Ident = #Delft3D-FLOW .03.02 3.41.02# Commnt= Runtxt= #Test Case 1 # #Estuary 1D # #MHBOX-RAMA # #1-D Estuary Model # #The estuary is streched from # #east to west. At the eastern # #open boundary,the flowvelocity# #is specified to zero, while at# #the western one periodic water# #level is set. The width of the# Filcco= #Est1D.grd# Fmtcco= #FR# Anglat= 0.0000000e+000 Grdang= 0.0000000e+000 Filgrd= #Est1D.enc# Fmtgrd= #FR# MNKmax= 82 5 1 Thick = 1.0000000e+002 Commnt= Depuni= 9.0000000e+000 Commnt= Commnt= no. dry points: 0 Commnt= no. thin dams: 0 Commnt= Itdate= #2010-06-24# Tunit = #M# Tstart= 6.0000000e+002 Tstop = 1.4400000e+003 Dt = 10 Tzone = 0 Commnt= Sub1 = # # Sub2 = # # Commnt= Wnsvwp= #N# Wndint= #Y# Commnt= Zeta0 = 0.0000000e+000 U0 = [.] V0 = [.] S0 = [.] Commnt= Commnt= no. open boundaries: 1 Filbnd= #Est1D.bnd# Fmtbnd= #FR# FilbcT= #Est1D-firstGuess.bct# FmtbcT= #FR# Filcor= #Est1D.cor# Fmtcor= #FR# Commnt= Ag = 9.8100000e+000 Rhow = 1.0000000e+003 Alph0 = [.] Tempw = 1.5000000e+001 Salw = 3.1000000e+001 Rouwav= # # Wstres= 6.3000000e-004 0.0000000e+000 7.2300000e-003 1.0000000e+002 Rhoa = 1.0000000e+000 Betac = 5.0000000e-001 Equili= #N# Tkemod= # # Ktemp = 0 Fclou = 0.0000000e+000 Sarea = 0.0000000e+000 Temint= #Y# Commnt= Roumet= #C# Ccofu = 5.5000000e+001 Ccofv = 5.5000000e+001 Xlo = 0.0000000e+000 Vicouv= 1.0000000e+000 Dicouv= 1.0000000e+001 Htur2d= #N# Irov = 0 Commnt= Iter = 2 Dryflp= #YES# Dpsopt= #MAX# Dpuopt= #MEAN# Dryflc= 1.0000000e-001 Dco = -9.9900000e+002 Tlfsmo= 6.0000000e+001 ThetQH= 0.0000000e+000 Forfuv= #Y# Forfww= #N# Sigcor= #N# Trasol= #Cyclic-method# Momsol= #Cyclic# Commnt= Commnt= no. discharges: 0 Commnt= no. observation points: 4 Filsta= #Est1D.obs# Fmtsta= #FR# Commnt= no. drogues: 0 Commnt= Commnt= Commnt= no. cross sections: 0 Commnt= SMhydr= #YYYYY# SMderv= #YYYYYY# SMproc= #YYYYYYYYYY# PMhydr= #YYYYYY# PMderv= #YYY# PMproc= #YYYYYYYYYY# SHhydr= #YYYY# SHderv= #YYYYY# SHproc= #YYYYYYYYYY# SHflux= #YYYY# PHhydr= #YYYYYY# PHderv= #YYY# PHproc= #YYYYYYYYYY# PHflux= #YYYY# Online= #N# Flmap = 0.0000000e+000 120 5.7600000e+003 Flhis = 0.0000000e+000 10 5.7600000e+003 Flpp = 0.0000000e+000 0 5.7600000e+003 Flrst = Commnt= Commnt=