The timeunit element has three attributes, unit and devider and multiplier. the unit is second, minute, hour, week, month year. The devider attribute is optional (default = 1). Same as timeUnitEnumStringType plus the nonequidistant time step The timeZone (in decimal hours shift from GMT) e.g. -1.0 or 3.5. If not present GMT is assumed Absolute path plus file name of the executable. Fully qualifying name of a Java runnable class. Name of the environment variable. Value of the environment variable. Optional description of the execute activity. Command to execute. This can be either an executable or a Java class. Arguments to be passed to the executable. Environment variables to be pass ed to the executable. Timeout for execute activity in milliseconds. File containing diagnostic information about activity. This file always is located in the importDir and overrules the global diagnostic file. to define the type of the data (double, flow, string, boolean etc type: either file or directory index (e.g. 12) or index line (e.g. 11:18) in an array