.TH MPE_IO_Stdout_to_file 4 "11/2/2007" " " "MPE" .SH NAME MPE_IO_Stdout_to_file \- Re-direct stdout to a file .SH SYNOPSIS .nf void MPE_IO_Stdout_to_file( char *name, int mode ) .fi .SH PARAMETERS .PD 0 .TP .B name - Name of file. If it contains '%d', this value will be replaced with the rank of the process in 'MPI_COMM_WORLD'. .PD 1 .PD 0 .TP .B mode - Mode to open the file in (see the man page for 'open'). A common value is '0644' (Read/Write for owner, Read for everyone else). Note that this value is `anded` with your current 'umask' value. .PD 1 .SH NOTES Some systems may complain when standard output ('stdout') is closed. .SH LOCATION ../src/misc/src/mpe_io.c