[MorphologyFileInformation] FileCreatedBy = Delft3D FLOW-GUI, Version: 3.56.29165 FileCreationDate = Wed Dec 10 2014, 09:13:48 FileVersion = 02.00 [Morphology] MorFac = 1 [-] Morphological scale factor MorStt = 1440 [TUnit] Spin-up interval from TStart till start of morphological changes MorUpd = true Update bathymetry during FLOW simulation BcFil = #test010f.bcm# Name of morphological boundary condition file [Boundary] Name = #bc_us_T1_dis# Name of boundary node IBedCond = 2 0: bed level free 1: bed level fixed 2: time series depth m 3: depth change prescribed depth change m/s 4: transport incl pores prescribed transport incl pores m3/s 5: transport excl pores prescribed transport excl pores m3/s [Boundary] Name = #bc_ds_T1_waterlevel# Name of boundary node IBedCond = 0 0: bed level free 1: bed level fixed 2: time series depth m 3: depth change prescribed depth change m/s 4: transport incl pores prescribed transport incl pores m3/s 5: transport excl pores prescribed transport excl pores m3/s [Output] Dm = false Dg = false HidExp = false WithPores = true Bedslope = true Percentiles = 16 50 84 90 [Numerics] FluxLimiter = #None#