c Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2024. c c This file is part of iMOD. c c This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by c the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or c (at your option) any later version. c c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of c MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the c GNU General Public License for more details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License c along with this program. If not, see . c c Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl c Stichting Deltares c P.O. Box 177 c 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. module lcdmodule implicit none logical, save :: lcdinit = .true. logical, save :: lqd real(kind=8), save :: simcsize, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax integer, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: genip integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, save :: genpos real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: lcdelr real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: lcdelc integer, save :: lncol, lnrow end module lcdmodule module rdlcd_interface implicit none interface subroutine rdlcd(nlist,rlist,lstbeg,ldim,mxlist,in, 1 iout,label,ncol,nrow,nlay) implicit none c arguments integer, intent(inout) :: nlist integer, intent(in) :: ldim integer, intent(inout) :: mxlist real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: rlist integer, intent(in) :: lstbeg integer, intent(in) :: in integer, intent(in) :: iout character(len=*), dimension(*), intent(in) :: label integer, intent(in) :: ncol integer, intent(in) :: nrow integer, intent(in) :: nlay end subroutine end interface end module rdlcd_interface subroutine rdlcd(nlist,rlist,lstbeg,ldim,mxlist,in, 1 iout,label,ncol,nrow,nlay) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c read data block of Line Column Data type. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_openasc use lcdmodule, only: genip, genpos, lncol, lnrow, lcdelr,lcdelc USE GLOBAL, ONLY: IUNIT, BOTM,LBOTM USE M_MF2005_IU, ONLY : IULPF implicit none c arguments integer, intent(inout) :: nlist integer, intent(in) :: ldim integer, intent(inout) :: mxlist real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: rlist integer, intent(in) :: lstbeg integer, intent(in) :: in integer, intent(in) :: iout character(len=*), dimension(*), intent(in) :: label integer, intent(in) :: ncol integer, intent(in) :: nrow integer, intent(in) :: nlay c local variables real,parameter :: thickness=0.5 real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: rlisttmp ! DLT integer :: icol, irow, jcol, jrow, igen, iact, ngen, ii, kk, 1 ip1, ip2,ic1, ic2, ir1, ir2, j, jj integer :: i,il, is, ie, iline, jline, nline integer :: ilay,il1,il2,jlay,isys real :: fct,HFB1EXPORT_GETDZ,c,z,c1,c2,zz,TFV,bfv,tpv,btv real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tmp,res,fdz,tf,bf integer(kind=1),allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: sys integer(kind=1), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: ipc integer,dimension(4) :: ICOUT,IROUT logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: writegen character(len=1024) :: fname integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: lun,dun,nlun character(len=1024) :: str integer :: iflen, myrank ! PKS c parameters character(len=24) :: aname(1) data aname(1) /' LCD'/ integer,parameter :: ineighbours=2 REAL :: ZF,NODATA LOGICAL :: LINV,ltb c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c init call initlcd() NODATA=HUGE(1.0) ltb=.false.; if(iunit(iulpf).gt.0)ltb=.true. c read number of hfb layers read(in,*) ngen c allocate ipc allocate(tmp(lncol,lnrow)) !allocate(ipc(0:ncol+2,0:nrow+2,0:2)) IF(ALLOCATED(IPC))DEALLOCATE(IPC); ALLOCATE(IPC(LNCOL,LNROW,2)) IF(ALLOCATED(TF))DEALLOCATE(TF); IF(ALLOCATED(BF))DEALLOCATE(BF) ALLOCATE(TF(LNCOL,LNROW),BF(LNCOL,LNROW)) allocate(writegen(max(1,ngen))); writegen = .false. allocate(lun(nlay),dun(nlay),nlun(nlay)); lun=0; dun=0; nlun=0 do ilay=1,nlay write(fname,'(a,i4.4)') 'hfb_l',ilay iflen = len_trim(fname) call pks7mpifname(fname,iflen) fname = trim(fname)//'.gen' call imod_utl_openasc(lun(ilay),fname,'w') write(fname,'(a,i4.4)') 'hfb_l',ilay iflen = len_trim(fname) call pks7mpifname(fname,iflen) fname = trim(fname)//'.dat' call imod_utl_openasc(dun(ilay),fname,'w') if(ltb)then WRITE(dun(ilay),'(A)') 'no,confined_resis,unconfined_resis,fract 1ion,system' else WRITE(dun(ilay),'(A)') 'no,fraction,system' endif enddo c count number of hfb and fill do iact = 1, 2 if (iact == 2) then do while(.true.) backspace(in) read(in,'(a)') str str = adjustl(str) call upcase(str) if (str(1:3).eq.'LCD') then exit else backspace(in) end if end do read(in,*) ngen end if ii = lstbeg-1 !## process each genfile do igen = 1, ngen read(in,*) ilay, fct kk = ilay call u2drel(tmp,aname(1), 1 lnrow,lncol,kk,in,iout) ! fill genpos list NLINE = SIZE(GENIP)-1 IPC = INT(0,1) IF(ILAY.EQ.0)THEN; TF=NODATA; BF=NODATA; ENDIF DO J = 1, NLINE IS = GENIP(J-1)+1; IE = GENIP(J) !## line not in current model dimensions IF(IE.EQ.0)CYCLE IF(IS.GT.SIZE(GENPOS,1).OR.IE.GT.SIZE(GENPOS,1))CYCLE !## process line DO IL = IS+1, IE JLINE=GENPOS(IL-1,3) ILINE=GENPOS(il,3) !genpos(13:24,:) !## similar line IF(ILINE.NE.JLINE)CYCLE IC1=GENPOS(IL-1,1); IC2=GENPOS(IL ,1) !genpos(1:12,:) IR1=GENPOS(IL-1,2); IR2=GENPOS(IL ,2) IP1=GENPOS(IL-1,4); IP2=GENPOS(IL ,4) CALL HFBGETFACES(IC1,IC2,IR1,IR2,IP1,IP2,IPC,LNROW,LNCOL, &ICOUT,IROUT) !## get top/bottom elevations on grid - only for display purposes IF(ILAY.EQ.0)THEN !## fill in z-coordinates ZF=(GENPOS(IL-1,5)+GENPOS(IL,5))/2.0 !genpos(:,5) DO I=1,4 ICOL=ICOUT(I); IROW=IROUT(I) IF(ICOL.LE.0.OR.IROW.LE.0)CYCLE IF(TF(ICOL,IROW).EQ.NODATA)THEN TF(ICOL,IROW)=ZF/100.0; BF(ICOL,IROW)=ZF/100.0 ELSE !## take maximal/minimal elevations TF(ICOL,IROW)=MAX(TF(ICOL,IROW),ZF/100.0) BF(ICOL,IROW)=MIN(BF(ICOL,IROW),ZF/100.0) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO !## determine what layer(s) IF(ilay.EQ.0)THEN IL1=1; IL2=NLAY ELSE IL1=ilay; IL2=IL1 ENDIF do irow = 1, lnrow do icol = 1, lncol !## place horizontal wall if (irow.lt.lnrow) then if(ipc(icol,irow,2).eq.int(1,1)) then !## x-direction DO jLAY=IL1,IL2 Z=-1.0 IF(ilay.EQ.0)THEN Z=HFB1EXPORT_GETDZ(TF,BF,ICOL,IROW,ICOL,IROW+1,NODA 1TA,jLAY,LNCOL,LNROW,TPV,BTV,TFV,BFV) ELSE TPV=0.0 BTV=0.0 TFV=0.0 BFV=0.0 ENDIF !## skip fault on side of model or less than 0.0 fraction IF(Z.LE.0.0.AND.ILAY.EQ.0)CYCLE ii = ii + 1 !## store into memory second cycli if (iact.eq.2) then rlisttmp(1 ,ii) = jlay rlisttmp(2 ,ii) = irow rlisttmp(3 ,ii) = icol rlisttmp(4 ,ii) = irow+1 rlisttmp(5 ,ii) = icol rlisttmp(6 ,ii) = FCT rlisttmp(7 ,ii) = Z !## store system number rlisttmp(8 ,ii) = igen rlisttmp(9 ,ii) = tpv rlisttmp(10,ii) = btv rlisttmp(11,ii) = tfv rlisttmp(12,ii) = bfv endif enddo end if end if !## place vertical wall if (icol.lt.lncol) then if(ipc(icol,irow,1).eq.int(1,1)) then !## y-direction DO jLAY=IL1,IL2 Z=-1.0 IF(ilay.EQ.0)THEN Z=HFB1EXPORT_GETDZ(TF,BF,ICOL,IROW,ICOL+1,IROW,NODA 1TA,jLAY,LNCOL,LNROW,TPV,BTV,TFV,BFV) ELSE TPV=0.0 BTV=0.0 TFV=0.0 BFV=0.0 ENDIF !## skip fault on side of model or less than 0.0 fraction IF(Z.LE.0.0.AND.ILAY.EQ.0)CYCLE ii = ii + 1 if (iact.eq.2) then rlisttmp(1 ,ii) = jlay rlisttmp(2 ,ii) = irow rlisttmp(3 ,ii) = icol rlisttmp(4 ,ii) = irow rlisttmp(5 ,ii) = icol+1 rlisttmp(6 ,ii) = FCT rlisttmp(7 ,ii) = Z !## store system number rlisttmp(8 ,ii) = igen rlisttmp(9 ,ii) = tpv rlisttmp(10,ii) = btv rlisttmp(11,ii) = tfv rlisttmp(12,ii) = bfv end if enddo end if end if end do ! icol end do ! irow end do ! igen nlist = ii-lstbeg+1 if (iact.eq.1) then if (.not.allocated(rlisttmp)) then !## allocate addition column to store system number and dimensions of fault allocate(rlisttmp(ldim+5,nlist)) end if end if ! iact = 1 end do ! iact ! construct final fault list per model layer allocate(fdz(lncol,lnrow),res(lncol,lnrow)) allocate(sys(lncol,lnrow)) do iact=1,2 !## number of adjusted hfb-elements jj=0 !## process each layer DO ILAY=1,NLAY IPC=INT(0,1) RES=0.0 FDZ=0.0 SYS=INT(0,1) LINV=.FALSE. TF=-10.0E10 BF= 10.0E10 DO ii=1,nlist jlay=int(rlisttmp(1 ,ii)) !# not current modellayer if(jlay.ne.ilay)cycle ir1= int(rlisttmp(2 ,ii)) ic1= int(rlisttmp(3 ,ii)) ir2= int(rlisttmp(4 ,ii)) ic2= int(rlisttmp(5 ,ii)) c= rlisttmp(6 ,ii) z= rlisttmp(7 ,ii) isys=int(rlisttmp(8 ,ii)) tpv= rlisttmp(9 ,ii) btv= rlisttmp(10,ii) tfv= rlisttmp(11,ii) bfv= rlisttmp(12,ii) !## skip c.lt.zero IF(C.LT.0.0)CYCLE IF(IC1.EQ.IC2)THEN IPC(IC1,IR1,2)=INT(1,1) ELSE IPC(IC1,IR1,1)=INT(1,1) ENDIF IF(Z.GT.0.0)LINV=.TRUE. !## still some space left in modellayer for an additional fault IF(Z.LT.0.0.OR.FDZ(IC1,IR1).LT.1.0)THEN !## available space ZZ=1.0-FDZ(IC1,IR1) !## net available space ZZ=MIN(ZZ,Z) !## confined system IF(Z.LT.0.0)ZZ=1.0 !## take system number of largest contribution to c IF(RES(IC1,IR1).GT.0.0)THEN IF(Z.GT.0.0)THEN C2=1.0/RES(IC1,IR1)*FDZ(IC1,IR1) IF(C.GT.C2)SYS(IC1,IR1)=INT(ISYS,1) ELSE IF(C.GT.RES(IC1,IR1))SYS(IC1,IR1)=INT(ISYS,1) ENDIF ELSE SYS(IC1,IR1)=INT(ISYS,1) ENDIF !## resistance, sum conductances - ignore resistance of zero days IF(Z.GT.0.0)THEN IF(TPV-BTV.LE.THICKNESS)THEN C1=0.0 IF(RES(IC1,IR1).GT.0.0)C1=1.0/RES(IC1,IR1)*FDZ(IC1,IR2) C2=C*ZZ RES(IC1,IR1)=1.0/((C1+C2)/(ZZ+FDZ(IC1,IR2))) !## add large fault using harmonic mean ELSE IF(C.EQ.0.0)THEN RES(IC1,IR1)=RES(IC1,IR1)+TINY(1.0) !(1.0/C)*ZZ ELSE RES(IC1,IR1)=RES(IC1,IR1)+(1.0/C)*ZZ ENDIF ENDIF ELSE !## get largest resistance RES(IC1,IR1)=MAX(RES(IC1,IR1),C) ENDIF !## occupation fraction FDZ(IC1,IR1)=MIN(1.0,FDZ(IC1,IR1)+ABS(Z)) !## maximum top fault for display TF(IC1,IR1)=MAX(TF(IC1,IR1),TF(IC2,IR2),TFV) !## minimum bot fault for display BF(IC1,IR1)=MIN(BF(IC1,IR1),BF(IC2,IR2),BFV) ENDIF ENDDO DO IROW=1,LNROW; DO ICOL=1,LNCOL !## place vertical wall (block in y-direction) IF(IPC(ICOL,IROW,1).EQ.INT(1,1))THEN IF(ICOL.LT.LNCOL)THEN !## transform conductances to resistance IF(LINV)THEN C1=1.0/RES(ICOL,IROW)*FDZ(ICOL,IROW) ELSE C1=RES(ICOL,IROW) ENDIF !## get total resistance related to thickness of model layer IF(FDZ(ICOL,IROW).LT.1.0)THEN !## take harmonic mean in case of unsaturated thickness of fault C2=1.0/((1.0/C1*FDZ(ICOL,IROW))+(1.0-FDZ(ICOL,IROW))) ELSE C2=C1 ENDIF !## get systemnumber ISYS=SYS(ICOL,IROW) !## top fault for display purposes TFV=TF(ICOL,IROW) !## bottom fault for display purposes BFV=BF(ICOL,IROW) jj=jj+1 if(iact.eq.2)then !## write fault to gen- and datfile call HFB1EXPORT_WRITEGEN(2,lun(ilay),dun(ilay),nlun(ilay),ic 1ol,irow,C1,C2,FDZ(ICOL,IROW),ISYS,tfv,bfv,ltb) rlist(1,jj)=ilay rlist(2,jj)=irow rlist(3,jj)=icol rlist(4,jj)=irow rlist(5,jj)=icol+1 rlist(6,jj)=c2 !## system number rlist(7,jj)=isys endif ENDIF ENDIF !## place horizontal wall (block in x-direction) IF(IPC(ICOL,IROW,2).EQ.INT(1,1))THEN IF(IROW.LT.LNROW)THEN !## transform conductances to resistance IF(LINV)THEN C1=1.0/RES(ICOL,IROW)*FDZ(ICOL,IROW) ELSE C1=RES(ICOL,IROW) ENDIF !## get total resistance related to thickness of model layer IF(FDZ(ICOL,IROW).LT.1.0)THEN !## take harmonic mean in case of unsaturated thickness of fault C2=1.0/((1.0/C1*FDZ(ICOL,IROW))+(1.0-FDZ(ICOL,IROW))) ! C2=C1*FDZ(ICOL,IROW)**4.0 ELSE C2=C1 ENDIF ! !## get total resistance related to thickness of model layer ! C2=C1*FDZ(ICOL,IROW)**4.0 !## get systemnumber ISYS=SYS(ICOL,IROW) !## top fault for display purposes TFV=TF(ICOL,IROW) !## bottom fault for display purposes BFV=BF(ICOL,IROW) jj=jj+1 if(iact.eq.2)then !## write fault to gen- and datfile call HFB1EXPORT_WRITEGEN(1,lun(ilay),dun(ilay),nlun(ilay),ic 1ol,irow,C1,C2,FDZ(ICOL,IROW),ISYS,tfv,bfv,ltb) rlist(1,jj)=ilay rlist(2,jj)=irow rlist(3,jj)=icol rlist(4,jj)=irow+1 rlist(5,jj)=icol rlist(6,jj)=c2 !## system number rlist(7,jj)=isys endif ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO; ENDDO ENDDO if(iact.eq.1)then mxlist=jj deallocate(rlist); allocate(rlist(ldim,mxlist)) endif enddo !## get final number of elements nlist=mxlist call pks7mpigetmyrank(myrank) ! PKS if (myrank.ne.0) then ! PKS !## close files do ilay=1,nlay if(nlun(ilay).ne.0)then write(lun(ilay),'(a)') 'end' endif close(lun(ilay)) close(dun(ilay)) enddo end if ! PKS call pks7mpibarrier() ! PKS if (myrank.eq.0) then ! PKS !## close files do ilay=1,nlay if(nlun(ilay).eq.0)then close(lun(ilay),status='delete') close(dun(ilay),status='delete') else write(lun(ilay),'(a)') 'end' close(lun(ilay)) close(dun(ilay)) endif enddo end if ! PKS c deallocate arrays if (allocated(rlisttmp)) deallocate(rlisttmp) if (allocated(ipc)) deallocate(ipc) if (allocated(tmp)) deallocate(tmp) IF(ALLOCATED(TF))DEALLOCATE(TF); IF(ALLOCATED(BF))DEALLOCATE(BF) deallocate(lun,dun,nlun) deallocate(res,fdz,sys) c end of program return end !###==================================================================== subroutine HFB1EXPORT_WRITEGEN(it,iu,ju,n,icol,irow,C,RES,FDZ, 1ISYS,tfv,bfv,ltb) !###==================================================================== use lcdmodule, only: lcdelr,lcdelc implicit none real,intent(in) :: C,RES,FDZ,tfv,bfv integer,intent(IN) :: IT,iu,ju,icol,irow,isys integer,intent(INOUT) :: n logical,intent(in) :: ltb real :: t1,b1 if(it.eq.1)THEN n=n+1 if(ltb)then write(ju,'(i10,3(1x,e15.7),i10)') n,c,res,fdz,isys else write(ju,'(i10,1x ,e15.7 ,i10)') n,c,isys endif if(ltb.and.tfv.gt.bfv)then t1=tfv b1=bfv write(iu,'(i10)') n write(iu,'(3(f15.3,a1))') lcdelr(icol-1),',',lcdelc(irow),',',t1 write(iu,'(3(f15.3,a1))') lcdelr(icol ),',',lcdelc(irow),',',t1 write(iu,'(3(f15.3,a1))') lcdelr(icol ),',',lcdelc(irow),',',b1 write(iu,'(3(f15.3,a1))') lcdelr(icol-1),',',lcdelc(irow),',',b1 write(iu,'(3(f15.3,a1))') lcdelr(icol-1),',',lcdelc(irow),',',t1 write(iu,'(a)') 'end' else write(iu,'(i10)') n write(iu,'(2(f15.3,a1))') lcdelr(icol-1),',',lcdelc(irow) write(iu,'(2(f15.3,a1))') lcdelr(icol) ,',',lcdelc(irow) write(iu,'(a)') 'end' endif endif if(it.eq.2)then n=n+1 if(ltb)then write(ju,'(i10,3(1x,e15.7),i10)') n,c,res,fdz,isys else write(ju,'(i10,1x ,e15.7 ,i10)') n,c,isys endif if(ltb.and.tfv.gt.bfv)then t1=tfv b1=bfv write(iu,'(i10)') n write(iu,'(3(f15.3,a1))') lcdelr(icol),',',lcdelc(irow-1),',',t1 write(iu,'(3(f15.3,a1))') lcdelr(icol),',',lcdelc(irow) ,',',t1 write(iu,'(3(f15.3,a1))') lcdelr(icol),',',lcdelc(irow) ,',',b1 write(iu,'(3(f15.3,a1))') lcdelr(icol),',',lcdelc(irow-1),',',b1 write(iu,'(3(g15.7,a1))') lcdelr(icol),',',lcdelc(irow-1),',',t1 write(iu,'(a)') 'end' else write(iu,'(i10)') n write(iu,'(2(f15.3,a1))') lcdelr(icol),',',lcdelc(irow-1) write(iu,'(2(f15.3,a1))') lcdelr(icol),',',lcdelc(irow ) write(iu,'(a)') 'end' endif end if end subroutine HFB1EXPORT_WRITEGEN !###==================================================================== REAL FUNCTION HFB1EXPORT_GETDZ(TF,BF,IC1,IR1,IC2 1,IR2,NODATA,ILAY,NCOL,NROW,TPV,BTV,TFV,BFV) !###==================================================================== USE GLOBAL,ONLY : BOTM,lbotm,ibound IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: IC1,IR1,IC2,IR2,ILAY,NCOL,NROW real,intent(out) :: TPV,BTV,TFV,BFV REAL,INTENT(IN) :: NODATA REAL,INTENT(IN),DIMENSION(NCOL,NROW) :: TF,BF REAL :: DZ,C1,C2,CT,FFCT INTEGER :: IL1,IL2 integer :: jc1,jr1,jc2,jr2,k ! PKS logical :: lused1, lused2 ! PKS HFB1EXPORT_GETDZ=0.0 !## determine values IF(TF(IC1,IR1).NE.NODATA.AND.TF(IC2,IR2).NE.NODATA)THEN TFV=(TF(IC1,IR1)+TF(IC2,IR2))/2.0 ELSEIF(TF(IC1,IR1).NE.NODATA)THEN TFV=TF(IC1,IR1) ELSE TFV=TF(IC2,IR2) ENDIF IF(BF(IC1,IR1).NE.NODATA.AND.BF(IC2,IR2).NE.NODATA)THEN BFV=(BF(IC1,IR1)+BF(IC2,IR2))/2.0 ELSEIF(BF(IC1,IR1).NE.NODATA)THEN BFV=BF(IC1,IR1) ELSE BFV=BF(IC2,IR2) ENDIF jc1 = ic1; jr1 = ir1; jc2 = ic2; jr2 = ir2; k = ilay ! PKS call pks7mpitrn(jc1,jr1,k,lused1) ! PKS call pks7mpitrn(jc2,jr2,k,lused2) ! PKS if(.not.lused1.or..not.lused2) return ! PKS !## get internal layer number of vector of top/bottom information IL1=(ILAY*2)-1 IL2=(ILAY*2) !## array starts at 0 IL1=IL1-1 IL2=IL2-1 ! il1=lbotm(ilay)-1 ! il2=lbotm(ilay) !## skip faults that passes inactive cells IF(IBOUND(JC1,JR1,ILAY).EQ.0.OR.IBOUND(JC2,JR2,ILAY).EQ.0)RETURN TPV=(BOTM(JC1,JR1,IL1)+BOTM(JC2,JR2,IL1))/2.0 BTV=(BOTM(JC1,JR1,IL2)+BOTM(JC2,JR2,IL2))/2.0 !## nett appearance of fault in modellayer DZ=MIN(TFV,TPV)-MAX(BFV,BTV) !## not in current modellayer IF(DZ.LT.0.0)RETURN IF(TPV-BTV.GT.0.0)THEN !## fraction of fault in modellayer DZ=DZ/(TPV-BTV) ELSE !## completely filled in model layer with thickness of zero DZ=1.0 ENDIF HFB1EXPORT_GETDZ=DZ END FUNCTION HFB1EXPORT_GETDZ ! !###==================================================================== ! REAL FUNCTION HFB1EXPORT_GETFACTOR(FCT,TF,BF,IC1,IR1,IC2,IR2,NODAT ! 1A,ILAY,NCOL,NROW) ! !###==================================================================== ! USE GLOBAL,ONLY : BOTM ! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: IC1,IR1,IC2,IR2,ILAY,NCOL,NROW ! REAL,INTENT(IN) :: FCT,NODATA ! REAL,INTENT(IN),DIMENSION(NCOL,NROW) :: TF,BF ! REAL :: DZ,TFV,BFV,TPV,BTV,C1,C2,CT,FFCT ! INTEGER :: IL1,IL2 ! ! HFB1EXPORT_GETFACTOR=0.0 ! ! !## determine values ! IF(TF(IC1,IR1).NE.NODATA.AND.TF(IC2,IR2).NE.NODATA)THEN ! TFV=(TF(IC1,IR1)+TF(IC2,IR2))/2.0 ! ELSEIF(TF(IC1,IR1).NE.NODATA)THEN ! TFV=TF(IC1,IR1) ! ELSE ! TFV=TF(IC2,IR2) ! ENDIF ! IF(BF(IC1,IR1).NE.NODATA.AND.BF(IC2,IR2).NE.NODATA)THEN ! BFV=(BF(IC1,IR1)+BF(IC2,IR2))/2.0 ! ELSEIF(BF(IC1,IR1).NE.NODATA)THEN ! BFV=BF(IC1,IR1) ! ELSE ! BFV=BF(IC2,IR2) ! ENDIF ! ! !## get internal layer number of vector of top/bottom information ! IL1=(ILAY*2)-1 ! IL2=(ILAY*2) ! !## array starts at 0 ! IL1=IL1-1 ! IL2=IL2-1 ! ! TPV=(BOTM(IC1,IR1,IL1)+BOTM(IC2,IR2,IL1))/2.0 ! BTV=(BOTM(IC1,IR1,IL2)+BOTM(IC2,IR2,IL2))/2.0 ! ! !## nett appearance of fault in modellayer ! DZ=MIN(TFV,TPV)-MAX(BFV,BTV) ! ! !## not in current modellayer ! IF(DZ.LT.0.0)RETURN ! ! IF(TPV-BTV.GT.0.0)THEN ! !## fraction of fault in modellayer ! DZ=DZ/(TPV-BTV) ! ENDIF ! ! !## if dz.eq.0, modellayer has thickness of zero, but fault to be retained ! IF(DZ.EQ.0.0)DZ=1.0 ! ! !## resistance of fault ! FFCT=FCT; IF(FCT.EQ.0.0)FFCT=10.0E10 ! ! !## factor declines quadratically with layer occupation ! HFB1EXPORT_GETFACTOR=FFCT*DZ**4.0 ! ! END FUNCTION HFB1EXPORT_GETFACTOR !###==================================================================== SUBROUTINE HFBGETFACES(IC1,IC2,IR1,IR2,IP1,IP2,IPC,NROW,NCOL, &ICOUT,IROUT) !###==================================================================== IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: IC1,IC2,IR1,IR2,IP1,IP2 INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: NROW,NCOL INTEGER,INTENT(OUT),DIMENSION(4) :: ICOUT,IROUT INTEGER(KIND=1),INTENT(INOUT),DIMENSION(NCOL,NROW,2) :: IPC INTEGER,DIMENSION(2) :: JPC,JPR,JC,JR,JP INTEGER :: I,IC,IR !## cells capture faults ICOUT=0; IROUT=0 JC(1)=IC1; JC(2)=IC2 JR(1)=IR1; JR(2)=IR2 JP(1)=IP1; JP(2)=IP2 DO I=1,2 IF(JP(I).EQ.2.OR.JP(I).EQ.3)JPC(I)=JC(I) IF(JP(I).EQ.1.OR.JP(I).EQ.4)JPC(I)=JC(I)-1 IF(JP(I).EQ.1.OR.JP(I).EQ.2)JPR(I)=JR(I)-1 IF(JP(I).EQ.3.OR.JP(I).EQ.4)JPR(I)=JR(I) ENDDO !## do nothing, is similar point IF(JPR(1).EQ.JPR(2).AND.JPC(1).EQ.JPC(2))THEN ICOUT=JPC(1); IROUT=JPR(1) RETURN ENDIF !## do nothing whenever jpc.eq.0 or jpr.eq.0 IF(JPC(1).EQ.0.OR.JPC(2).EQ.0)RETURN IF(JPR(1).EQ.0.OR.JPR(2).EQ.0)RETURN !## horizontal fault ipc(,,1)=1 IF(JPR(1).EQ.JPR(2).AND.JPC(1).NE.JPC(2))THEN IC=MAX(JPC(1),JPC(2)); IR=JPR(1); IPC(IC,IR,2)=INT(1,1) ICOUT(1)=IC; IROUT(1)=IR; ICOUT(2)=IC; IROUT(2)=IR+1 ENDIF !## vertical fault ipc(,,2)=1 IF(JPC(1).EQ.JPC(2).AND.JPR(1).NE.JPR(2))THEN IC=JPC(1); IR=MAX(JPR(1),JPR(2)); IPC(IC,IR,1)=INT(1,1) ICOUT(3)=IC; IROUT(3)=IR; ICOUT(4)=IC+1; IROUT(4)=IR ENDIF !## diagonal, add two faults IF(JPR(1).NE.JPR(2).AND.JPC(1).NE.JPC(2))THEN !## goto to the west IF(JPC(1).GT.JPC(2))THEN !## goto to the north-west IF(JPR(1).GT.JPR(2))THEN IC=MIN(JPC(1),JPC(2)); IR=MAX(JPR(1),JPR(2)) IPC(IC,IR,1)=INT(1,1) !## vertical ICOUT(3)=IC; IROUT(3)=IR; ICOUT(4)=IC+1; IROUT(4)=IR IC=MAX(JPC(1),JPC(2)); IR=MAX(JPR(1),JPR(2)) IPC(IC,IR,2)=INT(1,1) !## horizontal ICOUT(1)=IC; IROUT(1)=IR; ICOUT(2)=IC; IROUT(2)=IR+1 !## goto to the south-west ELSE IC=MIN(JPC(1),JPC(2)); IR=MAX(JPR(1),JPR(2)) IPC(IC,IR,1)=INT(1,1) !## vertical ICOUT(3)=IC; IROUT(3)=IR; ICOUT(4)=IC+1; IROUT(4)=IR IC=MAX(JPC(1),JPC(2)); IR=MIN(JPR(1),JPR(2)) IPC(IC,IR,2)=INT(1,1) !## horizontal ICOUT(1)=IC; IROUT(1)=IR; ICOUT(2)=IC; IROUT(2)=IR+1 ENDIF !## goto to the east ELSE !## goto to the north-east IF(JPR(1).GT.JPR(2))THEN IC=MIN(JPC(1),JPC(2)); IR=MAX(JPR(1),JPR(2)) IPC(IC,IR,1)=INT(1,1) !## vertical ICOUT(3)=IC; IROUT(3)=IR; ICOUT(4)=IC+1; IROUT(4)=IR IC=MAX(JPC(1),JPC(2)); IR=MIN(JPR(1),JPR(2)) IPC(IC,IR,2)=INT(1,1) !## horizontal ICOUT(1)=IC; IROUT(1)=IR; ICOUT(2)=IC; IROUT(2)=IR+1 !## goto to the south-east ELSE IC=MIN(JPC(1),JPC(2)); IR=MAX(JPR(1),JPR(2)) IPC(IC,IR,1)=INT(1,1) !## vertical ICOUT(3)=IC; IROUT(3)=IR; ICOUT(4)=IC+1; IROUT(4)=IR IC=MAX(JPC(1),JPC(2)); IR=MAX(JPR(1),JPR(2)) IPC(IC,IR,2)=INT(1,1) !## horizontal ICOUT(1)=IC; IROUT(1)=IR; ICOUT(2)=IC; IROUT(2)=IR+1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE HFBGETFACES subroutine initlcd() c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c read file of LCD type c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use lcdmodule use global, only: iunit, delc, delr, ncol, nrow use gwfmetmodule use m_mf2005_iu, only: iumet use pksmpi_mod,only: nrproc, gdelr, gdelc, 1 gncol, gnrow implicit none c arguments c local variables integer :: icol, irow c parameters c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (lcdinit) then lcdinit = .false. else return end if c check if metadata package is activated if (IUNIT(IUMET).le.0) then write(*,*) 'Error: lcd file, please activate met package.' call ustop(' ') end if if (.not.associated(coord_xll) .or. & .not.associated(coord_yll) ) then write(*,*) 'Error: lcd file can only be used with xll and yll' call ustop(' ') end if c check if grid is uniform lqd = .true. if ((maxval(delr).ne.minval(delr)).or. & (maxval(delc).ne.minval(delc))) lqd = .false. if (lqd) then simcsize = delr(1) ! else ! write(*,*) 'Error: non-uniform grids not yet supported.' ! call ustop(' ') end if simcsize = delr(1) if (nrproc.gt.1) then lncol = gncol lnrow = gnrow else lncol = ncol lnrow = nrow end if if(.not.allocated(lcdelr)) then allocate(lcdelr(0:lncol)) end if if(.not.allocated(lcdelc)) then allocate(lcdelc(0:lnrow)) end if if (nrproc.gt.1) then lcdelr(0) = gcoord_xll do icol = 1, lncol lcdelr(icol) = gcoord_xll + real(icol)*simcsize end do lcdelc(0) = gcoord_yur do irow = 1, lnrow lcdelc(irow) = gcoord_yur - real(irow)*simcsize end do else lcdelc = cdelc lcdelr = cdelr end if if (ieq.eq.0) then lqd = .true. else lqd = .false. end if if (lqd) then xmin=lcdelr(0) ymax=lcdelc(0) xmax=xmin+(simcsize*lncol) ymin=ymax-(simcsize*lnrow) endif c end of program return end