The name to be associated with the aliased value. Actual value referred to by the alias key. Specify the prefix for the alias key. Specify the suffix for the alias key. Create list of key and value pairs of aliases. Specify the default prefix for the alias keys. Specify the default suffix for the alias keys. Specify the native DLL's bin dir. Specify the native DLL: Win32_Ifort, etc. (TODO: make enumeration of possible values). Specify name of the native DLL. Specify the model directory that contains the mdf-file (relative to this config file). Specify the name of the mdf-file. Specify the name of the input file (Flow: .mdf file, Delwaq: .inp file) Additional argument for delwaq Specify the maximum number of instances to be kept in memory (the other instances will be flushed to disk) Specify the model directory that will contain the stored restart files if the algorithm requests to store states. Exchange item identifier. Exchange item type, bound_HQ, etc. (TODO: make enumeration of possible values) List of exchange items that will be part of the modelling process Aliases (e.g. environment variables) used in the configuration Model (i.e. schematization) specification . Model (i.e. schematization) specification . Exchange times. Configuration for a D3D model factory. It contains information on the DLL to be loaded, and the model to be used.