Configfile:dimr_config.xml OMP_NUM_THREADS is 2 Working directory: p:\dflowfm\projects\2021_pure1d\06_simulations\03_bifurcation\12\r010 executing: "p:\dflowfm\projects\2021_pure1d\08_executables\dimrset_x64_BJ\x64\dimr\scripts\..\..\..\x64\dimr\bin\dimr.exe" -d 0 dimr_config.xml Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.774] #0 >> Deltares, DIMR_EXE Version, Jan 30 2022, 08:57:43 Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.776] #0 >> Loading dimr library "dimr_dll.dll" Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.789] #0 >> dimr_dll.dll.SetVar(redirectFile,stdout/stderr) Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.789] #0 >> dimr_lib:set_var Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.790] #0 >> dimr_dll.dll.SetVar(useMPI,0) Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.791] #0 >> dimr_lib:set_var Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.792] #0 >> dimr_dll.dll.SetVar(numRanks,1) Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.792] #0 >> dimr_lib:set_var Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.793] #0 >> dimr_dll.dll.SetVar(myRank,0) Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.793] #0 >> dimr_lib:set_var Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.794] #0 >> dimr_dll.dll.SetVar(debugLevel,0) Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.795] #0 >> dimr_lib:set_var Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.796] #0 >> Log level set to ALL Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.796] #0 >> dimr_lib:set_var Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.797] #0 >> feedbackLevel set to ALL Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.798] #0 >> dimr_dll.dll.Initialize(dimr_config.xml) Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.798] #0 >> Deltares, DIMR_LIB Version, Jan 30 2022, 08:57:33 Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.799] #0 >> dimr_dll:initialize(dimr_config.xml) Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.829] #0 >> Build controlBlock administration by scanning the XmlTree Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.831] #0 >> INFO: "" not specified for component "myNameDFlowFM". Assuming it only runs on rank #0. Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.832] #0 >> Loading library "dflowfm.dll" Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.870] #0 >> Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.871] #0 >> Version Information of Components Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.872] #0 >> ================================= Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.873] #0 >> dflowfm : Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.874] #0 >> --------------------------------- Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.874] #0 >> Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:18.875] #0 >> myNameDFlowFM.Initialize(Flow1D.mdu) ** DEBUG : 0 0.1000010 NOD(KMAX) ** DEBUG : 6 0.7000070 XK (KMAX), YK (KMAX), ZK (KMAX), KC (KMAX), NMK (KMAX), RNOD(KMAX) loading model ** WARNING: MDU setting "Wrihis_temperature = 1" asks to write temperature to the output his file, but no temperature is involved due to MDU setting "Temperature = 0". So we set "Wrihis_temperature = 0" and do not write temperature to his file. Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:19.065] #0 >> kernel: MDU setting "Wrihis_temperature = 1" asks to write temperature to the output his file, but no temperature is involved due to MDU setting "Temperature = 0". So we set "Wrihis_temperature = 0" and do not write temperature to his file. ** WARNING: MDU setting "Wrihis_salinity = 1" asks to write salinity to the output his file, but no salinity is involved due to MDU setting "Salinity = 0". So we set "Wrihis_salinity = 0" and do not write salinity to his file. Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:19.069] #0 >> kernel: MDU setting "Wrihis_salinity = 1" asks to write salinity to the output his file, but no salinity is involved due to MDU setting "Salinity = 0". So we set "Wrihis_salinity = 0" and do not write salinity to his file. ** WARNING: TimeSplitInterval invalid, disabling time partitioning of output. Got: 0 Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:19.073] #0 >> kernel: TimeSplitInterval invalid, disabling time partitioning of output. Got: 0 ** INFO : Read Structure data from Structures.ini ug_get_meshgeom, #1, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #2, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #3, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #10, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #1, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #2, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #3, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #4, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #5, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #6, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #8, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #10, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #12, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #13, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #14, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #1, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #2, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #3, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #4, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #5, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #6, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #8, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #10, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #12, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #13, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #14, ierr=0 ** INFO : Reading Roughness ... ** INFO : Reading Roughness Done ** INFO : Reading Cross Section Definitions ... ** INFO : Reading Cross Section Definitions Done ** INFO : Reading Cross Section Locations ... ** INFO : Reading Cross Section Locations Done ** INFO : All 1D-Reading Done ** INFO : Reading Structures ... ** INFO : Reading Structures Done ** INFO : Reading Observation Points from 'ObservationPoints.ini'... ** INFO : 0 observation points have been read from file ObservationPoints.ini ** INFO : 0 (1d network) observation cross sections have been read from file ObservationPoints_crs.ini model loaded Initializing flow: flow_modelinit ** INFO : Initializing flow model geometry... ** INFO : dischargebnd node1 1 nr of open bndcells ** INFO : waterlevelbnd node3 1 nr of open bndcells ** INFO : waterlevelbnd node4 1 nr of open bndcells ug_get_meshgeom, #1, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #2, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #3, ierr=0 ug_get_meshgeom, #10, ierr=0 ** INFO : setbedlevelfromextfile: Using bedlevel as specified in net-file. ** INFO : setbedlevelfromextfile: Mirroring input bedlevels at open boundaries. ** INFO : Done initializing flow model geometry. ** INFO : Start initializing external forcings... ** INFO : Reading initial field file 'initialFields.ini'. ** INFO : Finish initializing 1dField file 'InitialWaterDepth.ini': 0 [Branch] blocks have been read and handled. ** INFO : Finish initializing the initial field file 'initialFields.ini': 2 blocks have been read and handled. ** INFO : Done initializing external forcings. ** INFO : nogauss , nocg : 154 0 ** INFO : ** Model initialization was successful ** ** INFO : * Active Model definition: ** INFO : ** ** INFO : Modelinit finished at: 11:20:20, 31-01-2022 ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : nr of netnodes ( ) : 151 ** INFO : nr of netlinks ( ) : 150 ** INFO : ** INFO : nr of 2D netlinks ( ) : 0 ** INFO : nr of 1D netlinks ( ) : 150 ** INFO : ** INFO : nr of netcells ( ) : 0 ** INFO : nr of netcells 1D2D ( ) : 151 ** INFO : ** INFO : nr of flownodes ( ) : 154 ** INFO : nr of internal flownodes ( ) : 151 ** INFO : nr of 2D internal flownodes ( ) : 0 ** INFO : nr of 1D internal flownodes ( ) : 151 ** INFO : ** INFO : nr of openbnd cells ( ) : 3 ** INFO : nr of 2D boundaries ( ) : 0 ** INFO : nr of 1D boundaries ( ) : 3 ** INFO : nr of flowlinks ( ) : 153 ** INFO : nr of internal links ( ) : 150 ** INFO : nr of 1D links ( ) : 150 ** INFO : ** INFO : nr of closed walls ( ) : 0 ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : my model area (m2) : 0.1515000000E+04 ** INFO : my model volume (m3) : 0.1515000000E+05 ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : Writing initial output to file(s)... ** INFO : Done writing initial output to file(s). Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:20.558] #0 >> dimr_lib:get_start_time Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:20.562] #0 >> dimr_lib:get_end_time Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:20.569] #0 >> dimr_lib:get_time_step Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:20.580] #0 >> dimr_lib:get_current_time Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:20.587] #0 >> DimrExe::lib_initialize:tStart : 0.0000000000 Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:20.593] #0 >> DimrExe::lib_initialize:tCurrent: 0.0000000000 Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:20.602] #0 >> DimrExe::lib_initialize:tStep : 3600.0000000000 Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:20.606] #0 >> DimrExe::lib_initialize:tEnd : 86400.0000000000 Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:20.613] #0 >> dimr_lib:get_start_time Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:20.620] #0 >> dimr_lib:get_end_time Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:20.630] #0 >> dimr_lib:update Dimr [2022-01-31 11:20:20.636] #0 >> myNameDFlowFM.Update(86400.0) Dimr [2022-01-31 11:21:01.956] #0 >> dimr_dll.dll.Finalize() Dimr [2022-01-31 11:21:01.957] #0 >> dimr_lib:finalize Dimr [2022-01-31 11:21:01.959] #0 >> myNameDFlowFM.Finalize() ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : extra timer:Flow geometry 0.0640001297 ** INFO : extra timer:Flow init 0.0959999561 ** INFO : extra timer:MDU file pointer 0.7320001125 ** INFO : extra timer:Remainder 0.0149998665 ** INFO : extra timer:Set boundaries 0.1809976101 ** INFO : extra timer:Sethuau 1.8130023479 ** INFO : extra timer:setdt 0.0440006256 ** INFO : extra timer:Compute advection term 6.1330001354 ** INFO : extra timer:u0u1 0.0349996090 ** INFO : extra timer:Setumod 11.7499907017 ** INFO : extra timer:Set conveyance 3.0340058804 ** INFO : extra timer:Set structures actual parameters 0.0319998264 ** INFO : extra timer:Set bedlevel from ext-file 0.0410001278 ** INFO : extra timer:Init iniFieldFile 0.0350000858 ** INFO : extra timer:step_reduce 17.7530016899 ** INFO : extra timer:Transport 3.0130023956 ** INFO : extra timer:Output 0.1749999523 ** INFO : extra timer:unc_write_his 0.0830001831 ** INFO : extra timer:unc_write_his INIT/DEF 0.0370001793 ** INFO : extra timer:unc_write_flowgeom_filepointer_ugrid 0.1110000610 ** INFO : extra timer:unc_write_map_filepointer_ugrid 0.2479999065 ** INFO : extra timer:unc_write_flowgeom_filepointer_ugrid INI 0.1310000420 ** INFO : extra timer:unc_write_map_filepointer_ugrid TIME wri 0.0810000896 ** INFO : extra timer:unc_write_map_filepointer_ugrid vars 0.0359997749 ** INFO : extra timer:call wrimap 0.3169999123 ** INFO : extra timer:call flow_externaloutput 0.1740000248 ** INFO : extra timer:wrimap unc_create 0.0320000648 ** INFO : extra timer:wrimap nf90_sync 0.0369999409 ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : nr of timesteps ( ) : 13369.0000000000 ** INFO : average timestep (s) : 6.4622288706 ** INFO : nr of setbacks ( ) : 0.0000000000 ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : simulation period (d) : 1.0000000000 ** INFO : total computation time (d) : 0.0004981829 ** INFO : time modelinit (d) : 0.0000189931 ** INFO : time steps (+ plots) (d) : 0.0004791898 ** INFO : ** INFO : simulation period (h) : 24.0000000000 ** INFO : total computation time (h) : 0.0119563889 ** INFO : time modelinit (h) : 0.0004558333 ** INFO : time steps (+ plots) (h) : 0.0115005555 ** INFO : ** INFO : simulation period (s) : 86400.0000000000 ** INFO : total computation time (s) : 43.0429999828 ** INFO : time modelinit (s) : 1.6410000324 ** INFO : time steps (+ plots) (s) : 41.4019999504 ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : time iniexternalforc. (s) : 0.0690000057 ** INFO : ** INFO : time inistep (s) : 23.2039973736 ** INFO : time setumod (s) : 11.7039909363 ** INFO : time furu (s) : 2.9379987717 ** INFO : time solve (s) : 0.3420014381 ** INFO : time gausselimination (s) : 0.0900000000 ** INFO : time gausssubstitution (s) : 0.0390000000 ** INFO : time totalsolve (s) : 0.3630000001 ** INFO : time setexternalforc. (s) : 0.0000000000 ** INFO : time setexternalfbnd. (s) : 0.1279988289 ** INFO : time steps (s) : 41.1220002174 ** INFO : fraction solve/steps ( ) : 0.0083167510 ** INFO : total/(dnt*ndx) (s) : 0.0000209066 ** INFO : av nr of cont. it s1it ( ) : 0.0000747943 ** INFO : time transport [s] : 3.0890000006 ** INFO : time debug [s] : 0.0000000000 ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : Computation started at: 11:20:20, 31-01-2022 ** INFO : Computation finished at: 11:21:02, 31-01-2022 ** INFO : ** INFO : simulation period (h) : 24.0000000000 ** INFO : total time in timeloop (h) : 0.0115005555 ** INFO : MPI : no. ** INFO : OpenMP : yes. #threads max : 2 ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : ** INFO : Opened file : DFM_OUTPUT_Flow1D\ ** INFO : Closed file : DFM_OUTPUT_Flow1D\ ** INFO : Dimr [2022-01-31 11:21:02.140] #0 >> TIMER INFO: Dimr [2022-01-31 11:21:02.141] #0 >> myNameDFlowFM : 43.999180 sec Dimr [2022-01-31 11:21:02.142] #0 >> DIMR_LIB : 43.999353 sec Dimr [2022-01-31 11:21:02.142] #0 >> DIMR_EXE : 43.999368 sec Dimr [2022-01-31 11:21:02.143] #0 >> Freeing library "dimr_dll.dll" Dimr [2022-01-31 11:21:02.144] #0 >> dimr shutting down normally