
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 COSTA: Problem solving environment for data assimilation
00003 Copyright (C) 2005  Nils van Velzen
00005 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00006 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00007 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00008 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00010 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00011 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013 Lesser General Public License for more details.
00015 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00016 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
00017 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00018 */
00020 /**
00021 \file  cta_vector.h
00022 \brief Interface description of the default COSTA vector componennt. For user implementation see cta_usr_vector.h.
00024 Basic functions and utilities for vector operations on CTA_VECTOR objects.
00025 */
00027 #ifndef CTA_VECTOR_H
00028 #define CTA_VECTOR_H
00029 #include "cta_system.h"
00030 #include "cta_handles.h"
00031 #include "cta_datatypes.h"
00032 #include "cta_functions.h"
00034 /* Function Handle */
00035 typedef CTA_Handle CTA_Vector;
00036 typedef CTA_Handle CTA_VecClass;
00038 /* parameters for different functions */
00039 #define CTA_VECTOR_CREATE_SIZE ( 1)
00040 #define CTA_VECTOR_CREATE_INIT ( 2)
00041 #define CTA_VECTOR_GETVALS     ( 3)
00042 #define CTA_VECTOR_SETVALS     ( 4)
00043 #define CTA_VECTOR_SETCONST    ( 5)
00044 #define CTA_VECTOR_SCAL        ( 6)
00045 #define CTA_VECTOR_COPY        ( 7)
00046 #define CTA_VECTOR_AXPY        ( 8)
00047 #define CTA_VECTOR_DOT         ( 9)
00048 #define CTA_VECTOR_NRM2        (10)
00049 #define CTA_VECTOR_AMAX        (11)
00050 #define CTA_VECTOR_GETMAXLEN   (12)
00051 #define CTA_VECTOR_FREE        (13)
00052 #define CTA_VECTOR_GETVAL      (14)
00053 #define CTA_VECTOR_SETVAL      (15)
00054 #define CTA_VECTOR_EXPORT      (16)
00055 #define CTA_VECTOR_PRINT_TABLE (17)
00056 #define CTA_VECTOR_APPENDVAL   (18)
00057 #define CTA_VECTOR_ELMDIV      (19)
00058 #define CTA_VECTOR_IMPORT      (20)
00059 #define CTA_VECTOR_ELMPROD     (21)
00060 #define CTA_VECTOR_ELMSQRT     (22)
00061 #define CTA_VECTOR_NUMFUNC     (23)
00063 // CTA_Vector_Create                Create a new COSTA-vector:
00064 // CTA_Vector_DefineClass           ...
00066 /* function interfaces */
00067 #ifdef __cplusplus
00068 extern "C" {
00069 #endif
00070 /** \brief Create a new class (=implementation) of a COSTA vector component.
00071  *
00072  * \param name     I  name of the new vector class
00073  * \param h_func   I  COSTA function handles for functions that implement class.
00074  *                    Missing functions must have value CTA_NULL
00075  * \param hveccl   O  receives handle of new vector class
00076  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00077  */
00078 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_DefineClass(
00079    const char *name,
00080    const CTA_Func h_func[CTA_VECTOR_NUMFUNC],
00081    CTA_VecClass     *hveccl
00082    );
00084 /** \brief Duplicate a vector object.
00085  *
00086  * \note Only size, data type and type (class) are duplicated, the content is not
00087  *       copied.
00088  *
00089  * \param hvector1  I  handle of vector to be duplicated
00090  * \param hvector2  O  receives handle of new duplicate vector, empty before calling
00091  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00092  */
00093 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_Duplicate(CTA_Vector hvector1, CTA_Vector *hvector2);
00095 /** \brief Create a new vector.
00096  *
00097  * \note
00098  *
00099  * \param hveccl   I  vector class of new vector
00100  * \param n        I  number of elements
00101  * \param datatype I  data type of elements in vector
00102  * \param userdata IO user data for creation (depends on class)
00103  * \param hvector  O  receives handle of new vector
00104  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00105  */
00106 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_Create(CTA_VecClass hveccl, const int n, CTA_Datatype datatype,
00107                       CTA_Handle userdata, CTA_Vector *hvector);
00109 /** \brief Get size of vector.
00110  *
00111  * \param hvec  I  handle of vector
00112  * \param n     O  receives number of elements
00113  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00114  */
00115 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_GetSize(CTA_Vector hvec, int *n);
00117 /** \brief Get a copy of a single element in the vector.
00118  *
00119  * \param hvec     I  handle of vector
00120  * \param i        I  index of element
00121  * \param vals     O  receives copy of value in vector, must exist before calling
00122  * \param datatype I  data type of *vals, must be the same as data type of elements in vector
00123  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00124  */
00125 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_GetVal(CTA_Vector hvec, int  i, void *vals,
00126                       CTA_Datatype datatype);
00128 /** \brief Get a copy of all elements in the vector.
00129  *
00130  * \param hvec     I  handle of vector
00131  * \param vals     O  receives copy of all elements in vector, must exist before calling
00132  * \param n        I  length of array vals
00133  * \param datatype I  data type of *vals, must be the same as data type of elements in vector
00134  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00135  */
00136 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_GetVals(CTA_Vector hvec, void *vals, int  n,
00137                        CTA_Datatype datatype);
00139 /** \brief Set a copy of an element in the vector.
00140  *
00141  * \note The value is copied in the vector.
00142  *
00143  * \param hvec     IO handle of vector
00144  * \param i        I  index of element
00145  * \param val      I  new value that is copied into element at given index
00146  * \param datatype I  data type of *val, must be the same as data type of elements in vector
00147  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00148  */
00149 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_SetVal(CTA_Vector hvec, int  i, void *val,
00150                       CTA_Datatype datatype);
00152 /** \brief Append a copy of an element to a vector.
00153  *
00154  * \note The value is copied into the vector, size of vector is increased.
00155  *
00156  * \param hvec     IO handle of vector
00157  * \param val      I  value that needs to be added to vector
00158  * \param datatype I  data type of *val, must be the same as data type of elements in vector
00159  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00160  */
00161 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_AppendVal(CTA_Vector hvec, const void *val, CTA_Datatype datatype);
00163 /** \brief Set all elementes in the vector.
00164  *
00165  * \note The values are copied in the vector.
00166  *
00167  * \param hvec     IO handle of vector
00168  * \param vals     I  values that need to be copied to vector
00169  * \param n        I  number of elements in vals
00170  * \param datatype I  data type of *vals, must be the same as data type of elements in vector
00171  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00172  */
00173 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_SetVals(CTA_Vector hvec, void *vals, int  n,
00174                        CTA_Datatype datatype);
00176 /** \brief Scale a vector.
00177  *
00178  * \note scale: x=alpha*x
00179  *
00180  * \param hvec     IO handle of vector
00181  * \param alpha    I  scalar
00182  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00183  */
00184 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_Scal(CTA_Vector hvec, double alpha);
00186 /** \brief Copy a vector
00187  *
00188  * \note This function copies the vector content (y=x), but does not make a new vector.
00189  *
00190  * \param hvec_x  I  handle of sending vector
00191  * \param hvec_y  O  handle of receiving vector
00192  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00193  */
00194 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_Copy(CTA_Vector hvec_x, CTA_Vector hvec_y);
00196 /** \brief Operation axpy for two vectors x and y.
00197  *
00198  * \note axpy: y=alpha*x+y
00199  *
00200  * \param hvec_y  IO handle of vector y
00201  * \param alpha   I  scalar
00202  * \param hvec_x  I  handle of vector x
00203  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00204  */
00205 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_Axpy(CTA_Vector hvec_y, double alpha, CTA_Vector hvec_x);
00207 /** \brief Dot product operation of two vectors.
00208  *
00209  * \note dot: dotprod=x^t*y
00210  *
00211  * \param hvec_x  I  handle of vector x
00212  * \param hvec_y  I  handle of vector y
00213  * \param dotprod O  receives dot product
00214  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00215  */
00216 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_Dot(CTA_Vector hvec_x, CTA_Vector hvec_y, double *dotprod);
00218 /** \brief Compute 2-norm of vector.
00219  *
00220  * \note 2-norm: sqrt(x^t*x)
00221  *
00222  * \param hvec_x  I  handle of vector x
00223  * \param norm2   O  receives 2-norm
00224  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00225  */
00226 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_Nrm2(CTA_Vector hvec_x, double *norm2);
00228 /** \brief Find index of element in vector with largest absolute value
00229  *
00230  * \param hvec_x  I  handle of vector
00231  * \param iloc    O  receives index of largest absolute value
00232  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00233  */
00234 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_Amax(CTA_Vector hvec_x, int *iloc);
00236 /** \brief Find largest length of elements in vector.
00237  *
00238  * \note e.g. length of string in a vector of strings
00239  *
00240  * \param hvec_x  I  handle of vector
00241  * \param maxlen  O  receives largest length of elements in vector
00242  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00243  */
00244 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_GetMaxLen(
00245    CTA_Vector hvec_x,  /* Handle of the first vector  */
00246    int *maxlen
00247    );
00249 /** \brief Export a vector to file, stdout or pack object.
00250  *
00251  * \Note CTA_DEFAULT_VECTOR supports exporting to:\n
00252  *       file (usrdata a handle of COSTA file)\n
00253  *       pack object (usrdata a handle of COSTA pack object)\n
00254  *
00255  * \param hvec     I  handle of vector
00256  * \param usrdata  I  configuration of output
00257  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00258  */
00259 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_Export(
00260    CTA_Vector hvec, /* Handle of the vector */
00261    CTA_Handle usrdata
00262    );
00264 /** \brief Import a vector.
00265  *
00266  * \note CTA_DEFAULT_VECTOR supports importing from pack object (usrdata[0] a pack handle).
00267  * \note Data type and size of vector can be changed due to this action
00268  *
00269  * \param hvec     I  handle of vector
00270  * \param usrdata  I  configuration of output
00271  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00272  */
00273 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_Import( CTA_Vector hvec, CTA_Handle usrdata);
00276 /** \brief Print table, each column built up by a vector.
00277  *
00278  * \note CTA_DEFAULT_VECTOR    TODO
00279  *
00280  * \param table    I  array of vector handles, these vectors form the table to be filled
00281  * \param ncolumns I  number of columns in table
00282  *                    (number of vector handles in table)
00283  * \param vformats I  handle of vector of string (size ncolumns) containing the
00284  *                    formats for printing each column (C-format)
00285  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00286  */
00287 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_Print_Table(CTA_Vector* table, int ncolumns,
00288                            CTA_Vector vformats);
00290 /** \brief Free the vector object.
00291  *
00292  *
00293  * \Note hvec_x=CTA_NULL is allowed
00294  *
00295  * \param hvec_x  IO handle of vector, replaced by CTA_NULL on return
00296  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00297  */
00298 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_Free(CTA_Vector *hvec_x);
00301 /** \brief Get type of vector.
00302  *
00303  * \param hvec     I  handle of vector
00304  * \param datatype O  receives data type of vector
00305  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00306  */
00307 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_GetDatatype(
00308    CTA_Vector hvec,         /* Handle of the vector */
00309    CTA_Datatype *datatype   /* Returned data type   */
00310    );
00312 /** \brief Set whole vector to one single value.
00313  *
00314  * \Note hvec=CTA_NULL is allowed, function returns error code
00315  *
00316  * \param hvec     IO handle of vector
00317  * \param val      I  value that must be set
00318  * \param datatype I  data type of *val, must be the same as data type of elements in vector
00319  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00320  */
00321 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_SetConstant(
00322    CTA_Vector hvec,  /* Handle of the vector */
00323    void *val,        /* value that must be set */
00324    CTA_Datatype datatype /* Data type */
00325    );
00327 /** \brief Element wise division
00328  *
00329  * \note y=x./y
00330  *
00331  * \param hvec_y  IO handle of vector y
00332  * \param hvec_x  I  handle of vector x
00333  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00334  */
00335 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_ElmDiv(CTA_Vector hvec_y, CTA_Vector hvec_x);
00338 /** \brief Element wise product
00339  *
00340  * \note y=x.y
00341  *
00342  * \param hvec_y  IO handle of vector y
00343  * \param hvec_x  I  handle of vector x
00344  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00345  */
00346 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_ElmProd(CTA_Vector hvec_y, CTA_Vector hvec_x);
00348 /** \brief Element wise square root
00349  *
00350  * \note y=y.^0.5
00351  *
00352  * \param hvec_y  IO handle of vector y
00353  * \return error status: CTA_OK if successful
00354  */
00355 CTAEXPORT int CTA_Vector_ElmSqrt(CTA_Vector hvec_x);
00360 #ifdef __cplusplus
00361 }
00362 #endif
00363 #endif

Generated on Mon Apr 6 14:05:58 2009 for COSTA by  doxygen 1.5.2