c Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2024. c c This file is part of iMOD. c c This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by c the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or c (at your option) any later version. c c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of c MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the c GNU General Public License for more details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License c along with this program. If not, see . c c Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl c Stichting Deltares c P.O. Box 177 c 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. !> Set the ID's for coupling subroutine pks7mpimssetids(x,n,gminid,gmaxid) c... modules use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, mppini1, myrank use pksmpims_mod, only: ids, nid use pks_iarmwp implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: n integer, intent(in) :: gminid integer, intent(in) :: gmaxid integer, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: x c... locals integer :: i, ixp, id c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return if(allocated(ids)) deallocate(ids) !## outcommented as all sub-models might not have MetaSWAP input at all ! if (gminid.le.0) then ! write(*,*) 'pks7mpimssetids: error, minimum ID <= 0' ! call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() ! call pksstop(' ') ! end if ! if (gmaxid.le.0) then ! write(*,*) 'pks7mpimssetids: error, maximum ID <= 0' ! call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() ! call pksstop(' ') ! end if nid = gmaxid !## nothing to do if(nid.eq.0)return allocate(ids(nid)) ids = 0 do i = 1, n if (x(i).gt.0) then ids(abs(x(i))) = 1 elseif(x(i).lt.0) then ids(abs(x(i))) = 2 end if x(i) = abs(x(i)) end do if (liarmwp) then do ixp = 1, nrxp do i = 1, xp(ixp)%nid id = xp(ixp)%id(i) ! ID already exist in this partition if (ids(id).ne.0) then if (ids(id).eq.1) then ids(id) = 3 end if if (ids(id).eq.2) then ids(id) = 4 end if else ! ID does not yet exist: add ids(id) = 3 end if end do end do end if end subroutine subroutine pks7mpimsid(id,lused,lmask) c... modules use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, mppini1 use pksmpims_mod, only: ids, nid implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: id logical, intent(out) :: lused logical, intent(out) :: lmask c... locals c....................................................................... lused = .true. if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return if (nid.eq.0) return if (id.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'pks7mpimsid: error, ID out of range',id call pksstop(' ') end if if (id.gt.nid) then write(*,*) 'pks7mpimsid: error, ID out of range',id call pksstop(' ') end if if (abs(ids(id)).le.0) then lused = .false. end if lmask = .true. if (ids(id).eq.2.or.ids(id).eq.4) lmask = .false. end subroutine pks7mpimsid subroutine pks7mpimsgsvat2id(iun,nuomigw) c... modules use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, mppini1, myrank use pksmpims_mod, only: mxgsvatid, gsvat2id, mvid, ids use pks_iarmwp, only: liarmwp implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: iun integer, intent(inout) :: nuomigw c... locals logical :: lused, lmask, lused_1, lused_2, lstop integer :: ios, mf_r, k_r, ly_r, mf_1, mf_2, i c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) return ! first, determine maximum svat mxgsvatid = 0 ios = 0 rewind(iun) do while(ios.eq.0) read(iun,'(i10,2x,i10,i5)',iostat=ios) mf_r, k_r, ly_r if (ios.eq.0) then mxgsvatid = max(mxgsvatid,k_r) end if end do ! allocate allocate(gsvat2id(3,max(mxgsvatid,1))) ! step 1: label the svat layer 1 ios = 0 gsvat2id = mvid rewind(iun) do while(ios.eq.0) read(iun,'(i10,2x,i10,i5)',iostat=ios) mf_r, k_r, ly_r if (ios.ne.0) cycle if (ly_r.gt.1) cycle call pks7mpimsid(mf_r,lused_1,lmask) if (lused_1) then gsvat2id(3,k_r) = 1 end if end do ! step 1: determine nuomigw ios = 0 nuomigw = 0 rewind(iun) do while(ios.eq.0) read(iun,'(i10,2x,i10,i5)',iostat=ios) mf_r, k_r, ly_r if (ios.ne.0) cycle if(gsvat2id(3,k_r).eq.mvid) cycle if(ly_r.gt.1) then i = ids(mf_r) if(i.eq.3.or.i.eq.4) then ! ID belong to other partition mf_r = -mf_r end if end if if (ly_r.eq.1) then gsvat2id(1,k_r) = mf_r else gsvat2id(2,k_r) = mf_r end if nuomigw = nuomigw + 1 end do rewind(iun) ! checks lstop = .false. do i = 1, mxgsvatid if(gsvat2id(3,k_r).eq.mvid) cycle mf_1 = gsvat2id(1,i) mf_2 = gsvat2id(2,i) ! check for svats that are connected to multiple partitions if (mf_1.ne.mvid.and.mf_2.ne.mvid) then call pks7mpimsid(abs(mf_1),lused_1,lmask) call pks7mpimsid(abs(mf_2),lused_2,lmask) if(.not.lused_1) then write(*,*) 'Error, modflow cell for layer = 1 does'// 1 ' not belong to this partition! Svat=', 1 myrank, i, mf_1 stop end if if(.not.lused_2) then write(*,*) 'Error, modflow cell for layer > 1 does'// 1 ' not belong to this partition! Svat=', 1 myrank, i, mf_2 stop end if end if end do !write(*,*) '@@@nuomigw',myrank,nuomigw !stop end subroutine subroutine pks7mpimsg2lsvat(nm,ke,nxe) c... modules use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, mppini1, myrank use pksmpims_mod, only: mxgsvatid, gsvat2id, mvid implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: nm integer, intent(in) :: nxe integer, intent(out), dimension(nxe) :: ke c... locals logical :: lused, lmask, lcoupled integer :: ios, r_nnex, id1, id2, lsvat, i, r_nund_tmp, n c....................................................................... if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) then ke = 1 return end if ke = 0 ! fill g2lsvat (ke) mapping ios = 0 rewind(nm) n = 0 do while(ios.eq.0) read(nm,'(i10)',iostat=ios) r_nnex if (ios.eq.0) then if(gsvat2id(3,r_nnex).eq.mvid) cycle ! if (ios.eq.0) then lcoupled = .false. if (r_nnex.le.nxe) then id1 = gsvat2id(1,r_nnex) if (id1.ne.mvid) then ! check if svat is coupled to MODFLOW lcoupled = .true. call pks7mpimsid(abs(id1),lused,lmask) if (lused) then ! belongs to my partion if (ke(r_nnex).eq.0) then n = n + 1 if (lmask) then ke(r_nnex) = 1 else ke(r_nnex) = 2 end if end if end if end if id2 = gsvat2id(2,r_nnex) if (id2.ne.mvid) then ! check if svat is coupled to MODFLOW lcoupled = .true. call pks7mpimsid(abs(id2),lused,lmask) if (lused) then ! belongs to my partion if (ke(r_nnex).eq.0) then n = n + 1 if (lmask) then ke(r_nnex) = 1 else ke(r_nnex) = 2 end if end if end if end if end if if (.not.lcoupled) then ! add non-coupled svats to my partition ==> duplicate over MPI processes write(*,*) 'Warning, non-coupled svat:', r_nnex n = n + 1 ke(r_nnex) = 1 end if end if end do c call pks7mpiwrpfinalize() c stop end subroutine subroutine pks7mpimsiarmwpmask(id,gsvat,rmask) c... modules use pks_iarmwp, only: liarmwp use pksmpi_mod, only: mpptyp, mppser, mppini1, myrank use pksmpims_mod, only: gsvat2id implicit none c... arguments integer, intent(in) :: id integer, intent(in) :: gsvat real, intent(out) :: rmask c... locals integer :: id1 logical :: lused, lmask c....................................................................... rmask = 1. if(.not.liarmwp) return if (mpptyp.eq.mppser .or. mpptyp.eq.mppini1) then return end if id1 = gsvat2id(1,gsvat) call pks7mpimsid(id1,lused,lmask) if(.not.lmask)then rmask = 0. end if return end subroutine