####################################################################################################### # MAAS model: # # D-HYDRO model: dflowfm2d-maas-j19_6-v2 # # # # Eigendom: Rijkswaterstaat-ZN, Functioneel Beheer: RWS-WVL, Applicatie Beheer: Deltares # #*****************************************************************************************************# # Modeltype: D-Flow FM 2D + D-RTC # # (bijv.: D-Flow FM 2D; D-Flow FM 2D + D-RTC; D-Flow FM 3D; D-Flow FM 3D + D-Waterquality) # # Bestandstype: Basis MDU-bestand zesde generatiemodellen RWS # # Editable/Uneditable: Modeleigenschappen welke WEL/NIET mogen worden aangepast bij # # toepassen van model # # Invoer voor: standaardberekening met dynamische hoogwatergolf (Qmax = 2302 m3/s) # # # # Ontwikkelaar: Deltares, Jurjen de Jong # # Datum: 02-03-2021 # # # # Opmerkingen: # # 1. DIMR-versie # # 2. Toe te passen in combinatie met D-RTC # # 3. Zie nadere info in de Factsheet op de Helpdeskwater # # 4. ....... # # # # Onregelmatigheden of problemen met deze modelschematisatie kunnen gemeld worden via het meldings- # # formulier bij het Informatiepunt Leefomgeving (voorheen Helpdesk Water) onder Modelschematisaties: # # https://iplo.nl/thema/water/applicaties-modellen/modelschematisaties/ # # # # ####################################################################################################### #====================================================================================================== [General] #====================================================================================================== # Uneditable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program = D-Flow FM FileVersion = 1.09 # File format version (do not edit this) PathsRelativeToParent = 1 # Default: 0. Whether or not (1/0) to resolve file names (e.g. inside the *.ext file) relative to their direct parent, instead of to the toplevel MDU working dir. AutoStart = 0 # Autostart simulation after loading MDU (0: no, 1: autostart, 2: autostartstop) ####################################################################################################### #====================================================================================================== [geometry] #====================================================================================================== # Editable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NetFile = j19_6-v2_net.nc # Unstructured grid file *_net.nc, including bed level GridEnclosureFile = ../../../geometry/j19_6-v2_enc.pol # Enclosure polygon file *_enc.pol (third column 1/-1: inside/outside) DryPointsFile = ../../../geometry/j19_6-v2_dry.pol # Dry areas polygon file *_dry.pol (third column 1/-1: inside/outside) ThinDamFile = ../../../geometry/j19_6-v2_thd.pli # Polyline file *_thd.pli, containing thin dams FixedWeirFile = ../../../geometry/j19_6-v2_fxw.pliz \ ../../../geometry/Kade_sluis_Sambeek.pliz # Polyline file *_fxw.pliz, containing fixed weirs with columns x, y, crest level, left ground level, right ground level PillarFile = ../../../geometry/j19_6-v2_bridges.pliz # Polyline file *_pillar.pliz, containing bridge pillers with four colums with x, y, diameter and Cd coefficient StructureFile = ../../../initial_conditions/Maas_structures_Q250.ini # File *.ini containing list of structures and their inititial state (pumps, weirs, gates and general structures) UseCaching = 1 # Use caching of flow model geometry input (1: yes, 0: no) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Uneditable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WaterLevIni = -999. # Initial water level at missing water depth points (cell centres) [m+dat] BedlevUni = 999. # Uniform bed level used at missing values at grid corners [m+dat] AngLat = 52. # Angle of latitude S-N [deg], 0: no Coriolis [deg] AngLon = 0. # Angle of longitude E-W [deg], 0: Greenwich, used in solar heat flux computation. BedlevType = 3 # Bathymetry specification [-] (3: at nodes, face levels mean of node values) Conveyance2D = -1 # Conveyance specficiation [-] (-1: uniform bed level at velocity points: average of two surrounding net nodes) Sillheightmin = 0. # Weir treatment only if both sills larger than this value [m] OpenBoundaryTolerance = 3 # Search tolerance factor between boundary polyline and grid cells [cell size] #====================================================================================================== [trachytopes] #====================================================================================================== # Editable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TrtL = ../../../geometry/j19_6-v2_trachytopes.arl # File (*.arl) including distribution of trachytope definitions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Uneditable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TrtRou = Y # Include alluvial and vegetation roughness (trachytopes) (Y: yes, N: no) TrtDef = ../../../general/roughcombination-all-v1.ttd # File (*.ttd) including trachytope definitions DtTrt = 60. # Trachytope roughness update time interval [s] #====================================================================================================== [calibration] #====================================================================================================== # Editable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AreaFile = ../../../geometry/j19_6-v2_calibration.cll # File (*.cll) including area distribution of calibration definitions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Uneditable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UseCalibration = 1 # Activate calibration factor friction multiplier (1 = yes, 0 = no) DefinitionFile = ../../../general/mainchannel_calibration-v2b.cld # File (*.cld) including calibration definitions ####################################################################################################### #====================================================================================================== [physics] #====================================================================================================== # Uneditable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UnifFrictType = 1 # Uniform friction type [-] (0: Chezy, 1: Manning, 2: White-Colebrook) UnifFrictCoef = 0.023 # Uniform friction coefficient [-] (0: no friction) Vicouv = 0.1 # Uniform horizontal eddy viscosity [m2/s] Dicouv = 0.1 # Uniform horizontal eddy diffusivity [m2/s] Smagorinsky = 0.20 # Smagorinsky factor in horizontal turbulence [-] Elder = 0. # Elder factor in horizontal turbulence [-] Irov = 0 # Wall roughness type [-] (0: free-slip, 1: partial-slip using wall_ks, 2: no-slip) Rhomean = 1000 # Average water density [kg/m3] Ag = 9.813 # Gravitational acceleration [m2/s] VillemonteCD1 = 1. # Calibration coefficient for Villemonte [-] (default = 1.0) VillemonteCD2 = 10. # Calibration coefficient for Villemonte [-] (default = 10.0) Salinity = 0 # Include salinity [-], (0=no, 1=yes) Temperature = 0 # Include temperature [-] (0: no, 1: only transport, 3: excess model of D3D, 5: composite (ocean) model) SecondaryFlow = 0 # Secondary flow [-] (0: no, 1: yes) #====================================================================================================== [wind] #====================================================================================================== # No wind #====================================================================================================== [waves] #====================================================================================================== # No waves ####################################################################################################### #====================================================================================================== [numerics] #====================================================================================================== # Uneditable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CFLMax = 0.7 # Maximum Courant number [-] AdvecType = 33 # Advection type [-] (33: Perot q(uio-u) fast) TimeStepType = 2 # Time step handling [-] (2: full implicit step-reduce) Icgsolver = 4 # Solver type [-] (4: sobekGS + Saadilud, 6: parallel/Petsc) FixedWeirScheme = 9 # Fixed weir scheme [-] (0: None, 6: Numerical, 8: Tabellenboek, 9: Villemonte) Tlfsmo = 0 # Fourier smoothing time on water level boundaries [s] Teta0 = 0.55 # Theta of time integration [-] (0.5 < theta < 1) Qhrelax = 0.01 # Relaxation on Q-h open boundaries [-] Epshu = 0.0001 # Threshold water depth for wet and dry cells [m] ####################################################################################################### #====================================================================================================== [time] #====================================================================================================== # Editable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RefDate = 20210712 # Reference date [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS] TStart = 0 # Start time w.r.t. RefDate (in TUnit) TStop = 14400 # Stop time w.r.t. RefDate (in TUnit) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Uneditable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tzone = 1 # Time zone assigned to input time series DtUser = 60 # Time interval for external forcing update [s] DtMax = 30 # Maximal computation timestep [s] DtInit = 10 # Initial computation timestep [s] Tunit = M # Time unit for start/stop times (D, H, M or S) #====================================================================================================== [restart] #====================================================================================================== # Editable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RestartFile = # Restart netcdf-file, either *_rst.nc or *_map.nc RestartDateTime = # Restart date and time when restarting from *_map.nc [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS] #====================================================================================================== [external forcing] #====================================================================================================== # Editable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ExtForceFile = ../../../initial_conditions/initial_water_level_Q250.ext # Old format for external forcings file *.ext, link with tim/cmp-format boundary conditions specification ExtForceFileNew = BC/HW202107.ext # format for external forcings file *.ext, link with bc-format boundary conditions specification ####################################################################################################### #====================================================================================================== [output] #====================================================================================================== # Editable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OutputDir = results # Output directory of map-, his-, rst-, dat- and timings-files, default: DFM_OUTPUT_. Set to . for current dir. ObsFile = ../../../geometry/output_locations/j19_6-v2_1_kilometer_obs.xyn \ ../../../geometry/output_locations/j19_6-v2_2_output_obs.xyn \ ../../../geometry/output_locations/j19_6-v2_3_measurement_obs.xyn \ ../../../geometry/output_locations/j19_6-v2_5_100m_obs.xyn # Points file *_obs.xyn with observation stations with rows x, y, station name: *measurement_obs.pli is OBLIGATORY CrsFile = ../../../geometry/cross_sections/beno19_6-w6_1_kilometer_crs.pli \ ../../../geometry/cross_sections/j19_6-v2_3_measurement_crs.pli \ ../../../geometry/cross_sections/j19_6-v2_4_calibration_crs.pli # Polyline file *_crs.pli defining observation cross sections: *calibration_crs.pli is OBLIGATORY FouFile = ../../../general/fourier_max.fou # Fourier analysis input file *.fou FouUpdateStep = 1 # Fourier update step type: 0=every user time step, 1=every computational timestep. HisFile = # HisFile name *_his.nc HisInterval = 300. # History output times, given as "interval" "start period" "end period" [s] MapFile = # MapFile name *_map.nc MapInterval = 86400. # Map file output, given as "interval" "start period" "end period" [s] XLSInterval = 0. # Interval (s) between XLS history RstInterval = 0 # Restart file output times, given as "interval" "start period" "end period" [s] ClassMapFile = # ClassMapFile name *_clm.nc ClassMapInterval = 3600 # Class map output times, given as "interval" "start period" "end period" [s] WaterlevelClasses = # Class map's list of class values for water levels WaterDepthClasses = 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 # Class map's list of class values for water depths StatsInterval = 300. # Screen step output interval in seconds simulation time, if negative in seconds wall clock time TimingsInterval = # Timings statistics output interval #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Write time series to his-file (1: yes, 0: no) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wrihis_balance = 1 # mass balance totals Wrihis_sourcesink = 1 # sources-sinks statistics Wrihis_structure_gen = 1 # general structure parameters Wrihis_structure_dam = 0 # dam parameters Wrihis_structure_pump = 0 # pump parameters Wrihis_structure_gate = 1 # gate parameters Wrihis_structure_weir = 0 # weir parameters Wrihis_structure_orifice = 0 # orifice parameters Wrihis_structure_bridge = 1 # bridge parameters Wrihis_structure_culvert = 0 # culvert parameters Wrihis_structure_damBreak = 0 # dam break parameters Wrihis_structure_uniWeir = 1 # universal weir parameters Wrihis_structure_compound = 0 # compound structure parameters Wrihis_turbulence = 1 # k, eps and vicww Wrihis_wind = 0 # wind velocities Wrihis_rain = 0 # precipitation Wrihis_temperature = 0 # temperature Wrihis_waves = 0 # wave data Wrihis_heat_fluxes = 0 # heat fluxes Wrihis_salinity = 0 # salinity Wrihis_density = 0 # density Wrihis_waterlevel_s1 = 1 # water level Wrihis_bedlevel = 0 # bed level Wrihis_waterdepth = 1 # waterdepth Wrihis_velocity_vector = 1 # velocity vectors Wrihis_upward_velocity_component = 0 # upward velocity Wrihis_sediment = 0 # sediment transport Wrihis_constituents = 0 # tracers Wrihis_zcor = 0 # vertical coordinates #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Write spatial output to map-file (1: yes, 0: no) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wrimap_waterlevel_s0 = 0 # water levels of previous time step Wrimap_waterlevel_s1 = 1 # water levels Wrimap_volume1 = 0 # volumes Wrimap_waterdepth_hu = 0 # water depths on u-points Wrimap_ancillary_variables = 0 # ancillary_variables attributes Wrimap_flowarea_au = 0 # flow areas au Wrimap_velocity_component_u0 = 0 # velocity component of previous time step Wrimap_velocity_component_u1 = 1 # velocity component Wrimap_velocity_vector = 1 # cell-center velocity vectors Wrimap_velocity_magnitude = 1 # cell-center velocity vector magnitude Wrimap_velocity_vectorq = 0 # cell-center velocity vectors (discharge-based) Wrimap_upward_velocity_component = 0 # upward velocity component on cell interfaces Wrimap_density_rho = 0 # flow density Wrimap_horizontal_viscosity_viu = 1 # horizontal viscosity Wrimap_horizontal_diffusivity_diu = 1 # horizontal diffusivity Wrimap_flow_flux_q1 = 1 # flow flux Wrimap_flow_flux_q1_main = 0 # flow flux in main channel Wrimap_numlimdt = 1 # the number times a cell was Courant limiting Wrimap_taucurrent = 1 # the shear stress Wrimap_chezy = 1 # the Chezy roughness Wrimap_turbulence = 0 # vicww, k and eps Wrimap_trachytopes = 1 # trachytope roughnesses Wrimap_calibration = 1 # roughness calibration factors Wrimap_DTcell = 1 # time step per cell based on CFL #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Write grid-snapped features to shape file (1: yes, 0: no) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wrishp_crs = 0 # cross sections Wrishp_obs = 0 # observation stations Wrishp_weir = 0 # weirs Wrishp_thd = 0 # thin dams Wrishp_gate = 0 # gates Wrishp_fxw = 0 # fixed weirs Wrishp_src = 0 # source-sinks Wrishp_pump = 0 # pumps Wrishp_dryarea = 0 # dry areas Wrishp_genstruc = 0 # general structures #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Writepart_domain = 0 # Write partition domain info. for postprocessing WriteDFMinterpretedvalues = 0 # Write DFMinterpretedvalues (1: yes, 0: no) MapOutputTimeVector = # File (*.mpt) containing fixed map output times (s) w.r.t. RefDate FullGridOutput = 0 # Full grid output mode (0: compact, 1: full time-varying grid data) EulerVelocities = 0 # Euler velocities output (0: GLM, 1: Euler velocities) Wrirst_bnd = 1 # Write waterlevel, bedlevel and coordinates of boundaries to restart files #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Uneditable #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MapFormat = 4 # Map file format, 1: netCDF, 2: Tecplot, 3: netCFD and Tecplot, 4: NetCDF-UGRID NcFormat = 3 # Format for all NetCDF output files (3: classic, 4: NetCDF4+HDF5) NcWriteLatLon = 0 # Write extra lat-lon coordinates for all projected coordinate variables in each NetCDF file (for CF-compliancy). #====================================================================================================== #######################################################################################################