sobek , 1 ; Run ID , 2 ; Controlling file (empty is no controlling) I RUNOFF.out , 3 ; qlat.tbl , 4 ; Tabel met id's lateral discharges I sobek.rtn , 5 ; Return code file O output\calcpnt.his , 6 ; output file putten (PLUV) output\reachseg.his , 7 ; output file strengen (PLUV) , 8 ; output file nodes (PLUV) , 9 ; output file reaches (PLUV) , 10 ; output file specified points (FLOW) output\struc.his , 11 ; output file structures (PLUV ,FLOW) O output\qlat.his , 12 ; output file lateral dischrges (PLUV ,FLOW) output\qwb.his , 13 ; output file water balans (PLUV ,FLOW) , 14 ; output file branches (FLOW) , 15 ; output file opp (FLOW) , 16 ; vaste reach data (PLUV) , 17 ; sobek-locaties waar maalstop naar kijkt , 18 ; van sobek naar maalstop op basis van sbkprior.inp , 19 ; voor interne conversie nodes-id's in sobeksim , 20 ; , 21 ; , 22 ; besys.inp , file met locaties debiet + waterstand metingen , 23 ; besysin.his , output van sobek met peilen en debieten op locaties , 24 ; besys.str , file met id's regelbare structures , 25 ; besysout.his , file met input voor sobek met streefpeilen voor PID contrl.tbl , 26 ; contrl.tbl , conversie id's van Controllers I branch.tbl , 27 ; branch.tbl , conversie id's van branches I sobeksim.lng , 28 ; titels met uitvoerdata I , 29 ; keuze uitvoerdata casedesc.cmt , 30 ; casenaam I , 31 ; takdimensies (lengte , bodembreedte/peildiameter) , 32 ; knoopdimensies (bop , oppervlak) output\reachvol.his , 33 ; output file branch volumes for Delwaq output\nodesvol.his , 34 ; output file node volumes for Delwaq output\reachflw.his , 35 ; output file branch flows for Delwaq , 36 sobeksim.ini , 37 ; file with initial settings I , 38 ; output\strucdim.his , 39 ; structure dimensions O , 40 ; , 41 ; simloc.inp , 42 ; file with waterlevels and discharges at RTC locations sbk_rtc.his , 43 ; his-file with waterlevels and discharges on measurement locations rtc_sbk.his , 44 ; his-file with setpoints from RTC for structures in Sobeksim , 45 , 46 output\measstat.his , 47 output\flow_bal.out , 48 ; flow balances O output\struc_cr.his , 49 ; crash file in case of time step too small for structures branch.tbl , 50 ; branch id file I node.tbl , 51 ; node id file I struct.tbl , 52 ; struct id file I qlat.tbl , 53 ; lateral discharge id file I output\sobek.log , 54 ; sobeksim log file O output\timers.his , 55 , 56 grid.tbl , 57 ; grid id file I reachdwn.tbl , 58 ; reach grid down id file I output\reachdim.his , 59 ; reach dimensions O output\calcdim.his , 60 ; grid dimensions O output\reach_cr.his , 61 ; crash file in case of time step too small for reach grid output\nodes_cr.his , 62 ; crash file in case of time step too small for grid points output\flowanal.his , 63 ; flow analysis file reachup.tbl , 64 ; reach grid up id file I indicat.flw , 65 ; text file with indication of velocity exceedence , 66 , 67 output\triggers.his , 68 ; history file for triggers (on/off) output\controll.his , 69 ; history file for controllers (on/off) output\pump.his , 70 ; history file for pump output d12.inp , 71 2dhist.tbl , 72 output\ , 73 output\ , 74 output\ , 75 output\ , 76 output\ , 77 output\flshis.his , 78 sobekfiles\RSDUMMY.DUM , 79 fls restart input file sobekfiles\RSDUMMY.DUM , 80 fls restart output file sobek.mda , 81 ; Run ID I sobek.mdf , 82 ; Run ID I sobek.rda , 83 ; Run ID sobek.rdf , 84 ; Run ID sobek.nda , 85 ; Run ID sobek.ndf , 86 ; Run ID output\fls_gis.hlf , 87 fls gis file header list file O 2dcr.tbl , 88 fls meetraai table I output\rsegsub.his , 89 ; voor uitvoer uit subsecties , 90 ; structup.tbl , 91 I structdwn.tbl , 92 I output\flw_conv.tbl , 93 conveyance tables for each y-z cross output\struc_sf.his , 94 structure output file incase of sewer + multiple storm O sobekfiles\License.dat , 95 license file output\2DPoint.dat , 96 output\ , 97 output\2DNrOfEx.dat , 98 output\2DVolume.dat , 99 output\2DNrOfSg.dat , 100 output\2DDelwaq.m2b , 101 output\2dSobek.srf , 102 output\2DFlow.dat , 103 output\2DLength.dat , 104 output\2DArea.dat , 105 output\2dSobek.chz , 106 output\2dMonit.dat , 107 Monitoring locations for 2D WQ output\2DVeloc.dat , 108 Velocities for 2DWQ , 109 reserved for 2D WQ , 110 reserved for 2D WQ sobeksim_progress.txt , 111 progress file for simulate , 112 output\dump.txt , 113 , 114 , 115 groundwater interaction: configuration file , 116 (groundwater interaction: required volumes) , 117 groundwater interaction: realized volumes , 118 groundwater interaction: water balance , 119 groundwater interaction: upstream heads , 120 groundwater interaction: downstream heads output\morph-gr.his , 121 Morphology results at grid points O output\morph-se.his , 122 Morphology results at reach segments O , 123 , 124 , 125 , 126 , 127 , 128 , 129 , 130