Specify list of input arguments for the implementation of the. The class name to be started Directory where executable file is run. Specify list of input arguments The class name to be started Directory where executable file is run. This is never used in the code. If true, all time series for all exchange items have the same time series Specify a dummy value for indicating missing observations. If not specified, a default value of NaN is used. Note: For NetcdfDataObject this missingValue is ignored, since the missing_value (or _FillValue) is already defined in the netcdf file itself. The uncertainty module to be started (e.g. org.openda.uncertainties.UncertaintyEngine). One or more IO objects. The firstargument of each IO object is interpreted as the file to be read Should missing values in the observations be removed, or should they be presented as NaN? Configuration of a stochastic observer. It contains two main components: the observer that contains all measurement data and the uncertainty module that contains uncertainty information about the observation data.