======================== Description ======================== Model of the A2 channel of the River Experiment Center, KICT, in Andong, South Korea. Documentation includes auxiliary files: > REC_A2_generate_files.ipynb A Jupyter Notebook (Python 3.5+) to help generate bathymetry and observations points for the model based on design specifications > /generated_input_data Output from REC_A2_generate_files.ipynb > /shapefile_of_outline Shapefile of the circumference and main channel features. Can be converted to ldb using DeltaShell or Quickview. ======================== Intended use ======================== Experimentation, visualisation, research ======================== Software ======================== Delft3D FM Suite 2019.04 HMWQ ( ======================== Contact ======================== - jang@kict.re.kr - koen.berends@deltares.nl