********************************************************** Welcome to XBeach revision 1629M date Fri Jan 14 16:32:00 FLE 2011 URL: URL: https://repos.deltares.nl/repos/XBeach/trunk ********************************************************** Simulation started: YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss time zone (UTC) 20110201 18:07:22 +0200 running in: /t156_2D General Input Module Reading input parameters: -------------------------------- Physical processes: XBeach reading from params.txt swave = 1 (no record found, default value used) lwave = 1 (no record found, default value used) flow = 1 (no record found, default value used) sedtrans = 1 (no record found, default value used) morphology = 1 (no record found, default value used) nonh = 0 (no record found, default value used) gwflow = 0 (no record found, default value used) q3d = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Grid parameters: xori = 9639388.0000 yori = 4657484.0000 alfa = 190.5258 nx = 145 ny = 108 posdwn = .0000 depfile = bed.dep vardx = 1 xfile = x.grd yfile = y.grd thetamin = 60.5000 thetamax = 165.5000 dtheta = 15.0000 thetanaut = 1 -------------------------------- Model time parameters: CFL = .7000 (no record found, default value used) tstop = 212400.0000 -------------------------------- Physical constants: rho = 1025.0000 (no record found, default value used) g = 9.8100 (no record found, default value used) depthscale = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Initial conditions: zsinitfile = None specified -------------------------------- Wave boundary condition parameters: instat = jons bcfile = filelist.txt taper = 100.0000 (no record found, default value used) nmax = .8000 (no record found, default value used) leftwave = neumann (no record found, default value used) rightwave = neumann (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave-spectrum boundary condition parameters: random = 1 (no record found, default value used) fcutoff = .0000 (no record found, default value used) nspr = 0 (no record found, default value used) trepfac = .0100 (no record found, default value used) sprdthr = .0800 (no record found, default value used) oldwbc = 0 (no record found, default value used) correctHm0 = 1 (no record found, default value used) oldnyq = 0 (no record found, default value used) Tm01switch = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Flow boundary condition parameters: front = abs_2d (no record found, default value used) left = neumann (no record found, default value used) right = neumann (no record found, default value used) back = abs_2d (no record found, default value used) ARC = 1 (no record found, default value used) order = 2.0000 (no record found, default value used) carspan = 0 (no record found, default value used) epsi = .0000 (no record found, default value used) tidetype = velocity (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Tide boundary conditions: tideloc = 1 zs0file = tide.txt -------------------------------- Discharge boundary conditions: disch_loc_file = None specified disch_timeseries_file = None specified -------------------------------- Wave breaking parameters: break = roelvink2 (no record found, default value used) gamma = .5500 (no record found, default value used) alpha = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) n = 10.0000 (no record found, default value used) gammax = 2.0000 (no record found, default value used) delta = .0000 (no record found, default value used) fw = .0000 (no record found, default value used) breakerdelay = 1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Roller parameters: roller = 1 (no record found, default value used) beta = .1000 (no record found, default value used) rfb = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave-current interaction parameters: wci = 0 (no record found, default value used) hwci = .1000 (no record found, default value used) cats = 20.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Flow parameters: bedfriction = chezy (no record found, default value used) C = 55.0000 (no record found, default value used) nuh = .1000 (no record found, default value used) nuhfac = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) nuhv = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) smag = 1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Coriolis force parameters: wearth = .0417 (no record found, default value used) lat = .0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wind parameters: rhoa = 1.2500 (no record found, default value used) Cd = .0020 (no record found, default value used) windfile = None specified windv = .0000 (no record found, default value used) windth = 270.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Bed composition parameters: ngd = 1 (no record found, default value used) nd = 3 (no record found, default value used) rhos = 2650.0000 (no record found, default value used) dzg = .1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg1 = .1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg2 = .1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg3 = .1000 (no record found, default value used) por = .4000 (no record found, default value used) D50 = .0002 (no record found, default value used) D90 = .0003 (no record found, default value used) sedcal = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) ucrcal = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Sediment transport parameters: form = vanthiel_vanrijn (no record found, default value used) waveform = vanthiel (no record found, default value used) sws = 1 (no record found, default value used) lws = 1 (no record found, default value used) BRfac = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) facsl = 1.6000 (no record found, default value used) z0 = .0060 (no record found, default value used) smax = -1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsfac = .1000 (no record found, default value used) facua = .1000 (no record found, default value used) facSk = .1000 (no record found, default value used) facAs = .1000 (no record found, default value used) turb = bore_averaged (no record found, default value used) Tbfac = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) Tsmin = .2000 (no record found, default value used) lwt = 0 (no record found, default value used) betad = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) sus = 1 (no record found, default value used) bed = 1 (no record found, default value used) bulk = 1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Morphology parameters: morfac = 10.0000 morfacopt = 1 (no record found, default value used) morstart = 120.0000 (no record found, default value used) morstop = 212400.0000 (no record found, default value used) wetslp = .3000 (no record found, default value used) dryslp = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) hswitch = .1000 (no record found, default value used) dzmax = .0500 (no record found, default value used) struct = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Output variables: timings = 1 (no record found, default value used) tunits = None specified projection = None specified tstart = .0000 tint = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsglobal = None specified tintg = 300.0000 tspoints = None specified tintp = 300.0000 tscross = None specified tintc = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsmean = None specified tintm = 3600.0000 nglobalvar = 5 nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:H nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:zs nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:zb nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:u nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:v npoints = 1 nrugauge = 23 npointvar = 3 Output point1 xpoint: 9640414.55 ypoint: 4658168.88 npointvar: Will generate point output for variable:H npointvar: Will generate point output for variable:zs npointvar: Will generate point output for variable:zb Order of point output variables stored in 'pointvars.idx' Output runup gauge1 xpoint: 9639391.03 ypoint: 4657467.67 Output runup gauge2 xpoint: 9639390.35 ypoint: 4657471.33 Output runup gauge3 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge4 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge5 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge6 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge7 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge8 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge9 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge10 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge11 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge12 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge13 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge14 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge15 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge16 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge17 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge18 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge19 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge20 xpoint: 9639389.83 ypoint: 4657474.17 Output runup gauge21 xpoint: 9639390.35 ypoint: 4657471.33 Output runup gauge22 xpoint: 9639391.03 ypoint: 4657467.67 Output runup gauge23 xpoint: 9639391.03 ypoint: 4657467.67 nmeanvar = 7 nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable:H nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable:zs nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable:zb nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable:dzbdx nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable:dzbdy nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable:dzbdt nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable:wetz ncross = 0 (no record found, default value used) outputformat = fortran (no record found, default value used) ncoutfile = None specified netcdf output to:xboutput.nc -------------------------------- Drifters parameters: ndrifter = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave numerics parameters: scheme = lax_wendroff (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Flow numerics parameters: eps = .0050 (no record found, default value used) umin = .0000 (no record found, default value used) hmin = .2000 (no record found, default value used) secorder = 0 (no record found, default value used) oldhu = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Sediment transport numerics parameters: thetanum = 1.0000 (no record found, default value used) sourcesink = 0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Bed update numerics parameters: frac_dz = .7000 (no record found, default value used) nd_var = 2 (no record found, default value used) split = 1.0100 (no record found, default value used) merge = .0100 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- MPI parameters: mpiboundary = auto (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Finished reading input parameters -------------------------------- Automatically setting epsi to 0.05 to let in tide on offshore boundary Unknown, unused or multiple statements of parameter swtable in params.txt Unknown, unused or multiple statements of parameter zs0 in params.txt Unknown, unused or multiple statements of parameter tidelen in params.txt Stepping into the time loop .... ------------------------------------ Building Grid and Bathymetry and.... Distributing wave energy across the directional space .... ------------------------------------ readtide: reading tide time series from tide.txt ... Initializing ..... Fortran outputformat Distance output point to nearest grid point (20,54) is 5.56 meters Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Runup gauge at grid line iy=103 Setting up boundary conditions waveparams: Reading from jonswap_1.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_1.txt Hm0 = .9684 fp = .2941 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 113.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = .968 Tp = 3.400 dir = 113.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 3.110 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_1.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_1.txt ... file done Boundary conditions complete, starting computation XBeach reading from params.txt disch_loc_file = None specified Simulation 0.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 14 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 0.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.250 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 0.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.250 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 0.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.250 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 0.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.250 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 0.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 0.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 0.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 0.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 0.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 0.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 0.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 0.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 0.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 0.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 0.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 0.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 0.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 0.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 0.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 0.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 0.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 0.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 0.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 0.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 0.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 0.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 0.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 0.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.227 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 0.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.228 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 0.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 0.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 0.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 0.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 0.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 0.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 0.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 0.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 0.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 0.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 0.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 0.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 0.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 1.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 1.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 1.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 1.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 1.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 1.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 1.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 1.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 1.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 1.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 1.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 1.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 1.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 1.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 1.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 1.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 1.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 1.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 1.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 1.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 1.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 1.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 1.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 1.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 1.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 1.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 1.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 1.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 1.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 1.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 1.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 1.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 1.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 1.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_2.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_2.txt Hm0 = 1.1035 fp = .2778 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 112.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.103 Tp = 3.600 dir = 112.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 3.292 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_2.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_2.txt ... file done Simulation 1.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 1.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 1.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 1.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 1.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 1.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 1.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 1.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 1.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 1.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 1.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 1.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 2.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 2.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 2.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 2.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 2.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 2.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 2.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 2.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 2.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 2.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 2.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 2.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 2.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 2.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.227 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 2.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 2.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 2.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 2.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 2.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 2.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 2.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 2.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 2.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 2.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 2.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 2.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 2.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 2.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 2.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 2.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 2.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 2.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 2.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.203 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 2.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.234 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 2.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 2.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 2.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 2.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 2.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 2.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 2.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 2.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 2.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 2.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 2.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 2.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 2.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 2.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 2.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 3.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 3.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 3.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.249 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 3.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.249 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 3.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.249 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 3.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.249 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 3.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.249 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 3.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 3.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 3.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 3.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 3.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 3.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 3.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 3.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 3.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 3.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 3.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 3.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 3.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_3.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_3.txt Hm0 = 1.2273 fp = .2632 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.227 Tp = 3.799 dir = 110.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 3.475 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_3.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_3.txt ... file done Simulation 3.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 3.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 3.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 3.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 3.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 3.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 3.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 3.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 3.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 3.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 3.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 3.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 3.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 3.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 3.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 3.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 3.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 3.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 3.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 3.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 3.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 3.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 3.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 3.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 3.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 3.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 4.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 4.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 4.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 4.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 4.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 4.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 4.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.215 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 4.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.210 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 4.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 4.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 4.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 4.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 4.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 4.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 4.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 4.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 4.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 4.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 4.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 4.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 4.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 4.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 4.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 4.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.219 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 4.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.211 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 4.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 4.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.202 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 4.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.234 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 4.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 4.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 4.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 4.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 4.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 4.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 4.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 4.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 4.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 4.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 4.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 4.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 4.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 4.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 4.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 4.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.162 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 4.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 4.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 4.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.183 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 4.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 4.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 5.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 5.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 5.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 5.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.202 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 5.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.202 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 5.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 5.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 5.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_4.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_4.txt Hm0 = 1.3399 fp = .2500 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 110.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.340 Tp = 4.000 dir = 110.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 3.659 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_4.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_4.txt ... file done Simulation 5.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 5.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 5.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 5.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 5.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 5.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.195 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 5.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 5.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 5.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 5.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.210 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 5.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 5.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.232 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 5.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 5.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 5.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 5.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.234 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 5.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.231 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 5.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.231 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 5.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.249 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 5.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 5.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 5.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.218 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 5.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 5.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 5.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 5.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 5.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 5.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 5.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 5.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 5.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.212 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 5.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.226 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 5.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.218 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 5.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 5.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 5.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 5.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 5.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 5.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 5.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 5.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 5.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 5.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 5.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 6.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 6.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 6.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 6.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 6.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 6.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 6.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 6.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 6.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 6.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 6.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 6.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 6.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 6.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 6.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.202 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 6.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 6.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 6.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 6.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 6.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 6.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 6.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 6.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 6.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 6.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 6.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 6.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 6.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 6.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 6.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 6.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 6.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 6.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 6.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 6.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 6.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 6.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 6.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 6.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 6.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 59 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_5.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_5.txt Hm0 = 1.4300 fp = .2439 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 109.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.430 Tp = 4.100 dir = 109.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 3.750 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_5.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_5.txt ... file done Simulation 6.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.214 seconds Time remaining 12 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 6.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 6.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 6.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 6.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.233 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 6.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 6.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 6.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 6.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 6.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 7.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 7.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 7.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 7.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 7.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.228 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 7.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 7.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 7.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 7.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 7.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 7.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 7.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 7.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 7.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 7.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 7.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 7.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 7.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 7.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 7.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 7.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 7.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 7.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 7.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 7.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.212 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 7.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.202 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 7.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 7.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 7.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 7.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 7.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 7.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 7.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 7.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 7.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 7.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 7.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 7.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 7.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 7.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 7.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 7.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 7.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.220 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 7.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.226 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 7.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.227 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 7.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.220 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 7.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 7.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 7.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 7.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 7.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 7.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 7.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 7.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 7.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 7.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 7.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.183 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 8.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 8.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 8.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 8.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 8.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 8.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 8.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 8.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 8.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 8.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 8.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 8.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 8.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 8.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 8.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 8.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 8.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 8.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 8.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 8.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 8.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.186 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 8.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 8.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 8.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 8.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 8.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 8.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 8.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 8.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 8.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 8.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 8.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 8.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 36 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_6.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_6.txt Hm0 = 1.5201 fp = .2381 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 107.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.520 Tp = 4.200 dir = 107.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 3.841 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_6.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_6.txt ... file done Simulation 8.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 13 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 8.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 8.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 8.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 8.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 8.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 8.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 8.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 8.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 8.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 8.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.203 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 8.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.232 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 8.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 8.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 8.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 8.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 8.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.234 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 8.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.231 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 8.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.214 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 8.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 8.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 8.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 8.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 8.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 8.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 8.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.228 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 9.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 9.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 9.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.208 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 9.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 9.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 9.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 9.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 9.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 9.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 9.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 9.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 9.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 9.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 9.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 9.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 9.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 9.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 9.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 9.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 9.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 9.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 9.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 9.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 9.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 9.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 9.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 9.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 9.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 9.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 9.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 9.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 9.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 9.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 9.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 9.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 9.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 9.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 9.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 9.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 9.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 9.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 9.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 9.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 9.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 9.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 9.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 9.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.215 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 9.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 9.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 9.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 9.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 9.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 9.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.232 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 10.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.211 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 10.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.227 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 10.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 10.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 10.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 10.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 10.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.193 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 10.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 10.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 10.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.202 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 10.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.210 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 10.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_7.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_7.txt Hm0 = 1.6327 fp = .2273 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 106.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.633 Tp = 4.399 dir = 106.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 4.024 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_7.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_7.txt ... file done Simulation 10.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.224 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 10.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 10.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.208 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 10.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 10.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.234 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 10.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.227 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 10.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 10.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.206 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 10.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 10.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 10.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 10.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 10.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 10.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 10.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 10.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 10.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.158 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 10.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 10.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 10.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 10.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 10.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 10.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.228 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 10.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.193 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 10.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.211 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 10.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 10.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 10.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 10.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 10.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.228 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 10.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.220 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 10.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 10.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 10.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.210 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 10.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 10.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 10.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.232 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 10.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.249 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 10.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 10.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 10.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.230 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 10.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 10.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 10.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 11.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 11.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 11.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 11.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 11.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 11.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 11.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 11.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 11.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 11.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 11.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 11.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 11.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.227 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 11.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 11.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 11.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 11.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 11.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 11.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 11.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 11.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 11.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 11.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.219 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 11.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.249 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 11.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 11.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 11.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.206 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 11.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.206 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 11.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.233 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 11.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.218 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 11.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.224 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 11.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 11.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 11.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 11.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 11.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 11.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 11.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 11.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 11.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 11.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 11.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 11.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 11.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 11.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 11.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 11.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.186 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 11.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.228 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 11.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 11.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 11.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 11.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 11.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 11.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 11.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 44 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_8.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_8.txt Hm0 = 1.7228 fp = .2222 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 105.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.723 Tp = 4.500 dir = 105.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 4.115 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_8.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_8.txt ... file done Simulation 11.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.226 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 11.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.222 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 11.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 11.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.203 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 11.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 12.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 12.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 12.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 12.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 12.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 12.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 12.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 12.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 12.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 12.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 12.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.222 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 12.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.183 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 12.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 12.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.232 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 12.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 12.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 12.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 12.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.206 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 12.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.206 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 12.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.218 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 12.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.219 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 12.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 12.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.202 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 12.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 12.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 12.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.222 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 12.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.225 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 12.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.220 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 12.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.212 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 12.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 12.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 12.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 12.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 12.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.195 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 12.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 12.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 12.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 12.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 12.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 12.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 12.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 12.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 12.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 12.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 12.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.223 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 12.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.225 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 12.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.219 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 12.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 12.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 12.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 12.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 12.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 12.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 12.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.203 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 12.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 12.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 13.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 13.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 13.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.228 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 13.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 13.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 13.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 13.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 13.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 13.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 13.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 13.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 13.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 13.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 13.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 13.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 13.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 13.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 13.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 13.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 13.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 13.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 13.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 13.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 13.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 13.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 13.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 13.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 13.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 13.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 13.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 13.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 13.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 13.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 13.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 13.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 13.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 40 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_9.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_9.txt Hm0 = 1.8354 fp = .2174 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 104.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.835 Tp = 4.600 dir = 104.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 4.206 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_9.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_9.txt ... file done Simulation 13.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 12 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 13.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 13.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 13.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 13.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 13.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 13.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 13.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 13.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 13.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 13.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 13.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 13.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 13.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 13.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 13.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 13.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 13.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 13.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 13.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 13.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 13.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 13.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 13.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 13.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 13.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 13.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 13.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 13.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 13.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 13.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 13.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 13.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 12 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 13.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 13.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 14.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 14.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 14.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 14.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 14.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 14.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 14.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 14.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 14.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 14.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 14.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 14.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 14.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 14.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 14.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 14.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 14.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 14.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 14.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 14.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 14.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 14.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 14.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 14.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 14.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 14.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 14.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 14.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 14.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 14.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 14.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 14.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 14.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 14.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 14.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 12 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 14.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 14.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 14.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 14.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 14.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 14.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 14.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 14.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 14.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 14.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 14.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 14.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 14.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 14.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 14.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 14.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 14.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 14.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 14.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 14.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 12 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 14.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 14.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 14.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 14.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 14.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 14.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 14.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 14.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 14.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 14.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 14.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.193 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 14.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.202 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 14.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.206 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 14.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.195 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 14.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 14.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 14.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.203 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 14.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.203 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 14.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.203 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 14.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 14.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.193 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 14.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 14.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 14.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.193 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 14.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 15.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 15.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 15.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 15.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 15.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 15.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 15.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 15.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 15.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 15.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 15.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 15.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 15.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 15.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 15.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 15.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.208 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 15.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.203 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 15.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 15.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 15.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 43 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_10.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_10.txt Hm0 = 1.9592 fp = .2128 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 103.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.959 Tp = 4.699 dir = 103.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 4.299 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_10.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_10.txt ... file done Simulation 15.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 12 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 15.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 15.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 15.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 15.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 15.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 15.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 15.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 15.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 15.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 15.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 15.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 15.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 15.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 15.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 15.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 15.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 15.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 15.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 15.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 15.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 15.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 15.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 15.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 15.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 15.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 15.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 15.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 15.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 15.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.183 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 15.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 15.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 15.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 15.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 15.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 15.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 15.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 15.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 15.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 15.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 15.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 15.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 15.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 15.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 15.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 15.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 15.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 15.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 16.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 16.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 16.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.158 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 16.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.158 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 16.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 16.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 16.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 16.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 16.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 16.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 16.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.183 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 16.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 16.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 16.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 16.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.195 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 16.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.186 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 16.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 16.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 16.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 16.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.193 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 16.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 16.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 16.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 16.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 16.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 16.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.158 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 16.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 16.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 16.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 16.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 16.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 16.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 16.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 16.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 16.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 16.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 16.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 16.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 16.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 16.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 16.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 16.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 16.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 16.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 16.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 16.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 16.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 16.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 16.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.220 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 16.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.249 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 16.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.183 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 16.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 16.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 16.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 16.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 16.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.162 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 16.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 16.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 16.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 16.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.219 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 16.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.214 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 16.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 16.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.212 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 16.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 16.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 16.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 28 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_11.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_11.txt Hm0 = 2.0831 fp = .2083 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 102.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 2.083 Tp = 4.801 dir = 102.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 4.390 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_11.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_11.txt ... file done Simulation 17.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 12 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 17.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 17.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 17.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 17.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 17.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 17.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 17.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 17.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 17.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 17.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 17.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 17.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 17.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 17.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 17.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 17.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 17.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 17.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 17.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 17.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 17.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 17.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 17.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.162 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 17.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 17.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 17.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 17.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 17.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 17.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 17.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 17.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 17.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 17.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 17.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 17.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 17.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.158 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 17.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 17.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 17.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.158 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 17.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 17.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 17.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 17.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 17.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 17.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 17.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 17.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 17.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 17.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 17.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 17.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 17.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 17.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 17.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 17.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 17.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 17.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 17.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 17.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 17.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 17.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 12 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 17.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 17.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 17.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 17.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 17.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 17.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 17.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 17.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 17.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 17.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 17.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 17.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 17.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 17.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 17.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 17.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 17.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 17.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 17.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 17.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 17.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 17.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 18.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 18.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 18.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 18.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 18.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 18.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 18.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 18.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 18.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 18.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 18.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 18.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 18.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 18.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 18.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 18.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 18.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 18.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 18.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 18.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 18.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 18.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 18.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 18.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 18.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 18.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 18.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.231 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 18.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.206 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 18.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 18.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 18.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 18.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 18.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 18.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 18.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 18.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 18.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 18.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 18.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 18.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 18.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 18.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 18.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 18.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 18.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 18.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 18.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 18.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.195 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 18.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 18.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.206 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 18.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 18.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 29 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_12.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_12.txt Hm0 = 2.2295 fp = .2000 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 101.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 2.229 Tp = 5.000 dir = 101.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 4.574 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_12.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_12.txt ... file done Simulation 18.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 18.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 18.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 18.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 18.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 18.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 18.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 18.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 18.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 18.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 18.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 18.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 18.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 18.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 18.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 18.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 19.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 19.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 19.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 19.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 19.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 19.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 19.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 19.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 12 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 19.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 19.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 19.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.211 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 19.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 19.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 19.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 19.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 19.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 19.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 19.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.186 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 19.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 19.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 19.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 19.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 19.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 19.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 19.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.219 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 19.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 19.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 19.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 19.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 19.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 19.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 19.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.214 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 19.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 19.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 19.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 19.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 19.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 19.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 19.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 19.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 19.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 19.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 19.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 19.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 19.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 19.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 19.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 19.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.224 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 19.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.215 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 19.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 19.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 19.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 19.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 19.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 20.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 20.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 20.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 20.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 20.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 20.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 20.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 20.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 20.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 20.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 20.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 20.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 20.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 20.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 20.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 20.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 20.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 20.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 9 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_13.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_13.txt Hm0 = 2.3646 fp = .1961 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 101.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 2.365 Tp = 5.099 dir = 101.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 4.664 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_13.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_13.txt ... file done Simulation 20.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 20.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 20.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 20.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 20.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 20.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 20.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 20.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 20.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 20.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 20.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 20.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 20.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 20.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 20.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 20.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.234 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 20.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 20.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 20.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 20.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 20.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 20.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 20.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.208 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 20.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 20.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 20.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 20.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 20.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 20.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 20.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 20.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 20.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 20.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 20.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 21.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 21.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 21.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 21.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 21.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 21.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 21.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 21.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 21.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 21.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 21.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 21.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 21.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 21.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 21.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 21.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 21.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 21.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 21.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 21.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 21.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 21.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 21.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 21.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 21.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 21.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 21.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 21.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 21.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 21.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 21.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 21.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 21.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 21.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 21.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 21.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 21.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.162 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 21.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 21.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 21.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 21.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.226 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 21.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 21.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 21.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 21.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.195 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 21.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 21.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 21.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 21.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 21.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 21.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 21.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 21.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 21.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 21.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 21.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 21.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 21.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 21.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 21.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 21.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 21.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 21.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 22.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 22.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 22.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.249 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 22.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.249 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 22.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 49 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_14.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_14.txt Hm0 = 2.4997 fp = .1923 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 100.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 2.500 Tp = 5.200 dir = 100.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 4.755 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_14.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_14.txt ... file done Simulation 22.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 14 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 22.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 22.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 22.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 22.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 22.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 22.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 22.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 22.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 22.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 22.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 22.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 22.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 22.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 22.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 22.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 22.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 22.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 22.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 22.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 22.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 22.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 22.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 22.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 22.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 22.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 22.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 22.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 22.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 22.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 22.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 22.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 22.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 22.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 22.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 22.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 22.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 22.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 22.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 22.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 22.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 22.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 22.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 22.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 22.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 22.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 22.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 22.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 22.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 22.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 22.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 22.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 22.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 22.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 22.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 22.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 22.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 22.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 22.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 22.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 22.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 22.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 22.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 22.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 22.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 22.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 22.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 22.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 23.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 23.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 23.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 23.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 23.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 23.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 23.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 23.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 23.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 23.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 23.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 23.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 23.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 23.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 23.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 23.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.227 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 23.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 23.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 23.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 23.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 23.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 23.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 23.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 23.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 23.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 23.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 23.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 23.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 23.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 23.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 23.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 23.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 23.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 23.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 23.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 23.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 23.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 23.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 23.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 23.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 23.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 23.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 23.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 23.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 23.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 23.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 23.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 23.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_15.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_15.txt Hm0 = 2.6574 fp = .1852 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 100.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 2.657 Tp = 5.400 dir = 100.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 4.938 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_15.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_15.txt ... file done Simulation 23.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 23.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 23.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 23.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 23.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 23.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 23.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 23.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 23.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 23.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 23.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 23.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 23.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 23.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 23.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 23.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 23.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 24.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 24.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 24.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 24.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 24.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 24.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 24.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 24.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 24.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 24.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 24.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 24.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 24.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 24.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 24.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 24.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 24.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 24.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 24.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 24.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 24.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 24.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 24.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 24.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 24.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 24.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 24.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 24.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 24.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 24.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 24.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 24.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 24.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 24.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 24.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 24.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 24.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 24.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 24.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 24.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 24.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 24.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 24.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 24.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 24.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 24.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 24.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 24.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 24.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 24.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 24.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 11 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 24.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 24.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 24.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 24.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 24.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 24.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 24.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 24.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 24.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 24.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 24.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 24.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 24.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 24.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 24.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 24.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.218 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 24.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 24.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.183 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 24.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 24.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 24.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 24.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.186 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 24.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 24.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 24.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 24.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 25.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 25.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 25.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 25.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 25.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 25.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 25.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 25.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 25.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 25.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 25.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 25.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 25.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 25.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 25.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 25.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 25.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 25.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 25.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 25.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 25.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 25.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 25.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 25.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 25.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 25.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 25.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 25.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 25.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 25.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 25.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 25.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 25.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 25.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 25.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 25.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 25.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 25.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 25.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 25.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 25.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 25.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 25.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 46 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_16.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_16.txt Hm0 = 2.7700 fp = .1818 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 99.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 2.770 Tp = 5.501 dir = 99.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 5.031 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_16.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_16.txt ... file done Simulation 25.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 15 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 25.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 25.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 25.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 25.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 25.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 25.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 25.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 25.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 25.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 25.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 25.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 25.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 25.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 25.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 25.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 25.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 25.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 25.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 25.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 25.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 25.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 25.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 25.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 25.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 25.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 25.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 25.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 25.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 25.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 25.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 25.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 25.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 25.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 25.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 25.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 25.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 25.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 25.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 25.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 25.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 25.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 25.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 25.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 25.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 25.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 25.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 25.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 25.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 25.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 25.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 25.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 25.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 25.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 25.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 25.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 26.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.162 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 26.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.206 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 26.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 26.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 26.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 26.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.220 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 26.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 26.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 26.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 26.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 26.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 26.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 26.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 26.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 26.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 26.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 26.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 26.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 26.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 26.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 26.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 26.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 26.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 26.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 26.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 26.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 26.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 26.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 26.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 26.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 26.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 26.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 26.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 26.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 26.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 26.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 26.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 26.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 26.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 26.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 26.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 26.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 26.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 26.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 26.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 26.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 26.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 26.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 26.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 26.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 26.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 26.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 26.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 26.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 26.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 26.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 26.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 26.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 26.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 26.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 26.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 26.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 26.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 26.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 26.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 26.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 26.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 26.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 26.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 26.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 26.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 26.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 26.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 26.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 26.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 26.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 26.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 26.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 26.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 26.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 26.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 26.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 26.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 26.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 26.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 26.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 26.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 26.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 26.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 26.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 26.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 26.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 26.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 26.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 26.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 26.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 26.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 26.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 27.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 27.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 27.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 27.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 27.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 27.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 27.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 27.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 27.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 27.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 27.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 27.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 27.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 27.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 27.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 27.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 27.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 27.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 27.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 27.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 39 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_17.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_17.txt Hm0 = 2.8713 fp = .1786 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 98.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 2.871 Tp = 5.599 dir = 98.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 5.120 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_17.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_17.txt ... file done Simulation 27.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 13 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 27.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 27.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 27.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 27.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 27.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 27.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 27.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 27.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 27.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 27.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 27.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 27.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 27.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 27.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 27.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 27.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 27.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 27.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 27.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 27.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 27.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 27.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 27.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 27.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 27.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 27.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 27.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 27.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 27.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 27.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 27.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 27.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 27.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 27.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 27.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 27.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 27.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 27.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 27.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 27.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 27.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 27.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 27.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 27.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 27.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 27.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 27.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 27.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 27.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 27.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 27.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 27.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 27.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 27.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 27.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 27.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 27.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 27.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 27.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 27.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 27.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 27.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 27.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 27.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 27.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 27.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 27.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 27.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 27.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 27.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 27.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 27.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 27.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 27.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 27.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 27.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 27.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 27.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 27.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 27.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 27.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 27.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 27.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 27.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 27.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 27.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 27.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 27.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 27.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 27.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 27.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 27.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 27.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 27.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 27.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 27.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 28.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 28.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 28.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 28.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 28.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 28.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 28.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 28.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 28.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 28.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 28.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 28.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 28.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 28.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 28.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 28.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 28.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 28.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 28.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 28.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 28.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 28.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 28.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 28.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 28.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 28.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 28.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 28.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 28.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 28.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 28.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 28.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 28.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 28.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 28.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 28.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 28.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 28.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 28.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 28.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 28.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 28.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 28.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 28.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 28.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 28.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 28.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 28.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.064 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 28.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.061 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 28.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.063 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 28.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.066 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 28.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 28.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 28.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 28.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 28.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 28.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 28.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 28.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 28.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 28.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 28.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 28.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 28.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 28.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 28.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 28.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 28.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 28.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 28.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 28.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 28.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 28.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 28.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 28.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 28.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 28.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 28.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 28.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 28.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 28.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 28.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 28.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 28.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 28.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 28.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 28.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 28.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 28.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 56 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_18.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_18.txt Hm0 = 3.0289 fp = .1724 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 96.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 3.029 Tp = 5.800 dir = 96.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 5.305 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_18.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_18.txt ... file done Simulation 28.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 12 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 28.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 28.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 28.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 28.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 28.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 28.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 28.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 28.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 28.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 28.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 28.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 29.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 29.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 29.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 29.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 29.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 29.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 29.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 29.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.162 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 29.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 29.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.230 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 29.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.186 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 29.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 29.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 29.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 29.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 29.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 29.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 29.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 29.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 29.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 29.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 29.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 29.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 29.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 29.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 29.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 29.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 29.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 29.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 29.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 29.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 29.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 29.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 29.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 29.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.248 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 29.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 29.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 29.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.228 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 29.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 29.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 29.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 29.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 29.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 29.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 29.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 29.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 29.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 29.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 29.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 29.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 29.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 29.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 29.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 29.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.202 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 29.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 29.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 29.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 29.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 29.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 29.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 29.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 29.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 29.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 29.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 29.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 29.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 30.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 30.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 30.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 30.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 30.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 30.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 30.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 30.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 30.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 30.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 30.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 30.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 30.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 30.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 30.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 30.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 30.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 30.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 30.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 30.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 30.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 30.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 30.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 30.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 30.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 30.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 30.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 30.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 30.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 30.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 30.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 30.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 30.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 30.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 30.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 30.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 30.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 30.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 30.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 30.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 30.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 30.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 30.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 30.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 30.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 30.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 30.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 30.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 30.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 30.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 11 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_19.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_19.txt Hm0 = 3.1415 fp = .1695 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 94.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 3.142 Tp = 5.900 dir = 94.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 5.396 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_19.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_19.txt ... file done Simulation 30.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 30.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 30.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 30.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 30.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 30.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 30.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 30.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 30.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 30.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 30.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 30.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 30.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 30.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 30.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 30.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 30.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 30.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 30.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 30.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 30.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 30.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 30.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 30.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 30.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 30.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 30.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 30.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 30.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 30.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 30.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 30.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 30.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 30.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 30.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 30.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 30.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 30.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 30.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 30.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 30.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 30.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 30.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 30.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 30.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 30.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 30.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.214 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 31.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 31.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 31.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.227 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 31.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 31.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 31.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 31.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 31.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 31.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.162 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 31.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 31.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 31.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 31.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 31.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 31.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 31.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 31.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 31.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 31.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 31.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 31.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 31.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 31.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 31.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 31.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 31.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 31.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 31.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 31.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 31.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 31.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 31.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 31.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 31.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 31.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 31.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 31.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 31.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 31.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 31.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 31.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 31.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 31.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 31.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 31.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 31.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 31.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 31.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 31.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 31.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 31.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 31.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 31.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 31.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 31.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 31.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 31.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 31.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 31.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 31.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 31.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 10 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 31.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 31.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 31.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 31.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 31.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 31.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 31.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 31.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 31.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 31.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 31.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 31.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 31.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 31.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 31.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 31.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 31.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 31.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 31.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 31.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 31.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 31.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 31.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 31.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 31.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 31.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 31.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 31.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 31.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 31.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 31.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 31.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 31.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 31.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 31.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 31.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 31.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 31.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 31.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 31.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 31.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 31.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 31.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 31.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 31.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 31.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 31.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 32.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 32.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 32.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 32.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 32.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 32.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 32.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 32.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 32.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 32.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 32.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 32.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 32.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 32.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 32.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 32.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.203 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 32.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 32.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 32.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.195 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 32.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_20.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_20.txt Hm0 = 3.2992 fp = .1639 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 93.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 3.299 Tp = 6.101 dir = 93.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 5.582 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_20.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_20.txt ... file done Simulation 32.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 32.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 32.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 32.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 32.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 32.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 32.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 32.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 32.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 32.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 32.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 32.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 32.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 32.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 32.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 32.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 32.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 32.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 32.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 32.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 32.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 32.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 32.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 32.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 32.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 32.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 32.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 32.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 32.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 32.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 32.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 32.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 32.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 32.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 32.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 32.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 32.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 32.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 32.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 32.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 32.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 32.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 32.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 32.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 32.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 32.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 32.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 32.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 32.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 32.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 32.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 32.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 32.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 32.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 32.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 32.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 32.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 32.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 32.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 32.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.211 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 32.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 32.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 32.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 32.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 32.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 32.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 32.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 32.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 32.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 32.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 33.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 33.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.158 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 33.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 33.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 33.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 33.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 33.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 33.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 33.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 33.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 33.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 33.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 33.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 33.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 33.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 33.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 33.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 33.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 33.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 33.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 33.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 33.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 33.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 33.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 33.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 33.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 33.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 33.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 33.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 33.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 33.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 33.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 33.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 33.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 33.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 33.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 33.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 33.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 33.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 33.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 33.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 33.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 33.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 33.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 33.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 33.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 33.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 33.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 33.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 33.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 33.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 33.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 33.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 33.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 33.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 33.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 33.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 33.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 33.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 33.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 33.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 33.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 12 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_21.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_21.txt Hm0 = 3.4793 fp = .1587 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 93.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 3.479 Tp = 6.301 dir = 93.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 5.764 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_21.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_21.txt ... file done Simulation 33.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 33.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 33.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 33.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 33.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 33.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 34.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 34.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 34.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 34.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.218 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 34.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 34.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 34.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 34.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 34.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 34.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 34.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 34.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 34.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 34.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 34.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 34.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 34.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 34.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 34.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 34.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.233 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 34.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 34.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 34.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 34.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.227 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 34.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 34.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 34.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 34.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 34.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 34.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 34.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 34.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 34.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 34.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 34.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 34.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 34.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 34.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 34.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 34.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 34.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 34.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 34.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 34.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 34.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 34.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 34.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 34.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 34.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 34.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 34.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 34.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 34.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 34.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 34.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 34.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 34.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 34.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 34.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 34.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 34.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 34.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 34.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 34.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 34.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 34.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.225 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 34.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 34.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 34.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 34.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 34.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.193 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 35.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.222 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 35.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 35.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.183 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 35.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 35.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 35.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 35.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.063 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 35.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 35.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 35.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 35.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 35.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 35.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 35.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 35.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 35.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 35.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 35.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 35.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 35.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 35.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 35.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 35.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 35.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 35.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 35.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 35.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 35.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 35.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 35.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 35.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 35.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 35.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.066 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.066 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 35.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 35.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 35.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 35.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 35.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 35.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 35.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 35.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 35.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 35.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 35.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 35.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 35.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 35.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 35.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 35.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 35.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 35.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 35.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 35.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 35.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 35.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 35.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 35.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 35.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 35.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 35.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 35.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 35.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 35.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 35.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 58 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_22.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_22.txt Hm0 = 3.6145 fp = .1563 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 93.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 3.615 Tp = 6.398 dir = 93.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 5.850 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Theta bin 3 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_22.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_22.txt ... file done Simulation 35.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 35.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 35.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 35.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 35.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 35.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 35.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 35.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 35.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 35.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 35.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 35.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 35.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 35.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 35.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 35.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 35.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 35.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 35.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 35.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 35.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 35.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 35.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 35.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 35.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 35.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 35.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 35.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 35.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 35.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 35.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 35.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 35.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 35.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 35.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 36.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 36.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 36.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 36.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 36.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 36.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 36.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 36.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 36.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 36.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 36.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 36.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 36.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 36.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 36.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 36.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 36.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 36.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 36.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 36.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 36.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 36.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 36.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 36.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 36.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 36.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 36.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 36.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 36.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 36.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 36.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 36.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 36.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 36.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 36.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 36.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 36.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.158 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 36.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.158 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 36.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.162 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 36.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 36.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 36.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 36.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 36.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 36.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 36.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 36.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 36.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 36.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 36.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 36.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 36.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 36.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 36.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 36.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 36.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 36.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 36.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 36.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 36.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 36.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 36.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 36.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 36.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 36.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 36.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 36.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 36.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 36.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 36.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 36.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 36.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.210 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 36.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.215 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 36.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.208 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 36.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 36.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 36.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 36.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 36.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 36.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 36.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 36.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 36.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 36.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 36.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 36.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 36.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 36.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 37.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 37.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 37.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 37.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 37.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 37.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 37.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 37.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 37.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 37.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 37.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 37.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 37.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 37.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 37.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 37.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 37.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 37.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 37.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 37.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 37.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 37.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 37.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 37.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 37.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 37.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 37.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 37.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 37.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 37.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 37.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 37.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 37.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 37.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 37.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 37.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 37.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 5 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_23.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_23.txt Hm0 = 3.7721 fp = .1515 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 93.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 3.772 Tp = 6.601 dir = 93.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.039 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_23.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_23.txt ... file done Simulation 37.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 37.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 37.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 37.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 37.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 37.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 37.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 37.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 37.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 37.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 37.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 37.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 37.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 37.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 37.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 37.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 37.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 37.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 37.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 37.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 37.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 37.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 37.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 37.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 37.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 37.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.210 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 37.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 37.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 37.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 37.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 37.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.186 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 37.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 37.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 37.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 37.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 37.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 37.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 37.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 37.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 37.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 37.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 37.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 37.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 37.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 37.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 37.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 37.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 37.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 37.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 37.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 37.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 37.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 37.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 37.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.206 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 37.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.220 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 37.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 37.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 37.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 38.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 38.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 38.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 38.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 38.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 38.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 38.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 38.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 38.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 38.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 38.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 38.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 38.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 38.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 38.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 38.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 38.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 38.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 38.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 38.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 38.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 38.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 38.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 38.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.186 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 38.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 38.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 38.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 38.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 38.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 38.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 38.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 38.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 38.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 38.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 38.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 38.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 38.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 38.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 38.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 38.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 38.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 38.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 38.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 38.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 38.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 38.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.218 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 38.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.206 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 38.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 38.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 38.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 38.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 38.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 38.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 38.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 38.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 38.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 38.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 38.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 38.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 38.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 38.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 38.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 38.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 38.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 38.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 38.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 38.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 38.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 38.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 38.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 38.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 38.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 38.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 38.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 38.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 38.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 38.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 38.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 38.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 38.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 38.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 38.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 38.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 38.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 38.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.211 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 38.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 38.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.158 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 38.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 38.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 38.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 38.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 38.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 39.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 39.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.208 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 49 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_24.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_24.txt Hm0 = 3.8960 fp = .1471 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 92.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 3.896 Tp = 6.798 dir = 92.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.216 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_24.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_24.txt ... file done Simulation 39.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 39.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 39.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 39.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 39.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 39.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 39.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 39.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 39.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.061 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 39.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.063 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 39.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.065 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 39.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 39.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 39.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 39.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 39.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 39.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 39.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 39.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 39.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 39.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 39.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 39.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 39.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.162 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 39.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 39.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 39.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 39.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 39.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 39.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 39.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 39.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 39.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 39.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 39.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 39.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 39.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 39.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 39.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 39.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 39.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 39.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 39.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 39.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 39.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 39.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 39.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 39.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 39.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 39.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 39.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 39.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 39.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 39.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 39.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 39.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 39.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 39.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 39.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 39.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 39.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 39.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 39.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 39.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 39.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 39.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 39.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 39.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 39.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 39.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 39.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 39.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 39.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 39.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 39.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 39.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 39.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 39.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 39.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 39.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 39.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 39.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 39.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 39.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 39.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 39.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.065 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 39.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 39.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 39.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 39.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 39.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 39.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 39.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 39.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 39.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 39.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 40.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 40.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 40.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.186 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 40.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 40.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 40.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.193 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 40.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 40.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.222 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 40.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 40.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 40.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 40.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 40.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 40.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 40.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 40.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 40.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 40.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 40.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 40.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 40.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 40.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 40.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 40.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 40.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 40.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 40.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 40.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 40.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 40.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 40.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 40.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 40.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 40.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 40.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 40.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 40.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 40.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 40.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 40.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 40.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 40.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 40.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 40.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 40.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 40.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 40.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 40.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 40.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 40.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 40.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 40.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 40.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 40.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 40.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 40.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 40.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.206 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 40.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 40.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.233 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 40.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 40.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 40.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.210 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 40.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 48 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_25.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_25.txt Hm0 = 4.0086 fp = .1449 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 91.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.009 Tp = 6.901 dir = 91.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.313 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_25.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_25.txt ... file done Simulation 40.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 40.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 40.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 40.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 40.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 40.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 40.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.158 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 40.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 40.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 40.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 40.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 40.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 40.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 40.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 40.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 40.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 40.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 40.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 40.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 40.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 41.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.219 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 41.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 41.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 41.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 41.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 41.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 41.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 41.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 41.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 41.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 41.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.230 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 41.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.222 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 41.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 41.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 41.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 41.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 41.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 41.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 41.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 41.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 41.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.162 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 41.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 41.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 41.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 41.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 41.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 41.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 41.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 41.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 41.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 41.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 41.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 41.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 41.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 41.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 41.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 41.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 41.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 41.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 41.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 41.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 41.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 41.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 41.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 41.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 41.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 41.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 41.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 41.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 41.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 41.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 41.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 41.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 41.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 41.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 41.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 41.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 41.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 41.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 41.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 41.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 41.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 41.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 41.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 41.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 41.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 41.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 41.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 41.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 41.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 41.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 41.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 41.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 41.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 41.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 41.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 41.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 41.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 41.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 41.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 41.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 41.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 41.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 41.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 41.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 41.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 41.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 41.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 41.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 41.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 41.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 41.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 41.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 41.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 41.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 41.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 42.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 42.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 42.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 42.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 42.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 42.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 42.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 42.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 42.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 42.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 42.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 42.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 42.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 42.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 42.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 42.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 42.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 42.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 42.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 42.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 42.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 42.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 42.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 42.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 42.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 42.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 42.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 42.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 42.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 42.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 42.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 42.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 42.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 42.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 42.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 42.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 42.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 42.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 42.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 42.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 42.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 42.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 42.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_26.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_26.txt Hm0 = 4.1662 fp = .1408 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 92.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.166 Tp = 7.102 dir = 92.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.495 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_26.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_26.txt ... file done Simulation 42.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 42.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 42.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 42.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 42.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.206 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 42.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 42.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.158 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 42.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 42.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 42.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 42.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 42.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 42.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 42.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 42.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 42.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 42.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 42.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 42.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 42.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 42.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 42.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 42.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 42.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 42.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 42.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 42.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 42.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 42.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 42.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 42.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 42.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 42.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 42.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 42.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 42.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.065 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.062 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.061 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.061 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.060 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.060 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.061 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.061 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.062 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.063 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.064 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 42.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.065 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.066 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 42.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 43.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.064 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.060 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.057 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.065 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 43.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 43.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 43.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 43.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 43.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 43.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 43.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 43.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 43.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 43.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 43.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 43.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 43.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 43.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 43.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 43.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 43.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 43.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 43.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 43.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 43.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 43.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 43.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.195 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 43.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 43.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.203 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 43.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 43.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 43.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 43.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 43.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 43.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 43.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 43.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.211 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 43.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 43.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 43.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 43.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 43.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 43.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 43.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 43.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 43.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 43.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 43.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 43.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 43.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 43.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 43.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 43.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 43.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 43.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 43.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 43.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 43.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 43.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 43.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 43.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 43.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 43.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 43.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 43.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 43.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 43.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 43.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 43.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 43.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 43.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 43.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 43.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 43.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 43.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 44.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 44.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 44.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 44.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 44.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 44.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 44.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 44.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 44.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 44.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 44.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 44.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 44.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.162 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 40 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_27.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_27.txt Hm0 = 4.2901 fp = .1370 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 92.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.290 Tp = 7.299 dir = 92.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.677 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_27.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_27.txt ... file done Simulation 44.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.211 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 44.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.234 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 44.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.225 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 44.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.218 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 44.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.230 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 44.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 44.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.232 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 44.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.222 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 44.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 44.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.193 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 44.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 44.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 44.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 44.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 44.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 44.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 44.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 44.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 44.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 44.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 44.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 44.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 44.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 44.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 44.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 44.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 44.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 44.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 44.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 44.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 44.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 44.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 44.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 44.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 44.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 44.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 44.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 44.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 44.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 44.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 44.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 44.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 44.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 44.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 44.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 44.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 44.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 44.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 44.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 44.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 44.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 44.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 44.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 44.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 44.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 44.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 44.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 44.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 44.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 44.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 44.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 44.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 44.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 44.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 44.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 44.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.062 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 44.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 44.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 44.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 44.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 44.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 44.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 44.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 44.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 44.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 44.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 44.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 44.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 44.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 44.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 44.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 44.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 44.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 44.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 44.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 44.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 44.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 44.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 45.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 45.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 45.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 45.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 45.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 45.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 45.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 45.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 45.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 45.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 45.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 45.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 45.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 45.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 45.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 45.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 45.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 45.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 45.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 45.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 45.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 45.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 45.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 45.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 45.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 45.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 45.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.065 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.061 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 45.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 45.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 45.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 45.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 45.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 45.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 45.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 45.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 45.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 45.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 45.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 45.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 45.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 45.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 45.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 45.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 45.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 45.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 45.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 45.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 45.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 45.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 45.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 45.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 45.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 45.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 45.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 45.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 45.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 45.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 45.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 45.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 45.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 45.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 45.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 45.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 45.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 45.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 45.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 45.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 45.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 45.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 41 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_28.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_28.txt Hm0 = 4.4027 fp = .1333 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 92.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.403 Tp = 7.502 dir = 92.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.861 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_28.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_28.txt ... file done Simulation 45.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 45.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 45.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 45.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 45.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 45.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 45.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 45.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 45.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.060 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 45.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.060 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 45.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.060 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 45.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.061 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.062 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.063 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.064 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.065 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.064 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.065 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 45.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 46.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 46.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 46.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 46.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 46.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 46.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 46.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 46.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 46.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 46.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 46.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 46.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 46.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 46.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 46.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 46.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 46.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 46.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 46.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 46.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 46.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 46.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 46.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 46.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 46.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 46.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 46.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 46.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 46.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 46.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 46.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 46.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 46.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 46.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 46.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 46.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 46.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 46.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 46.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 46.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 46.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 46.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 46.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 46.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 46.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 46.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 46.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 46.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 46.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 46.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 46.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 46.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 46.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 46.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 46.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 46.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 46.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 46.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 46.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 46.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 46.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.061 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 46.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.060 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.061 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.061 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.061 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.061 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.060 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.066 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.065 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.059 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.065 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 46.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 46.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 46.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 46.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 46.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 46.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 46.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 46.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 46.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 46.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 46.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 46.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 46.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 46.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 46.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 46.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 46.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 46.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 46.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 46.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 46.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 46.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 46.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 46.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 46.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 46.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 46.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 46.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 46.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 46.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 46.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 46.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 46.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 46.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 46.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 46.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 46.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 46.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 46.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 46.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 46.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 46.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 46.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 47.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 47.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 47.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 47.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 47.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 47.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 47.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 47.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 47.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 47.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 47.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 47.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 47.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 47.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 47.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 47.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 47.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 47.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 47.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 47.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 47.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 47.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 47.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 47.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 47.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 47.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 47.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 47.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 47.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 47.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 47.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 47.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 47.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 47.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 47.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 47.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 47.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 24 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_29.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_29.txt Hm0 = 4.5040 fp = .1316 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 93.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.504 Tp = 7.599 dir = 93.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.949 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_29.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_29.txt ... file done Simulation 47.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 8 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 47.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 47.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 47.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 47.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 47.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 47.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 47.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 47.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 47.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 47.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 47.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 47.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 47.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 47.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 47.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 47.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 47.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 47.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 47.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 47.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 47.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 47.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 47.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 47.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 47.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 47.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 47.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 47.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 47.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 47.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 47.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 47.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 47.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 47.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 47.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 47.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 47.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 47.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 47.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 47.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 47.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 47.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 47.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 48.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 48.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 48.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 48.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 48.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 48.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 48.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 48.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 48.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 48.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 48.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 48.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 48.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 48.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 48.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 48.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 48.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 48.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 48.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 48.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 48.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 48.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 48.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 48.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 48.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 48.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 48.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 48.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 48.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 48.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 48.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 48.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 48.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 48.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 48.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 48.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 48.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.108 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 48.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 48.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 48.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 48.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 48.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 48.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 48.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 48.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 48.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 48.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 48.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 48.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 48.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 48.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 48.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 48.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 48.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 48.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 48.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 48.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 48.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 48.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 48.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 48.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 48.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 48.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 48.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 48.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 48.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 48.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 48.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 48.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 48.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 48.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 48.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 48.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 48.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 48.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 48.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 48.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 48.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 48.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 48.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 48.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 48.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 48.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 48.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 48.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 48.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 48.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 48.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 48.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 48.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.186 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 48.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 48.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 48.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 48.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 48.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 48.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 48.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 48.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 48.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 49.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 49.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 49.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 49.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 49.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 49.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 49.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 49.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 49.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 49.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.065 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.064 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.065 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 49.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 15 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_30.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_30.txt Hm0 = 4.5716 fp = .1299 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 93.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.572 Tp = 7.698 dir = 93.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 7.039 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_30.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_30.txt ... file done Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.064 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.067 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 49.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 49.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 49.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 49.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 49.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 49.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 49.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 49.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 49.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 49.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 49.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 49.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 49.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 49.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 49.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 49.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 49.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 49.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 49.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 49.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 49.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 49.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 49.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 49.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 49.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 49.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 49.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 49.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 49.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 49.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 49.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 49.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 49.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 49.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 49.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 49.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 49.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 49.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 49.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 49.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 49.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 49.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 49.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 49.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 49.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 49.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 49.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 49.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 49.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 49.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 49.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.186 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 49.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 49.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.212 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 49.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 49.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.218 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 49.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.228 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 49.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 49.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 49.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 50.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 50.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 50.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 50.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 50.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 50.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 50.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 50.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 50.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.210 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 50.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 50.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 50.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.231 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 50.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 50.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 50.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.218 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 50.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 50.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.211 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 50.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 50.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 50.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 50.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 50.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 50.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 50.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 50.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 50.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 50.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 50.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 50.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 50.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 50.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 50.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 50.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 50.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 50.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 50.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 50.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 50.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 50.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 50.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 50.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 50.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 50.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 50.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 50.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 50.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 50.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 50.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 50.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 50.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 50.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 50.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 50.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 50.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 50.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 50.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 50.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 50.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 50.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 50.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 50.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 50.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 50.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 50.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 50.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 50.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 50.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 50.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 50.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 50.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 50.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 50.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 50.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 50.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 50.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 50.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 50.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 50.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 50.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 55 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_31.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_31.txt Hm0 = 4.6279 fp = .1282 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 93.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.628 Tp = 7.800 dir = 93.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 7.138 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_31.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_31.txt ... file done Simulation 50.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 50.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 50.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 50.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 50.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 50.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 50.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 50.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 50.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.231 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 50.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 51.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 51.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.158 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 51.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.215 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 51.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 51.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.222 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 51.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 51.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 51.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.233 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 51.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 51.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 51.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 51.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 51.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 51.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 51.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 51.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 51.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 51.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 51.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 51.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 51.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 51.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 51.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 51.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 51.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 51.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.226 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 51.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 51.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.231 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 51.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 51.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 51.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 51.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 51.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 51.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 51.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 51.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 51.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 51.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 51.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 51.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 51.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 51.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.231 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 51.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 51.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.224 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 51.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 51.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.231 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 51.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 51.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.193 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 51.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 51.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.066 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.082 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.096 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 51.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 51.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 51.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.133 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 51.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 51.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 51.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.208 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 51.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 51.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 51.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 51.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 51.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 51.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 51.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 51.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 52.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 52.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 52.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.230 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 52.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 52.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 52.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.069 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 52.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 52.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.078 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.080 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.093 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 52.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 52.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.106 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 52.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 52.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 52.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 52.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 52.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.214 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 52.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.212 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 52.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.195 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 52.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 52.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 52.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 52.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 52.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 52.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 52.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 52.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 52.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 52.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 52.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.225 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 52.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 52.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.062 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 52.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.075 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 52.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.139 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 52.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 52.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 52.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.089 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 52.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 52.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 52.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 23 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_32.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_32.txt Hm0 = 4.6729 fp = .1282 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 93.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.673 Tp = 7.800 dir = 93.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 7.138 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_32.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_32.txt ... file done Simulation 52.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.137 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 52.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 52.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 52.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 52.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 52.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 52.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.154 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 52.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 52.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 52.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 52.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 52.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 52.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 52.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 52.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 52.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.211 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 52.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.146 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 52.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 52.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 52.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 52.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 52.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 52.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.224 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 52.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 52.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 52.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 52.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 52.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.193 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 53.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 53.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 53.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 53.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 53.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 53.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 53.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 53.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 53.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 53.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 53.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 53.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 53.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 53.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 53.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 53.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 53.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 53.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.219 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 53.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 53.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 53.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 53.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.186 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 53.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 53.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.144 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 53.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.224 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 53.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 53.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 53.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 53.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 53.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 53.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 53.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 53.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 53.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 53.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 53.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.233 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 53.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 53.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 53.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 53.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.215 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.060 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.064 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.066 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.070 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.073 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.081 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.086 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.092 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.099 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 53.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 53.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 53.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 53.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.234 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 53.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 53.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 53.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 53.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 53.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 53.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 53.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.183 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 54.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 54.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 54.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 54.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 54.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.208 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 54.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 54.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 54.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 54.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 54.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.226 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 54.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 54.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.195 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 54.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 54.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 54.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 8 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_33.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_33.txt Hm0 = 4.6842 fp = .1266 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 93.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.684 Tp = 7.899 dir = 93.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 7.223 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_33.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_33.txt ... file done Simulation 54.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 54.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 54.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 54.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 54.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 54.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 54.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 54.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 54.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 54.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 54.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 54.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 54.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 54.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.193 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 54.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 54.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 54.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.215 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 54.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 54.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 54.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.224 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 54.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 54.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 54.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.225 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 54.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 54.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 54.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 54.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 54.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.183 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 54.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 54.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 54.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 54.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 54.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 54.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.228 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 54.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 54.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 54.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 54.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 55.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.220 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 55.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 55.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 55.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 55.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.158 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 55.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.226 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 55.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 55.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 55.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 55.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 55.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 55.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.232 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 55.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 55.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 55.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 55.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.231 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 55.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.233 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 55.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 55.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.202 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 55.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 55.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 55.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.223 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 55.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 55.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 55.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 55.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 55.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 55.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 55.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 55.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 55.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 55.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.233 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 55.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 55.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.088 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 55.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.110 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 55.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 55.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 55.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 55.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 55.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 55.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 55.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 55.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.151 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 55.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 55.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 55.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 55.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 55.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 55.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 55.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 55.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.115 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 55.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 55.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 55.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 55.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 55.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 55.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 55.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 55.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 55.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 55.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.120 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 55.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 55.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.126 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 55.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 55.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 55.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 55.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 55.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.097 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 55.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.101 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 11 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_34.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_34.txt Hm0 = 4.6954 fp = .1266 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 93.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.695 Tp = 7.899 dir = 93.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 7.223 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_34.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_34.txt ... file done Simulation 55.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.103 seconds Time remaining 9 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 55.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 56.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 56.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 56.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.117 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 56.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 56.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 56.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 56.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 56.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 56.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 56.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 56.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 56.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 56.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.218 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 56.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 56.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.226 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 56.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 56.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 56.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 56.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 56.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.215 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 56.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.061 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 56.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.074 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 56.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 56.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 56.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 56.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 56.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 56.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.112 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 56.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 56.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 56.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.132 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 56.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 56.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 56.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 56.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 56.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 56.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 56.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 56.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 56.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 56.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 56.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 56.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 56.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 56.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.186 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 56.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 56.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 56.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 56.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 56.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 56.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 56.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 56.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 56.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 56.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.233 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 56.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 56.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 56.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 56.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.227 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 56.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 56.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 56.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 56.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.131 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 56.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 56.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.116 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 56.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.140 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 57.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 57.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 57.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 57.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 57.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 57.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 57.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 57.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 57.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 57.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 57.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 57.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.219 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 57.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 57.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 57.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.228 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 57.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 57.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 57.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 57.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 57.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.210 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 57.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 57.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 57.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 57.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 57.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 57.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 57.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 57.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 57.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.195 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 57.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 57.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 57.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 57.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.219 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 57.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.083 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.071 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.064 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.072 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.063 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.064 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.060 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.057 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.055 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.056 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_35.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_35.txt Hm0 = 4.6729 fp = .1282 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 93.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.673 Tp = 7.800 dir = 93.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 7.138 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_35.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_35.txt ... file done Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.057 seconds Time remaining 7 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.060 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.068 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 57.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.076 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 57.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 57.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 57.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 57.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 57.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 57.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.114 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 57.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.123 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 57.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 57.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 57.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.183 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 57.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 57.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 57.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.148 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 57.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 57.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 57.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 57.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.208 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 57.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 57.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 57.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.127 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 57.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 57.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.121 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 57.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 57.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 57.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 58.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 58.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 58.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.128 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 58.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 58.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.141 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 58.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.142 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 58.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 58.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 58.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 58.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.124 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 58.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 58.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 58.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 58.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.212 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 58.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 58.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.203 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 58.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 58.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 58.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 58.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 58.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 58.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 58.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 58.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 58.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.224 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 58.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.130 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 58.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.109 seconds Time remaining 6 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 58.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.122 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 58.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 58.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 58.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.118 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 58.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 58.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 58.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.234 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 58.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 58.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 58.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.219 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 58.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 58.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 58.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 58.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 58.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 58.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 58.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 58.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 58.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 58.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.223 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 58.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 58.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 58.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 58.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 58.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 58.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 58.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 58.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 58.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 58.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 58.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 58.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.212 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 58.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.227 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 58.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 58.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.136 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 58.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 58.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.138 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 58.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.145 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 59.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.155 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 59.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 59.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 59.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.153 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 59.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.171 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 59.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 59.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.222 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 59.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.225 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 59.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 59.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 59.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 59.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 59.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 59.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 59.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 59.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 59.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 59.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.222 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 59.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 59.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.232 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 59.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 52 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_36.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_36.txt Hm0 = 4.6391 fp = .1282 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 92.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.639 Tp = 7.800 dir = 92.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 7.138 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_36.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_36.txt ... file done Simulation 59.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 59.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 59.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 59.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 59.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 59.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 59.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 59.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 59.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 59.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 59.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 59.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.208 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 59.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 59.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.193 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 59.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 59.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.214 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 59.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.231 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 59.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 59.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 59.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 59.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 59.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 59.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 59.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 59.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 59.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 59.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 59.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 59.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 59.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 59.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.203 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 59.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 60.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 60.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 60.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 60.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 60.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 60.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 60.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 60.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 60.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 60.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 60.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.183 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 60.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 60.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 60.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 60.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 60.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 60.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 60.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 60.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 60.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 60.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 60.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 60.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 60.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 60.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 60.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 60.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 60.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 60.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 60.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 60.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.135 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 60.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 60.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.215 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 60.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 60.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.233 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 60.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 60.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 60.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 60.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.229 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 60.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 60.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 60.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 60.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 60.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 60.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 60.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 60.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 60.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 60.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 60.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 60.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 60.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 61.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 61.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 61.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 40 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_37.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_37.txt Hm0 = 4.5941 fp = .1282 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 91.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.594 Tp = 7.800 dir = 91.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 7.138 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_37.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_37.txt ... file done Simulation 61.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 61.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.231 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 61.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 61.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 61.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 61.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 61.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 61.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 61.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 61.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 61.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 61.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 61.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 61.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.202 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 61.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 61.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 61.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 61.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 61.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.212 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 61.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 61.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 61.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.176 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 61.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 61.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 61.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.186 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 61.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 61.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.211 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 61.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 61.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.159 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 61.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.210 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 61.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 61.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 61.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 61.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 61.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 61.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 61.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 61.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 61.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 61.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 61.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 61.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 61.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 61.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 61.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 61.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 61.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 61.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 61.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 62.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 62.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 62.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 62.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 62.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 62.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 62.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 62.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 62.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 62.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 62.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 62.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 62.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 62.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 62.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 62.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 62.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.222 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 62.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 62.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 62.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 62.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 62.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 62.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.222 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 62.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 62.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 62.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 62.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 62.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 62.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 62.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 62.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 62.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 62.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 62.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 62.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 62.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 62.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 62.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 62.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 57 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_38.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_38.txt Hm0 = 4.5265 fp = .1299 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 90.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.527 Tp = 7.698 dir = 90.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 7.039 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_38.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_38.txt ... file done Simulation 62.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 62.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 62.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.203 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 62.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 62.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 62.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 62.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 62.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 62.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 62.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 62.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.218 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 62.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.181 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 62.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 63.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 63.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 63.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 63.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 63.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 63.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 63.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 63.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 63.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 63.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 63.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 63.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 63.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 63.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.217 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 63.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 63.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.228 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 63.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 63.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 63.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 63.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 63.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 63.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.232 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 63.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 63.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 63.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 63.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 63.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 63.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 63.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 63.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.212 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 63.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.182 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 63.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 63.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 63.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 63.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 63.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 63.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 63.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 63.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 63.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 63.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.226 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 63.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 63.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 63.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 63.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 63.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 63.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 63.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 63.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 63.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 63.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 64.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 64.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 64.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 64.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 64.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 64.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 64.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 64.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 64.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 64.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 64.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 64.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 64.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 64.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 64.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 64.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 64.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 64.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 64.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 64.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 64.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 64.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 25 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_39.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_39.txt Hm0 = 4.4364 fp = .1316 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 89.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.436 Tp = 7.599 dir = 89.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.949 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_39.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_39.txt ... file done Simulation 64.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 64.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.233 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 64.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 64.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 64.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 64.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 64.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 64.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 64.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.210 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 64.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.157 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 64.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 64.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 64.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 64.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 64.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 64.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 64.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 64.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 64.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 64.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 64.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.220 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 64.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.214 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 64.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 64.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.164 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 64.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 64.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 64.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 64.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 64.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 65.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 65.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.084 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 65.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 65.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.085 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 65.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.091 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 65.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.095 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 65.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.100 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 65.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.104 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 65.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 65.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.111 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 65.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.113 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 65.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.107 seconds Time remaining 5 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 65.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.203 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 65.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 65.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 65.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 65.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 65.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 65.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 65.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 65.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 65.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 65.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 65.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 65.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 65.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 65.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 65.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.077 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 65.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.079 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 65.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.087 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 65.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.090 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 65.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.094 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 65.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.098 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 65.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.102 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 65.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.105 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 65.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.119 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 65.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.129 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 65.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.134 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 65.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.125 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 65.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 65.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 65.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 65.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 65.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 65.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 65.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 65.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 65.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 65.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.230 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 65.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 65.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 65.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 65.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.170 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 65.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.178 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 65.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.224 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 65.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 65.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 65.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 65.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 65.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 65.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 65.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 65.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.234 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 65.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 65.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.221 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 66.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 66.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.185 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 66.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 66.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 66.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 66.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 66.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 66.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 20 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_40.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_40.txt Hm0 = 4.3126 fp = .1316 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 88.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.313 Tp = 7.599 dir = 88.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.949 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_40.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_40.txt ... file done Simulation 66.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 66.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 66.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 66.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 66.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 66.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 66.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.220 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 66.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.224 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 66.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.230 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 66.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 66.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 66.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 66.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.179 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 66.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 66.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 66.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 66.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 66.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 66.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 66.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 66.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 66.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 66.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 66.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 66.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 66.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 66.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 66.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 66.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 66.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 66.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 66.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 66.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 66.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 66.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 66.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 66.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 66.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 66.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 66.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 66.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.172 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 66.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 67.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.195 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 67.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 67.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 67.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 67.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 67.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 67.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 67.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 67.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 67.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.225 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 67.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 67.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 67.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 67.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 67.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 67.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 67.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 67.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 67.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 67.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 67.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 67.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 67.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.147 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 67.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.169 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 67.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.167 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 67.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 67.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.180 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 67.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 67.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 67.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 67.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 67.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 67.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 67.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 67.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 67.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 67.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.232 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 67.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.190 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 67.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 67.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 67.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 67.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.232 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 67.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 67.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 67.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 6 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_41.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_41.txt Hm0 = 4.1212 fp = .1351 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 87.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 4.121 Tp = 7.402 dir = 87.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.770 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_41.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_41.txt ... file done Simulation 67.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 4 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 67.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.183 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 67.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 67.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 67.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 67.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 67.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 67.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 68.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 68.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 68.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.216 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 68.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 68.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 68.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 68.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.233 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 68.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.212 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 68.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.188 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 68.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 68.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 68.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 68.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 68.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 68.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 68.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.232 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 68.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.222 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 68.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 68.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 68.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 68.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 68.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 68.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 68.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 68.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 68.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 68.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 68.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.234 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 68.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 68.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 68.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 68.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 68.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 68.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 68.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 68.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.224 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 68.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 68.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 68.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 68.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 68.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 68.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 68.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 68.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 68.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.234 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 68.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.211 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 68.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 68.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 68.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 68.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.232 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 69.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 69.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 69.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.219 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 69.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 69.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.163 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 69.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.149 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 69.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.174 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 69.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 69.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 69.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 69.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 69.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 69.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 69.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 69.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 69.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 69.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.143 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 69.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.173 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 69.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.198 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 69.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 69.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 69.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 69.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 69.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 69.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 69.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 69.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 69.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.224 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 69.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 5 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_42.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_42.txt Hm0 = 3.8734 fp = .1370 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 85.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 3.873 Tp = 7.299 dir = 85.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.677 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_42.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_42.txt ... file done Simulation 69.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 69.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 69.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 69.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.227 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 69.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.196 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 69.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 69.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.165 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 69.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 69.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.162 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 69.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 69.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.215 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 69.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 69.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 69.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 69.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 69.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.226 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 69.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 69.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 69.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 69.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 69.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 69.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 69.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 69.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 69.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 70.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 70.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 70.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 70.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 70.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 70.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 70.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 70.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 70.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 70.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 70.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 70.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 70.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 70.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 70.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 70.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 70.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 70.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 70.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 70.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 70.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 70.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 70.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 70.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 70.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 70.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 70.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 70.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 70.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 70.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 70.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 70.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 70.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 70.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 70.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 70.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 70.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 70.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 70.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 70.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 70.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 70.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 70.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.199 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 70.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 70.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 70.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 70.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 70.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 70.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.207 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 71.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.233 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 71.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 71.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.225 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 71.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 71.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 71.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 71.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.238 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 71.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.200 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 71.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 71.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 71.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 71.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 59 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_43.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_43.txt Hm0 = 3.6257 fp = .1389 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 84.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 3.626 Tp = 7.199 dir = 84.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.582 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_43.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_43.txt ... file done Simulation 71.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 71.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 71.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 71.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 71.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 71.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 71.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 71.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 71.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 58 minutes Simulation 71.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 71.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 71.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 71.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 71.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 71.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 71.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.177 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 71.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.175 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 71.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.168 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 71.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.156 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 71.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.152 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 71.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.166 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 71.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.160 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 59 minutes Simulation 71.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.187 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 71.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.194 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 71.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.197 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 71.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.192 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 71.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 71.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 71.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 71.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 71.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 71.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 71.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 71.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.241 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 71.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 71.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 71.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 71.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 71.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 71.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 56 minutes Simulation 71.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 72.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 72.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 72.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 72.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 72.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 72.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 72.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.211 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 72.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.214 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 72.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.210 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 72.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.220 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 72.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.240 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 72.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 72.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 72.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 72.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 72.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 54 minutes Simulation 72.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.213 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 72.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 72.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.214 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 72.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.191 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 72.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 72.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 72.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 72.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 72.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 72.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 72.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 72.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 72.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 72.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 72.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 72.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 52 minutes Simulation 72.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.231 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 72.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 72.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 72.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 72.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 53 minutes Simulation 72.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 51 minutes Simulation 72.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 72.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.201 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 72.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.204 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 72.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 72.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 72.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.210 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 72.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.218 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 2 minutes Simulation 72.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 51 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_44.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_44.txt Hm0 = 3.4005 fp = .1389 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 83.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 3.401 Tp = 7.199 dir = 83.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.582 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Theta bin 3 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_44.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_44.txt ... file done Simulation 72.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 72.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 72.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 72.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 73.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 73.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.227 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 57 minutes Simulation 73.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.184 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 73.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.161 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 73.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.233 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 73.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 73.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 73.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 73.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 73.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 73.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 73.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 73.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 73.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 73.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.232 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 55 minutes Simulation 73.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 73.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 73.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 73.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 73.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 73.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 73.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 49 minutes Simulation 73.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 73.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 73.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 73.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 73.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 73.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 73.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 73.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 73.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 73.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 73.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 73.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 73.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 73.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 73.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 73.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 73.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 73.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 73.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 73.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 73.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 73.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 48 minutes Simulation 73.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 73.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 73.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 73.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 74.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 74.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 74.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 74.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 74.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 74.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 74.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 74.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 74.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 74.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 74.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 74.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 74.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 74.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 74.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 74.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 74.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.189 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 74.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.150 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 50 minutes Simulation 74.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.202 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 74.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 47 minutes Simulation 74.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 74.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 74.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 74.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 74.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 74.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 74.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 74.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 74.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 74.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 74.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.205 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 4 minutes Simulation 74.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.209 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 1 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_45.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_45.txt Hm0 = 3.1641 fp = .1389 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 82.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 3.164 Tp = 7.199 dir = 82.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.582 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_45.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_45.txt ... file done Simulation 74.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 3 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 74.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 74.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 74.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 74.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 74.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 74.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 74.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 74.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 74.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 74.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 74.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 74.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 74.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 74.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 74.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 74.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 74.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 75.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 75.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 75.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 75.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 42 minutes Simulation 75.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 75.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 75.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 75.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 43 minutes Simulation 75.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 75.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 75.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 75.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 75.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 75.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 75.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.237 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 44 minutes Simulation 75.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 75.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 75.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 75.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 75.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 75.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 75.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 45 minutes Simulation 75.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 75.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 41 minutes Simulation 75.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 75.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 75.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 75.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 75.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 75.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 75.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 75.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 75.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 75.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 75.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 75.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 75.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 75.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 75.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 75.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 75.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 75.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 75.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 75.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 75.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 75.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 75.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 75.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 76.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 76.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.247 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 76.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 76.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 76.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 76.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 76.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 76.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 76.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 76.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 76.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 76.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 76.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 76.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 76.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 35 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_46.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_46.txt Hm0 = 2.9501 fp = .1429 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 81.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 2.950 Tp = 6.998 dir = 81.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.401 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Theta bin 3 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_46.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_46.txt ... file done Simulation 76.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 76.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 76.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 76.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 37 minutes Simulation 76.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 36 minutes Simulation 76.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 76.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 76.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 40 minutes Simulation 76.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 76.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 76.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 76.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 76.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 76.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 76.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 76.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 76.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 76.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 76.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 76.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 76.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 76.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 76.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 76.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 76.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 39 minutes Simulation 76.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 76.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 76.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.235 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 38 minutes Simulation 76.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 35 minutes Simulation 76.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 76.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 76.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 76.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 77.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 77.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 77.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 77.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 77.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 77.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 77.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 33 minutes Simulation 77.1 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 31 minutes Simulation 77.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 77.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 77.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 77.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 77.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 34 minutes Simulation 77.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 77.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 32 minutes Simulation 77.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 77.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 77.7 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 78.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 29 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_47.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_47.txt Hm0 = 2.7700 fp = .1449 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 80.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 2.770 Tp = 6.901 dir = 80.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.313 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_47.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_47.txt ... file done Simulation 78.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 78.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 78.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 30 minutes Simulation 78.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 78.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 78.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 78.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 78.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 78.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 29 minutes Simulation 78.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 78.2 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.236 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 78.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 78.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 78.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 78.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 26 minutes Simulation 78.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 78.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 79.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 79.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 79.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 79.0 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 79.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 25 minutes Simulation 79.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 27 minutes Simulation 79.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 79.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 79.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 79.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 79.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 24 minutes Simulation 79.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 79.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 79.4 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.239 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 24 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_48.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_48.txt Hm0 = 2.5673 fp = .1515 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 79.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 2.567 Tp = 6.601 dir = 79.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 6.039 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_48.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_48.txt ... file done Simulation 79.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 60 minutes Simulation 79.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 79.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 79.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 79.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 79.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 79.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 79.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 79.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 23 minutes Simulation 79.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 21 minutes Simulation 79.9 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 80.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 80.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 80.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 22 minutes Simulation 80.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 20 minutes Simulation 80.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 80.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 80.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 19 minutes Simulation 80.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 80.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 18 minutes Simulation 80.5 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 80.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 81.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 81.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 81.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 81.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 81.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 81.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 81.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 81.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 81.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 81.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 81.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 81.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 81.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 81.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 81.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 81.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 81.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 81.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 81.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 15 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_49.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_49.txt Hm0 = 2.3421 fp = .1639 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 78.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 2.342 Tp = 6.101 dir = 78.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 5.582 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_49.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_49.txt ... file done Simulation 81.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 81.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 81.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 16 minutes Simulation 81.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 81.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 81.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 81.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 81.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 81.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 81.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 81.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 81.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 15 minutes Simulation 81.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 81.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 81.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 81.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 81.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 81.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 81.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 81.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 81.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 81.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 81.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 81.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 81.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 81.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 81.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 81.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 82.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 82.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 82.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 82.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 82.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 14 minutes Simulation 82.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 82.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 82.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 13 minutes Simulation 82.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 82.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 82.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 17 minutes Simulation 82.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 82.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 82.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 82.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 82.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 82.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 82.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 82.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 82.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 82.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 82.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 11 minutes Simulation 82.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 82.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 82.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 82.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 82.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 82.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 82.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 82.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 82.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 82.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 83.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 83.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 83.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 83.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 8 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_50.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_50.txt Hm0 = 2.1732 fp = .1724 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 77.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 2.173 Tp = 5.800 dir = 77.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 5.305 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_50.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_50.txt ... file done Simulation 83.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 46 minutes Simulation 83.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 10 minutes Simulation 83.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 83.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 83.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 12 minutes Simulation 83.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 83.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 9 minutes Simulation 83.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 83.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 83.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 83.3 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 8 minutes Simulation 83.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 83.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 83.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 83.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 83.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 5 minutes Simulation 83.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 83.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 83.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 83.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 6 minutes Simulation 83.7 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 2 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_51.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_51.txt Hm0 = 2.0268 fp = .1818 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 76.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 2.027 Tp = 5.501 dir = 76.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 5.031 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Theta bin 3 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_51.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_51.txt ... file done Simulation 84.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 84.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 84.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 3 minutes Simulation 84.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 84.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 0 minutes Simulation 84.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 84.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 84.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 84.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 84.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 1 minutes Simulation 85.0 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 54 minutes Simulation 86.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 55 minutes Simulation 86.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 55 minutes Simulation 86.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 55 minutes Simulation 86.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 55 minutes Simulation 86.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 56 minutes Simulation 86.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 54 minutes Simulation 86.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 55 minutes Simulation 86.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 54 minutes Simulation 86.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 55 minutes Simulation 86.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 55 minutes Simulation 86.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 55 minutes Simulation 86.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 55 minutes Simulation 86.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 54 minutes Simulation 86.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 54 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_52.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_52.txt Hm0 = 1.8579 fp = .1923 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 74.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.858 Tp = 5.200 dir = 74.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 4.755 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Theta bin 3 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_52.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_52.txt ... file done Simulation 86.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 28 minutes Simulation 86.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 55 minutes Simulation 86.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.245 seconds Time remaining 54 minutes Simulation 86.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 54 minutes Simulation 86.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 55 minutes Simulation 86.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 54 minutes Simulation 86.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.243 seconds Time remaining 54 minutes Simulation 86.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.244 seconds Time remaining 54 minutes Simulation 86.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 53 minutes Simulation 86.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 53 minutes Simulation 86.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 52 minutes Simulation 86.7 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 51 minutes Simulation 87.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 51 minutes Simulation 87.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 51 minutes Simulation 87.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 51 minutes Simulation 87.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 51 minutes Simulation 87.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 51 minutes Simulation 87.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 51 minutes Simulation 87.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 52 minutes Simulation 87.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 51 minutes Simulation 87.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 50 minutes Simulation 87.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 50 minutes Simulation 87.4 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.242 seconds Time remaining 54 minutes Simulation 87.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 49 minutes Simulation 87.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 48 minutes Simulation 87.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 48 minutes Simulation 87.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 48 minutes Simulation 88.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 48 minutes Simulation 88.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 48 minutes Simulation 88.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 48 minutes Simulation 88.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 47 minutes Simulation 88.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 47 minutes Simulation 88.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 48 minutes Simulation 88.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 47 minutes Simulation 88.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 47 minutes Simulation 88.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 47 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_53.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_53.txt Hm0 = 1.7003 fp = .2000 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 73.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.700 Tp = 5.000 dir = 73.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 4.574 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Theta bin 3 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_53.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_53.txt ... file done Simulation 88.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 hours and 7 minutes Simulation 88.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 47 minutes Simulation 88.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 46 minutes Simulation 88.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 47 minutes Simulation 88.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 47 minutes Simulation 88.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 46 minutes Simulation 88.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 47 minutes Simulation 88.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 46 minutes Simulation 88.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 46 minutes Simulation 88.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 46 minutes Simulation 88.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 45 minutes Simulation 88.4 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 40 minutes Simulation 89.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 40 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_54.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_54.txt Hm0 = 1.5651 fp = .2083 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 74.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.565 Tp = 4.801 dir = 74.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 4.390 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Theta bin 3 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_54.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_54.txt ... file done Simulation 89.8 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 36 minutes Simulation 91.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 33 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_55.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_55.txt Hm0 = 1.4300 fp = .2174 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 75.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.430 Tp = 4.600 dir = 75.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 4.206 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_55.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_55.txt ... file done Simulation 91.5 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 93.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 93.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 93.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 93.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 93.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 93.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 93.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 93.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 93.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 93.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 93.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 26 minutes waveparams: Reading from jonswap_56.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_56.txt Hm0 = 1.3062 fp = .2273 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 76.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.306 Tp = 4.399 dir = 76.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 4.024 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_56.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_56.txt ... file done Simulation 93.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 44 minutes Simulation 93.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 93.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 93.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 27 minutes Simulation 93.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 93.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 93.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 93.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 93.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 93.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 25 minutes Simulation 93.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 26 minutes Simulation 93.5 percent complete. 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Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_58.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_58.txt ... file done Simulation 96.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 21 minutes Simulation 96.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 96.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 96.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 96.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 96.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 13 minutes Simulation 96.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 96.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 96.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 96.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 96.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 96.8 percent complete. 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Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 9 minutes and 36 seconds Simulation 97.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 9 minutes and 31 seconds Simulation 97.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 9 minutes and 36 seconds Simulation 97.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 9 minutes and 22 seconds Simulation 97.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 9 minutes and 19 seconds Simulation 97.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 9 minutes and 19 seconds Simulation 97.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 9 minutes and 9 seconds Simulation 97.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 9 minutes and 5 seconds Simulation 97.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 9 minutes and 8 seconds Simulation 97.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 52 seconds Simulation 97.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 46 seconds Simulation 97.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 35 seconds Simulation 97.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 34 seconds Simulation 97.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 32 seconds Simulation 97.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 21 seconds Simulation 97.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 25 seconds Simulation 97.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 29 seconds Simulation 97.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 4 seconds Simulation 98.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 9 minutes and 26 seconds Simulation 98.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 1 seconds Simulation 98.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 58 seconds Simulation 98.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 50 seconds Simulation 98.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 50 seconds Simulation 98.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 50 seconds Simulation 98.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 36 seconds Simulation 98.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 35 seconds Simulation 98.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 23 seconds Simulation 98.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 20 seconds Simulation 98.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 18 seconds Simulation 98.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 7 seconds Simulation 98.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 1 seconds Simulation 98.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 55 seconds Simulation 98.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 58 seconds Simulation 98.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 48 seconds Simulation 98.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 46 seconds waveparams: Reading from jonswap_59.txt ... XBeach reading from jonswap_59.txt Hm0 = 1.1485 fp = .2500 fnyq = 1.0000 dfj = .0050 (no record found, default value used) gammajsp = 3.3000 s = 20.0000 mainang = 82.0000 Input checked: Hm0 = 1.149 Tp = 4.000 dir = 82.000 duration = 360.000 Derived Trep = 3.659 Changing dtbc in wave boundary conditions to satisfy Nyquist condition: New dtbc = .5025 s. Calculating wave energy at boundary Calculating wave energy for theta bin 1 of 6 Theta bin 1 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 2 of 6 Theta bin 2 empty at this point. Continuing to next point Calculating wave energy for theta bin 3 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 4 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 5 of 6 Calculating wave energy for theta bin 6 of 6 writing wave energy to E_jonswap_59.txt ... file done Calculating flux at boundary Flux 1 of 109 Flux 2 of 109 Flux 3 of 109 Flux 4 of 109 Flux 5 of 109 Flux 6 of 109 Flux 7 of 109 Flux 8 of 109 Flux 9 of 109 Flux 10 of 109 Flux 11 of 109 Flux 12 of 109 Flux 13 of 109 Flux 14 of 109 Flux 15 of 109 Flux 16 of 109 Flux 17 of 109 Flux 18 of 109 Flux 19 of 109 Flux 20 of 109 Flux 21 of 109 Flux 22 of 109 Flux 23 of 109 Flux 24 of 109 Flux 25 of 109 Flux 26 of 109 Flux 27 of 109 Flux 28 of 109 Flux 29 of 109 Flux 30 of 109 Flux 31 of 109 Flux 32 of 109 Flux 33 of 109 Flux 34 of 109 Flux 35 of 109 Flux 36 of 109 Flux 37 of 109 Flux 38 of 109 Flux 39 of 109 Flux 40 of 109 Flux 41 of 109 Flux 42 of 109 Flux 43 of 109 Flux 44 of 109 Flux 45 of 109 Flux 46 of 109 Flux 47 of 109 Flux 48 of 109 Flux 49 of 109 Flux 50 of 109 Flux 51 of 109 Flux 52 of 109 Flux 53 of 109 Flux 54 of 109 Flux 55 of 109 Flux 56 of 109 Flux 57 of 109 Flux 58 of 109 Flux 59 of 109 Flux 60 of 109 Flux 61 of 109 Flux 62 of 109 Flux 63 of 109 Flux 64 of 109 Flux 65 of 109 Flux 66 of 109 Flux 67 of 109 Flux 68 of 109 Flux 69 of 109 Flux 70 of 109 Flux 71 of 109 Flux 72 of 109 Flux 73 of 109 Flux 74 of 109 Flux 75 of 109 Flux 76 of 109 Flux 77 of 109 Flux 78 of 109 Flux 79 of 109 Flux 80 of 109 Flux 81 of 109 Flux 82 of 109 Flux 83 of 109 Flux 84 of 109 Flux 85 of 109 Flux 86 of 109 Flux 87 of 109 Flux 88 of 109 Flux 89 of 109 Flux 90 of 109 Flux 91 of 109 Flux 92 of 109 Flux 93 of 109 Flux 94 of 109 Flux 95 of 109 Flux 96 of 109 Flux 97 of 109 Flux 98 of 109 Flux 99 of 109 Flux 100 of 109 Flux 101 of 109 Flux 102 of 109 Flux 103 of 109 Flux 104 of 109 Flux 105 of 109 Flux 106 of 109 Flux 107 of 109 Flux 108 of 109 Flux 109 of 109 writing long wave mass flux to q_jonswap_59.txt ... file done Simulation 98.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 98.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 32 seconds Simulation 98.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 32 seconds Simulation 98.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 23 seconds Simulation 98.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 18 seconds Simulation 98.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 15 seconds Simulation 98.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 9 seconds Simulation 98.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 1 seconds Simulation 98.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 55 seconds Simulation 98.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 52 seconds Simulation 98.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 44 seconds Simulation 98.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 39 seconds Simulation 98.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 35 seconds Simulation 98.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 32 seconds Simulation 98.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 24 seconds Simulation 98.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 19 seconds Simulation 98.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 19 seconds Simulation 98.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 13 seconds Simulation 98.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 8 seconds Simulation 98.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 59 seconds Simulation 98.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 55 seconds Simulation 98.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 51 seconds Simulation 98.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 42 seconds Simulation 98.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 41 seconds Simulation 98.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 38 seconds Simulation 98.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 33 seconds Simulation 98.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 25 seconds Simulation 98.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 23 seconds Simulation 98.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 11 seconds Simulation 99.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 7 seconds Simulation 99.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 2 seconds Simulation 99.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 57 seconds Simulation 99.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 55 seconds Simulation 99.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 50 seconds Simulation 99.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 41 seconds Simulation 99.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 42 seconds Simulation 99.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 31 seconds Simulation 99.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 27 seconds Simulation 99.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 21 seconds Simulation 99.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 17 seconds Simulation 99.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 11 seconds Simulation 99.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 11 seconds Simulation 99.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 2 seconds Simulation 99.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 58 seconds Simulation 99.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 53 seconds Simulation 99.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 46 seconds Simulation 99.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 39 seconds Simulation 99.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 34 seconds Simulation 99.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 33 seconds Simulation 99.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 28 seconds Simulation 99.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 22 seconds Simulation 99.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 14 seconds Simulation 99.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 12 seconds Simulation 99.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 4 seconds Simulation 99.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 59 seconds Simulation 99.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 55 seconds Simulation 99.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 50 seconds Simulation 99.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 44 seconds Simulation 99.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 40 seconds Simulation 99.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 34 seconds Simulation 99.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 28 seconds Simulation 99.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 27 seconds Simulation 99.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 17 seconds Simulation 99.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 13 seconds Simulation 99.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 8 seconds Simulation 99.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 2 seconds Simulation 99.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 58 seconds Simulation 99.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 52 seconds Simulation 99.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 47 seconds Simulation 99.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 41 seconds Simulation 99.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 36 seconds Simulation 99.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 31 seconds Simulation 99.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 26 seconds Simulation 99.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 21 seconds Simulation 99.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 16 seconds Simulation 100.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 11 seconds Simulation 100.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 6 seconds Simulation 100.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.246 seconds Time remaining 1 seconds Total calculation time: 33654.313999999998 seconds End of program xbeach