The scripts in this directory are developed to analyse the past behaviour and estimate the expected development of the coastline at a part of coastal area Schouwen in The Netherlands. These scripts can be used freely for research purposes provided that the following source is acknowledged: DELTARES. DISCLAIMER: These scripts are made available in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Prerequisites: Python package for handling JarKus netCDF files: Up-to-date netCDF files (at least containing the area of interest between transect 1248 and 1425 of Schouwen) of - jarkus transects (, created with - dunefoot (, created with - MHW/MLW (, created with - nourishments (, created with If final products of the required netCDF files are not yet available, you could create a preliminary version and use netCDF Operators to reduce the files to just the area of interest (in order to reduce the file size and make it acceptable to commit these binary files in this repository under ./data). For the dune foot data the netCDF Operators command would be like (ncks stands for netCDF kitchen sink): ncks -d alongshore,1897,1907 Please note: check carefully the urls and path of datafiles used in the scripts mentioned below! Some of them might be tailored to preliminary versions in the repository rather than final versions on Procedure to create figures and tables: - run this generates *_hist.txt and historical.kml - run this generates *_prognose.txt and *_prognose.png - requires: *_hist.txt - run this generates nourishment_volumes.pdf and nourishment_volumes.png - run - requires: dune_foot_upperMKL_cross_prognose.txt - run adjust years in and run to plot cross-shore profiles Don't forget to commit newly provided data files and modifications in the scripts.