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_density = 1 # Write density to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_waterlevel_s1 = 1 # Write water level to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_bedlevel = 1 # Write bed level to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_waterdepth = 0 # Write waterd epth to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_velocity_vector = 1 # Write velocity vectors to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_upward_velocity_component = 0 # Write upward velocity to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_sediment = 1 # Write sediment transport to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_constituents = 1 # Write tracers to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrihis_zcor = 1 # Write vertical coordinates to his file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_waterlevel_s0 = 1 # Write water levels for previous time step to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_waterlevel_s1 = 1 # Write water levels to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_volume1 = 0 # Write volumes to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_velocity_component_u0 = 1 # Write velocity component for previous time step to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_velocity_component_u1 = 1 # Write velocity component to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_velocity_vector = 1 # Write cell-center velocity vectors to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_velocity_magnitude = 1 # Write cell-center velocity vector magnitude to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_velocity_vectorq = 0 # Write cell-center velocity vectors (discharge-based) to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_upward_velocity_component = 1 # Write upward velocity component on cell interfaces (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_density_rho = 1 # Write flow density to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_horizontal_viscosity_viu = 1 # Write horizontal viscosity to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_horizontal_diffusivity_diu = 1 # Write horizontal diffusivity to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_flow_flux_q1 = 1 # Write flow flux to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_flow_flux_q1_main = 0 # Write flow flux in main channel to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_numlimdt = 1 # Write the number times a cell was Courant limiting to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_taucurrent = 1 # Write the shear stress to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_chezy = 1 # Write the chezy roughness to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_sediment = 1 # Write sediment fractions to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_turbulence = 1 # Write vicww, k and eps to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrimap_wind = 1 # Write wind velocities to map file (1: yes, 0: no) Writek_CdWind = 1 # Write wind friction coeffs to tek file (1: yes, 0: no) Wrishp_crs = 0 # Write a shape file for cress sections Wrishp_obs = 0 # Write a shape file for observation points Wrishp_weir = 0 # Write a shape file for weirs Wrishp_thd = 0 # Write a shape file for thin dams Wrishp_gate = 0 # Write a shape file for gates Wrishp_emb = 0 # Write a shape file for embankments Wrishp_fxw = 0 # Write a shape file for fixed weirs Wrishp_src = 0 # Write a shape file for sourse-sinks Wrishp_pump = 0 # Write a shape file for pumps Wrishp_dryarea = 0 # Write a shape file for dry areas Writepart_domain = 1 # Write partition domain info. for postprocessing Richardsononoutput = 0 # Write Richardson numbers (1: yes, 0: no) Wrishp_crs = 0 # Write grid-snapped cross sections to shapefile (1: yes, 0: no) Wrishp_obs = 0 # Write grid-snapped observation stations to shapefile (1: yes, 0: no) Wrishp_weir = 0 # Write grid-snapped weirs to shapefile (1: yes, 0: no) Wrishp_thd = 0 # Write grid-snapped thin dams to shapefile (1: yes, 0: no) Wrishp_gate = 0 # Write grid-snapped gates to shapefile (1: yes, 0: no) Wrishp_emb = 0 # Write grid-snapped 1d2d embankments to shapefile (1: yes, 0: no) Wrishp_fxw = 0 # Write grid-snapped fixed weirs to shapefile (1: yes, 0: no) Wrishp_src = 0 # Write grid-snapped source-sinks to shapefile (1: yes, 0: no) Wrishp_pump = 0 # Write grid-snapped pumps to shapefile (1: yes, 0: no) WriteDFMinterpretedvalues = 0 # Write DFMinterpretedvalues (1: yes, 0: no) MapOutputTimeVector = # File (*.mpt) containing fixed map output times (s) w.r.t. RefDate FullGridOutput = 0 # Full grid output mode (0: compact, 1: full time-varying grid data) EulerVelocities = 0 # Euler velocities output (0: GLM, 1: Euler velocities) Wrirst_bnd = 1 # Write waterlevel, bedlevel and coordinates of boundaries to restart files [particles] ParticlesFile = AddTracer = 0 # add tracer (1) or not (other) StartTime = 0. # starttime (if >0) TimeStep = 0. # time step (>0) or every computational time step 3Dtype = 0 # 3D type: depth averaged (0) or free surface (1) ** INFO : ** ** INFO : Start of the computation time loop ** INFO : Writing initial output to file(s)... ** DEBUG : Opened NetCDF file 'dflowfmoutput\c32_his.nc' as #196608. ** DEBUG : Opened NetCDF file 'dflowfmoutput\c32_map.nc' as #262144. ** DEBUG : Opened NetCDF file 'dflowfmoutput\c32_20140101_000000_rst.nc' as #327680. ** DEBUG : Closed NetCDF file 'dflowfmoutput\c32_20140101_000000_rst.nc. ** INFO : Done writing initial output to file(s). ** INFO : Sim. time done Sim. time left Real time used Real time left Steps left Complete% Interval-averaged time step ** INFO : 0d 0:04:00 119d 23:56:00 0d 0:00:00 0d 0:07:12 86398 0.0% 0.00000 ** INFO : 1d 20:50:00 118d 3:10:00 0d 0:00:05 0d 0:05:06 85055 1.6% 118.84956 ** INFO : 3d 13:32:00 116d 10:28:00 0d 0:00:10 0d 0:05:19 83834 3.0% 120.00000 ** INFO : 5d 8:12:00 114d 15:48:00 0d 0:00:15 0d 0:05:15 82554 4.5% 120.00000 ** INFO : 7d 3:18:00 112d 20:42:00 0d 0:00:20 0d 0:05:10 81261 5.9% 120.00000 ** INFO : 8d 22:30:00 111d 1:30:00 0d 0:00:25 0d 0:05:05 79965 7.4% 120.00000 ** INFO : 10d 18:42:00 109d 5:18:00 0d 0:00:30 0d 0:04:59 78639 9.0% 120.00000 ** INFO : 12d 17:04:00 107d 6:56:00 0d 0:00:34 0d 0:04:51 77248 10.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 14d 15:28:00 105d 8:32:00 0d 0:00:39 0d 0:04:43 75856 12.2% 120.00000 ** INFO : 16d 13:46:00 103d 10:14:00 0d 0:00:44 0d 0:04:36 74467 13.8% 120.00000 ** INFO : 18d 12:10:00 101d 11:50:00 0d 0:00:49 0d 0:04:30 73075 15.4% 120.00000 ** INFO : 20d 10:32:00 99d 13:28:00 0d 0:00:54 0d 0:04:24 71684 17.0% 120.00000 ** INFO : 22d 8:52:00 97d 15:08:00 0d 0:00:59 0d 0:04:18 70294 18.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 24d 7:16:00 95d 16:44:00 0d 0:01:04 0d 0:04:12 68902 20.3% 120.00000 ** INFO : 26d 5:42:00 93d 18:18:00 0d 0:01:09 0d 0:04:06 67509 21.9% 120.00000 ** INFO : 28d 4:04:00 91d 19:56:00 0d 0:01:14 0d 0:04:01 66118 23.5% 120.00000 ** DEBUG : Opened NetCDF file 'dflowfmoutput\c32_20140131_000000_rst.nc' as #327680. ** DEBUG : Closed NetCDF file 'dflowfmoutput\c32_20140131_000000_rst.nc. ** INFO : 30d 2:22:00 89d 21:38:00 0d 0:01:19 0d 0:03:55 64729 25.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 32d 0:46:00 87d 23:14:00 0d 0:01:24 0d 0:03:50 63337 26.7% 120.00000 ** INFO : 33d 23:10:00 86d 0:50:00 0d 0:01:29 0d 0:03:45 61945 28.3% 120.00000 ** INFO : 35d 21:34:00 84d 2:26:00 0d 0:01:34 0d 0:03:39 60553 29.9% 120.00000 ** INFO : 37d 20:02:00 82d 3:58:00 0d 0:01:39 0d 0:03:34 59159 31.5% 120.00000 ** INFO : 39d 18:16:00 80d 5:44:00 0d 0:01:43 0d 0:03:29 57772 33.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 41d 16:42:00 78d 7:18:00 0d 0:01:48 0d 0:03:24 56379 34.7% 120.00000 ** INFO : 43d 15:12:00 76d 8:48:00 0d 0:01:53 0d 0:03:18 54984 36.4% 120.00000 ** INFO : 45d 13:38:00 74d 10:22:00 0d 0:01:58 0d 0:03:13 53591 38.0% 120.00000 ** INFO : 47d 12:08:00 72d 11:52:00 0d 0:02:03 0d 0:03:08 52196 39.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 49d 7:30:00 70d 16:30:00 0d 0:02:08 0d 0:03:04 50895 41.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 51d 2:42:00 68d 21:18:00 0d 0:02:13 0d 0:02:59 49599 42.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 52d 21:54:00 67d 2:06:00 0d 0:02:18 0d 0:02:55 48303 44.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 54d 17:08:00 65d 6:52:00 0d 0:02:23 0d 0:02:51 47006 45.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 56d 12:22:00 63d 11:38:00 0d 0:02:28 0d 0:02:46 45709 47.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 58d 7:36:00 61d 16:24:00 0d 0:02:33 0d 0:02:42 44412 48.6% 120.00000 ** DEBUG : Opened NetCDF file 'dflowfmoutput\c32_20140302_000000_rst.nc' as #327680. ** DEBUG : Closed NetCDF file 'dflowfmoutput\c32_20140302_000000_rst.nc. ** INFO : 60d 2:38:00 59d 21:22:00 0d 0:02:38 0d 0:02:37 43121 50.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 61d 21:52:00 58d 2:08:00 0d 0:02:43 0d 0:02:33 41824 51.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 63d 17:04:00 56d 6:56:00 0d 0:02:48 0d 0:02:28 40528 53.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 65d 12:18:00 54d 11:42:00 0d 0:02:53 0d 0:02:23 39231 54.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 67d 7:32:00 52d 16:28:00 0d 0:02:57 0d 0:02:19 37934 56.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 69d 2:46:00 50d 21:14:00 0d 0:03:02 0d 0:02:14 36637 57.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 70d 22:02:00 49d 1:58:00 0d 0:03:07 0d 0:02:10 35339 59.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 72d 17:16:00 47d 6:44:00 0d 0:03:12 0d 0:02:05 34042 60.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 74d 12:32:00 45d 11:28:00 0d 0:03:17 0d 0:02:00 32744 62.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 76d 7:12:00 43d 16:48:00 0d 0:03:22 0d 0:01:56 31464 63.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 78d 2:28:00 41d 21:32:00 0d 0:03:27 0d 0:01:51 30166 65.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 79d 21:46:00 40d 2:14:00 0d 0:03:32 0d 0:01:46 28867 66.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 81d 17:04:00 38d 6:56:00 0d 0:03:37 0d 0:01:42 27568 68.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 83d 12:18:00 36d 11:42:00 0d 0:03:42 0d 0:01:37 26271 69.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 85d 7:32:00 34d 16:28:00 0d 0:03:47 0d 0:01:32 24974 71.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 87d 2:44:00 32d 21:16:00 0d 0:03:52 0d 0:01:27 23678 72.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 88d 21:54:00 31d 2:06:00 0d 0:03:57 0d 0:01:23 22383 74.1% 120.00000 ** DEBUG : Opened NetCDF file 'dflowfmoutput\c32_20140401_000000_rst.nc' as #327680. ** DEBUG : Closed NetCDF file 'dflowfmoutput\c32_20140401_000000_rst.nc. ** INFO : 90d 16:56:00 29d 7:04:00 0d 0:04:02 0d 0:01:18 21092 75.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 92d 12:08:00 27d 11:52:00 0d 0:04:07 0d 0:01:13 19796 77.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 94d 7:20:00 25d 16:40:00 0d 0:04:11 0d 0:01:09 18500 78.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 96d 2:32:00 23d 21:28:00 0d 0:04:16 0d 0:01:04 17204 80.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 97d 21:44:00 22d 2:16:00 0d 0:04:21 0d 0:00:59 15908 81.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 99d 16:56:00 20d 7:04:00 0d 0:04:26 0d 0:00:54 14612 83.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 101d 12:08:00 18d 11:52:00 0d 0:04:31 0d 0:00:49 13316 84.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 103d 7:14:00 16d 16:46:00 0d 0:04:36 0d 0:00:45 12023 86.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 105d 2:26:00 14d 21:34:00 0d 0:04:41 0d 0:00:40 10727 87.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 106d 21:34:00 13d 2:26:00 0d 0:04:46 0d 0:00:35 9433 89.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 108d 16:44:00 11d 7:16:00 0d 0:04:51 0d 0:00:30 8138 90.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 110d 11:28:00 9d 12:32:00 0d 0:04:56 0d 0:00:26 6856 92.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 112d 6:44:00 7d 17:16:00 0d 0:05:01 0d 0:00:21 5558 93.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 114d 2:00:00 5d 22:00:00 0d 0:05:06 0d 0:00:16 4260 95.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 115d 21:12:00 4d 2:48:00 0d 0:05:11 0d 0:00:11 2964 96.6% 120.00000 ** INFO : 117d 16:26:00 2d 7:34:00 0d 0:05:16 0d 0:00:06 1667 98.1% 120.00000 ** INFO : 119d 11:40:00 0d 12:20:00 0d 0:05:21 0d 0:00:01 370 99.6% 120.00000 ** DEBUG : Opened NetCDF file 'dflowfmoutput\c32_20140501_000000_rst.nc' as #327680. ** DEBUG : Closed NetCDF file 'dflowfmoutput\c32_20140501_000000_rst.nc. ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : nr of netnodes ( ) : 45 ** INFO : nr of netlinks ( ) : 44 ** INFO : nr of flownodes ( ) : 44 ** INFO : nr of openbnd cells ( ) : 2 ** INFO : nr of 1D-flownodes ( ) : 41 ** INFO : model area (m2) : 0.2050100000E+07 ** INFO : model volume (m3) : 0.1020617385E+08 ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : nr of timesteps ( ) : 86412.0000000000 ** INFO : average timestep (s) : 119.9833356478 ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : simulation period (d) : 120.0000000000 ** INFO : total computation time (d) : 0.0037864815 ** INFO : time modelinit (d) : 0.0000015162 ** INFO : time steps (+ plots) (d) : 0.0037849653 ** INFO : ** INFO : simulation period (h) : 2880.0000000000 ** INFO : total computation time (h) : 0.0908755556 ** INFO : time modelinit (h) : 0.0000363889 ** INFO : time steps (+ plots) (h) : 0.0908391667 ** INFO : ** INFO : simulation period (s) : 10368000.0000000000 ** INFO : total computation time (s) : 327.1520000000 ** INFO : time modelinit (s) : 0.1310000000 ** INFO : time steps (+ plots) (s) : 327.0210000000 ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : time inistep (s) : 127.6980000016 ** INFO : time setumod (s) : 2.6429999997 ** INFO : time furu (s) : 0.9100000001 ** INFO : time solve (s) : 5.9060000003 ** INFO : time setexternalforc. (s) : 0.1530000000 ** INFO : time setexternalfbnd. (s) : 3.2069999998 ** INFO : time steps (s) : 321.9740000000 ** INFO : fraction solve/steps ( ) : 0.0183430960 ** INFO : total/(dnt*ndx) (s) : 0.0000860100 ** INFO : av nr of cont. it s1it ( ) : 2.9944221356 ** INFO : time transport [s] : 1.4040000000 ** INFO : time debug [s] : 0.0000000000 ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : Computation started at: 09:53:26, 09-09-2018 ** INFO : Computation finished at: 09:58:53, 09-09-2018 ** INFO : ** INFO : simulation period (h) : 2880.0000000000 ** INFO : total time in timeloop (h) : 0.0908391667 ** INFO : MPI : no. ** INFO : OpenMP : unavailable. ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : Opened file : dflowfmoutput\c32_numlimdt.xyz ** INFO : Closed file : dflowfmoutput\c32_numlimdt.xyz ** INFO :