Specification of analysis times. Type of analysis times: fromObservationTimes (default) or fixed. Format of analysis times: dateTimeString (default) or mjd (Modified Julian Day). Option whether to skip analysis at the initial simulation time, to prevent possibility of assimilating an observation twice (from the previous assimilation cycle). Default: false. Option whether to skip analysis at the final simulation time, to prevent possibility of assimilating an observation twice (at the next assimilation cycle). Default: false. Option whether to continue the filter when no observation is available. Default: false. Analysis time increment. Offset w.r.t. to TSTART of simulation. The first analysis time is equal to TSTART+timeOffset. Default: 0. Unit of timeIncrement and timeOffset. When timeIncrement is specified, then timeUnit is mandatory. Selection to add noise to a model. This should probably be false unless you are performing a special experiment. Set this to true if the model parameter is considered to be the source of uncertainty. Set this to true if the initial condition is considered to be the source of uncertainty. Set this to true if the model forcing is considered to be the source of uncertainty. Configuration of Sequential Simulation algorithm, which is simply to perform a perturbed model run. Specification of analysis times.