[model] Program = D-Flow FM # Program name Version = # Version String GuiVersion = # DeltaShell FM-Suite Flow Model Version String AutoStart = 0 # Autostart simulation after loading MDU or not (0=no, 1=autostart, 2=autostartstop, ) [geometry] NetFile = dcsmv5_net.nc # *_net.nc BathymetryFile = # *.xyb WaterLevIniFile = # Initial water levels sample file *.xyz LandBoundaryFile = # Only for plotting ) DryPointsFile = dcsmv5_dry.xyz # *_dry.xyz, Points defining dry points. ThinDamFile = dcsmv5_thd.pli # *_thd.pli, Polyline(s), for tracing thin dams. ThindykeFile = # *._tdk.pli, Polyline(s), x, y, z, z = thin dike top levels StructureFile = # *.ini ProflocFile = # *_proflocation.xyz, x, y, z, z = profile refnumber ProfdefFile = # *_profdefinition.def, definition for all profile nrs ManholeFile = # *... WaterLevIni = -999.999 # Initial water level Bedlevuni = -5 # Uniform bed level, for mesh nodes without bathymetry defined (only if bedlevtype>=3) Bedslope = 0 # bed inclination, for mesh nodes without bathymetry defined (Mainly used for test cases) BedlevType = 3 # 1 : Bed levels location type PartitionFile = # *_part.pol, polyline(s), x, y AngLat = 0 # Angle of latitude (deg, 0=no Coriolis ) AngLon = 0 # Angle of longitude (deg), 0=Greenwich Conveyance2D = 3 # -1:R=HU, 0:R=H, 1:R=A/P, 2:K=analytic-1D conv, 3:K=analytic-2D conv Sillheightmin = 0.5 # Weir treatment only if both sills larger than this value (m) Makeorthocenters = 0 # 1=yes, 0=no switch from circumcentres to orthocentres in geominit Dcenterinside = 1 # limit cell center (1.0: in cell <-> 0.0:on c/g) Kmx = 0 # Maximum number of vertical layers Layertype = 1 # Vertical Layer type, 1 = all sigma, 2 = all z, 3 = use VertplizFile [numerics] CFLMax = 0.7 # AdvecType = 3 # Advection type, 0=no, 1= Wenneker, qu-udzt, 2=1, q(uio-u), 3=Perot q(uio-u), 4=Perot q(ui-u), 5=Perot q(ui-u), without itself Limtyphu = 0 # Limiter type for waterdepth in continuity eq., 0=no, 1=minmod, 2=vanLeer, 3=Kooren, 4=Monotone Central Limtypmom = 4 # Limiter type for cell center advection velocity, 0=no, 1=minmod, 2=vanLeer, 3=Kooren, 4=Monotone Central Limtypsa = -999 # Limiter type for salinity transport, 0=no, 1=minmod, 2=vanLeer, 3=Kooren, 4=Monotone Central Icgsolver = 4 # Solver type , 1 = sobekGS_OMP, 2 = sobekGS_OMPthreadsafe, 3 = sobekGS, 4 = sobekGS + Saadilud, 5 = parallel/Uniform Saad, 6 = parallel/Petsc, 7 = parallel/GS ) Maxdegree = 6 # Maximum degree in Gauss elimination Thindykescheme = 1 # 0 = no, 1 = compact stencil, 2 = whole tile lifted, full subgrid weir + factor, Thindykecontraction = 1 # flow width = flow width * thin dike contraction , Izbndpos = 0 # Position of z boundary, 0=D3Dflow, 1=on net boundary, 2 = on specified polyline Tlfsmo = 0 # Fourier smoothing time on waterlevel boundaries (s) Lincontin = 0 # Linear Continuity? Jaembed1D = 0 # 1 : use embedded 1d channels, first run: Operations: Embed 1D channels ) Slopedrop2D = 0 # Apply droplosses only if local bottom slope > Slopedrop2D Chkadvd = 0.1 # Check advection terms if depth < chkadvdp, => less setbacks Teta0 = 0.55 # Theta of time integration, 0.5 < Teta < 1d0 Jbasqbnddownwindhs = 0 # 0 : original hu on qbnd, 1 = downwind hs on qbnd ) Maxitverticalforester = 0 # 0 : no vertical filter, > 0 = Max nr of iterations Maxitverticalforestertemp= 0 # 0 : no vertical filter, > 0 = Max nr of iterations for temperature [physics] UnifFrictCoef = -999.999 # Uniform friction coefficient, 0=no friction) UnifFrictType = 0 # 0=Chezy, 1=Manning, 2=White Colebrook, 3=z0 etc) UnifFrictCoefLin = 0 # Uniform linear friction coefficient for ocean models (m/s), 0=no Umodlin = 1 # linear friction umod, ifrctyp 4,5,6 Vicouv = -999.999 # Uniform horizontal eddy viscosity (m2/s) Dicouv = -999.999 # Uniform horizontal eddy diffusivity (m2/s) Vicoww = 0 # Uniform vertical eddy viscosity (m2/s) Dicoww = 0 # Uniform vertical eddy diffusivity (m2/s) Smagorinsky = 0 # Add Smagorinsky horizontal turbulence : vicu = vicu + ( (Smagorinsky*dx, *2, S, e.g. 0.1 ) Elder = 0 # Add Elder contribution : vicu = vicu + Elder*kappa*ustar*H/6, e.g. 1.0 ) irov = 0 # 0=free slip, 1 = partial slip using wall_ks) wall_ks = -999.999 # Nikuradse roughness for side walls, wall_z0=wall_ks/30) TidalForcing = 1 # Tidal forcing (0=no, 1=yes, (only for jsferic == 1, ) Ag = 9.813 # Gravitational acceleration Rhomean = 1023 # Average water density (kg/m3) Salinity = 0 # Include salinity, (0=no, 1=yes, ) InitialSalinity = 0 # Inital salinity concentration (ppt, ) Temperature = 0 # Include temperature, (0=no, 1=only transport, 5=heat flux model (5) of D3D) InitialTemperature = 5 # Initial temperature (degC) Secchidepth = 2 # Water clarity parameter (m) Stanton = 0.0013 # Coefficient for convective heat flux ( ), if negative, use Cd wind Dalton = 0.0013 # Coefficient for evaporative heat flux ( ), if negative, use Cd wind [wind] ICdtyp = 2 # Type of wind drag coefficient Cdbreakpoints = 0.00063 0.00723 # The wind drag coefficient break point specification as used in Smith & Banks Windspeedbreakpoints = 0 100 # The wind speed break point specification as used in Smith & Banks Rhoair = 1.2 # Air density (kg/m3) PavBnd = -999 # Average air Pressure on open boundaries, (N/m2), only applied if value > 0 Gapres = -999 # Uniform Atmospheric Pressure, (N/m2) [waves] Wavemodelnr = 0 # Wave model nr, 0=no, 1=fetch/depth limited hurdlestive, 2=youngverhagen, 3 = SWAN, 4 = Online WaveNikuradse = 0.01 # Wave friction Nikuradse ks coefficient, used in Krone Swart, e.g. 0.01 m Rouwav = # Friction model for wave induced shear stress [time] RefDate = 20061225 # Reference date (yyyymmdd, ) Tzone = 0 # Data Sources in GMT are interrogated with time in minutes since refdat-Tzone*60 , ) Tunit = H # Time units in MDU (H, M or S, ) TStart = 168 # Start time w.r.t. RefDate (in TUnit, ) TStop = 168 # Stop time w.r.t. RefDate (in TUnit, ) AutoTimestep = 0 # If Yes (1) - Maximum Courant number is used to limit timestep. If No (0) - user defined timestep is used. DtUser = 600 # Specifies the computational time step if limit by Courant number is not used. Otherwise the user time step specifies the interval for updating the external forcing & his/map output ([s] in mdu)) DtMax = 600 # Upper limit for the computational timestep (in case Courant number limited). Overrules user time step in case of user defined time step DtInit = 60 # Initial timestep in seconds (time step grudally increases from initial time step to Courant-number limited time step) [restart] RestartFile = # Restart file, only map, hence: *_map.nc RestartDateTime = # Restart time (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, ) [external forcing] ExtForceFile = dcsmv5.init.ext # *.ext [output] MapFormat = 1 # File format in which Map file data is written OutputDir = # Output directory of map-, his-, rst-, dat- and timings-files, default: DFM_OUTPUT_. Set to . for no dir/current dir. ObsFile = dcsmv5.xyn # CrsFile = # HisInterval = 600 # Time interval between subsequent His file output ([s] in mdu) XLSInterval = # Obsolete, no longer supported FlowGeomFile = # MapInterval = 600 # Time interval between subsequent Map file output ([s] in mdu) RstInterval = 600 # Time interval between subsequent restart state output ([s] in mdu) S1incinterval = # WaqInterval = 0 # Time interval between subsequent water quality data output ([s] in mdu) StatsInterval = 0 # Time interval between subsequent simulation run statistics output ([s] in mdu) TimingsInterval = # Time interval between subsequent timing statistics output ([s] in mdu) MapOutputTimeVector = # File containing specific Map Output Times (second since start of simulation) Writebalancefile = 0 # Indicates if water balance quantities output should be created FullGridOutput = 0 # 0:compact, 1:full time-varying grid data