Example models using RMI and Threading Before you start the simulation you need to start the servers. For this we have provided two scripts start_rmi.sh : This script starts a single client. This script needs to be started before you can run lorenzSimulation.oda and lorenzEnkf.oda start_rmi4.sh: This script starts 4 clients. This schript needs to be started before you can run lorenzEnkf4.oda and lorenzEnkf4.oda NOTE: The clients will not stop. You have to terminate the processes manualy! Tests: lorenzSimulation.oda Simulation with the Lorenz model. Model instances are created on a single server. lorenzEnkf.oda EnKF with Lorenz model. All model instances are created on a single server. lorenzEnkf4.oda EnKF with Lorenz model. the model instances are spread over 4 servers. lorenzEnkf4Thread.oda Same as lorenzEnkf4.oda but now parallel model step computations due to combination of RMI front-end model with Thread front-end model.