Introduction This test contains contains a laboratory experiment known as the Beji-Battjes bar. It is a wave shoaling and breaking experiement. Multiple parameters are measured at several points from deep water to the "coast". The parameters used for estimation are: "cfjon" value="0.067" stdv="0.015" "bottom friction" "gamma" value="0.73" stdv="0.15" "wave breaking" "trfac" value="0.05" stdv="0.0125" "triads" "cutfr" value="2.5" stdv="1.0" "triads" It is important to note that the optimization of gamma and cfjon are degenerate in this test. This makes a weak-constraint penalty-term necessary to make this problem well posed. Without this constraint the result will depend much on the algorithm that is used and its settings. The directory structure stochobserver : directory with observations algorithm : directory with settings for the optimization algorithms refout : directory with reference output to check your output against output_test : examples of input files with various forms of output Input files for windows-systems in this directory swanDudOpenDaConfig.xml : calibration with Dud without constraint swanDudOpenDaConfig_withConstraint.xml : calibration with Dud with constraint swanPowellOpenDaConfig.xml : calibration with Powell without constraint swanPowellOpenDaConfig_withConstraint.xml : calibration with Powell with constraint swanSimplexOpenDaConfig.xml : calibration with Simplex without constraint swanSimplexOpenDaConfig_withConstraint.xml : calibration with Simplex with constraint There are corresponding input files for linux. The only difference is that they point to a linux version of the Swan executable. smawanDudOpenDaConfig_linux.xml : calibration with Dud without constraint swanDudOpenDaConfig_withConstraint_linux.xml : calibration with Dud with constraint swanPowellOpenDaConfig_linux.xml : calibration with Powell without constraint swanPowellOpenDaConfig_withConstraint_linux.xml : calibration with Powell with constraint swanSimplexOpenDaConfig_linux.xml : calibration with Simplex without constraint swanSimplexOpenDaConfig_withConstraint_linux.xml : calibration with Simplex with constraint Other files in this directory readme.txt : this file : linux script to remove old output : linux script to run all tests at once The directory "refout" refout : reference output for these tests The estimation starts with: cost_obs=12.9622 parameters [0.067,0.73,0.05,2.5] swanDudOpenDaConfig_linux-results.txt : this run stops on assumed convergence because of the rather large tolerance in the convergence criterion. Final values are cost_obs=10.6929 evaluations=10 parameters=[0.057,0.778,0.061,2.527] swanDudOpenDaConfig_withConstraint_linux-results.txt : with constraint the problem is well posed and converges. Final values arer: cost_obs=10.6534 total_cost=11.6589 evaluations=12 parameters=[0.064,0.742,0.062,2.506] swanPowellOpenDaConfig_linux-results.txt : this calibration runs away to large values for the 2nd parameter "gamma". It is stopped by the criterion testing for a maximum number of steps in the linesearch. cost_obs=12.6535 evaluations=39 swanPowellOpenDaConfig_withConstraint_linux-results.txt : This run converges, but slowly. cost_obs=10.1933 total_cost=10.3556 evaluations=219 parameters=[0.066,0.730,0.049,2.904] swanSimplexOpenDaConfig_linux-results.txt cost_obs=9.9416 evaluations=24 parameters=[0.079,0.444,0.060,2.875] swanSimplexOpenDaConfig_withConstraint_linux-results.txt cost_obs=10.2608 total_cost=10.4297 evaluations=23 parameters=[0.066,0.733,0.054,2.676]