
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 COSTA: Problem solving environment for data assimilation
00003 Copyright (C) 2005  Nils van Velzen
00005 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00006 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00007 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00008 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00010 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00011 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013 Lesser General Public License for more details.
00015 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00016 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
00017 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00018 */
00020 /* parameters for different functions */
00021 #define CTA_VECTOR_CREATE_SIZE ( 1)
00022 #define CTA_VECTOR_CREATE_INIT ( 2)
00023 #define CTA_VECTOR_GETVALS     ( 3)
00024 #define CTA_VECTOR_SETVALS     ( 4)
00025 #define CTA_VECTOR_SETCONST    ( 5)
00026 #define CTA_VECTOR_SCAL        ( 6)
00027 #define CTA_VECTOR_COPY        ( 7)
00028 #define CTA_VECTOR_AXPY        ( 8)
00029 #define CTA_VECTOR_DOT         ( 9)
00030 #define CTA_VECTOR_NRM2        (10)
00031 #define CTA_VECTOR_AMAX        (11)
00032 #define CTA_VECTOR_GETMAXLEN   (12)
00033 #define CTA_VECTOR_FREE        (13)
00034 #define CTA_VECTOR_GETVAL      (14)
00035 #define CTA_VECTOR_SETVAL      (15)
00036 #define CTA_VECTOR_EXPORT      (16)
00037 #define CTA_VECTOR_PRINT_TABLE (17)
00038 #define CTA_VECTOR_APPENDVAL   (18)
00039 #define CTA_VECTOR_ELMDIV      (19)
00040 #define CTA_VECTOR_IMPORT      (20)
00041 #define CTA_VECTOR_NUMFUNC     (21)
00043 /**
00044 \file  cta_usr_vector.h
00046 \brief In this file a description is given of the interface of user vector functions.
00047 When creating your own vector class use the following as template.
00049 The Usr_Vector to which is being referred in this template can be substituted by your own user vector object.
00051 <b>Step 1</b>: for creating your own user vector class call the function CTA_Vector_DefineClass().
00053 Example:
00055 \code
00056 typedef CTA_Handle CTA_VectorClass;
00058 CTA_Func h_func[CTA_VECTOR_NUMFUNC];
00059 CTA_VectorClass my_own_vector_class;
00061 ierr=CTA_Func_Create(" ",&usr_vector_create_size, hintf, &h_func[CTA_VECTOR_CREATE_SIZE]);
00062 //...for all implementation functions...
00064 CTA_Vector_DefineClass("classname", h_func, &my_own_vector_class);\endcode
00066 Making a user vector class involves the implementation of the following functions:
00073 CTA_VECTOR_SCAL        \n
00074 CTA_VECTOR_COPY        \n
00075 CTA_VECTOR_AXPY        \n
00076 CTA_VECTOR_DOT         \n
00077 CTA_VECTOR_NRM2        \n
00078 CTA_VECTOR_AMAX        \n
00080 CTA_VECTOR_FREE        \n
00081 CTA_VECTOR_GETVAL      \n
00082 CTA_VECTOR_SETVAL      \n
00083 CTA_VECTOR_EXPORT      \n
00086 CTA_VECTOR_ELMDIV      \n
00087 CTA_VECTOR_IMPORT      \n</code>
00089 For creating an implementation function see documentation of CTA_Func_Create().
00091 <b>Step 2</b>: to create an object of the newly defined vector class call CTA_Vector_Create() in the
00092 same way as creating a CTA_Vector but with a different class handle, i.e. the user class handle from step 1 above.
00094 Example:
00096 \code
00097 Usr_Vector usrvec; //user vector object
00098 int nelements = 10;
00099 CTA_Datatype datatype = CTAI_String2Type("CTA_STRING");
00100 CTA_Handle userdata = CTA_NULL;
00101 CTA_Vector_Create(my_own_vector_class, nelements, datatype, &userdata, &usrvec);
00102 \endcode
00103 \n
00104 <b>Note 1: </b> with object data is meant only the object itself including pointer(s) to its contents, but
00105 not the contents of the vector.\n\n
00106 <b>Note 2: </b> vector indices start from 1.\n\n
00107 */
00111 /** \brief Implementation that forms part of the create process.
00112  * 
00113  * Must give the memory size of a new object.
00114  *
00115  * Example:
00116  *  \code
00117 //in header file:
00118 typedef struct {
00119    //your own user object data goes here...
00120 }USR_VECTOR;
00122 //user implementation:
00123 void usr_vector_create_size(...){
00124    *memsize = sizeof(USR_VECTOR);
00125    *retval = CTA_OK;
00126 }
00127  \endcode
00128  *
00129  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_CREATE_SIZE in the function list of the class descriptor.
00130  *
00131  * \param n        I  dimension
00132  * \param datatype I  data type of the vector elements
00133  * \param userdata IO user data
00134  * \param retval   O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00135  * \param memsize  O  must receive the number of bytes which are necessary to store one
00136                       user vector class, with a pointer to the contents (data), but without the
00137                       contents themselves
00138  * \return no return value
00139  */
00140 void usr_vector_create_size(int *n, CTA_Datatype *datatype,
00141                             void *userdata, int *retval, int *memsize);
00145 /** \brief Implementation that forms part of the create process.
00146  *
00147  * The user vector object needs to be made ready for use.
00148  *
00149  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_CREATE_INIT in the function list of the class descriptor.
00150  *
00151  * \param objectdata IO pointer to object data of user vector
00152  * \param n          I  size of vector data
00153  * \param datatype   I  data type of the vector elements
00154  * \param userdata   IO user data
00155  * \param retval     O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00156  * \return no return value
00157  */
00158 void usr_vector_create_init(Usr_Vector *objectdata, int *n, CTA_Datatype *datatype,
00159                             void *userdata, int *retval);
00162 //CTA_VECTOR_GETVALS     ( 3)
00163 /** \brief Implementation for retrieving all values of the user vector.
00164  *
00165  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_GETVALS in the function list of the class descriptor.
00166  *
00167  * \param x        I   pointer to object data of the user vector
00168  * \param vals     O   must receive the values of the user vector
00169  * \param n        I   number of elements in the vals buffer, must equal number of elements in user vector
00170  * \param datatype I   data type of elements of vals, must be the same as data type of user vector x
00171  * \param userdata IO  user data
00172  * \param retval   O   must receive return value of user implementation function
00173  * \return no return value
00174  */
00175 void usr_vector_getvals(Usr_Vector *x, void *vals, int *n, CTA_Datatype *datatype,
00176                          void *userdata, int *retval);
00179 //CTA_VECTOR_SETVALS     ( 4)
00180 /** \brief Implementation for setting all values of the user vector.
00181  *
00182  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_SETVALS in the function list of the class descriptor.
00183  *
00184  * \param x        I   pointer to object data of user vector
00185  * \param vals     I   new values
00186  * \param n        I   number of elements in the vals buffer, must equal number of elements in user vector
00187  * \param datatype I   data type of elements of vals, must be the same as data type of user vector x
00188  * \param userdata IO  user data
00189  * \param retval   O   must receive return value of user implementation function
00190  * \return no return value
00191  */
00192 void usr_vector_setvals(Usr_Vector *x, void *vals, int *n, CTA_Datatype *datatype,
00193                          void *userdata, int *retval);
00196 //CTA_VECTOR_SETCONST    ( 5)
00197 /** \brief Implementation for setting all values of user vector to same value.
00198  *
00199  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_SETCONST in the function list of the class descriptor.
00200  *
00201  * \param x        I  pointer to object data of user vector
00202  * \param val      I  value to set vector elements to
00203  * \param datatype I  data type of elements of vals, must be the same as data type of user vector x
00204  * \param userdata IO user data
00205  * \param retval   O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00206  * \return no return value
00207  */
00208 void usr_vector_setconst(Usr_Vector *x, void *val, CTA_Datatype *datatype,
00209                           void *userdata, int *retval);
00212 //CTA_VECTOR_SCAL        ( 6)
00213 /** \brief Implementation for scaling the user vector: x=ax
00214  *
00215  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_SCAL in the function list of the class descriptor.
00216  *
00217  * \param x        IO pointer to object data of user vector
00218  * \param alpha    I  scaling factor
00219  * \param userdata IO user data
00220  * \param retval   O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00221  * \return no return value
00222  */
00223 void usr_vector_scal(Usr_Vector *x, double *alpha, void *userdata, int *retval);
00226 //CTA_VECTOR_COPY        ( 7)
00227 /** \brief Implementation for copying the user vector.
00228  *
00229  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_COPY in the function list of the class descriptor.
00230  *
00231  * \param x        I  pointer to object data of a user vector
00232  * \param y        O  pointer to object data of user vector y that must receive copy of x; must exist before calling
00233  * \param userdata IO user data
00234  * \param retval   O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00235  * \return no return value
00236  */
00237 void usr_vector_copy(Usr_Vector *x, Usr_Vector *y, void *userdata,
00238                       int *retval);
00241 //CTA_VECTOR_AXPY        ( 8)
00242 /** \brief Implementation for applying the BLAS operation axpy: y=y+ax
00243  *
00244  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_AXPY in the function list of the class descriptor.
00245  *
00246  * \param y        IO pointer to object data of user vector y; must exist before calling
00247  * \param alpha    I  scaling factor
00248  * \param x        I  pointer to object data of user vector x
00249  * \param userdata IO user data
00250  * \param retval   O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00251  * \return no return value
00252  */
00253 void usr_vector_axpy(Usr_Vector *y, double *alpha, Usr_Vector *x,
00254                       void *userdata, int *retval);
00256 //CTA_VECTOR_DOT         ( 9)
00257 /** \brief Implementation for calculating the dot product of two user vectors x.y
00258  *
00259  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_DOT in the function list of the class descriptor.
00260  *
00261  * \param y        I  pointer to object data of user vector y
00262  * \param x        I  pointer to object data of user vector x
00263  * \param userdata IO user data
00264  * \param dotprod  O  must receive the dot product
00265  * \param retval   O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00266  * \return no return value
00267  */
00268 void usr_vector_dot(Usr_Vector *x, Usr_Vector *y, void *userdata,
00269                      double *dotprod, int *retval);
00271 //CTA_VECTOR_NRM2        (10)
00272 /** \brief Implementation for calculating the 2-norm of a user vector
00273  *
00274  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_NRM2 in the function list of the class descriptor.
00275  *
00276  * \param x        I  pointer to object data of user vector
00277  * \param userdata IO user data
00278  * \param norm2    O  must receive the 2-norm
00279  * \param retval   O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00280  * \return no return value
00281  */
00282 void usr_vector_nrm2(Usr_Vector *x, void *userdata, double *norm2, int *retval);
00284 //CTA_VECTOR_AMAX        (11)
00285 /** \brief Implementation for getting the index of the element with the largest maximum value. First index is 1.
00286  *
00287  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_AMAX in the function list of the class descriptor.
00288  *
00289  * \param x        I  pointer to object data of user vector
00290  * \param userdata IO user data
00291  * \param iloc     O  must receive index of maximum value
00292  * \param retval   O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00293  * \return no return value
00294  */
00295 void usr_vector_amax(Usr_Vector *x, void *userdata, int *iloc, int *retval);
00299 /** \brief Implementation for getting the maximum length in case of vector with string elements. 
00300  *
00301  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_GETMAXLEN in the function list of the class descriptor.
00302  *
00303  * \param x        I  pointer to object data of user vector
00304  * \param userdata IO user data
00305  * \param maxlen   O  must receive maximum length
00306  * \param retval   O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00307  * \return no return value
00308  */
00309 void usr_vector_getmaxlen(Usr_Vector *x, void *userdata, int *maxlen, int *retval);
00312 //CTA_VECTOR_FREE        (13)
00313 /** \brief Implementation for freeing the user vector.
00314  *
00315  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_FREE in the function list of the class descriptor.
00316  *
00317  * \param x        IO pointer to object data of user vector
00318  * \param userdata IO user data
00319  * \param retval   O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00320  * \return no return value
00321  */
00322 void usr_vector_free(Usr_Vector *x, void *userdata, int *retval);
00325 //CTA_VECTOR_GETVAL      (14)
00326 /** \brief Implementation for retrieving a single value of user vector at given index
00327  *
00328  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_GETVAL in the function list of the class descriptor.
00329  *
00330  * \param x        I  pointer to object data of user vector
00331  * \param i        I  index of value to retrieve
00332  * \param val      O  must receive value; must exist before calling
00333  * \param datatype I  data type of *val, must be the same as data type of user vector x
00334  * \param userdata IO user data
00335  * \param retval   O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00336  * \return no return value
00337  */
00338 void usr_vector_getval(Usr_Vector *x, int *i, void *val, CTA_Datatype *datatype,
00339                         void *userdata, int *retval);
00342 //CTA_VECTOR_SETVAL      (15)
00343 /** \brief Implementation for setting a single value of a user vector.
00344  *
00345  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_SETVAL in the function list of the class descriptor.
00346  *
00347  * \param x        I  pointer to object data of user vector
00348  * \param i        I  index of value to set
00349  * \param val      I  new data of value
00350  * \param datatype I  data type of *val, must be the same as data type of user vector x
00351  * \param userdata IO user data
00352  * \param retval   O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00353  * \return no return value
00354  */
00355 void usr_vector_setval(Usr_Vector *x, int *i, void *val, CTA_Datatype *datatype,
00356                         void *userdata, int *retval);
00359 //CTA_VECTOR_EXPORT      (16)
00360 /** \brief Implementation for exporting a user vector.
00361  *
00362  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_EXPORT in the function list of the class descriptor.
00363  * \n For example implementation for exporting a user vector to a pack object or to screen.
00364  *
00365  * \param x        I  pointer to object data of user vector
00366  * \param userdata IO user data
00367  * \param retval   O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00368  * \return no return value
00369  */
00370 void usr_vector_export(Usr_Vector *x, void userdata, int *retval);
00374 /** \brief Implementation for printing a table.
00375  *
00376  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_PRINT_TABLE in the function list of the class descriptor.
00377  *
00378  * \param table        IO array of vectors that forms the table to be filled
00379  * \param ncolumns     I  number of columns
00380  * \param formats      I  user vector
00381  * \param retval       O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00382  * \return no return value
00383  */
00384 void usr_vector_print_table(Usr_Vector **table, int *ncolumns,
00385                       Usr_Vector * formats,     int *retval);
00389 /** \brief Implementation for appending a single value to the user vector.
00390  *
00391  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_APPENDVAL in the function list of the class descriptor.
00392  *
00393  * \param x            IO pointer to object data of user vector
00394  * \param val          I  value to append
00395  * \param datatype     I  data type of value to append, must be the same as data type of user vector x
00396  * \param retval       O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00397  * \return no return value
00398  */
00399 void usr_vector_appendval(Usr_Vector *x, void *val, CTA_Datatype *datatype,
00400                            int *retval);
00403 //CTA_VECTOR_ELMDIV      (19)
00404 /** \brief Implementation for element-wise division of user vector.
00405  *
00406  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_ELMDIV in the function list of the class descriptor.
00407  *
00408  * \param y            IO pointer to object data of receiving user vector
00409  * \param x            I  pointer to object data of user vector x
00410  * \param userdata     IO user data
00411  * \param retval       O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00412  * \return no return value
00413  */
00414 void usr_vector_elmdiv(Usr_Vector *y, CTAI_Vector_blas *x,
00415                       void *userdata, int *retval);
00419 //CTA_VECTOR_IMPORT      (20)
00420 /** \brief Implementation for importing a user vector.
00421  *
00422  * \note At index CTA_VECTOR_IMPORT in the function list of the class descriptor.
00423  *
00424  * \param x            O  pointer to object data of user vector that must receive import result
00425  * \param userdata     IO user data
00426  * \param retval       O  must receive return value of user implementation function
00427  * \return no return value
00428  */
00429 void usr_vector_import(Usr_Vector *x, void userdata, int *retval);

Generated on Mon Apr 6 14:05:58 2009 for COSTA by  doxygen 1.5.2