Set the times at which the Kalman gain is to be saved. Set the type for saving Kalman gains: none (default, Kalman gain is not saved) or fixed. Time format for saving Kalman gain: dateTimeString (default) or mjd (Modified Julian Day). Configuration for times for saving kalman gain. Set the times at which the Kalman gain is to be saved. Set the file information in which the Kalman gain will be saved. Kalman gain will be saved at different directories for different time levels. Selection to add noise to a model. This should probably be false unless you are performing a special experiment. Set the file information in which the Kalman gain will be saved. Kalman gain will be saved at different directories for different time levels. Set the maximum number of state element. When exceeded, and fileType=automatic, Kalman gain will be saved in netcdf format. Set the file type for storing Kalman gain: xml, netcdf or automatic (default, see xmlTypeMaxSize). If automatic, and xmlTypeMaxSize is exceeded, Kalman gain will be saved in netcdf format. Set the xml file name, which will contain the information about the Kalman gain. Set the directory prefix of Kalman gain storage. Set the number of ensemble members. Selection to add noise to the ensemble members. This should probably be true unless your model has difficulty with the changes of parameters, initial state or the forcing. Set this to true if the model parameter is considered to be the source of uncertainty. Set this to true if the initial condition is considered to be the source of uncertainty. Set this to true if the model forcing is considered to be the source of uncertainty. Specification of analysis times. Configuration of sequential ensemble algorithm. Specification of analysis times Selection to add noise to a model. This should probably be false unless you are performing a special experiment. Set the number of ensemble members. Selection to add noise to the ensemble members. This should probably be true unless your model has difficulty with the changes of parameters, initial state or the forcing. Configuration for times for saving kalman gain.