.TH MPE_Init_log 4 "6/15/2009" " " "MPE" .SH NAME MPE_Init_log \- Initialize the logging of events. .SH SYNOPSIS .nf int MPE_Init_log( void ) .fi .SH NOTES This routine must be called before any of the other MPE logging routines. It is a collective call over 'MPI_COMM_WORLD'. MPE_Init_log() & MPE_Finish_log() are NOT needed when liblmpe.a is linked because MPI_Init() would have called MPE_Init_log() already. liblmpe.a will be included in the link path if either "mpicc -mpe=mpilog" or "mpecc -mpilog" is used in the link step. This function is threadsafe, but MPE_Init_log() is expected to be called on only one thread in each process. This thread will be labelled as main thread. .SH RETURNS Always return MPE_LOG_OK. .SH SEE ALSO MPE_Finish_log() .br .SH LOCATION ../src/logging/src/mpe_log.c