Estuary model split over 2 domains This model was split into two domains for testing of openda with domain-decomposition for delft3d. Note that domain-decomposition for delft3d does not work for version 4 on linux. Data forglobal domain: - grid 200x3 dx=500m L=100km - 10min timestep - initial wl 1m - observations 66,132,198 - 1-jan-1991 to 17-1-1991 - depth -7m to -5m linear slope - boundary M2 0.6m/0dgr S2 0.2m/0dgr - 200m3/s upstream inflow - manning 0.02 (m=1:66), 0.023 (m=67:132), 0.026 (m=133:200) This can be drawn as: + - + - + + - + - + | o | o | | o | o | W - X - X ... X - X - Q | o | o | | o | o | + - + - + + - + - + 1 2 3 -2 -1 m=200 + : cell center of inactive cells X : active cell centers - : u velocity points - : u velocity points W : wl velocity boudary Q : discharge boundary o : grid corners as given in the grd-file To cut this model in two the cell-face between (100,2) and (101,2) is used as the boundary. This results in the following 2 grids domain 1 + - + - + + - + - + | o | o | | o | o | W - X - X ... X - X - + | o | o | | o | o | + - + - + + - + - + 1 2 3 -2 -1 m=101 domain 2 + - + - + + - + - + | o | o | | o | o | + - X - X ... X - X - Q | o | o | | o | o | + - + - + + - + - + 1 2 3 -2 -1 m=101 As one can see there is a shift of 99 cells in the local versus the global administration. - grd-file m=1:100 n=1:2 en m=100:199 n=1:2 - dep-file m=1:101 n=1:3 en m=99:200 n=1:3 - rgh-file dito but for both u and v directions - bca-file only astro for domain 1 and only discharge for domain 2 - bnd-file dito - bct-file dito - cor-file dito - enc-file enclosure runs to 101 instead of 200 - obs-file only keep locations in the relevant domain and shift in domain 2 by 99 - add ddb-file