using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using DHI.MikeShe.Engine;
using MikeSheInOpenDA.Spatial;
using OpenDA.DotNet.OpenMI.Bridge;
using OpenMI.Standard2;
using OpenMI.Standard2.TimeSpace;
using DHI.OpenMI2.Sdk.Spatial;
using DHI.OpenMI2.Sdk.Backbone;
namespace MikeSheInOpenDA
public class MikeSheOpenMITimespaceComponentExtensions : DHI.OpenMI2.MikeShe.WMEngineAccess,ITimeSpaceComponentExtensions
public ITime currentTime()
return this.CurrentTime;
/// For easy observation handling a model can provide some additional exhange items especially for model predictions at observation locations
public IList getAdditionalExchangeItem()
IList additional = new List();
// We will hack something here!
return additional;
public IList CreateModelIndicesHashTable(OpenDA.DotNet.Interfaces.IObservationDescriptions observationDescriptions)
String[] keys = observationDescriptions.PropertyKeys;
String[] quantity = observationDescriptions.GetStringProperties("quantity");
IList modelIndices = new List(quantity.Count());
int headi = quantity.ToList().FindIndex(q => String.CompareOrdinal(q, "Head")==0);
int smi = quantity.ToList().FindIndex(q => String.CompareOrdinal(q, "SoilMoisture")==0);
if (headi != 1)
int starti = quantity.ToList().FindIndex(q => String.CompareOrdinal(q, "Head")==0);
int lasti = quantity.ToList().FindLastIndex(q => String.CompareOrdinal(q, "Head")==0);
ModelCoordinatesSZ(observationDescriptions, ref modelIndices, starti, lasti);
else if (smi != 1)
throw new NotImplementedException("Haven't implemented this for soil moisture.");
return modelIndices;
private void ModelCoordinatesSZ(OpenDA.DotNet.Interfaces.IObservationDescriptions observationDescriptions, ref IList modelIndices, int starti, int lasti)
//IList modelIndexCorrespondingToObss = new List();
Full3DGrid grid = WMEngine.SzGrid;
IXYLayerPoint lowerleft = new XYLayerPoint(grid.GetVertexXCoordinate(0, 0), grid.GetVertexYCoordinate(0, 0), 0);
IXYLayerPoint upperright = new XYLayerPoint(grid.GetVertexXCoordinate(0, 2), grid.GetVertexYCoordinate(0, 2), 0);
double dx = upperright.X - lowerleft.X;
double dy = upperright.Y - lowerleft.Y;
int nz = WMEngine.SzGrid.NumberOfNodesPerColumn;
// First vertical from layer 0 to topo, then horizontal grid one by one. speficy the right location(order) mod by DZ
int nElements = WMEngine.SzGrid.ElementCount;
IDictionary modelEntities = new Dictionary(nElements*nz);
for (int i = 0; i < nElements; i += nz)
//int zLayer = Convert.ToInt32(i % nz);
// Points in Polygon are defined as LL, LR, UR, UL (l/l = lower/left, u = upper, r = right )
// Finds the mid x and mid y point in the polygon (assuming rectangular grid)
double LLx = grid.GetVertexXCoordinate(i, 0);
double LLy = grid.GetVertexYCoordinate(i, 0);
double URx = LLx + dx;
double URy = LLy + dy;
for (int j = 0; j < nz; j++)
modelEntities.Add((nz - j - 1) * nElements / nz + i / nz, new SpatialDefine(new XYLayerPoint(LLx, LLy, j), new XYLayerPoint(URx, URy, j), GeometryTypes.Geometry3DSZ));
double[] xpos = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("xposition").Values;
double[] ypos = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("yposition").Values;
double[] height = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("height").Values;
// For each observation index in DFS file
for (int i = starti; i <= lasti; i++)
IXYLayerPoint obsPoint = new XYLayerPoint(xpos[i],ypos[i],Convert.ToInt32(height[i]));
int modelIdex = XYZGeometryTools.ModelIndexWherePointIsLocated(obsPoint, modelEntities);
if (modelIdex > 0)
if (!modelIndices.Contains(modelIdex))
throw new Exception("More than one observation for same model index");
private List ObsIDtoExchangeId(OpenDA.DotNet.Interfaces.IObservationDescriptions observationDescriptions)
String[] keys = observationDescriptions.PropertyKeys;
String[] quantity = observationDescriptions.GetStringProperties("quantity");
double[] xpos = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("xposition").Values;
double[] ypos = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("yposition").Values;
double[] height = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("height").Values;
int observationCount = observationDescriptions.ObservationCount;
int nObs = xpos.Length; // same as observationCount?
List exchangeItemId = new List();
for (int obsC = 0; obsC < nObs; obsC++)
if (quantity[obsC].Equals("Head", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
exchangeItemId.Add("head elevation in saturated zone,SZ3DGrid");
else if (quantity[obsC].Equals("SoilMoisture", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
exchangeItemId.Add("water content in unsaturated zone,WMUZ3DGrid");
else if (quantity[obsC].Equals("SurfaceTemperature", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
exchangeItemId.Add("Surface temperature (effective),BaseGrid");
else if (quantity[obsC].Equals("SZVerticalConductivity", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
exchangeItemId.Add("SZ vertical conductivity (for DA-OpenMI),SZ3DGrid");
else if (quantity[obsC].Equals("SZHorizontalConductivity", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
exchangeItemId.Add("SZ horizontal conductivity (for DA-OpenMI),SZ3DGrid");
throw new Exception("Cannot (yet) handle obversvations of quantity (" + quantity[obsC] + ")");
return exchangeItemId;
/// Hx = Gets the model values at the indices that are passed in the list.
/// The description of the observations.
/// List of indices to be retrieved from the model.
/// Array of model values at the given indices.
public double[] ModelValuesAtProvidedIndices(OpenDA.DotNet.Interfaces.IObservationDescriptions observationDescriptions, IList indices )
String[] keys = observationDescriptions.PropertyKeys;
String[] quantity = observationDescriptions.GetStringProperties("quantity");
double[] xpos = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("xposition").Values;
double[] ypos = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("yposition").Values;
double[] height = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("height").Values;
int observationCount = observationDescriptions.ObservationCount;
int nObs = quantity.Length; // same as observationCount?
// The heights should be specified in an array of integers representing the layer. Check if the values are indeed integers or close to integers before converting
// the array of doubles to an array of integers.
const double tolerance = 1e-5;
int[] layer = new int[observationCount];
for (int i = 0; i < observationCount; i++)
layer[i] = Convert.ToInt32(height[i]);
if (Math.Abs(layer[i] - height[i]) > tolerance)
throw new Exception("The height specified in the observation was not an integer. Observation \n");
List obsIds = ObsIDtoExchangeId(observationDescriptions);
// An array of model values corresponding to the observation points.
double[] Hx = GetModelValuesDifferentVariables(obsIds, indices);
return Hx;
public double[] getObservedValues(OpenDA.DotNet.Interfaces.IObservationDescriptions observationDescriptions)
String[] keys = observationDescriptions.PropertyKeys;
String[] quantity = observationDescriptions.GetStringProperties("quantity");
double[] xpos = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("xposition").Values;
double[] ypos = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("yposition").Values;
double[] height = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("height").Values;
int observationCount = observationDescriptions.ObservationCount;
int nObs = quantity.Length; // same as observationCount?
// The heights should be specified in an array of integers representing the layer. Check if the values are indeed integers or close to integers before converting
// the array of doubles to an array of integers.
for (int i = 0; i < height.Length; i++) { if (double.IsNaN(height[i])) height[i] = 0.0; }
const double tolerance = 1e-5;
int[] layer = new int[observationCount];
for (int i = 0; i < observationCount; i++)
layer[i] = Convert.ToInt32(height[i]);
if (Math.Abs(layer[i] - height[i]) > tolerance)
throw new Exception("The height specified in the observation was not an integer. Observation \n");
// An array of model values corresponding to the observation points.
double[] Hx = new double[nObs];
for (int obsC = 0; obsC < nObs; obsC++)
// Set exchangeItem that corresponds to EntityID (no conversion yet)
String exchangeItemId;
if (quantity[obsC].Equals("Head", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
exchangeItemId = "head elevation in saturated zone,SZ3DGrid";
else if (quantity[obsC].Equals("SoilMoisture", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
exchangeItemId = "water content in unsaturated zone,WMUZ3DGrid";
else if (quantity[obsC].Equals("SurfaceTemperature", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
exchangeItemId = "Surface temperature (effective),BaseGrid";
else if (quantity[obsC].Equals("SZVerticalConductivity", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
exchangeItemId = "SZ vertical conductivity (for DA-OpenMI),SZ3DGrid";
else if (quantity[obsC].Equals("SZHorizontalConductivity", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
exchangeItemId= "SZ horizontal conductivity (for DA-OpenMI),SZ3DGrid";
throw new Exception("Cannot (yet) handle obversvations of quantity (" + quantity[obsC] + ")");
IDictionary modelCoord = GetModelCoordinates(exchangeItemId);
IXYLayerPoint obsPoint = new XYLayerPoint(xpos[obsC], ypos[obsC], layer[obsC]);
int modelVariableIndex = XYZGeometryTools.ModelIndexWherePointIsLocated(obsPoint, modelCoord);
if(modelVariableIndex >= 0)
Hx[obsC] = GetModelValue(exchangeItemId, modelVariableIndex);
throw new Exception("The observation point was NOT in the model grid! For Point: (" + xpos[obsC].ToString() + "," + ypos[obsC].ToString()+ "," + layer[obsC].ToString() + ") \n" );
return Hx;
/// OpenMI does not know about localization. In this method, the user can implement localization for OpenMI models in this method
/// the exchange ID string
/// OpenDA type of observation description
/// the distance for gaussian localization
public double[][] getLocalization(string exchangeItemId, OpenDA.DotNet.Interfaces.IObservationDescriptions observationDescriptions, double locDistance)
//Get the Keys from the observer
String[] keys = observationDescriptions.PropertyKeys;
String[] quantity = observationDescriptions.GetStringProperties("quantity");
double[] xpos = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("xposition").Values;
double[] ypos = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("yposition").Values;
double[] height = observationDescriptions.GetValueProperties("height").Values;
int observationCount = observationDescriptions.ObservationCount;
// The heights should be specified in an array of integers representing the layer. Check if the values are indeed integers or close to integers before converting
// the array of doubles to an array of integers.
for (int i = 0; i < height.Length; i++) { if (double.IsNaN(height[i])) height[i] = 0.0;}
const double tolerance = 1e-5;
int[] layer = new int[observationCount];
for (int i = 0; i < observationCount; i++)
layer[i] = Convert.ToInt32(height[i]);
if ( Math.Abs(layer[i] - height[i] ) > tolerance )
throw new Exception("The height specified in the observation was not an integer. Observation \n");
// Gets the Grid type for the model. Can be a number of possibilities depending on the variable.
GeometryTypes geometrytype = GetGridType(exchangeItemId);
if (geometrytype == GeometryTypes.Geometry2D)
return GetLocalized2D(exchangeItemId, observationCount, locDistance, xpos, ypos);
if (geometrytype == GeometryTypes.Geometry3DSZ)
double[][] mask = GetLocalized3DSZ(exchangeItemId, observationCount, locDistance, xpos, ypos, layer);
return mask;
throw new NotImplementedException("Only 3D SZ and 2D BaseGrid supported so far.");
#region PrivateMethods
private double[] GetModelValuesDifferentVariables(List exchangeItemId, IList modelVariableIndices)
double[] modelValues = new double[modelVariableIndices.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < modelVariableIndices.Count; i++)
char[] delimiterChars = { ',' };
string[] words = exchangeItemId[i].Split(delimiterChars);
string openMIVariableID = words[0].Trim();
ITimeSpaceOutput output = FindOutputItem(openMIVariableID);
var modVars = output.Values.Values2D[0].Cast().ToArray();
modelValues[i] = modVars[modelVariableIndices[i]];
return modelValues;
/// Get the values from the model at the given indices
/// The exchange id of the variable to retrived
/// List of indices in the model to retrive values from.
/// Corresponding model values.
private double[] GetModelValuesSameVariable(string exchangeItemId, IList modelVariableIndices)
char[] delimiterChars = { ',' };
string[] words = exchangeItemId.Split(delimiterChars);
string openMIVariableID = words[0].Trim();
double[] modelValues = new double[modelVariableIndices.Count];
//Get values from model
ITimeSpaceOutput output = FindOutputItem(openMIVariableID);
var modVars = output.Values.Values2D[0].Cast().ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < modelVariableIndices.Count; i++)
modelValues[i] = modVars[modelVariableIndices[i]];
return modelValues;
private double GetModelValue(string exchangeItemId, int modelVariableIndex)
char[] delimiterChars = { ',' };
string[] words = exchangeItemId.Split(delimiterChars);
string openMIVariableID = words[0].Trim();
ITimeSpaceOutput output = FindOutputItem(openMIVariableID);
return output.Values.Values2D[0].Cast().ToArray()[modelVariableIndex];
private ITimeSpaceOutput FindOutputItem(string outputItemId)
foreach (ITimeSpaceOutput outputItem in base.Outputs)
if (outputItem.Id.Equals(outputItemId))
return outputItem;
throw new Exception("Output item \"" + outputItemId + "not found.");
/// For 3D SZ (hydraulic head).
/// Returns a localization hash table.
/// For each observation point, calculate the gaussian distance to all other points in the model grid.
/// The exchange ID string
/// The number of observation points
/// The localization distance (for Gaussian distance)
/// array of observation X coordinates
/// array of observation Y coordinates
/// array of observation Z heights (layer in the model)
private double[][] GetLocalized3DSZ(string exchangeItemId, int observationCount, double locDistance, double[] xpos, double[] ypos, int[] layer)
double[][] localized2D = new double[observationCount][];
var mshe = base.WMEngine;
IDictionary modelCoord = GetModelCoordinates(exchangeItemId);
// SZGrid
int n = modelCoord.Count;
for (int obsC = 0; obsC < observationCount; obsC++)
// int countNormalizedCheck = 0;
localized2D[obsC] = new double[n];
IXYLayerPoint obsPoint = new XYLayerPoint(xpos[obsC], ypos[obsC], 0);
if (XYZGeometryTools.IsPointInModelPlain(obsPoint, modelCoord, true))
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
double distanceC = XYZGeometryTools.CalculatePointToPointDistance2D(modelCoord[i].MidPoint,
double normalized = normalCooefs(distanceC, locDistance);
if (normalized > 0.001)
localized2D[obsC][i] = normalized;
//countNormalizedCheck = countNormalizedCheck + 1;
//Console.WriteLine("Number of normalized for observation:{0} is {1}", obsC,countNormalizedCheck);
return localized2D;
/// Returns a localization hash table.
/// For each observation point, calculate the gaussian distance to all other points in the model grid.
/// The exchange ID string
/// The number of observation points
/// The localization distance (for Gaussian distance)
/// array of observation X coordinates
/// array of observation Y coordinates
private double[][] GetLocalized2D(string exchangeItemId, int observationCount, double locDistance, double[] xpos, double[] ypos)
double[][] localized2D = new double[observationCount][];
var mshe = base.WMEngine;
int n = mshe.Grid.ElementCount;
IDictionary modelCoord = GetModelCoordinates(exchangeItemId);
for (int obsC = 0; obsC < observationCount; obsC++)
localized2D[obsC] = new double[n];
IXYLayerPoint obsPoint = new XYLayerPoint(xpos[obsC], ypos[obsC], 0);
if (XYZGeometryTools.IsPointInModelPlain(obsPoint, modelCoord, false))
for (int i = 0; i < modelCoord.Count; i++)
if (Convert.ToInt32(obsPoint.Layer) == modelCoord[i].Layer)
double distanceC = XYZGeometryTools.CalculatePointToPointDistance2D(modelCoord[i].MidPoint, obsPoint);
localized2D[obsC][i] = normalCooefs(distanceC, locDistance);
return localized2D;
/// Returns the grid type based on the exchangeID. The exchange ID is a string delimiated by a comma.
/// The second string after the comma contains the information of the Grid.
/// Options include:
/// 1) SZ3DGrid used for hydraulic head
/// 2) BaseGrid used for land surface variabels (surface temperature, evapotranspiration, ...)
/// 3) WMUZ3DGrid used for soil moisture content (in the UZ)
/// string deliminated by a comma where the string after the comma contains the grid information.
/// The geometry type of the variable. This is MikeSHE specific
GeometryTypes GetGridType(string exchangeItemId)
IBaseOutput baseOut = base._outputExchangeItems.First(vID => string.Compare(vID.Id, exchangeItemId) == 0);
char[] delimiterChars = { ',' };
string[] words = baseOut.Description.Split(delimiterChars);
string gridTypewords = words[1].Trim();
if (string.Compare(gridTypewords, "SZ3DGrid", 0) == 0)
return GeometryTypes.Geometry3DSZ;
else if (string.Compare(gridTypewords, "BaseGrid", 0) == 0)
return GeometryTypes.Geometry2D;
else if (string.Compare(gridTypewords, "WMUZ3DGrid", 0) == 0)
return GeometryTypes.Geometry3DUZ;
throw new Exception("Other types do exisit (UZ...)");
/// 2D BaseGrid !!
/// Creates a dictionary with key equal to the model state index and the value the spatial information of that state index.
/// The geometric type of the exchange itme (2d or 3d)
/// The exchange item base output
/// the string id of the exchange item.
private IDictionary GetModelCoordinates2D(GeometryTypes gType, IBaseOutput baseOut, string elementID)
IDictionary modelEntities = new Dictionary();
int elementIDNumber;
int n;
elementIDNumber = WMEngine.GetElementCount(elementID);
n = baseOut.ElementSet().ElementCount;
Console.WriteLine("\nElement {0} does not found in the model\n", elementID);
throw new Exception("\nProblem in Model Instance - unable to find exchange item\n");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
XYPolygon modelpolygon = ElementMapper.CreateXYPolygon(baseOut.ElementSet(), i);
//int zLayer = Convert.ToInt32(i % base.WMEngine.NumberOfSZLayers);
// Points in Polygon are defined as LL, LR, UR, UL (l/l = lower/left, u = upper, r = right )
// Finds the mid x and mid y point in the polygon (assuming rectangular grid)
IXYLayerPoint min = new XYLayerPoint(modelpolygon.GetX(0), modelpolygon.GetY(0), 0);
IXYLayerPoint max = new XYLayerPoint(modelpolygon.GetX(1), modelpolygon.GetY(3), 0);
modelEntities.Add(i, new SpatialDefine(min, max, GeometryTypes.Geometry2D));
return modelEntities;
/// 3D UZ !!!!
/// Creates a dictionary with key equal to the model state index and the value the spatial information of that state index.
/// The geometric type of the exchange itme (2d or 3d)
/// The exchange item base output
/// the string id of the exchange item.
private IDictionary GetModelCoordinates3DUZ(GeometryTypes gType, IBaseOutput baseOut, string elementID)
IDictionary modelEntities = new Dictionary();
int n;
n = baseOut.ElementSet().ElementCount;
Console.WriteLine("\nElement {0} does not found in the model\n", elementID);
throw new Exception("\nProblem in Model Instance - unable to find exchange item\n");
// Determines the number of layers in the UZ Grid.
int numLayersInGrid = Convert.ToInt32( Math.Round( (double)base.WMEngine.UzGrid.ElementCount/(double)base.WMEngine.UzGrid.BaseGrid.ElementCount ) );
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
XYPolygon modelpolygon = ElementMapper.CreateXYPolygon(baseOut.ElementSet(), i);
int zLayer = Convert.ToInt32(i % numLayersInGrid);
// Points in Polygon are defined as LL, LR, UR, UL (l/l = lower/left, u = upper, r = right )
// Finds the mid x and mid y point in the polygon (assuming rectangular grid)
IXYLayerPoint min = new XYLayerPoint(modelpolygon.GetX(0), modelpolygon.GetY(0), zLayer);
IXYLayerPoint max = new XYLayerPoint(modelpolygon.GetX(1), modelpolygon.GetY(3), zLayer);
modelEntities.Add(i, new SpatialDefine(min, max, GeometryTypes.Geometry3DUZ));
return modelEntities;
private IDictionary _modelEntities;
/// 3D SZ !!!!
/// Creates a dictionary with key equal to the model state index and the value the spatial information of that state index.
/// The geometric type of the exchange itme (2d or 3d)
/// The exchange item base output
/// the string id of the exchange item.
private IDictionary GetModelCoordinates3DSZ(GeometryTypes gType, IBaseOutput baseOut, string elementID)
//Run Only once - because it's slow
if(_modelEntities == null)
_modelEntities = new Dictionary();
int n;
n = baseOut.ElementSet().ElementCount;
Console.WriteLine("\nElement {0} does not found in the model\n", elementID);
throw new Exception("\nProblem in Model Instance - unable to find exchange item\n");
//int numBaseGrid = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor((double)n / (double)_mshe.WMEngine.NumberOfSZLayers));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
XYPolygon modelpolygon = ElementMapper.CreateXYPolygon(baseOut.ElementSet(), i);
int zLayer = Convert.ToInt32(i % base.WMEngine.NumberOfSZLayers);
// Points in Polygon are defined as LL, LR, UR, UL (l/l = lower/left, u = upper, r = right )
// Finds the mid x and mid y point in the polygon (assuming rectangular grid)
IXYLayerPoint min = new XYLayerPoint(modelpolygon.GetX(0), modelpolygon.GetY(0), zLayer);
IXYLayerPoint max = new XYLayerPoint(modelpolygon.GetX(1), modelpolygon.GetY(3), zLayer);
_modelEntities.Add(i, new SpatialDefine(min, max, GeometryTypes.Geometry3DSZ));
return _modelEntities;
/// Returns a List of ISpatialDefine with assumed 90deg angles.
/// The ISpatialDefine is defined by two coordinates and a layer integer.
/// A ISpatialDefine can represent a cuboid, rectangle or a point.
private IDictionary GetModelCoordinates(string elementIDAndGrid)
char[] delimiterChars = { ',' };
string[] words = elementIDAndGrid.Split(delimiterChars);
string elementID = words[0].Trim();
IBaseOutput baseOut = base._outputExchangeItems.First(vID => string.Compare(vID.Id, elementID) == 0);
// Get the Grid Type from the elementID (delimiated by a ',');
GeometryTypes gType = GetGridType(elementID);
if (gType == GeometryTypes.Geometry3DSZ)
return GetModelCoordinates3DSZ(gType, baseOut, elementID);
if (gType == GeometryTypes.Geometry3DUZ)
return GetModelCoordinates3DUZ(gType, baseOut, elementID);
if (gType == GeometryTypes.Geometry2D)
return GetModelCoordinates2D(gType, baseOut, elementID);
throw new Exception("The Rest not Implemented");
/// Distance to Normal calculator.
/// Returns the Gaussian normalized distances.
/// array of doubles of distances to each other
/// radius factor
/// normalCooefs
private double normalCooefs(double dist, double radius)
// Calculated result saved into iteself
return Math.Exp(-0.5 * Math.Pow((dist / radius), 2));
#endregion PrivateMethods