In order to create an Ensemble of models using these scripts. authors: Marc Ridler & Nils van Velzen --> Copy the file out ofDropbox. 1) Setup Matlab a - Install the DHI Matlab toobox b - Include Recursevly the lib direcory in "Set Path" 2) In Matlab a - in "Main_createEnsembles.m" , change according... % The directory where ther is the BaseModel directory. baseModelDir = 'C:\Dropbox\!Share_NilsUmerMarc\BaseModel\'; % Number of Ensembles to Create numEns = 20; then RUN b - in "Main_PerturbParameters.m", change EnsembleDir to the newly created Ensemble directory numEns --> to the number of ensembles you created. NOTE This will create a number of ensemble models 0 to N-1 with perturbed forcing (Precipitation and referenece evapotranspiration) from the Main_createEnsemble. ALSO parameters in the SZ and the UZ will be changed from the Main_perturbParameters. The parameters perturbations script uses String Replacemnts looking for strings 1.01e-35, 1.02e-35, ..., 2.01e-35. The Karup.SHE should run SIMSTART = 1969, 12, 1, 0, 0 SIMEND = 1973, 1, 1, 0, 0 You can create the input files for the data assimilation simulationm (Karup_DA.SHE) using the script Main_createDAfile