1 Execution started at 20110204.150107 --------------------------------------- SWAN SIMULATION OF WAVES IN NEAR SHORE AREAS DELTARES VERSION NUMBER 40.81 --------------------------------------- $*************************HEADING************************ PROJ 's00' '000' $********************MODEL INPUT************************* SET NAUTICAL SET LEVEL=0; MODE NONST CGRID REGULAR 0. 0. 0. 6000. 3000. 60 30 CIRCLE 18 0.03 0.5 24 Resolution in sigma-space: df/f = 0.1244 INPGRID BOTTOM REGULAR -1000. -1000. 0. 8 5 8000 5000 EXC -9999. READINP BOTTOM 1. 'INPUT_files/bathy/flat_20m.BOT' $ INPGRID WIND REG 0. 0. 0 1 1 6000 3000 NONSTAT 20100101.0000 12 HR 20100103.0000 $ READINP WIND 1.0 'INPUT_files/wind/northerly.WND' 1 0 0 1 FREE WIND 0 0 $************************************* BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ************************************** BOUND SHAPESPEC JONSWAP PEAK DSPR POWER BOUND NORTH CON FILE 'INPUT_files/OB/simple_1m_20s.RVW' 1 INIT HOTSTART SING 's00.HOT' initial condition read for time: 20100102.000000 $****************************************** PHYSICA ********************************************* GEN3 WESTH BREAKING 1 0.73 FRICTION JONSWAP CFJON=0.038 $************************************ NUMERIEKE PARAMETERS *************************************** PROP BSBT NUM ACCUR NONSTAT mxitns=10 $************************************ OUTPUT *************************************** BLOCK 'COMPGRID' NOHEAD 's00.mat' & LAYOUT 3 XP YP HSIG HSWELL TMM10 DIR DEPTH & OUT 20100101.0000 1 HR POINTS 'points' FILE 'points.dat' $TABLE 'points' HEADER 'timeseries.out' TIME XP YP DIST DEP HSIG HSWELL & $ TM01 TMM10 TM02 TPS DIR DSPR WATLEV WIND OUT 20100101.0000 1 HR TABLE 'points' HEADER 'timeseries.out' TIME XP YP DIST DEP HSIG OUT 20100102.0000 1 HR TEST 1 0 COMPUTE NONSTAT 20100102.0000 60 MIN 20100103.0000 Time of computation -> 20100102.010000 in sec: 3600. ---------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTATIONAL PART OF SWAN ---------------------------------------------------------------- Gridresolution : MXC 61 MYC 31 : MCGRD 1892 : MSC 25 MDC 18 : MTC 24 : NSTATC 1 ITERMX 10 Propagation flags : ITFRE 1 IREFR 1 Source term flags : IBOT 1 ISURF 1 : IWCAP 7 IWIND 5 : ITRIAD 0 IQUAD 2 : IVEG 0 Spatial step : DX 0.1000E+03 DY 0.1000E+03 Spectral bin : df/f 0.1244E+00 DDIR 0.2000E+02 Physical constants : GRAV 0.9810E+01 RHO 0.1025E+04 Wind input : WSPEED 0.0000E+00 DIR -0.9000E+02 Tail parameters : E(f) 0.4000E+01 E(k) 0.2500E+01 : A(f) 0.5000E+01 A(k) 0.3000E+01 Accuracy parameters : DREL 0.2000E-01 NPNTS 0.9800E+02 : DHOVAL 0.2000E-01 DTOVAL 0.2000E-01 : GRWMX 0.1000E+00 Drying/flooding : LEVEL 0.0000E+00 DEPMIN 0.5000E-01 The nautical convention for wind and wave directions is used Scheme for geographic propagation is BSBT Scheme geogr. space : PROPSC 1 ICMAX 3 Scheme spectral space: CSS 0.5000E+00 CDD 0.5000E+00 Current is off Quadruplets : IQUAD 2 : LAMBDA 0.2500E+00 CNL4 0.3000E+08 : CSH1 0.5500E+01 CSH2 0.8330E+00 : CSH3 -0.1250E+01 Maximum Ursell nr for Snl4 : 0.1000E+02 Triads is off JONSWAP (`73) : GAMMA 0.3800E-01 Vegetation is off W-cap Alves-Banner : CDS2 0.5000E-04 BR 0.1750E-02 : POWST 0.0000E+00 POWK 0.0000E+00 Battjes&Janssen (`78): ALPHA 0.1000E+01 GAMMA 0.7300E+00 Set-up is off Diffraction is off Janssen (`89,`90) : ALPHA 0.1000E-01 KAPPA 0.4100E+00 Janssen (`89,`90) : RHOA 0.1280E+01 RHOW 0.1025E+04 1st and 2nd gen. wind: CF10 0.1880E+03 CF20 0.5900E+00 : CF30 0.1200E+00 CF40 0.2500E+03 : CF50 0.2300E-02 CF60 -0.2230E+00 : CF70 0.0000E+00 CF80 -0.5600E+00 : RHOAW 0.1249E-02 EDMLPM 0.3600E-02 : CDRAG 0.1230E-02 UMIN 0.1000E+01 : LIM_PM 0.1300E+00 accuracy OK in 3.23 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) accuracy OK in 3.23 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) accuracy OK in 3.23 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.020000 in sec: 7200. accuracy OK in 3.23 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.030000 in sec: 10800. accuracy OK in 71.97 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.040000 in sec: 14400. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.050000 in sec: 18000. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.060000 in sec: 21600. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.070000 in sec: 25200. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.080000 in sec: 28800. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.090000 in sec: 32400. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.100000 in sec: 36000. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.110000 in sec: 39600. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.120000 in sec: 43200. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.130000 in sec: 46800. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.140000 in sec: 50400. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.150000 in sec: 54000. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.160000 in sec: 57600. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.170000 in sec: 61200. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.180000 in sec: 64800. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.190000 in sec: 68400. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.200000 in sec: 72000. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.210000 in sec: 75600. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.220000 in sec: 79200. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100102.230000 in sec: 82800. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) Time of computation -> 20100103.000000 in sec: 86400. accuracy OK in 100.00 % of wet grid points ( 98.00 % required) HOTFILE 's00.HOT' STOP