Parallel example model. The polution model, can be run in parallel in two different modes 1) The worker-worker mode. The computational domain is split up over the worker processes. OpenDA communicates with all these worker processes (at the same time) when a method is called. 2) The master-worker mode. One of the processes is the master processes (of the model) OpenDA only communicated with this process. The other processes are managed by the master process (of the model) OpenDA has no control/knowledge on these processes. Note: This is an simple example model that will probably run slower in parallel then it will do sequential Quick start (run in worker-worker mode) 2 procs per model : mpiexec -np 3 -p PolluteEnKFOpenDaConfig.oda or mpiexec -np 1+2*Nproc -p PolluteEnKFOpenDaConfig.oda