subroutine model_make_step(time_period) use global use model_state implicit none real(kind=8), intent(in) :: time_period ! period to integrate the model in seconds ! Set the number of time steps to make NTS = nint(time_period/DT) ! ** SELECT FULL HYDRODYNAMIC AND MASS TRANSPORT CALCULATION OR ! ** LONG-TERM MASS TRANSPORT CALCULATION NITERAT=0 IF(IS2TIM.EQ.0) then write(*,'(A,F8.4,A,F6.1,A)') "time integration with HDMT from day ", TBEGIN, ' over ', time_period / 60.0, ' minutes' CALL HDMT elseif (IS2TIM.GE.1) then write(*,'(A,F8.4,A,F6.1,A)') "time integration with HDMT2T from day ", TBEGIN, ' over ', time_period / 60.0, ' minutes' CALL HDMT2T end if end subroutine model_make_step