Delft3D WAVE GUI version 4.92.00 * ********** Datagroup Description *************************************** * * Project name '' * Project number '' * Description '' '' '' * ********** Datagroup Hydrodynamics ************************************* * * Y/N Use bathmetry, use waterlevel, use current, use wind 1 1 1 1 * ********** Datagroup Grids ********************************************* * * Number of computational grids 3 * Filename computational grid 'csm2_swan.grd' * Y/N bathymetry is based on computational grid, filename bathymetry grid 1 '' * Filename bathymetry data 'csm2_swan.dep' * Directional space: type, number of directions, * start-direction, end-direction * - type: 1 = circle, 2 = sector 1 36 0.0000000e+000 0.0000000e+000 * Frequency space: lowest frequency, highest frequency, number of frequency bins, * grid to nest in, Y/N write output for this grid 5.0000001e-002 1.0000000e+000 24 0 1 * Filename computational grid 'hol2_swan.grd' * Y/N bathymetry is based on computational grid, filename bathymetry grid 1 '' * Filename bathymetry data 'hol2_swan.dep' * Directional space: type, number of directions, * start-direction, end-direction * - type: 1 = circle, 2 = sector 1 36 0.0000000e+000 0.0000000e+000 * Frequency space: lowest frequency, highest frequency, number of frequency bins, * grid to nest in, Y/N write output for this grid 5.0000001e-002 1.0000000e+000 24 1 1 * Filename computational grid 'egm2_swan.grd' * Y/N bathymetry is based on computational grid, filename bathymetry grid 1 '' * Filename bathymetry data 'egm2_swan.dep' * Directional space: type, number of directions, * start-direction, end-direction * - type: 1 = circle, 2 = sector 1 36 0.0000000e+000 0.0000000e+000 * Frequency space: lowest frequency, highest frequency, number of frequency bins, * grid to nest in, Y/N write output for this grid 5.0000001e-002 1.0000000e+000 24 2 1 * ********** Datagroup Time frame **************************************** * * Number of tidal time points, Reference date 1 2009-02-16 * Time, h, u, v 0.0000000e+000 0.0000000e+000 0.0000000e+000 0.0000000e+000 * Water level correction, extend flow data on the last # grid(s), * extend bathymetry, water level, current, wind 0.0000000e+000 0 0 0 0 0 * ********** Datagroup Boundaries **************************************** * * Number of boundaries 0 * ********** Datagroup Obstacles ***************************************** * * Number of obstacles 0 * ********** Datagroup Physical parameters ******************************* * * Gravity, water density, north, minimum depth 9.8100004e+000 1.0250000e+003 9.0000000e+001 5.0000000e-001 * Convention, set-up, forces * - convention: 1 = nautical, 2 = cartesian * - set-up: 0 = no set-up, 1 = activated * - forces: 1 = radiation stress, 2 = wave energy dissipation rate 1 0 2 * Type of formulations * 0 = none, 1 = 1st, 2 = 2nd, 3 = 3rd generation 3 * Depth induced breaking, alpha, gamma * - breaking: 0 = de-activated, 1 = B&J model 1 1.0000000e+000 7.3000002e-001 * Bottom friction, friction coefficient * - friction: 0 = de-activated, 1 = Jonswap, * 2 = Collins, 3 = Madsen et al. 1 6.7000002e-002 * Non-linear triad interactions, alpha, beta * - interactions: 0 = de-activated, 1 = LTA 0 1.0000000e-001 2.2000000e+000 * Diffraction, smoothing coefficient, smoothing steps, adaptation of propagation * - interactions: 0 = de-activated, 1 = activated 0 2.0000000e-001 5 1 * Y/N windgrowth, white-capping, quadruplets, refraction, frequency shift 1 1 1 1 1 * ********** Datagroup Numerical parameters ****************************** * * Directional space, frequency space 5.0000000e-001 5.0000000e-001 * Hs-Tm01, Hs, Tm01, percentage of wet grid points, maximum number of iterations 5.0000000e-002 5.0000000e-002 5.0000000e-002 9.0000000e+001 10 * ********** Datagroup Output curves ************************************* * * Number of output curves 0 * ********** Datagroup Output parameters ********************************* * * Level of test output, debug level, Y/N compute waves, Y/N activate hotstart file * Output time interval, Computational mode: 0 = stationary, 1 = non-stationary * Time interval and time step 0 0 1 1 6.0000000e+001 0 * Y/N output to Flow grid; filename of Flow grid 1 'dcsm98_dd.grd' * Y/N output to locations 1 * Output locations: 1 = from file, 2 = parametric 2 * Number of locations 1 * X-Y location co-ordinates 4.5500002e+000 5.2620148e+001 * Y/N table, 1D-spectra, 2D-spectra 0 0 1