# Generated by CMake 2.8.6 IF("${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION}.${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION}" LESS 2.5) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "CMake >= 2.6.0 required") ENDIF("${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION}.${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION}" LESS 2.5) CMAKE_POLICY(PUSH) CMAKE_POLICY(VERSION 2.6) #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Generated CMake target import file. #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Commands may need to know the format version. SET(CMAKE_IMPORT_FILE_VERSION 1) # Create imported target hdf5 ADD_LIBRARY(hdf5 SHARED IMPORTED) # Create imported target hdf5_tools ADD_LIBRARY(hdf5_tools SHARED IMPORTED) # Create imported target hdf5_f90cstub ADD_LIBRARY(hdf5_f90cstub SHARED IMPORTED) # Create imported target hdf5_fortran ADD_LIBRARY(hdf5_fortran SHARED IMPORTED) # Create imported target hdf5_hl_f90cstub ADD_LIBRARY(hdf5_hl_f90cstub SHARED IMPORTED) # Create imported target hdf5_hl_fortran ADD_LIBRARY(hdf5_hl_fortran SHARED IMPORTED) # Create imported target hdf5_cpp ADD_LIBRARY(hdf5_cpp SHARED IMPORTED) # Create imported target hdf5_hl ADD_LIBRARY(hdf5_hl SHARED IMPORTED) # Create imported target hdf5_hl_cpp ADD_LIBRARY(hdf5_hl_cpp SHARED IMPORTED) # Load information for each installed configuration. GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH) FILE(GLOB CONFIG_FILES "${_DIR}/hdf5-targets-*.cmake") FOREACH(f ${CONFIG_FILES}) INCLUDE(${f}) ENDFOREACH(f) # Commands beyond this point should not need to know the version. SET(CMAKE_IMPORT_FILE_VERSION) CMAKE_POLICY(POP)