c Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2024. c c This file is part of iMOD. c c This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by c the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or c (at your option) any later version. c c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of c MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the c GNU General Public License for more details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License c along with this program. If not, see . c c Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl c Stichting Deltares c P.O. Box 177 c 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. c c iMod is partly based on the USGS MODFLOW2005 source code; c for iMOD the USGS MODFLOW2005 source code has been expanded c and extensively modified by Stichting Deltares. c The original USGS MODFLOW2005 source code can be downloaded from the USGS c website http://www.usgs.gov/. The original MODFLOW2005 code incorporated c in this file is covered by the USGS Software User Rights Notice; c you should have received a copy of this notice along with this program. c If not, see . c component version of mf2005 main program C ****************************************************************** C MAIN CODE FOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MODULAR MODEL -- MODFLOW-2005 C ****************************************************************** C C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C1------USE package modules. module m_mf2005_main USE GLOBAL USE GWFBASMODULE USE GWFHUFMODULE, ONLY:IOHUFHDS,IOHUFFLWS USE GWFEVTMODULE, ONLY:NEVTOP USE GWFRCHMODULE, ONLY:NRCHOP USE GWFLAKMODULE, ONLY:NLAKESAR,THETA,STGOLD,STGNEW,VOL USE GWFUZFMODULE, ONLY: IUZFBND, FINF, VKS USE PCGMODULE USE PKSMODULE ! PKS c USE LMGMODULE USE SIPMODULE USE DE4MODULE USE GMGMODULE integer, private :: i ! integer i is used in include file openspec.inc INCLUDE 'openspec.inc' C C-------ASSIGN VERSION NUMBER AND DATE CHARACTER*40 VERSION CHARACTER*10 MFVNAM PARAMETER (VERSION='1.8.00 12/18/2009') PARAMETER (MFVNAM='-2005') C CHARACTER*80 HEADNG(2) CHARACTER*200 FNAME INTEGER IBDT(8) integer :: inunit,IU C CHARACTER*4 CUNIT(NIUNIT) DATA CUNIT/'BCF6', 'WEL ', 'DRN ', 'RIV ', 'EVT ', ' ', 'GHB ', ! 7 & 'RCH ', 'SIP ', 'DE4 ', ' ', 'OC ', 'PCG ', 'lmg ', ! 14 & 'gwt ', 'FHB ', 'RES ', 'STR ', 'IBS ', 'CHD ', 'HFB6', ! 21 & 'LAK ', 'LPF ', 'DIS ', ' ', 'PVAL', ' ', 'HOB ', ! 28 & ' ', ' ', 'ZONE', 'MULT', 'DROB', 'RVOB', 'GBOB', ! 35 & 'STOB', 'HUF2', 'CHOB', 'ETS ', 'DRT ', ' ', 'GMG ', ! 42 & 'HYD ', 'SFR ', ' ', 'GAGE', 'LVDA', ' ', 'LMT6', ! 49 & 'MNW2', 'MNWI', 'MNW1', 'KDEP', 'SUB ', 'UZF ', 'gwm ', ! 56 & 'SWT ', 'cfp ', 'PWT ', 'VDF ', ' ', 'SCR ', 'nrs ', ! 63 ! DLT: SUB-Creep (62) added, Variable-Density Flow (60) added & 'DXC ', 'ANI ', 'PKS ', ' ', 'MET ', ! 70 & 32*' '/ ! 64: Data eXChange integer, save, pointer :: nsol integer, save, pointer :: iouts integer, save, pointer :: kper,kkper,kstp,kkstp,kiter,kkiter integer, save, pointer :: icnvg integer, save, pointer :: ilmtfmt,issmt3d,iumt3d double precision, save, pointer :: timesteptime ! absolute time value of the ! start of the current time step logical, save, pointer :: initTimeStep ! .true. read timestep data ! .false. donĀ“t read anything ! set in *_prepareTimeStep() ! used in *_initTimeStep() logical, save, pointer :: timeStepCalculated ! .true. timestep calculated and converged ! .false. calculation of timestep not ready yet logical, save, pointer :: solverConverged ! .true. last _performIter has converged type mitype ! multi instance type ! modflow 2005 variables integer, pointer :: nsol integer, pointer :: iouts integer, pointer :: kper,kkper,kstp,kkstp,kiter,kkiter integer, pointer :: icnvg integer, pointer :: ilmtfmt,issmt3d,iumt3d double precision, pointer :: timesteptime logical, pointer :: initTimeStep logical, pointer :: timeStepCalculated logical, pointer :: solverConverged end type type(mitype), save :: mi(10) integer, save :: ninstance=1 ! integer, save :: ninstance=0 end module m_mf2005_main c ****************************************************************************** subroutine mf2005_initComponent(record,retVal) C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C create instance for mf2005 run, igrid is generated use m_mf2005_main use m_mf2005_iu use imod_utl, only : hdr, lic implicit none c arguments character (len=*), intent(in) :: record ! initialisation record ! if empty: the commandline arguments ! will be used instead integer , intent(out) :: retVal ! return value: 0=OK c functions logical :: pks7mpimasterwrite c local variables integer :: maxunit,nc,i integer :: igrid logical :: lfname c init call timing_tic('MODFLOW','INIT') ! DLT retVal = 0 !## write banner in commandtool do i = 1, size(hdr) if (pks7mpimasterwrite()) write(*,'(a)') trim(hdr(i)) end do C2------WRITE BANNER TO SCREEN AND DEFINE CONSTANTS. if (pks7mpimasterwrite()) WRITE (*,1) MFVNAM,VERSION 1 FORMAT (/,34X,'MODFLOW',A,/, &4X,'U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MODULAR FINITE-DIFFERENCE', &' GROUND-WATER FLOW MODEL',/,29X,'Version ',A/) INUNIT = 99 c-------process argument record ! DLT if (retVal.eq.0) then ! DLT !## do not collect filename as the routine cannot cope with spaces, !## use subroutine as it sets global pointer values lfname=.false. call mf2005_args(record,lfname,igrid,retVal) ! DLT !## read filename read(record,*,iostat=retVal) FNAME ! lfname=.false. endif ! DLT if (retVal.ne.0) return ! DLT C C3------GET THE NAME OF THE NAME FILE if (lfname) then ! DLT CALL GETNAMFIL(FNAME) endif ! DLT MAXUNIT= INUNIT C C4------OPEN NAME FILE. #ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER OPEN (UNIT=INUNIT,FILE=FNAME,STATUS='OLD',ACTION=ACTION(1), & SHARE='DENYNONE') ! PKS #else OPEN (UNIT=INUNIT,FILE=FNAME,STATUS='OLD',ACTION=ACTION(1)) #endif NC=INDEX(FNAME,' ') if (pks7mpimasterwrite()) & WRITE(*,490)' Using NAME file: ',FNAME(1:NC) 490 FORMAT(A,A) C C5------Get current date and time, assign to IBDT, and write to screen CALL DATE_AND_TIME(VALUES=IBDT) if (pks7mpimasterwrite()) & WRITE(*,2) (IBDT(I),I=1,3),(IBDT(I),I=5,7) 2 FORMAT(1X,'Run start date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): ', &I4,'/',I2.2,'/',I2.2,1X,I2,':',I2.2,':',I2.2,/) C C6------ALLOCATE AND READ (AR) PROCEDURE cDLT IGRID=1 NSOL=1 CALL GWF2BAS7AR(INUNIT,CUNIT,VERSION,24,31,32,MAXUNIT,IGRID,12, 1 HEADNG,26,MFVNAM) IF(IUNIT(IUMNW2).GT.0 .AND. IUNIT(IUMNW1).GT.0) THEN WRITE(IOUT,'(1X,/,1X,A)') 1 'MNW1 and MNW2 cannot both be active in the same simulation' CALL USTOP(' ') END IF IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0)THEN !VDF IF(IUNIT(IUPWT).GT.0.OR.IUNIT(IUHUF2).GT.0.OR. !VDF & IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0.OR.IUNIT(IUFHB).GT.0.OR. !VDF & IUNIT(IURES).GT.0.OR.IUNIT(IUSTR).GT.0.OR. !VDF & IUNIT(IUIBS).GT.0.OR.IUNIT(IUETS).GT.0.OR. !VDF & IUNIT(IUDRT).GT.0.OR.IUNIT(IUUZF).GT.0.OR. !VDF & IUNIT(IUSFR).GT.0.OR.IUNIT(IUMNW2).GT.0.OR. !VDF & IUNIT(IUMNW1).GT.0.OR.IUNIT(IUSUB).GT.0.OR. !VDF & IUNIT(IUSWT).GT.0.OR.IUNIT(IUSCR).GT.0)THEN !VDF WRITE(IOUT,*) 'VDF package is not supported for packages: ' !VDF WRITE(IOUT,*) 'PWT,HUF2,LAK,FHB,RES,STR,IBS,ETS,DRT,UZF,SFR' !VDF WRITE(IOUT,*) 'MNW1,MNW2,SUB,SWT,SCR. Program terminated' !VDF CALL USTOP(' ') !VDF END IF !VDF ENDIF !VDF c-------process argument record for setting time ! DLT call mf2005_args_time(record,igrid) ! DLT C -----SAVE POINTERS TO DATA AND RETURN. c CALL SGWF2INS1PSV(IGRID) ! DLT: instances call timing_toc('MODFLOW','INIT') ! DLT return end c ****************************************************************************** subroutine mf2005_initSimulationWrp0() ! wrapper routine implicit none ! local variables integer :: retVal ! functions double precision :: currentTime ! ------------------------------ call mf2005_getCurrentTime(currentTime,retVal) call mf2005_initSimulation(currentTime,retVal) return end c ======= subroutine mf2005_initSimulation(currentTime,retVal) use m_mf2005_main use m_mf2005_iu implicit none c arguments double precision, intent(in) :: currentTime integer , intent(out) :: retVal c local variable integer :: igrid double precision, parameter :: dnull=0.d0 c functions double precision :: cfn_mjd_delta call timing_tic('MODFLOW','AR') ! DLT c init retVal=0 c program do igrid=1,ninstance ! DLT: instances call sgwf2ins1pnt(igrid) ! DLT: instances call SGWF2BAS7PNT(IGRID) ! DLT: instances ! check current time value ! DLT: components if (cfn_mjd_delta(currentTime,timesteptime).ne.dnull) then ! DLT: components write(*,*) ! DLT: components 1 ' ERROR, current time not equal to Modflow time: ', ! DLT: components 1 currentTime,timesteptime ! DLT: components retVal=-1 ! DLT: components return ! DLT: components endif ! DLT: components timeStepCalculated = .false. ! DLT: components IF(IUNIT(IUBCF6).GT.0) CALL GWF2BCF7AR(IUNIT(IUBCF6),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IULPF).GT.0) CALL GWF2LPF7AR(IUNIT(IULPF),IGRID) c read pwt before ani for correction of ani if(IUNIT(IUPWT).gt.0) call gwf2pwt3ar(IUNIT(IUPWT),IUNIT(IUBCF6), 1 igrid,iout) ! PWT3 c read hfb before ani for corrections of ani IF(IUNIT(IUHFB6).GT.0) CALL GWF2HFB7AR(IUNIT(IUHFB6),IGRID) if(IUNIT(IUANI).gt.0) call gwf2ani3ar(IUNIT(IUANI), ! ANI 1 IUNIT(IUPWT),IUNIT(IUHFB6),igrid) ! ANI IF(IUNIT(IUHUF2).GT.0) CALL GWF2HUF7AR(IUNIT(IUHUF2), 1 IUNIT(IULVDA),IUNIT(IUKDEP),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUWEL).GT.0) CALL GWF2WEL7AR(IUNIT(IUWEL),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDRN).GT.0) CALL GWF2DRN7AR(IUNIT(IUDRN),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURIV).GT.0) CALL GWF2RIV7AR(IUNIT(IURIV),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUEVT).GT.0) CALL GWF2EVT7AR(IUNIT(IUEVT),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUGHB).GT.0) CALL GWF2GHB7AR(IUNIT(IUGHB),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURCH).GT.0) CALL GWF2RCH7AR(IUNIT(IURCH),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUFHB).GT.0) CALL GWF2FHB7AR(IUNIT(IUFHB),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURES).GT.0) CALL GWF2RES7AR(IUNIT(IURES),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSTR).GT.0) CALL GWF2STR7AR(IUNIT(IUSTR),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUIBS).GT.0) CALL GWF2IBS7AR(IUNIT(IUIBS), 1 IUNIT(IUSUB),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUCHD).GT.0) CALL GWF2CHD7AR(IUNIT(IUCHD),IGRID) ! IF(IUNIT(IUHFB6).GT.0) CALL GWF2HFB7AR(IUNIT(IUHFB6),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSFR).GT.0) CALL GWF2SFR7AR(IUNIT(IUSFR),IUNIT(IUBCF6), 1 IUNIT(IULPF), IUNIT(IUHUF2),IUNIT(IUGWT),NSOL,IOUTS, 1 IUNIT(IUUZF),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUUZF).GT.0) CALL GWF2UZF1AR(IUNIT(IUUZF),IUNIT(IUBCF6), 1 IUNIT(IULPF),IUNIT(IUHUF2),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0 .OR. IUNIT(IUSFR).GT.0) CALL GWF2LAK7AR( 1 IUNIT(IULAK),IUNIT(IUSFR),IUNIT(IUGWT),IUNIT(IUUZF), 1 NSOL,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUGAGE).GT.0) CALL GWF2GAG7AR(IUNIT(IUGAGE),IUNIT(IUSFR), 1 IUNIT(IULAK),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUETS).GT.0) CALL GWF2ETS7AR(IUNIT(IUETS),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDRT).GT.0) CALL GWF2DRT7AR(IUNIT(IUDRT),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSUB).GT.0) CALL GWF2SUB7AR(IUNIT(IUSUB),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSIP).GT.0) CALL SIP7AR(IUNIT(IUSIP),MXITER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDE4).GT.0) CALL DE47AR(IUNIT(IUDE4),MXITER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUPCG).GT.0) CALL PCG7AR(IUNIT(IUPCG),MXITER,IGRID) c IF(IUNIT(IULMG).GT.0) CALL LMG7AR(IUNIT(IULMG),MXITER,IGRID) c IF(IUNIT(42).GT.0) CALL GMG7AR(IUNIT(42),MXITER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUPKS).GT.0) THEN CALL PKS7AR(IUNIT(IUPKS),MXITER,IGRID) !PKS - JDH CALL PKS7MPIAR(IOUT,IBOUND,NODES) !JV ENDIF IF(IUNIT(IUMNW2).GT.0) CALL GWF2MNW27AR(IUNIT(IUMNW2),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUMNWI).GT.0) CALL GWF2MNW2I7AR(IUNIT(IUMNWI), 1 IUNIT(IUMNW2),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUMNW1).GT.0) CALL GWF2MNW17AR(IUNIT(IUMNW1), 1 IUNIT(IUSIP),IUNIT(IUDE4),0,IUNIT(IUPCG), 2 0,IUNIT(42),FNAME,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSWT).GT.0) CALL GWF2SWT7AR(IUNIT(IUSWT),IGRID) c SUB-Creep IF(IUNIT(IUSCR).GT.0) THEN CALL GWF2SCR7AR(IUNIT(IUSCR),IGRID) !calculate a priori time steps which will be later used by MODFLOW CALL GWF2SCR1TM(IGRID) END IF C SUB-Creep end IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0) THEN CALL VDF2AR(IUNIT(IUVDF),IGRID) CALL VDF2IZ(IGRID) ENDIF IF(IUNIT(IUHYD).GT.0) CALL GWF2HYD7BAS7AR(IUNIT(IUHYD),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHYD).GT.0 .AND. IUNIT(IUIBS).GT.0) 1 CALL GWF2HYD7IBS7AR(IUNIT(IUHYD),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHYD).GT.0 .AND. IUNIT(IUSUB).GT.0) 1 CALL GWF2HYD7SUB7AR(IUNIT(IUHYD),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHYD).GT.0 .AND. IUNIT(IUSTR).GT.0) 1 CALL GWF2HYD7STR7AR(IUNIT(IUHYD),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHYD).GT.0 .AND. IUNIT(IUSFR).GT.0) 1 CALL GWF2HYD7SFR7AR(IUNIT(IUHYD),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDXC).GT.0) CALL gwf2dxc1AR(IUNIT(IUDXC),IGRID) ! DLT: Data eXChance package C C Observation allocate and read CALL OBS2BAS7AR(IUNIT(IUHOB),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDROB).GT.0) CALL OBS2DRN7AR(IUNIT(IUDROB), 1 IUNIT(IUDRN),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURVOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2RIV7AR(IUNIT(IURVOB), 1 IUNIT(IURIV),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUGBOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2GHB7AR(IUNIT(IUGBOB), 1 IUNIT(IUGHB),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSTOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2STR7AR(IUNIT(IUSTOB), 1 IUNIT(IUSTR),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUCHOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2CHD7AR(IUNIT(IUCHOB),IGRID) !write(*,*) 'End MF Allocation' ! init timestep kper=0 enddo ! DLT: instances C call timing_toc('MODFLOW','AR') return end c ****************************************************************************** subroutine mf2005_writeTimeStep(tsc,date,hour,minute,second) use global, only : issflg use m_mf2005_main, only : kkper implicit none integer,intent(in) :: date,tsc,hour,minute,second !what about steady-state solutions, currenttime.eq.0 if(issflg(kkper).eq.1)then write(*,'(5x,a,1x,a)')'Timestep :','steady-state' else write(*,'(5x,a,1x,i5,1x,a,1x,i8,3(a,i2.2))') 1'Timestep :',tsc,':',date,' ',abs(hour),':',minute,':',second endif end subroutine mf2005_writeTimeStep c ****************************************************************************** subroutine mf2005_returnIOUT(jout) use global, only : iout implicit none integer,intent(out) :: jout jout=iout end subroutine mf2005_returnIOUT c ****************************************************************************** subroutine mf2005_prepareTimestepWrp0(deltats,endOfSimulation) ! wrapper routine ! this routine will always advance one timestep use m_mf2005_main, only: mi implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(inout) :: deltats ! set timstep increment logical, intent(inout) :: endOfSimulation ! set value to .true. if end of simulation is reached ! otherwise DON'T change this vallue ! local variables integer :: igrid integer :: retVal logical :: stateSave double precision :: currentTime ! functions double precision :: sutl_getTimeStepLength ! ------------------------------ ! add timesteplength to current time ! use timestep of model(igrid=1) igrid=1 currentTime=mi(igrid)%timesteptime currentTime=currentTime+sutl_getTimeStepLength(igrid) stateSave =.false. call mf2005_prepareTimestep(currentTime,stateSave,retVal) ! check return value if (retVal.ne.0) then endOfSimulation=.true. else deltats=min(deltats,1) ! advance maximum 1 timestep forward endif return end c ======= subroutine mf2005_prepareTimestep(currentTime,saveState,retVal) use m_mf2005_main use global, only : iout, issflg implicit none c arguments double precision, intent(in) :: currentTime logical , intent(in) :: saveState integer , intent(out) :: retVal c integer, intent(inout) :: deltats ! set timstep increment c logical, intent(inout) :: endOfSimulation ! set value to .true. if end of simulation is reached c ! otherwise DON'T change this vallue c local variable integer :: igrid logical :: initstress,inittime double precision :: dt c functions double precision :: cfn_mjd_delta c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! init retVal=0 do igrid=1,ninstance ! DLT: instances call sgwf2ins1pnt(igrid) ! DLT: instances call SGWF2BAS7PNT(IGRID) ! DLT: instances ! find out whether the model has to advance to the next timestep ! DLT: components dt = cfn_mjd_delta(currentTime,timesteptime) ! DLT: components ! DLT: components ! check restore timestep ! DLT: components if (dt.lt.0.0d0) then ! DLT: components ! restore timestep ! DLT: components write(*,'(a,f20.5)') ' RESTORE STATE: MF2005 ',currentTime call mf2005_staterestore(currentTime) ! DLT: components else if (dt.eq.0.0d0 .and. timeStepCalculated) then ! DLT: components ! calculate timestep again, restoreState needed ! DLT: components !## only for transient timesteps if(issflg(kkper).eq.0)then write(*,'(a,f20.5)') ' RESTORE STATE: MF2005 ',currentTime call mf2005_staterestore(currentTime) ! DLT: components endif else ! DLT: components ! save timestep (only when no restore has to be done) ! DLT: components if (saveState) then ! DLT: components write(*,'(a,f20.5)') ' SAVE STATE: MF2005 ',currentTime call mf2005_statesave(currentTime) ! DLT: components endif ! DLT: components endif ! DLT: components ! DLT: components initTimeStep=.true. ! DLT: components ! set new time value timesteptime=currentTime c get next timestep if (initTimeStep) then initstress=.false. if (kper.eq.0) then ! first timestep initstress=.true. inittime =.true. else ! check end of stress period if (kstp.ge.nstp(kper)) then ! new stress period needed if (kper.ge.nper) then ! this was the last stress period initstress=.false. inittime =.false. else ! new stress period, new timestep initstress=.true. inittime =.true. endif else ! same stress period, new timestep initstress=.false. inittime =.true. endif endif c next stress period if (initstress) then kper =kper+1 kkper=kper kstp=0 endif c next time step if (inittime) then c deltats=min(deltats,1) ! advance maximum 1 timestep forward kstp =kstp+1 kkstp=kstp endif c find out or this is end of simulation if (.not. inittime) then ! endOfSimulation=.true. initTimeStep=.false. retVal=-1 endif c init solve kiter =0 kkiter=kiter if (initTimeStep) then timeStepCalculated = .false. solverConverged = .false. endif endif enddo ! DLT: instances C return end c ****************************************************************************** subroutine mf2005_initTimeStepWrp0(restore) ! wrapper routine implicit none c arguments logical, intent(in) :: restore ! force reading data ! local variables integer :: retVal double precision :: currentTime logical :: laststep ! ------------------------------ call mf2005_getCurrentTime(currentTime,retVal) call mf2005_initTimeStep(currentTime,retVal,laststep) return end c ======= subroutine mf2005_initTimeStep(currentTime,retVal,laststep) use m_mf2005_main use m_mf2005_iu implicit none c arguments double precision, intent(in) :: currentTime ! not used at this moment ! Necessary information comes from _prepareTimeStep ! by using variable initTimeStep integer , intent(out) :: retVal logical,intent(out) :: laststep c local variable integer :: igrid logical initstress,inittime c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c init call timing_tic('MODFLOW','RP') ! DLT retVal = 0 do igrid=1,ninstance ! DLT: instances c call sgwf2ins1pnt(igrid) ! DLT: instances call SGWF2BAS7PNT(IGRID) ! DLT: instances KKPER = KPER kkstp = kstp ! DLT: instances c check what to read if (kstp.eq.1) then initstress=.true. .and. initTimeStep inittime =.true. .and. initTimeStep else initstress=.false. .and. initTimeStep inittime =.true. .and. initTimeStep endif c next stress period if (initstress) then C7------SIMULATE EACH STRESS PERIOD. c DO 100 KPER = 1, NPER CALL GWF2BAS7ST(KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUMET).GT.0) CALL GWF2MET1ST(KKPER,IGRID) ! MET IF(IUNIT(IUIBS).GT.0) CALL GWF2IBS7ST(KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSUB).GT.0) CALL GWF2SUB7ST(KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSWT).GT.0) CALL GWF2SWT7ST(KKPER,IGRID) c SUB-Creep IF(IUNIT(IUSCR).GT.0) CALL GWF2SCR7ST(KKPER,IGRID) c SUB-Creep end !## hfb IF(IUNIT(IUHFB6).GT.0)CALL GWF2HFB7RP(KKPER,IUNIT(IUHFB6),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0) CALL VDF2RPSS(KKPER,IUNIT(IUVDF),IGRID) !VDF C7B-----READ AND PREPARE INFORMATION FOR STRESS PERIOD. C----------READ USING PACKAGE READ AND PREPARE MODULES. IF(IUNIT(IUWEL).GT.0) CALL GWF2WEL7RP(IUNIT(IUWEL),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURIV).GT.0) CALL GWF2RIV7RP(IUNIT(IURIV),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDRN).GT.0) CALL GWF2DRN7RP(IUNIT(IUDRN),IGRID, 1 IUNIT(IURIV)) IF(IUNIT(IUEVT).GT.0) CALL GWF2EVT7RP(IUNIT(IUEVT),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUGHB).GT.0) CALL GWF2GHB7RP(IUNIT(IUGHB),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURCH).GT.0) CALL GWF2RCH7RP(IUNIT(IURCH),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURES).GT.0) CALL GWF2RES7RP(IUNIT(IURES),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSTR).GT.0) CALL GWF2STR7RP(IUNIT(IUSTR),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHYD).GT.0 .AND. IUNIT(IUSTR).GT.0) 1 CALL GWF2HYD7STR7RP(IUNIT(IUHYD),KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUCHD).GT.0) CALL GWF2CHD7RP(IUNIT(IUCHD),IGRID) ! SUBROUTINE GWF2SFR7RP(In, Iunitgwt, Iunitlak, Kkper, Kkstp, Nsol, ! + Iouts, Iunitbcf, Iunitlpf, Iunithuf, ! + Iunituzf, Igrid) IF(IUNIT(IUSFR).GT.0) CALL GWF2SFR7RP(IUNIT(IUSFR),IUNIT(IUGWT), 1 IUNIT(IULAK),KKPER,KKSTP,NSOL,IOUTS,IUNIT(IUBCF6),IUNIT(IULPF), 1 IUNIT(IUHUF2),IUNIT(IUUZF),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHYD).GT.0 .AND. IUNIT(IUSFR).GT.0) 1 CALL GWF2HYD7SFR7RP(IUNIT(IUHYD),KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUUZF).GT.0) CALL GWF2UZF1RP(IUNIT(IUUZF),KKPER, 1 iunit(iusfr),IGRID) ! SUBROUTINE GWF2LAK7RP(IN,IUNITBCF,IUNITGWT,IUNITLPF,IUNITHUF, ! + IUNITSFR,IUNITUZF,KKPER,NSOL,IOUTS,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0) CALL GWF2LAK7RP(IUNIT(IULAK), 1 IUNIT(IUBCF6),IUNIT(IUGWT),IUNIT(IULPF),IUNIT(IUHUF2), 1 IUNIT(IUSFR),IUNIT(IUUZF),KKPER,NSOL,IOUTS,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUGAGE).GT.0.AND.KKPER.EQ.1) 1 CALL GWF2GAG7RP(IUNIT(IUGWT),IUNIT(IULAK),IUNIT(IUUZF),NSOL, 1 IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUETS).GT.0) CALL GWF2ETS7RP(IUNIT(IUETS),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDRT).GT.0) CALL GWF2DRT7RP(IUNIT(IUDRT),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUMNW2).GT.0) CALL GWF2MNW27RP(IUNIT(IUMNW2),KKPER, 1 IUNIT(IUSIP), 1 IUNIT(IUDE4),0,IUNIT(IUPCG),0,IUNIT(42),0, 1 IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUMNWI).GT.0.AND.KKPER.EQ.1) 1 CALL GWF2MNW2I7RP(IUNIT(IUMNWI),0,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUMNW1).GT.0) CALL GWF2MNW17RP(IUNIT(IUMNW1), 1 IUNIT(IUBCF6), 1 IUNIT(IULPF),IUNIT(IUHUF2),KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDXC).GT.0) CALL gwf2dxc1rp(igrid) ! DLT: Data eXChance package endif ! next stress period c next time step if (inittime) then C C7C-----SIMULATE EACH TIME STEP. c DO 90 KSTP = 1, NSTP(KPER) KKSTP = KSTP C C7C1----CALCULATE TIME STEP LENGTH. SET HOLD=HNEW. CALL GWF2BAS7AD(KKPER,KKSTP,IGRID) C--SEAWAT: UPDATE CONSTANT HEADS FROM CHD PACKAGE !VDF IF(IUNIT(IUCHD).GT.0.AND.IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0) !VDF & CALL VDF2CHD7AD(KKPER,IGRID) !VDF IF(IUNIT(IUCHD).GT.0.AND.IUNIT(IUVDF).EQ.0) !VDF & CALL GWF2CHD7AD(KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUBCF6).GT.0) CALL GWF2BCF7AD(KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURES).GT.0) CALL GWF2RES7AD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IULPF).GT.0) CALL GWF2LPF7AD(KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHUF2).GT.0) CALL GWF2HUF7AD(KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUFHB).GT.0) CALL GWF2FHB7AD(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0) CALL GWF2LAK7AD(KKPER,KKSTP, 1 IUNIT(IUGWT),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUMNW2).GT.0) THEN IF (IUNIT(IUBCF6).GT.0) THEN CALL GWF2MNW27BCF(KPER,IGRID) ELSE IF (IUNIT(IULPF).GT.0) THEN CALL GWF2MNW27LPF(KPER,IGRID) ELSE IF(IUNIT(IUHUF2).GT.0) THEN CALL GWF2MNW27HUF(KPER,IGRID) ELSE WRITE(IOUT,1000) 1000 FORMAT(/1X, & '***ERROR: MNW2 PACKAGE DOES NOT SUPPORT',/, & ' SELECTED FLOW PACKAGE',/, & ' (MNW2 DOES FULLY SUPPORT BCF, LPF, AND HUF PACKAGES)',/, & ' -- STOP EXECUTION') CALL USTOP('MNW2 error-flow package') END IF CALL GWF2MNW27AD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) END IF IF(IUNIT(IUMNW1).GT.0) CALL GWF2MNW17AD(IUNIT(IUBCF6), 1 IUNIT(IULPF),IUNIT(IUHUF2),IGRID) endif enddo ! DLT: instances C call timing_toc('MODFLOW','RP') ! DLT laststep=kkstp.eq.NSTP(KPER) return end c ****************************************************************************** subroutine mf2005_prepareIter(retVal) implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(out) :: retVal ! local variables integer iteration logical converged ! ------------------------------ ! Moved to performiter ! call mf2005_prepareIterWrp0(Iteration,converged) ! call mf2005_initIter(retVal) retVal = 0 return end c ===== subroutine mf2005_prepareIterWrp0(Iteration,converged) c get next iteration number c 2011/06/16 renamed from mf2005_prepareIter use m_mf2005_main implicit none c arguments integer, intent(out) :: iteration ! -1: convergence failed ! 0: continue iterations ! 1: solver converged logical, intent(in) :: converged ! .true. solver converged ! .false. solver did not converge integer :: igrid c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iteration=1 ! start value do igrid=1,ninstance ! DLT: instances call sgwf2ins1pnt(igrid) ! DLT: instances call SGWF2BAS7PNT(IGRID) ! DLT: instances kiter =kiter+1 kkiter=kiter if (kkiter.gt.mxiter) then ! convergence failed iteration=min(-1,iteration) else if (kkiter.eq.1) then ! first iteration iteration=min(0,iteration) else ! check convergence if (converged) then iteration=min(1,iteration) else iteration=min(0,iteration) endif endif endif enddo ! DLT: instances return end ! subroutine mf2005_prepareIter c ****************************************************************************** subroutine mf2005_initIterWrp0() ! wrapper routine implicit none ! local variables integer :: retVal ! ------------------------------ call mf2005_initIter(retVal) return end c ===== subroutine mf2005_initIter(retVal) use m_mf2005_main use m_mf2005_iu USE VDFMODULE, ONLY: NSWTCPL,PS,HSALT, 1 RHOCR,RHOCC,RHOCV implicit none c arguments integer , intent(out) :: retVal c functions logical :: pks7mpimasterwrite c local variable integer :: igrid c init call timing_tic('MODFLOW','FM') ! DLT retVal = 0 do igrid=1,ninstance ! DLT: instances call sgwf2ins1pnt(igrid) ! DLT: instances call SGWF2BAS7PNT(IGRID) ! DLT: instances C---------INDICATE IN PRINTOUT THAT SOLUTION IS FOR HEADS CALL UMESPR('SOLVING FOR HEAD',' ',IOUT) if (pks7mpimasterwrite()) WRITE(*,25)KPER,KSTP 25 FORMAT(' Solving: Stress period: ',i5,4x, & 'Time step: ',i5,4x,'Ground-Water Flow Eqn.') C C7C2----ITERATIVELY FORMULATE AND SOLVE THE FLOW EQUATIONS. c DO 30 KITER = 1, MXITER KKITER = KITER C C7C2A--- CALL GWF2BAS7FM(IGRID) C--SEAWAT: VARIABLE-DENSITY FM SUBROUTINES (IF VDF ACTIVE). IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0) THEN !VDF C--SEAWAT: UPDATE THE SALTHEAD ARRAY !VDF CALL VDF2HSALT() !VDF IF (IUNIT(IUBCF6).GT.0) CALL VDF2BCF7FM(KKITER,KKSTP, !VDF 1 KKPER,IGRID) !VDF IF (IUNIT(IULPF).GT.0) CALL VDF2LPF7FM(KKITER, !VDF 1 KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) !VDF IF (IUNIT(IUHFB6).GT.0) CALL GWF2HFB7FM(IGRID) !no modifications for VDF IF (IUNIT(IUWEL).GT.0) CALL VDF2WEL7FM(IGRID) !VDF IF (IUNIT(IUDRN).GT.0) CALL VDF2DRN7FM(IGRID) !VDF IF (IUNIT(IURIV).GT.0) CALL VDF2RIV7FM(IGRID) !VDF IF (IUNIT(IUEVT).GT.0) CALL VDF2EVT7FM(IGRID) !VDF IF (IUNIT(IUGHB).GT.0) CALL VDF2GHB7FM(IGRID) !VDF if(IUNIT(IUDXC).gt.0) call vdf2dxc1fm(igrid) ! DLT: DXC added IF (IUNIT(IURCH).GT.0) CALL VDF2RCH7FM(IGRID) !VDF if(IUNIT(IUANI).gt.0) call vdf2ani3fm(igrid) ! ANI CALL VDF2FM(IUNIT(IUBCF6),IUNIT(IULPF),IUNIT(IUHUF2)) !VDF C--SEAWAT: THE CONSTANT-DENSITY FM SUBROUTINES (FOR GWF PROCESS) ELSE !VDF if(iunit(iupwt).gt.0) call gwf2pwt3fm(kkiter,kkper,igrid, 1 iunit(iubcf6)) ! PWT3 IF(IUNIT(IUBCF6).GT.0) CALL GWF2BCF7FM(KKITER,KKSTP, 1 KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IULPF).GT.0) CALL GWF2LPF7FM(KKITER, 1 KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHUF2).GT.0) CALL GWF2HUF7FM(KKITER, 1 KKSTP,KKPER,IUNIT(IULVDA),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHFB6).GT.0) CALL GWF2HFB7FM(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUWEL).GT.0) CALL GWF2WEL7FM(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDRN).GT.0) CALL GWF2DRN7FM(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURIV).GT.0) CALL GWF2RIV7FM(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUEVT).GT.0) THEN IF(IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0.AND.NEVTOP.EQ.3) CALL GWF2LAK7ST( 1 0,IGRID) CALL GWF2EVT7FM(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0.AND.NEVTOP.EQ.3) CALL GWF2LAK7ST( 1 1,IGRID) END IF IF(IUNIT(IUGHB).GT.0) CALL GWF2GHB7FM(IGRID) if(IUNIT(IUDXC).gt.0) call gwf2dxc1fm(igrid) ! DLT: DXC added IF(IUNIT(IURCH).GT.0) THEN IF(IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0.AND.NRCHOP.EQ.3) CALL GWF2LAK7ST( 1 0,IGRID) CALL GWF2RCH7FM(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0.AND.NRCHOP.EQ.3) CALL GWF2LAK7ST( 1 1,IGRID) END IF IF(IUNIT(IUFHB).GT.0) CALL GWF2FHB7FM(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURES).GT.0) CALL GWF2RES7FM(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSTR).GT.0) CALL GWF2STR7FM(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUIBS).GT.0) CALL GWF2IBS7FM(KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUETS).GT.0) CALL GWF2ETS7FM(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDRT).GT.0) CALL GWF2DRT7FM(IGRID) ! SUBROUTINE GWF2UZF1FM(Kkper, Kkstp, Kkiter, Iunitsfr, Iunitlak, ! + Iunitcfp, Igrid) IF(IUNIT(IUUZF).GT.0) CALL GWF2UZF1FM(KKPER,KKSTP,KKITER, 1 IUNIT(IUSFR),IUNIT(IULAK), 1 IUNIT(IUCFP),IGRID) ! SUBROUTINE GWF2SFR7FM(Kkiter, Kkper, Kkstp, Iunitlak, Iunitrch, ! + Iunituzf, Igrid) IF(IUNIT(IUSFR).GT.0) CALL GWF2SFR7FM(KKITER,KKPER,KKSTP, 1 IUNIT(IULAK),IUNIT(IURCH),IUNIT(IUUZF),IGRID) ! SUBROUTINE GWF2LAK7FM(KKITER,KKPER,KKSTP,IUNITSFR,IUNITUZF,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0) CALL GWF2LAK7FM(KKITER,KKPER,KKSTP, 1 IUNIT(IUSFR),IUNIT(IUUZF),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUMNW2).GT.0) THEN IF (IUNIT(IUBCF6).GT.0) THEN CALL GWF2MNW27BCF(KPER,IGRID) ELSE IF (IUNIT(IULPF).GT.0) THEN CALL GWF2MNW27LPF(KPER,IGRID) ELSE IF(IUNIT(IUHUF2).GT.0) THEN CALL GWF2MNW27HUF(KPER,IGRID) END IF CALL GWF2MNW27FM(KKITER,kkstp,kkper,IGRID) END IF IF(IUNIT(IUMNW1).GT.0) CALL GWF2MNW17FM(KKITER, 1 IUNIT(IUBCF6),IUNIT(IULPF),IUNIT(IUHUF2),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSUB).GT.0) CALL GWF2SUB7FM(KKPER,KKITER, 1 IUNIT(IUSIP),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSWT).GT.0) CALL GWF2SWT7FM(KKPER,IGRID) c SUB-Creep IF(IUNIT(IUSCR).GT.0) CALL GWF2SCR7FM(KKPER,KSTP,IGRID) c SUB-Creep if(IUNIT(IUANI).gt.0) call gwf2ani3fm(igrid) ! ANI ENDIF ! VDF enddo ! DLT: instances C call timing_toc('MODFLOW','FM') ! DLT return end c ****************************************************************************** subroutine mf2005_performIter(retVal,psolved) c 2011/06/16 renamed from mf2005_solve. use m_mf2005_main use m_mf2005_iu USE GLOBAL, ONLY:HNEW USE VDFMODULE, ONLY: NSWTCPL,PS,HSALT, 1 RHOCR,RHOCC,RHOCV implicit none c arguments integer, intent(out) :: retVal logical, intent(out) :: psolved c local variables integer :: ierr integer :: igrid integer :: iteration logical :: converged integer :: i logical :: lss c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c init retVal = 0 c Moved from prepare iter (2 lines) call mf2005_prepareIterWrp0(Iteration,converged) if (iteration.lt.0.and..not.converged) then lss = .true. do i=1, nper if (issflg(i).eq.0) lss = .false. end do if (lss) then retval = -1 return end if end if call mf2005_initIter(retVal) c call timing_tic('MODFLOW','SOL') ! DLT do igrid=1,ninstance ! DLT: instances call sgwf2ins1pnt(igrid) ! DLT: instances call SGWF2BAS7PNT(IGRID) ! DLT: instances kkiter=kiter ! DLT: instances C7C2B---MAKE ONE CUT AT AN APPROXIMATE SOLUTION. IERR=0 C--SEAWAT:IF(IUNIT(57).GT.0) PASS RHOCR, RHOCC, AND RHOCV IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0) THEN !VDF IF (IUNIT(IUSIP).GT.0) THEN !VDF CALL SIP7PNT(IGRID) !VDF CALL SIP7AP(HNEW,IBOUND,RHOCR,RHOCC,RHOCV,HCOF,RHS, !VDF 1 EL,FL,GL, !VDF 2 V,W,HDCG,LRCH,NPARM,KKITER,HCLOSE,ACCL,ICNVG, !VDF 3 KKSTP,KKPER,IPCALC,IPRSIP,MXITER,NSTP(KKPER), !VDF 4 NCOL,NROW,NLAY,NODES,IOUT,0,IERR) !VDF END IF !VDF IF (IUNIT(IUDE4).GT.0) THEN !VDF CALL DE47PNT(IGRID) !VDF CALL DE47AP(HNEW,IBOUND,AU,AL,IUPPNT,IEQPNT,D4B,MXUP,!VDF 1 MXLOW,MXEQ,MXBW,RHOCR,RHOCC,RHOCV,HCOF,RHS, !VDF 2 ACCLDE4,KITER, !VDF 3 ITMX,MXITER,NITERDE4,HCLOSEDE4,IPRD4,ICNVG,NCOL, !VDF 4 NROW,NLAY,IOUT,LRCHDE4,HDCGDE4,IFREQ,KKSTP,KKPER, !VDF 5 DELT,NSTP(KKPER),ID4DIR,ID4DIM,MUTD4, !VDF 6 DELTL,NBWL,NUPL,NLOWL,NLOW,NEQ,NUP,NBW,IERR) !VDF END IF !VDF IF (IUNIT(IUPCG).GT.0) THEN !VDF CALL PCG7PNT(IGRID) !VDF CALL PCG7AP(HNEW,IBOUND,RHOCR,RHOCC,RHOCV,HCOF,RHS, !VDF 1 VPCG,SS,P,CD,HCHG,LHCH,RCHG,LRCHPCG,KKITER,NITER, !VDF 2 HCLOSEPCG,RCLOSEPCG,ICNVG,KKSTP,KKPER,IPRPCG, !VDF 3 MXITER,ITER1,NPCOND,NBPOL,NSTP(KKPER),NCOL,NROW, !VDF 4 NLAY,NODES,RELAXPCG,IOUT,MUTPCG,IT1,DAMPPCG,BUFF, !VDF 5 HCSV,IERR,HPCG,DAMPPCGT,ISSFLG(KKPER),HDRY) !, ! 6 size(IT1)) !VDF END IF c IF (IUNIT(IULMG).GT.0) THEN c CALL LMG7PNT(IGRID) c CALL LMG7AP(HNEW,IBOUND,CR,CC,CV,HCOF,RHS,A,IA,JA,U1, c 1 FRHS,IG,ISIZ1,ISIZ2,ISIZ3,ISIZ4,KKITER,BCLOSE,DAMPLMG, c 2 ICNVG,KKSTP,KKPER,MXITER,MXCYC,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,NODES, c 3 HNOFLO,IOUT,IOUTAMG,ICG,IADAMPLMG,DUPLMG,DLOWLMG) c END IF IF (IUNIT(42).GT.0) THEN !VDF CALL GMG7PNT(IGRID) !VDF CALL GMG7AP(HNEW,RHS,RHOCR,RHOCC,RHOCV,HCOF,HNOFLO, !VDF 1 IBOUND,IITER,MXITER,RCLOSEGMG,HCLOSEGMG, !VDF 2 KKITER,KKSTP,KKPER,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,ICNVG, !VDF 3 SITER,TSITER,DAMPGMG,IADAMPGMG,IOUTGMG, !VDF 4 IOUT,GMGID, !VDF 5 IUNITMHC,DUP,DLOW,CHGLIMIT, !VDF 6 BIGHEADCHG,HNEWLAST) !VDF ENDIF !VDF IF (IUNIT(IUPKS).GT.0) THEN !VDF CALL PKS7PNT(IGRID) !VDF CALL PKS7AP( !VDF & HNEW, IBOUND, IACTCELL, RHOCR, !004 !VDF & RHOCC, RHOCV, HCOF, RHS, !008 !VDF & ICNVG, NSTP(KKPER), KKSTP, KKPER, !012 !VDF & MXITER, KKITER, NCOL, NROW, !016 !VDF & NLAY, NODES, HNOFLO, IOUT, !020 !VDF & ISOLVER, NPC, NCORESM, NCORESV, !024 !VDF & ICNVGOPT, IEPFACT, NRPROC, INNERIT, !028 !VDF & NITERC, NNZC, NIAC, NIABCGS, !032 !VDF & NGMRES, NREST, NIAPC, NJAPC, !036 !VDF & NNZAPC, NIAPCM, NJAPCM, NIWC, !040 !VDF & NWC, HCLOSEPKS, RCLOSEPKS, ISSFLG(KKPER),!044 !VDF & NDAMPPKS, DAMPPKS, DAMPTPKS, HPKS, !048 !VDF & NRESUP, RELAXPKS, IFILL, NLEVELS, !052 !VDF & DROPTOL, IPKSO, IPKSI, PKST, !056 !VDF & PKSPCU, PKSPCA, IPRPKS, MUTPKS, !060 !VDF & IUNITPKS, PKSCLEN, PKSIT, PKSHMXLOC, !064 !VDF & PKSHMX, PKSRMXLOC, PKSRMX, PKSL2NORM, !068 !VDF & PKSRL2NORM,NODEC, BC, XC, !072 !VDF & AC, IAC, JAC, IXMAP, !076 !VDF & IORD, NIARO, NNZRO, LORDER, !080 !VDF & IORDER, IARO, JARO, ARO, !084 !VDF & APC, IAPC, JAPC, IAPCM, !088 !VDF & JAPCM, IWC, WC, DC, !092 !VDF & ZC, PC, QC, VC, !096 !VDF & DTILC, PHATC, DHATC, CSG, !100 !VDF & SNG, SG, YG, HG, !104 !VDF & VG, ISCL, SCL, SCLI, !108 !VDF & A0, IA0, JA0, EXPLINSYS) !112 !VDF END IF C--SEAWAT:CONSTANT DENSITY, PASS CR, CC,AND CV ELSE !VDF IF (IUNIT(IUSIP).GT.0) THEN CALL SIP7PNT(IGRID) CALL SIP7AP(HNEW,IBOUND,CR,CC,CV,HCOF,RHS,EL,FL,GL, 1 V,W,HDCG,LRCH,NPARM,KKITER,HCLOSE,ACCL,ICNVG, 2 KKSTP,KKPER,IPCALC,IPRSIP,MXITER,NSTP(KKPER), 3 NCOL,NROW,NLAY,NODES,IOUT,0,IERR) END IF IF (IUNIT(IUDE4).GT.0) THEN CALL DE47PNT(IGRID) CALL DE47AP(HNEW,IBOUND,AU,AL,IUPPNT,IEQPNT,D4B,MXUP, 1 MXLOW,MXEQ,MXBW,CR,CC,CV,HCOF,RHS,ACCLDE4,KITER, 2 ITMX,MXITER,NITERDE4,HCLOSEDE4,IPRD4,ICNVG,NCOL, 3 NROW,NLAY,IOUT,LRCHDE4,HDCGDE4,IFREQ,KKSTP,KKPER, 4 DELT,NSTP(KKPER),ID4DIR,ID4DIM,MUTD4, 5 DELTL,NBWL,NUPL,NLOWL,NLOW,NEQ,NUP,NBW,IERR) END IF IF (IUNIT(IUPCG).GT.0) THEN ! iter1=max(5,int(iter1/1.1)) ! write(*,*) iter1 CALL PCG7PNT(IGRID) CALL PCG7AP(HNEW,IBOUND,CR,CC,CV,HCOF,RHS,VPCG,SS, 1 P,CD,HCHG,LHCH,RCHG,LRCHPCG,KKITER,NITER, 2 HCLOSEPCG,RCLOSEPCG,ICNVG,KKSTP,KKPER,IPRPCG, 3 MXITER,ITER1,NPCOND,NBPOL,NSTP(KKPER),NCOL,NROW, 4 NLAY,NODES,RELAXPCG,IOUT,MUTPCG,IT1,DAMPPCG,BUFF, 5 HCSV,IERR,HPCG,DAMPPCGT,ISSFLG(KKPER),HDRY) !, ! 6 size(it1)) END IF c IF (IUNIT(IULMG).GT.0) THEN c CALL LMG7PNT(IGRID) c CALL LMG7AP(HNEW,IBOUND,CR,CC,CV,HCOF,RHS,A,IA,JA,U1, c 1 FRHS,IG,ISIZ1,ISIZ2,ISIZ3,ISIZ4,KKITER,BCLOSE,DAMPLMG, c 2 ICNVG,KKSTP,KKPER,MXITER,MXCYC,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,NODES, c 3 HNOFLO,IOUT,IOUTAMG,ICG,IADAMPLMG,DUPLMG,DLOWLMG) c END IF IF (IUNIT(42).GT.0) THEN CALL GMG7PNT(IGRID) CALL GMG7AP(HNEW,RHS,CR,CC,CV,HCOF,HNOFLO,IBOUND, 1 IITER,MXITER,RCLOSEGMG,HCLOSEGMG, 2 KKITER,KKSTP,KKPER,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,ICNVG, 3 SITER,TSITER,DAMPGMG,IADAMPGMG,IOUTGMG, 4 IOUT,GMGID, 5 IUNITMHC,DUP,DLOW,CHGLIMIT, 6 BIGHEADCHG,HNEWLAST) ENDIF IF (IUNIT(IUPKS).GT.0) THEN CALL PKS7PNT(IGRID) CALL PKS7AP( & HNEW, IBOUND, IACTCELL, CR, !004 & CC, CV, HCOF, RHS, !008 & ICNVG, NSTP(KKPER), KKSTP, KKPER, !012 & MXITER, KKITER, NCOL, NROW, !016 & NLAY, NODES, HNOFLO, IOUT, !020 & ISOLVER, NPC, NCORESM, NCORESV, !024 & ICNVGOPT, IEPFACT, NRPROC, INNERIT, !028 & NITERC, NNZC, NIAC, NIABCGS, !032 & NGMRES, NREST, NIAPC, NJAPC, !036 & NNZAPC, NIAPCM, NJAPCM, NIWC, !040 & NWC, HCLOSEPKS, RCLOSEPKS, ISSFLG(KKPER),!044 & NDAMPPKS, DAMPPKS, DAMPTPKS, HPKS, !048 & NRESUP, RELAXPKS, IFILL, NLEVELS, !052 & DROPTOL, IPKSO, IPKSI, PKST, !056 & PKSPCU, PKSPCA, IPRPKS, MUTPKS, !060 & IUNITPKS, PKSCLEN, PKSIT, PKSHMXLOC, !064 & PKSHMX, PKSRMXLOC, PKSRMX, PKSL2NORM, !068 & PKSRL2NORM,NODEC, BC, XC, !072 & AC, IAC, JAC, IXMAP, !076 & IORD, NIARO, NNZRO, LORDER, !080 & IORDER, IARO, JARO, ARO, !084 & APC, IAPC, JAPC, IAPCM, !088 & JAPCM, IWC, WC, DC, !092 & ZC, PC, QC, VC, !096 & DTILC, PHATC, DHATC, CSG, !100 & SNG, SG, YG, HG, !104 & VG, ISCL, SCL, SCLI, !108 & A0, IA0, JA0, EXPLINSYS) !112 END IF C--SEAWAT: ENDIF !VDF ENDIF !VDF C--SEAWAT: UPDATE THE SALTHEAD ARRAY WITH THE NEW HEADS IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0) !VDF + CALL VDF2HSALT() !VDF IF(IERR.EQ.1) CALL USTOP(' ') C C7C2C---IF CONVERGENCE CRITERION HAS BEEN MET STOP ITERATING. c IF (ICNVG.EQ.1) GOTO 33 if (icnvg.ne.1) then solverConverged=.false. else solverConverged=.true. endif c 30 CONTINUE c KITER = MXITER !## could be solved based upon waterbalance error, maximum number of iterations finished psolved=.false. if(kiter.ge.mxiter)then psolved=.true.; solverconverged=.true. endif KITER=KKITER ! DLT: instances enddo ! DLT: instances call timing_toc('MODFLOW','SOL') ! DLT return end c ****************************************************************************** subroutine mf2005_finishIter(converged,retVal) use m_mf2005_main implicit none ! arguments logical, intent(out) :: converged ! .false. not converged yet integer, intent(out) :: retVal c local variables integer :: igrid ! ------------------------------ c init converged = .true. retVal = 0 do igrid=1,ninstance ! DLT: instances call sgwf2ins1pnt(igrid) ! DLT: instances converged=converged.and.solverConverged enddo return end c ****************************************************************************** subroutine mf2005_finishTimestepWrp0() ! wrapper routine implicit none ! local variables integer :: retVal ! ------------------------------ call mf2005_finishTimestep(retVal) return end c ======= subroutine mf2005_finishTimestep(retVal,psolved,ncvgerr) use m_mf2005_main use m_mf2005_iu implicit none c arguments integer, intent(out) :: retVal integer, intent(inout) :: ncvgerr logical, intent(in) :: psolved c local variables integer IBDRET,ic1,ic2,ir1,ir2,il1,il2,idir integer :: igrid,iuvdf_bu,ibal real :: budperc c init call timing_tic('MODFLOW','OTBD') ! DLT retVal=0 do igrid=1,ninstance ! DLT: instances call sgwf2ins1pnt(igrid) ! DLT: instances call SGWF2BAS7PNT(IGRID) ! DLT: instances timeStepCalculated=.true. ! DLT: instances C c 33 CONTINUE C C7C3----DETERMINE WHICH OUTPUT IS NEEDED. CALL GWF2BAS7OC(KKSTP,KKPER,ICNVG,IUNIT(IUOC),IGRID) C7C4----CALCULATE BUDGET TERMS. SAVE CELL-BY-CELL FLOW TERMS. MSUM = 1 IF (IUNIT(IUBCF6).GT.0) THEN IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0) THEN CALL VDF2BCF7BDS(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) CALL VDF2BCF7BDCH(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) ELSE CALL GWF2BCF7BDS(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) CALL GWF2BCF7BDCH(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) ENDIF IBDRET=0 IC1=1 IC2=NCOL IR1=1 IR2=NROW IL1=1 IL2=NLAY DO 37 IDIR = 1, 3 IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0) THEN CALL VDF2BCF7BDADJ(KKSTP,KKPER,IDIR,IBDRET, 1 IC1,IC2,IR1,IR2,IL1,IL2,IGRID) ELSE CALL GWF2BCF7BDADJ(KKSTP,KKPER,IDIR,IBDRET, 1 IC1,IC2,IR1,IR2,IL1,IL2,IGRID) ENDIF 37 CONTINUE ENDIF IF(IUNIT(IULPF).GT.0) THEN IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0) THEN CALL VDF2LPF7BDS(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) CALL VDF2LPF7BDCH(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) ELSE CALL GWF2LPF7BDS(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) CALL GWF2LPF7BDCH(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) ENDIF IBDRET=0 IC1=1 IC2=NCOL IR1=1 IR2=NROW IL1=1 IL2=NLAY DO 157 IDIR=1,3 IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0) THEN CALL VDF2LPF7BDADJ(KKSTP,KKPER,IDIR,IBDRET, & IC1,IC2,IR1,IR2,IL1,IL2,IGRID) ELSE CALL GWF2LPF7BDADJ(KKSTP,KKPER,IDIR,IBDRET, & IC1,IC2,IR1,IR2,IL1,IL2,IGRID) ENDIF 157 CONTINUE ENDIF IF(IUNIT(IUHUF2).GT.0) THEN CALL GWF2HUF7BDS(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) CALL GWF2HUF7BDCH(KKSTP,KKPER,IUNIT(IULVDA),IGRID) IBDRET=0 IC1=1 IC2=NCOL IR1=1 IR2=NROW IL1=1 IL2=NLAY DO 159 IDIR=1,3 CALL GWF2HUF7BDADJ(KKSTP,KKPER,IDIR,IBDRET, & IC1,IC2,IR1,IR2,IL1,IL2,IUNIT(IULVDA),IGRID) 159 CONTINUE ENDIF IF(IUNIT(IUWEL).GT.0) THEN IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0)CALL VDF2WEL7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).EQ.0)CALL GWF2WEL7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) ENDIF IF(IUNIT(IUDRN).GT.0) THEN IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0)CALL VDF2DRN7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).EQ.0)CALL GWF2DRN7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) ENDIF IF(IUNIT(IURIV).GT.0) THEN IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0)CALL VDF2RIV7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).EQ.0)CALL GWF2RIV7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) ENDIF IF(IUNIT(IUEVT).GT.0) THEN IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0)THEN CALL VDF2EVT7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) ELSE IF(IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0.AND.NEVTOP.EQ.3) CALL GWF2LAK7ST( 1 0,IGRID) CALL GWF2EVT7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0.AND.NEVTOP.EQ.3) CALL GWF2LAK7ST( 1 1,IGRID) ENDIF END IF IF(IUNIT(IUGHB).GT.0) THEN IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0)CALL VDF2GHB7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).EQ.0)CALL GWF2GHB7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) ENDIF if(IUNIT(IUDXC).gt.0) THEN IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0)call vdf2dxc1bd(kkstp,kkper,igrid) IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).EQ.0)call gwf2dxc1bd(kkstp,kkper,igrid) ENDIF IF(IUNIT(IURCH).GT.0) THEN IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).GT.0)THEN CALL VDF2RCH7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) ELSE IF(IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0.AND.NRCHOP.EQ.3) CALL GWF2LAK7ST( 1 0,IGRID) CALL GWF2RCH7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0.AND.NRCHOP.EQ.3) CALL GWF2LAK7ST( 1 1,IGRID) ENDIF END IF IF(IUNIT(IUFHB).GT.0) CALL GWF2FHB7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURES).GT.0) CALL GWF2RES7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSTR).GT.0) CALL GWF2STR7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUIBS).GT.0) CALL GWF2IBS7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUETS).GT.0) CALL GWF2ETS7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDRT).GT.0) CALL GWF2DRT7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUUZF).GT.0) CALL GWF2UZF1BD(KKSTP,KKPER, 1 IUNIT(IULAK),IUNIT(IUSFR),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSFR).GT.0) CALL GWF2SFR7BD(KKSTP,KKPER, 1 IUNIT(IUGWT),IUNIT(IULAK),IUNIT(IUGAGE), 1 IUNIT(IUUZF),NSOL,IUNIT(IURCH),IGRID) !SUBROUTINE GWF2SFR7BD(Kkstp, Kkper, Iunitgwt, Iunitlak, Iunitgage, ! + Iunituzf, Nsol, Iunitrch, Igrid) !cjm (added Iunitrch) IF(IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0) CALL GWF2LAK7BD(KKSTP,KKPER, 1 IUNIT(IUGWT),IUNIT(IUGAGE),IUNIT(IUSFR), 1 IUNIT(IUUZF),NSOL,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUMNW2).GT.0) CALL GWF2MNW27BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUMNW1).GT.0) CALL GWF2MNW17BD(NSTP(KPER),KKSTP, 1 KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSUB).GT.0) CALL GWF2SUB7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSWT).GT.0) CALL GWF2SWT7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSCR).GT.0) CALL GWF2SCR7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) CLMT CLMT----CALL LINK-MT3DMS SUBROUTINES TO SAVE FLOW-TRANSPORT LINK FILE CLMT----FOR USE BY MT3DMS FOR TRANSPORT SIMULATION CLMT INCLUDE 'lmt7.inc' CLMT C C Observation and hydrograph simulated equivalents CALL OBS2BAS7SE(IUNIT(IUHOB),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDROB).GT.0) CALL OBS2DRN7SE(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURVOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2RIV7SE(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUGBOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2GHB7SE(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSTOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2STR7SE(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUCHOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2CHD7SE(KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHYD).GT.0) CALL GWF2HYD7BAS7SE(1,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHYD).GT.0 .AND. IUNIT(IUIBS).GT.0) 1 CALL GWF2HYD7IBS7SE(1,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHYD).GT.0 .AND. IUNIT(IUSUB).GT.0) 1 CALL GWF2HYD7SUB7SE(1,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHYD).GT.0 .AND. IUNIT(IUSTR).GT.0) 1 CALL GWF2HYD7STR7SE(1,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHYD).GT.0 .AND. IUNIT(IUSFR).GT.0) 1 CALL GWF2HYD7SFR7SE(1,IGRID) C C7C5---PRINT AND/OR SAVE DATA. IF(IUNIT(IUVDF).EQ.0)THEN CALL GWF2BAS7OT(KKSTP,KKPER,ICNVG,1,IGRID,BUDPERC) ELSE CALL VDF2BAS7OT(KKSTP,KKPER,ICNVG,1,IGRID,BUDPERC) ENDIF IF(IUNIT(IUIBS).GT.0) CALL GWF2IBS7OT(KKSTP,KKPER, 1 IUNIT(IUIBS),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHUF2).GT.0)THEN IF(IOHUFHDS .NE.0 .OR.IOHUFFLWS .NE.0) 1 CALL GWF2HUF7OT(KKSTP,KKPER,ICNVG,1,IGRID) ENDIF IF(IUNIT(IUMNWI).NE.0) CALL GWF2MNW2I7OT(NSTP(KKPER),KKSTP, 1 KKPER,IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSUB).GT.0) CALL GWF2SUB7OT(KKSTP,KKPER, 1 IUNIT(IUSUB),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSWT).GT.0) CALL GWF2SWT7OT(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) c SUB-Creep IF(IUNIT(IUSCR).GT.0) CALL GWF2SCR7OT(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) c SUB-Creep end IF(IUNIT(IUHYD).GT.0) CALL GWF2HYD7BAS7OT(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) C C7C6---JUMP TO END OF PROGRAM IF CONVERGENCE WAS NOT ACHIEVED. c IF(ICNVG.EQ.0) GO TO 110 !## check waterbalance whether to continue yes/no if(psolved)then NCVGERR=NCVGERR+1 WRITE(IOUT,87) BUDPERC 87 FORMAT(1X,'FAILURE TO MEET SOLVER CONVERGENCE CRITERIA',/ 1 1X,'BUDGET PERCENT DISCREPANCY IS',F10.4) IF(ABS(BUDPERC).GT.STOPER) THEN WRITE(IOUT,*) 'STOPPING SIMULATION' stop 99 ! GO TO 110 ELSE WRITE(IOUT,*) 'CONTINUING EXECUTION' ICNVG=1 END IF END IF call splitfiles(iout,igrid) ! DLT C-----END OF TIME STEP (KSTP) AND STRESS PERIOD (KPER) LOOPS c 90 CONTINUE c 100 CONTINUE enddo ! DLT: instances call timing_toc('MODFLOW','OTBD') ! DLT return end c ****************************************************************************** c ======= subroutine mf2005_RivBudgetShead() use m_mf2005_main use m_mf2005_iu USE GWFBASMODULE,ONLY: MSUM, VBVL implicit none c arguments c local variables integer :: igrid integer(kind=8) :: offset c init do igrid=1,ninstance ! DLT: instances IF(IUNIT(IURIV).GT.0) THEN CALL SGWF2BAS7PNT(IGRID) MSUM = 1 ! ! save file position ! call osd_ftell(IUNIT(IURIV),offset) ! CALL GWF2RIV7RP(IUNIT(IURIV),IGRID) ! call osd_fseek(IUNIT(IURIV),offset,0) CALL GWF2RIV7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) MSUM = 1 VBVL(:,MSUM) = 0. ENDIF enddo return end subroutine subroutine mf2005_finishSimulationWrp0() ! wrapper routine implicit none ! local variables integer :: retVal ! ------------------------------ call mf2005_finishSimulation(retVal) return end c ======= subroutine mf2005_finishSimulation(retVal) use m_mf2005_main use m_mf2005_iu implicit none c arguments integer, intent(out) :: retVal c functions logical :: pks7mpimasterwrite c local variable integer :: igrid c init retVal = 0 do igrid=1,ninstance ! DLT: instances call sgwf2ins1pnt(igrid) ! DLT: instances call SGWF2BAS7PNT(IGRID) ! DLT: instances C C IF(IUNIT(IUMNW1).NE.0) CALL GWF2MNW17OT(IGRID) C C8------END OF SIMULATION C-------SAVE RESTART RECORDS FOR SUB PACKAGE 110 IF(IUNIT(IUSUB).GT.0) CALL GWF2SUB7SV(IGRID) C C Observation output IF(IUNIT(IUHOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2BAS7OT(IUNIT(IUHOB),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDROB).GT.0) CALL OBS2DRN7OT(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURVOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2RIV7OT(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUGBOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2GHB7OT(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSTOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2STR7OT(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUCHOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2CHD7OT(IGRID) CALL GLO1BAS6ET(IOUT,IBDT,1) C C9------CLOSE FILES AND DEALLOCATE MEMORY. GWF2BAS7DA MUST BE CALLED C9------LAST BECAUSE IT DEALLOCATES IUNIT. CALL SGWF2BAS7PNT(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUBCF6).GT.0) CALL GWF2BCF7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUWEL).GT.0) CALL GWF2WEL7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDRN).GT.0) CALL GWF2DRN7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURIV).GT.0) CALL GWF2RIV7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUEVT).GT.0) CALL GWF2EVT7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUGHB).GT.0) CALL GWF2GHB7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURCH).GT.0) CALL GWF2RCH7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSIP).GT.0) CALL SIP7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDE4).GT.0) CALL DE47DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUPCG).GT.0) CALL PCG7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUPKS).GT.0) CALL PKS7DA(IGRID) !PKS c IF(IUNIT(IULMG).GT.0) CALL LMG7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUFHB).GT.0) CALL GWF2FHB7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURES).GT.0) CALL GWF2RES7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSTR).GT.0) CALL GWF2STR7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUIBS).GT.0) CALL GWF2IBS7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUCHD).GT.0) CALL GWF2CHD7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHFB6).GT.0) CALL GWF2HFB7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IULAK).GT.0 .OR. IUNIT(IUSFR).GT.0) 1 CALL GWF2LAK7DA(IUNIT(IULAK),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IULPF).GT.0) CALL GWF2LPF7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHUF2).GT.0) CALL GWF2HUF7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUETS).GT.0) CALL GWF2ETS7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDRT).GT.0) CALL GWF2DRT7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(42).GT.0) CALL GMG7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSFR).GT.0) CALL GWF2SFR7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUGAGE).GT.0) CALL GWF2GAG7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUMNW2).GT.0) CALL GWF2MNW27DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUMNWI).GT.0) CALL GWF2MNW2I7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUMNW1).GT.0) CALL GWF2MNW17DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSUB).GT.0) CALL GWF2SUB7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUUZF).GT.0) CALL GWF2UZF1DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSWT).GT.0) CALL GWF2SWT7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSCR).GT.0) CALL GWF2SCR7DA(IGRID) CALL OBS2BAS7DA(IUNIT(IUHOB),IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUDROB).GT.0) CALL OBS2DRN7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IURVOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2RIV7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUGBOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2GHB7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUSTOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2STR7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUCHOB).GT.0) CALL OBS2CHD7DA(IGRID) IF(IUNIT(IUHYD).GT.0) CALL GWF2HYD7DA(IGRID) if(IUNIT(IUANI).gt.0) call gwf2ani3da(igrid) ! ANI if(IUNIT(IUMET).gt.0) call gwf2met1da(igrid) ! MET CALL GWF2BAS7DA(IGRID) C C10-----END OF PROGRAM. IF(ICNVG.EQ.0) THEN if (pks7mpimasterwrite()) & WRITE(*,*) 'FAILED TO MEET SOLVER CONVERGENCE CRITERIA' retVal = -1 ELSE if (pks7mpimasterwrite()) & WRITE(*,*) ' Normal termination of simulation' END IF call sgwf2ins1da(igrid) c CALL USTOP(' ') C enddo ! DLT: instances return END SUBROUTINE GETNAMFIL(FNAME) C ****************************************************************** C GET THE NAME OF THE NAME FILE C ****************************************************************** C SPECIFICATIONS: C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ CHARACTER*(*) FNAME CHARACTER*200 COMLIN LOGICAL EXISTS C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C Get name file from command line or user interaction. FNAME=' ' COMLIN=' ' C *** Subroutines GETARG and GETCL are extensions to Fortran 90/95 that C *** allow a program to retrieve command-line arguments. To enable C *** Modflow-2000 to read the name of a Name file from the command C *** line, either GETARG or GETCL must be called, but not both. As C *** distributed, the call to GETARG is uncommented. For compilers C *** that support GETCL but not GETARG, comment out the call to GETARG C *** and uncomment the call to GETCL. The calls to both GETARG and C *** GETCL may be commented out for compilers that do not support C *** either extension. CALL GETARG(1,COMLIN) C CALL GETCL(COMLIN) ICOL = 1 IF(COMLIN.NE.' ') THEN FNAME=COMLIN ELSE 15 WRITE (*,*) ' Enter the name of the NAME FILE: ' READ (*,'(A)') FNAME CALL URWORD(FNAME,ICOL,ISTART,ISTOP,0,N,R,0,0) FNAME=FNAME(ISTART:ISTOP) IF (FNAME.EQ.' ') GOTO 15 ENDIF INQUIRE (FILE=FNAME,EXIST=EXISTS) IF(.NOT.EXISTS) THEN NC=INDEX(FNAME,' ') FNAME(NC:NC+3)='.nam' INQUIRE (FILE=FNAME,EXIST=EXISTS) IF(.NOT.EXISTS) THEN WRITE (*,480) FNAME(1:NC-1),FNAME(1:NC+3) 480 FORMAT(1X,'Can''t find name file ',A,' or ',A) CALL USTOP(' ') ENDIF ENDIF C RETURN END SUBROUTINE GLO1BAS6ET(IOUT,IBDT,IPRTIM) C ****************************************************************** C Get end time and calculate elapsed time C ****************************************************************** C C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ INTEGER IBDT(8), IEDT(8), IDPM(12) DATA IDPM/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/ ! Days per month DATA NSPD/86400/ ! Seconds per day logical :: pks7mpimasterwrite ! PKS C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C Get current date and time, assign to IEDT, and write. CALL DATE_AND_TIME(VALUES=IEDT) if (pks7mpimasterwrite()) &WRITE(*,1000) (IEDT(I),I=1,3),(IEDT(I),I=5,7) 1000 FORMAT(1X,'Run end date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): ', &I4,'/',I2.2,'/',I2.2,1X,I2,':',I2.2,':',I2.2) IF(IPRTIM.GT.0) THEN WRITE(IOUT,'(1X)') WRITE(IOUT,1000) (IEDT(I),I=1,3),(IEDT(I),I=5,7) END IF C C Calculate elapsed time in days and seconds NDAYS=0 LEAP=0 IF (MOD(IEDT(1),4).EQ.0) LEAP = 1 IBD = IBDT(3) ! BEGIN DAY IED = IEDT(3) ! END DAY C FIND DAYS IF (IBDT(2).NE.IEDT(2)) THEN C MONTHS DIFFER MB = IBDT(2) ! BEGIN MONTH ME = IEDT(2) ! END MONTH NM = ME-MB+1 ! NUMBER OF MONTHS TO LOOK AT IF (MB.GT.ME) NM = NM+12 MC=MB-1 DO 10 M=1,NM MC=MC+1 ! MC IS CURRENT MONTH IF (MC.EQ.13) MC = 1 IF (MC.EQ.MB) THEN NDAYS = NDAYS+IDPM(MC)-IBD IF (MC.EQ.2) NDAYS = NDAYS + LEAP ELSEIF (MC.EQ.ME) THEN NDAYS = NDAYS+IED ELSE NDAYS = NDAYS+IDPM(MC) IF (MC.EQ.2) NDAYS = NDAYS + LEAP ENDIF 10 CONTINUE ELSEIF (IBD.LT.IED) THEN C START AND END IN SAME MONTH, ONLY ACCOUNT FOR DAYS NDAYS = IED-IBD ENDIF ELSEC=NDAYS*NSPD C C ADD OR SUBTRACT SECONDS ELSEC = ELSEC+(IEDT(5)-IBDT(5))*3600.0 ELSEC = ELSEC+(IEDT(6)-IBDT(6))*60.0 ELSEC = ELSEC+(IEDT(7)-IBDT(7)) ELSEC = ELSEC+(IEDT(8)-IBDT(8))*0.001 C C CONVERT SECONDS TO DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, AND SECONDS NDAYS = ELSEC/NSPD RSECS = MOD(ELSEC,86400.0) NHOURS = RSECS/3600.0 RSECS = MOD(RSECS,3600.0) NMINS = RSECS/60.0 RSECS = MOD(RSECS,60.0) NSECS = RSECS RSECS = MOD(RSECS,1.0) MSECS = NINT(RSECS*1000.0) NRSECS = NSECS IF (RSECS.GE.0.5) NRSECS=NRSECS+1 C C Write elapsed time to screen IF (NDAYS.GT.0) THEN if (pks7mpimasterwrite()) & WRITE(*,1010) NDAYS,NHOURS,NMINS,NRSECS 1010 FORMAT(1X,'Elapsed run time: ',I3,' Days, ',I2,' Hours, ',I2, & ' Minutes, ',I2,' Seconds',/) ELSEIF (NHOURS.GT.0) THEN if (pks7mpimasterwrite()) WRITE(*,1020) NHOURS,NMINS,NRSECS 1020 FORMAT(1X,'Elapsed run time: ',I2,' Hours, ',I2, & ' Minutes, ',I2,' Seconds',/) ELSEIF (NMINS.GT.0) THEN if (pks7mpimasterwrite()) WRITE(*,1030) NMINS,NSECS,MSECS 1030 FORMAT(1X,'Elapsed run time: ',I2,' Minutes, ', & I2,'.',I3.3,' Seconds',/) ELSE if (pks7mpimasterwrite()) WRITE(*,1040) NSECS,MSECS 1040 FORMAT(1X,'Elapsed run time: ',I2,'.',I3.3,' Seconds',/) ENDIF C C Write times to file if requested IF(IPRTIM.GT.0) THEN IF (NDAYS.GT.0) THEN WRITE(IOUT,1010) NDAYS,NHOURS,NMINS,NRSECS ELSEIF (NHOURS.GT.0) THEN WRITE(IOUT,1020) NHOURS,NMINS,NRSECS ELSEIF (NMINS.GT.0) THEN WRITE(IOUT,1030) NMINS,NSECS,MSECS ELSE WRITE(IOUT,1040) NSECS,MSECS ENDIF ENDIF C RETURN END c ****************************************************************************** function sutl_getTimeStepLength(igrid) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c get the timesteplength in days of the current timestep of model igrid c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use m_mf2005_main, only: GWFBASDAT,GLOBALDAT,mi use GLOBAL, only : ISSFLG implicit none c function declaration double precision :: sutl_getTimeStepLength ! return value: >0: time step length in days ! <=0: no more timesteps left c arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number of modflow c local variables double precision :: dfact logical :: lastStep integer :: lkper,lkstp,gnper,gnstp,tkper c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! check or any timesteps are left lastStep=.false. lkper=mi(igrid)%kper lkstp=mi(igrid)%kstp gnper=GLOBALDAT(igrid)%nper tkper=min(max(1,lkper),gnper) ! to be sure stressperiod number in interval [1,nper] gnstp=GLOBALDAT(igrid)%nstp(tkper) if (lkper.gt.gnper ) lastStep=.true. if (lkper.eq.gnper .and. lkstp.gt.gnstp) lastStep=.true. if (lastStep) then ! no more timesteps left sutl_getTimeStepLength = -1.0d0 else ! get conversion factor from model time to days select case( GLOBALDAT(igrid)%itmuni ) case (1) ! seconds dfact=1.0d0/86400.d0 case (2) ! minutes dfact=1.0d0/1440.d0 case (3) ! hours dfact=1.0d0/24.d0 case (4) ! days dfact=1.0d0 case (5) ! years dfact=365.d0 case default ! unknown dfact=1.0d0 end select !## make sure delt is zero for steady-state if(ISSFLG(lkper).ne.0)dfact=0.0 ! assign functionvalue sutl_getTimeStepLength = dfact*GWFBASDAT(igrid)%DELT endif c end of program return end c ****************************************************************************** function sutl_getLengthTotalStressPeriod(igrid) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c get the timesteplength in days of the current timestep of model igrid c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use m_mf2005_main, only: GWFBASDAT,GLOBALDAT,mi implicit none c function declaration double precision :: sutl_getLengthTotalStressPeriod ! return value: >0: time step length in days ! <=0: no more timesteps left c arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number of modflow c local variables double precision :: dfact ! logical :: lastStep integer :: lkper !,lkstp,gnper,gnstp,tkper c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! check or any timesteps are left ! lastStep=.false. lkper=mi(igrid)%kper ! lkstp=mi(igrid)%kstp ! gnper=GLOBALDAT(igrid)%nper ! tkper=min(max(1,lkper),gnper) ! to be sure stressperiod number in interval [1,nper] ! gnstp=GLOBALDAT(igrid)%nstp(tkper) ! get conversion factor from model time to days select case( GLOBALDAT(igrid)%itmuni ) case (1) ! seconds dfact=1.0d0/86400.d0 case (2) ! minutes dfact=1.0d0/1440.d0 case (3) ! hours dfact=1.0d0/24.d0 case (4) ! days dfact=1.0d0 case (5) ! years dfact=365.d0 case default ! unknown dfact=1.0d0 end select ! assign functionvalue sutl_getLengthTotalStressPeriod = 1 dfact*GLOBALDAT(igrid)%PERLEN(lkper) c end of program return end logical function mf2005_lastTimeStep(igrid) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c check is this was the last timestep c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use m_mf2005_main, only: GWFBASDAT,GLOBALDAT,mi implicit none c arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number of modflow c local variables logical :: lastStep integer :: lkper,lkstp,gnper,gnstp,tkper c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lastStep=.false. lkper=mi(igrid)%kper lkstp=mi(igrid)%kstp gnper=GLOBALDAT(igrid)%nper tkper=min(max(1,lkper),gnper) ! to be sure stressperiod number in interval [1,nper] gnstp=GLOBALDAT(igrid)%nstp(tkper) if (lkper.gt.gnper ) lastStep=.true. if (lkper.eq.gnper .and. lkstp.ge.gnstp) lastStep=.true. mf2005_lastTimeStep = lastStep return end !> Return number of MODFLOW grids. logical function mf2005_PutNumberOfGrids(nGrids) !... modules use m_mf2005_main, only: ninstance implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(out) :: nGrids !... locals logical :: ok !....................................................................... nGrids = ninstance ok = .true. if (nGrids.le.0) ok = .false. mf2005_PutNumberOfGrids = ok end function !> return dimensions of the MODFLOW grid. logical function mf2005_PutGridDimensions(igrid,nRows,nColumns, 1 nLayers) !... modules use global, only: ncol, nrow, nlay implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(out) :: nRows integer, intent(out) :: nColumns integer, intent(out) :: nLayers !... locals logical :: ok !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) !... checks ok = .true. if (.not.associated(nrow)) then ok = .false. else if (nrow.le.0) ok = .false. end if if (.not.associated(ncol)) then ok = .false. else if (ncol.le.0) ok = .false. end if if (.not.associated(nlay)) then ok = .false. else if (ncol.le.0) ok = .false. end if if (ok) then nRows = nrow nColumns = ncol nLayers = nlay end if mf2005_PutGridDimensions = ok end function !> Return number of exchange items (IDs). logical function mf2005_PutModSimNumberOfIDs(igrid,mini, 1 maxi,nxch) !... modules use gwfdxcmodule, only: minid, maxid, ndxc implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(out) :: mini integer, intent(out) :: maxi integer, intent(out) :: nxch !... locals logical :: ok !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) !... check ok = .true. if (.not.associated(ndxc)) then ok = .false. mf2005_PutModSimNumberOfIDs = ok return end if mini = minid maxi = maxid nxch = ndxc !if (nxch.le.0) ok = .false. mf2005_PutModSimNumberOfIDs = ok end function !> Return MODFLOW exchange IDs. logical function mf2005_PutModSimIDs(igrid,ids) !... modules use gwfdxcmodule, only: dxcid, ndxc implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, dimension(*), intent(out) :: ids !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i !....................................................................... !... set pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) !... check ok = .true. if (.not.associated(dxcid)) then ok = .false. mf2005_PutModSimIDs = ok return end if !... Copy the IDs do i = 1, ndxc ids(i) = dxcid(i) end do mf2005_PutModSimIDs = ok end function !> return exchange MODFLOW cells (layer, row, column) logical function mf2005_PutModSimCells(igrid,cells) !... modules use gwfdxcmodule, only: ndxc, dxcil, dxcir, dxcic implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, dimension(3,*), intent(out) :: cells !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i !....................................................................... !... set pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) !... check ok = .true. if (.not.associated(ndxc)) ok = .false. if (.not.associated(dxcil)) ok = .false. if (.not.associated(dxcir)) ok = .false. if (.not.associated(dxcic)) ok = .false. if (.not.ok) then mf2005_PutModSimCells = ok return end if !... copy cells do i = 1, ndxc cells(1,i) = dxcil(i) cells(2,i) = dxcir(i) cells(3,i) = dxcic(i) end do mf2005_PutModSimCells = ok end function !> return exchange MODFLOW cells (layer, row, column) logical function mf2005_PutModMozCells(igrid,cells) !... modules use gwfdxcmodule, only: ndxclsw, dxcirlsw, dxciclsw implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, dimension(3,*), intent(out) :: cells !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i !....................................................................... !... set pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) !... check ok = .true. if (.not.associated(ndxclsw)) ok = .false. if (.not.associated(dxcirlsw)) ok = .false. if (.not.associated(dxciclsw)) ok = .false. if (.not.ok) then mf2005_PutModMozCells = ok return end if !... copy cells do i = 1, ndxclsw cells(1,i) = 1 cells(2,i) = dxcirlsw(i) cells(3,i) = dxciclsw(i) end do mf2005_PutModMozCells = ok end function !> Return steady-state flag. logical function mf2005_PutSimulationType(igrid, lss) !... modules use global, only: nper, issflg implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid logical, intent(out) :: lss !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) !... check ok = .true. if (.not.associated(nper)) then ok = .false. else if (nper.le.0) ok = .false. end if if (.not.associated(issflg)) ok = .false. if (.not.ok) then mf2005_PutSimulationType = ok return end if !... find out or model is steady state or not lss = .true. do i=1, nper if (issflg(i).eq.0) lss = .false. enddo mf2005_PutSimulationType = ok end function !> Return flag for LPF activation. logical function mf2005_PutLPFActive(igrid, llpf) !... modules use global, only: iunit use m_mf2005_iu, only: iulpf implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid logical, intent(out) :: llpf !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) llpf = .false. if(IUNIT(IULPF).gt.0) llpf = .true. ok = .true. mf2005_PutLPFActive = ok end function !> Return flag for LPF activation. logical function mf2005_PutPWTActive(igrid, lpwt) !... modules use global, only: iunit use m_mf2005_iu, only: iupwt implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid logical, intent(out) :: lpwt !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) lpwt = .false. if(iunit(iupwt).gt.0) lpwt = .true. ok = .true. mf2005_PutPWTActive = ok end function !> Return hnoflo logical function mf2005_PutHeadNoFlo(igrid, h) !... modules use gwfbasmodule, only: hnoflo implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid real, intent(out) :: h !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) h = hnoflo mf2005_PutHeadNoFlo = .true. end function logical function mf2005_PutHeads(igrid,iliric,n,head,mv) !... modules use global, only: ibound, hnew implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid, n integer, dimension(3,*), intent(in) :: iliric real, intent(in) :: mv real, dimension(*), intent(out) :: head !... locals integer :: i, icol, irow, ilay ! get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) do i = 1, n ilay = iliric(1,i) if(ilay.eq.0) then head(i) = mv cycle end if irow = iliric(2,i) icol = iliric(3,i) if (ibound(icol,irow,ilay).ne.0) then head(i) = hnew(icol,irow,ilay) else head(i) = mv endif end do mf2005_PutHeads = .true. end function !###======================================= logical function mf2005_SaveHeads(igrid) !###======================================= use global, only: ibound, hnew,buff,nrow,ncol,nlay,iout USE m_mf2005_main,ONLY : KITER,ITER1 USE GWFBASMODULE,ONLY:HNOFLO use gwfmetmodule, only:resultdir implicit none integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer :: i, j,k real(kind=8) :: nodata character(len=256) :: fname ! get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2met1pnt(igrid) nodata=huge(1.0) do k=1,nlay do j=1,nrow; do i=1,ncol if (ibound(i,j,k).ne.0) then buff(i,j,k)= hnew(i,j,k) else buff(i,j,k)=nodata endif end do; enddo write(fname,'(a,i4.4,a,i2.2,a)') trim(resultdir)//'\headiter_', &1999+kiter,'0101_l',k,'.idf' call met1wrtidf(fname,buff(:,:,k),ncol,nrow,nodata,iout) enddo mf2005_SaveHeads = .true. end function mf2005_SaveHeads logical function mf2005_GetUnsaturatedZoneFlux(igrid, 1 nid,unsflux,xchIdx,xchOff,mv) !... modules use gwfbasmodule, only: delt use gwfdxcmodule, only: dxcuzflux use pks_imod_utl, only: pks_imod_utl_iarmwp_xch implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nid real, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: unsflux integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchIdx integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchOff real, intent(in) :: mv !... locals integer :: i, j, js, je, k, ilay, irow, icol real :: q !....................................................................... ! get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) dxcuzflux = 0.0 js = 1 do i = 1, nid je = xchOff(i) if (je-js.gt.0) then !write(*,*) 'Warning: cell received > 1 uszflux' end if do j = js, je k = xchIdx(j) if (k.le.0) then write(*,*) 'Error: coupling node index out of range' stop 1 end if q = unsflux(k) if (q.ne.mv) then ! the values got are volumes, recalculate them to fluxes q = q/delt else q = 0.0 end if dxcuzflux(i) = dxcuzflux(i) + q end do js = je + 1 end do call pks_imod_utl_iarmwp_xch(dxcuzflux,'q') ! save pointers call sgwf2dxc1psv(igrid) mf2005_GetUnsaturatedZoneFlux = .true. end function !> Set storage factor. logical function mf2005_GetStorageFactorLPF(igrid,strfct, 1 nid,xchIdx,xchOff,mv) !... modules use gwflpfmodule, only: sc1 use gwfdxcmodule, only: dxcic, dxcir, dxcil implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nid real, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: strfct integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchIdx integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchOff real, intent(in) :: mv !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i, j, js, je, k, ilay, irow, icol real :: s !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2lpf7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) ok = .true. js = 1 do i = 1, nid ilay = dxcil(i) if(ilay.eq.0) cycle irow = dxcir(i) icol = dxcic(i) je = xchOff(i) if (je-js.gt.0) then !write(*,*) 'Warning: cell received > 1 sf1' end if s = mv do j = js, je k = xchIdx(j) if (k.le.0) then ok = .false. mf2005_GetStorageFactorLPF = ok return end if if (strfct(k).ne.mv) then if (s.eq.mv) s = 0.0 s = s + strfct(k) end if end do if (s.ne.mv) then ! set storage factor sc1(icol,irow,ilay) = s endif js = je + 1 end do !... pointer save call gwf2lpf7psv(igrid) mf2005_GetStorageFactorLPF = ok end function !> Set storage factor. logical function mf2005_GetStorageFactor(igrid,strfct, 1 nid,xchIdx,xchOff,mv) !... modules use gwfbcfmodule, only: sc1 use gwfdxcmodule, only: dxcic, dxcir, dxcil implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nid real, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: strfct integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchIdx integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchOff real, intent(in) :: mv !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i, j, js, je, k, ilay, irow, icol real :: s !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2bcf7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) ok = .true. js = 1 do i = 1, nid ilay = dxcil(i) if(ilay.eq.0) cycle ! PKS irow = dxcir(i) icol = dxcic(i) je = xchOff(i) if (je-js.gt.0) then !write(*,*) 'Warning: cell received > 1 sf1' end if s = mv do j = js, je k = xchIdx(j) if (k.le.0) then ok = .false. mf2005_GetStorageFactor = ok return end if if (strfct(k).ne.mv) then if (s.eq.mv) s = 0.0 s = s + strfct(k) end if end do if (s.ne.mv) then ! set storage factor sc1(icol,irow,ilay) = s endif js = je + 1 end do !... pointer save call sgwf2bcf7psv(igrid) mf2005_GetStorageFactor = ok end function logical function mf2005_PutSeepageFlux(igrid,xchSeepage, 1 xchCells,nxch,mv,mflag) use global, only: delr, delc use gwfbcfmodule, only: seepage, seepagemv implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nxch integer, dimension(3,nxch), intent(in) :: xchCells real, dimension(nxch), intent(out) :: xchSeepage real, intent(in) :: mv logical, intent(in) :: mflag !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i, irow, icol, ilay real :: s, area !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2bcf7pnt(igrid) do i = 1, nxch ilay = xchCells(1,i) irow = xchCells(2,i) icol = xchCells(3,i) ! only add for the first layer if (ilay.eq.1) then s = seepage(icol,irow) if (s.eq.seepagemv) then s = mv else area = delr(icol)*delc(irow) if (.not.mflag) area = 1.0 s = s/area ! m3 --> m if mflag = .true. end if else s = mv end if xchSeepage(i) = s end do ok = .true. mf2005_PutSeepageFlux = ok end function logical function mf2005_PutSeepageSalt(igrid,xchSalt, 1 xchCells,nxch,mv,mflag) use gwfbcfmodule, only: seepage, seepagemv use gwfdxcmodule, only: seepageconc implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nxch integer, dimension(3,nxch), intent(in) :: xchCells real, dimension(nxch), intent(out) :: xchSalt real, intent(in) :: mv logical, intent(in) :: mflag !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i, irow, icol, ilay real :: seep, conc, flux, area !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2bcf7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) do i = 1, nxch ilay = xchCells(1,i) irow = xchCells(2,i) icol = xchCells(3,i) ! only add for the first layer if (ilay.eq.1) then seep = seepage(icol,irow) conc = seepageconc(icol,irow) flux = mv if (seep.ne.seepagemv .and. conc.gt.0.) then if (seep.lt.0.) flux = -seep*conc end if else flux = mv end if xchSalt(i) = flux end do ok = .true. mf2005_PutSeepageSalt = ok end function logical function mf2005_PutRiverFlux(igrid,xchRivFlux, 1 xchCells,nxch,mv, 1 nhrivsys,hrivsys,nwrivsys,wrivsys, 1 mflag,wells) use global, only: buff, delr, delc use gwfrivmodule, only: rivr, nriver, nrivvl, 1 irivsubsys, irivrconc implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nxch integer, dimension(3,nxch), intent(in) :: xchCells real, dimension(nxch), intent(out) :: xchRivFlux real, intent(in) :: mv integer, intent(in) :: nhrivsys integer, dimension(nhrivsys), intent(in) :: hrivsys integer, intent(in) :: nwrivsys integer, dimension(nwrivsys), intent(in) :: wrivsys logical, intent(in) :: mflag logical, intent(in) :: wells !... locals logical :: ok, add integer :: i, j, n, irow, icol, ilay, isys real :: flux, conc, area double precision :: mask ! PKS !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2riv7pnt(igrid) !... get number of rivers if (associated(nriver)) then n = nriver else n = 0 end if !... use the working buffer for temporary storage and initialize buff = mv do i = 1, n add = .true. ilay = rivr(1,i) irow = rivr(2,i) icol = rivr(3,i) flux = rivr(nrivvl,i) call pks7mpimask( mask, icol, irow, ilay ) ! PKS if (mask.lt.0.5d0) flux = 0. ! PKS conc = rivr(irivrconc,i) isys = rivr(irivsubsys,i) ! skip subsystem H do j = 1, nhrivsys if (isys.eq.hrivsys(j)) add = .false. end do if (.not.wells) then do j = 1, nwrivsys if (isys.eq.wrivsys(j)) add = .false. end do else do j = 1, nwrivsys if (isys.ne.wrivsys(j)) add = .false. end do if (add .and. conc.lt.0.0) add = .false. end if if (add) then if (buff(icol,irow,1).eq.mv) buff(icol,irow,1) = 0.0 buff(icol,irow,1) = buff(icol,irow,1) + flux end if end do !... Copy to exchange array do i = 1, nxch ilay = xchCells(1,i) irow = xchCells(2,i) icol = xchCells(3,i) flux = buff(icol,irow,1) if (flux.ne.mv) then area = delr(icol)*delc(irow) if (.not.mflag) area = 1.0 flux = flux/area ! m3 --> m if mflag = .true. end if xchRivFlux(i) = flux end do ok = .true. mf2005_PutRiverFlux = ok end function logical function mf2005_PutRiverFluxSubsys(igrid,xchRivFlux, 1 xchCells,nxch,mv, 1 mflag,isubsys) use global, only: buff, delr, delc use gwfrivmodule, only: rivr, nriver, nrivvl, 1 irivsubsys implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nxch integer, dimension(3,nxch), intent(in) :: xchCells real, dimension(nxch), intent(out) :: xchRivFlux real, intent(in) :: mv logical, intent(in) :: mflag integer, intent(in) :: isubsys !... locals logical :: ok, add integer :: i, j, n, irow, icol, ilay, isys real :: flux, area !....................................................................... ok = .true. if (isubsys.le.0) then ok = .false. mf2005_PutRiverFluxSubsys = ok return end if !... get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2riv7pnt(igrid) !... get number of rivers if (associated(nriver)) then n = nriver else n = 0 end if !... use the working buffer for temporary storage and initialize buff = mv do i = 1, n add = .false. ilay = rivr(1,i) irow = rivr(2,i) icol = rivr(3,i) flux = rivr(nrivvl,i) isys = int(rivr(irivsubsys,i)) if (isys.eq.isubsys) add = .true. if (add) then if (buff(icol,irow,1).eq.mv) buff(icol,irow,1) = 0.0 buff(icol,irow,1) = buff(icol,irow,1) + flux end if end do !... Copy to exchange array do i = 1, nxch ilay = xchCells(1,i) irow = xchCells(2,i) icol = xchCells(3,i) flux = buff(icol,irow,1) if (flux.ne.mv) then area = delr(icol)*delc(irow) if (.not.mflag) area = 1.0 flux = flux/area ! m3 --> m if mflag = .true. end if xchRivFlux(i) = flux end do mf2005_PutRiverFluxSubsys = ok end function logical function mf2005_PutRiverStageSubsys(igrid,xchRivStage, 1 xchCells,nxch,mv,isubsys) use global, only: buff, delr, delc use gwfrivmodule, only: rivr, nriver, nrivvl, 1 irivsubsys implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nxch integer, dimension(3,nxch), intent(in) :: xchCells real, dimension(nxch), intent(out) :: xchRivStage real, intent(in) :: mv integer, intent(in) :: isubsys !... locals logical :: ok, add integer :: i, j, n, irow, icol, ilay, isys real :: stage !....................................................................... ok = .true. if (isubsys.le.0) then ok = .false. mf2005_PutRiverStageSubsys = ok return end if !... get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2riv7pnt(igrid) !... get number of rivers if (associated(nriver)) then n = nriver else n = 0 end if !... use the working buffer for temporary storage and initialize buff = mv do i = 1, n add = .false. ilay = rivr(1,i) irow = rivr(2,i) icol = rivr(3,i) stage = rivr(4,i) isys = int(rivr(irivsubsys,i)) if (isys.eq.isubsys) add = .true. if (add) then if (buff(icol,irow,1).eq.mv) then buff(icol,irow,1) = stage else ok = .false. end if end if end do !... Copy to exchange array do i = 1, nxch ilay = xchCells(1,i) irow = xchCells(2,i) icol = xchCells(3,i) stage = buff(icol,irow,1) xchRivStage(i) = stage end do mf2005_PutRiverStageSubsys = ok end function logical function mf2005_PutSaltFlux(igrid,xchRivFlux, 1 xchCells,nxch,mv,nwrivsys,wrivsys) use global, only: buff, delr, delc use gwfrivmodule, only: rivr, nriver, nrivvl, 1 irivsubsys, irivrconc implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nxch integer, dimension(3,nxch), intent(in) :: xchCells real, dimension(nxch), intent(out) :: xchRivFlux real, intent(in) :: mv integer, intent(in) :: nwrivsys integer, dimension(nwrivsys), intent(in) :: wrivsys !... locals logical :: ok, add integer :: i, j, n, irow, icol, ilay real :: flux, conc, saltflux, area double precision :: mask ! PKS !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2riv7pnt(igrid) !... get number of rivers if (associated(nriver)) then n = nriver else n = 0 end if !... use the working buffer for temporary storage and initialize buff = mv do i = 1, n add = .false. if (irivsubsys.gt.0) then do j = 1, nwrivsys if (rivr(irivsubsys,i).eq.wrivsys(j)) add = .true. end do end if ilay = rivr(1,i) irow = rivr(2,i) icol = rivr(3,i) flux = rivr(nrivvl,i) call pks7mpimask( mask, icol, irow, ilay ) ! PKS if (mask.lt.0.5d0) flux = 0. ! PKS conc = rivr(irivrconc,i) saltflux = mv if (conc.gt.0.0) then ! work-around, to be changed for proper missing value if (flux.lt.0.0) then saltflux = flux*conc else saltflux = 0.0 end if end if if (saltflux.eq.mv) add = .false. if (add) then if (buff(icol,irow,1).eq.mv) buff(icol,irow,1) = 0.0 buff(icol,irow,1) = buff(icol,irow,1) + saltflux end if end do !... Copy to exchange array do i = 1, nxch ilay = xchCells(1,i) irow = xchCells(2,i) icol = xchCells(3,i) flux = buff(icol,irow,1) xchRivFlux(i) = flux end do ok = .true. mf2005_PutSaltFlux = ok end function logical function mf2005_PutSaltFluxSeepage(igrid,xchFlux, 1 xchCells,nxch,mv) use gwfbcfmodule, only: seepage, seepagemv use gwfdxcmodule, only: seepageconc implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nxch integer, dimension(3,nxch), intent(in) :: xchCells real, dimension(nxch), intent(out) :: xchFlux real, intent(in) :: mv !... locals logical :: ok, add integer :: i, j, n, irow, icol, ilay real :: flux, seep, conc !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2bcf7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) !... determine seepage flux do i = 1, nxch ilay = xchCells(1,i) irow = xchCells(2,i) icol = xchCells(3,i) flux = mv seep = seepage(icol,irow) conc = seepageconc(icol,irow) if (seep.ne.seepagemv .and. conc > 0.) then flux = 0. if (seep < 0.) then flux = -seep*conc ! [m3]*[mg/l] = [m3]*[g/m3] = [g] end if end if xchFlux(i) = flux end do ok = .true. mf2005_PutSaltFluxSeepage = ok end function subroutine mf2005_DrnBudgetShead() !BM !BM use m_mf2005_main !BM use m_mf2005_iu !BM USE GWFBASMODULE,ONLY: MSUM, VBVL !BM !BM implicit none !BM c arguments !BM !BM c local variables !BM integer :: igrid, offset !BM c init !BM !BM do igrid=1,ninstance ! DLT: instances !BM IF(IUNIT(IUDRN).GT.0) THEN !BM CALL SGWF2BAS7PNT(IGRID) !BM MSUM = 1 !BM CALL GWF2DRN7BD(KKSTP,KKPER,IGRID) !BM MSUM = 1 !BM VBVL(:,MSUM) = 0. !BM ENDIF !BM enddo !BM return !BM end subroutine !BM logical function mf2005_PutDrainFlux(igrid,xchDrnFlux, 1 xchCells,nxch,mv,mflag) use global, only: buff, delr, delc use gwfdrnmodule, only: drai, ndrain, ndrnvl, idrnsubsys implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nxch integer, dimension(3,nxch), intent(in) :: xchCells real, dimension(nxch), intent(out) :: xchDrnFlux real, intent(in) :: mv logical, intent(in) :: mflag !... locals logical :: ok, add integer :: i, n, irow, icol, ilay real :: flux, area double precision :: mask ! PKS !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2drn7pnt(igrid) !... get number of rivers if (associated(ndrain)) then n = ndrain else n = 0 end if !... use the working buffer for temporary storage and initialize buff = mv do i = 1, n add = .true. ilay = drai(1,i) irow = drai(2,i) icol = drai(3,i) flux = drai(ndrnvl,i) call pks7mpimask( mask, icol, irow, ilay ) ! PKS if (mask.lt.0.5d0) flux = 0. ! PKS if (add) then if (buff(icol,irow,1).eq.mv) buff(icol,irow,1) = 0.0 buff(icol,irow,1) = buff(icol,irow,1) + flux end if end do !... Copy to exchange array do i = 1, nxch ilay = xchCells(1,i) irow = xchCells(2,i) icol = xchCells(3,i) flux = buff(icol,irow,1) if (flux.ne.mv) then area = delr(icol)*delc(irow) if (.not.mflag) area = 1.0 flux = flux/area ! m3 --> m if mflag = .true. end if xchDrnFlux(i) = flux end do ok = .true. mf2005_PutDrainFlux = ok end function logical function mf2005_PutDrainFluxSubsys(igrid,xchDrnFlux, 1 xchCells,nxch,mv,mflag,isubsys) use global, only: buff, delr, delc use gwfdrnmodule, only: drai, ndrain, ndrnvl, idrnsubsys implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nxch integer, dimension(3,nxch), intent(in) :: xchCells real, dimension(nxch), intent(out) :: xchDrnFlux real, intent(in) :: mv logical, intent(in) :: mflag integer, intent(in) :: isubsys !... locals logical :: ok, add integer :: i, n, irow, icol, ilay, isys real :: flux, area !....................................................................... ok = .true. if (isubsys.le.0) then ok = .false. mf2005_PutDrainFluxSubsys = ok return end if !... get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2drn7pnt(igrid) !... get number of rivers if (associated(ndrain)) then n = ndrain else n = 0 end if !... use the working buffer for temporary storage and initialize buff = mv do i = 1, n add = .false. ilay = drai(1,i) irow = drai(2,i) icol = drai(3,i) flux = drai(ndrnvl,i) isys = int(drai(idrnsubsys,i)) if (isys.eq.isubsys) add = .true. if (add) then if (buff(icol,irow,1).eq.mv) buff(icol,irow,1) = 0.0 buff(icol,irow,1) = buff(icol,irow,1) + flux end if end do !... Copy to exchange array do i = 1, nxch ilay = xchCells(1,i) irow = xchCells(2,i) icol = xchCells(3,i) flux = buff(icol,irow,1) if (flux.ne.mv) then area = delr(icol)*delc(irow) if (.not.mflag) area = 1.0 flux = flux/area ! m3 --> m if mflag = .true. end if xchDrnFlux(i) = flux end do mf2005_PutDrainFluxSubsys = ok end function !> Put the river subsystems to skip. logical function mf2005_PutModMozRiversToSkip(igrid,nhriv, 1 hriv) !... modules use gwfdxcmodule, only: maxnhrivsys, nhrivsys, hrivsys implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nhriv integer, dimension(nhriv), intent(in) :: hriv !... locals logical :: ok !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) ok = .true. if (nhriv.gt.maxnhrivsys) then ok = .false. mf2005_PutModMozRiversToSkip = ok return end if nhrivsys = nhriv hrivsys(1:nhrivsys) = hriv(1:nhrivsys) !... save pointers call sgwf2dxc1psv(igrid) !... return mf2005_PutModMozRiversToSkip = ok end function !> Return number of exchange items (LSW IDs). logical function mf2005_PutModMozNumberOfIDs(igrid, nxch) !... modules use gwfdxcmodule, only: ndxclsw implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(out) :: nxch !... locals logical :: ok !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) !... check ok = .true. if (.not.associated(ndxclsw)) then ok = .false. mf2005_PutModMozNumberOfIDs = ok return end if nxch = ndxclsw if (nxch.le.0) ok = .false. mf2005_PutModMozNumberOfIDs = ok end function !> Return number of exchange items (PV IDs). logical function mf2005_PutModMozPVNumberOfIDs(igrid, nxch) !... modules use gwfdxcmodule, only: ndxcpv implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(out) :: nxch !... locals logical :: ok !....................................................................... !... get pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) !... check ok = .true. if (.not.associated(ndxcpv)) then ok = .false. mf2005_PutModMozPVNumberOfIDs = ok return end if nxch = ndxcpv c if (nxch.le.0) ok = .false. mf2005_PutModMozPVNumberOfIDs = ok end function !> Return MODFLOW exchange IDs. logical function mf2005_PutModMozIDs(igrid,ids) !... modules use gwfdxcmodule, only: dxcidlsw, ndxclsw implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, dimension(*), intent(out) :: ids !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i !....................................................................... !... set pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) !... check ok = .true. if (.not.associated(dxcidlsw)) then ok = .false. mf2005_PutModMozIDs = ok return end if !... Copy the IDs do i = 1, ndxclsw ids(i) = dxcidlsw(i) end do mf2005_PutModMozIDs = ok end function !> Return MODFLOW exchange IDs. logical function mf2005_PutModMozPVIDs(igrid,ids) !... modules use gwfdxcmodule, only: dxcidpv, ndxcpv implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, dimension(*), intent(out) :: ids !... locals logical :: ok integer :: i !....................................................................... !... set pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) !... check ok = .true. if (.not.associated(dxcidpv)) then ok = .false. mf2005_PutModMozPVIDs = ok return end if !... Copy the IDs do i = 1, ndxcpv ids(i) = dxcidpv(i) end do mf2005_PutModMozPVIDs = ok end function logical function mf2005_GetLSWLevels(igrid, 1 levels,nid,xchIdx,xchOff,mv) !... modules use gwfdxcmodule, only: dxclevlsw, dxcmv implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nid real, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: levels integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchIdx integer, dimension(nid), intent(in) :: xchOff real, intent(in) :: mv !... locals integer :: i, j, js, je, k, ilay, irow, icol real :: lev !....................................................................... ! get pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) dxclevlsw = dxcmv js = 1 do i = 1, nid je = xchOff(i) if (je-js.gt.0) write(*,*) 'Warning: cell received > 1 uszflux' do j = js, je k = xchIdx(j) if (k.le.0) then write(*,*) 'Error: coupling node index out of range' stop 1 end if lev = levels(k) if (lev.eq.mv) lev = dxcmv dxclevlsw(i) = lev end do js = je + 1 end do ! save pointers call sgwf2dxc1psv(igrid) mf2005_GetLSWLevels = .true. end function logical function mf2005_GetPVLevels(igrid, 1 levels,nid,xchIdx,xchOff,mv) !... modules use gwfdxcmodule, only: dxclevpv, dxcmv implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid integer, intent(in) :: nid real, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: levels integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchIdx integer, dimension(nid), intent(in) :: xchOff real, intent(in) :: mv !... locals integer :: i, j, js, je, k, ilay, irow, icol real :: lev !....................................................................... ! set pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) dxclevpv = dxcmv js = 1 do i = 1, nid je = xchOff(i) if (je-js.gt.0) then write(*,*) 'Warning: cell received > 1 levels' end if do j = js, je k = xchIdx(j) if (k.le.0) then write(*,*) 'Error: coupling node index out of range' stop 1 end if lev = levels(k) if (lev.eq.mv) lev = dxcmv dxclevpv(i) = lev end do js = je + 1 end do ! save pointers call sgwf2dxc1psv(igrid) mf2005_GetPVLevels = .true. end function logical function mf2005_TimeserieInit(igrid,lipest) !... modules use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_pol1located use global, only: iunit, nlay, nrow, ncol, ibound, botm, lbotm use gwfmetmodule, only: coord_xll_nb,coord_yll_nb,coord_xur_nb, 1 coord_yur_nb,cdelr,cdelc,resultdir use m_mf2005_iu use tsvar implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid logical,intent(in) :: lipest !... locals logical :: ok, valid, LPKS integer :: jj, i, ilay, irow, icol real(kind=8) :: x, y, w, t, b, m !....................................................................... ok = .true. if (iipf.eq.0) then mf2005_TimeserieInit = ok return end if ! set pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2met1pnt(igrid) if (IUNIT(IUMET).le.0) then ok = .false. mf2005_TimeserieInit = ok return end if if (.not.associated(coord_xll_nb).or. 1 .not.associated(coord_yll_nb).or. 1 .not.associated(coord_yur_nb).or. 1 .not.associated(coord_xur_nb).or. 1 .not.associated(cdelr).or. 1 .not.associated(cdelc)) then ok = .false. mf2005_TimeserieInit = ok return end if CALL PKS7MPIACTIVE(LPKS) do jj = 1, abs(iipf) do i = 1, ts(jj)%nrowipf x = ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%x y = ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%y w = ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%w ilay = ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%ilay valid = .true. !## overrule measurements in buffer in case of PKS or in case of ipest if(lpks.or.lipest)then if (x.le.coord_xll_nb .or. x.ge.coord_xur_nb)valid = .false. if (y.le.coord_yll_nb .or. y.ge.coord_yur_nb)valid = .false. endif ! if (ilay.lt.0 .or. if(ilay.gt.nlay) valid = .false. if(w.eq.0.0)valid=.false. ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%valid = valid if (valid) then ! store indices icol = ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%icol irow = ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%irow if (icol.eq.0 .or. irow.eq.0) then call imod_utl_pol1located(cdelr,ncol+1,x,icol) call imod_utl_pol1located(cdelc,nrow+1,y,irow) if(icol.gt.0.and.icol.le.ncol.and. & irow.gt.0.and.irow.le.nrow)then !## check if constant head or inactive cell - make measurement invalid if(ilay.gt.0)then if(ibound(icol,irow,ilay).le.0)then ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%valid = .false. endif !## first active layer elseif(ilay.lt.0)then do ilay=1,nlay if(ibound(icol,irow,ilay).gt.0)exit enddo !## based on filterscreen else t=ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%z1 b=ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%z2 m=(t+b)/2.0 do ilay=1,nlay if(ibound(icol,irow,ilay).gt.0)then if(botm(icol,irow,lbotm(ilay)-1).ge.m.and. 1botm(icol,irow,lbotm(ilay)).le.m)exit endif enddo endif if(ilay.gt.nlay)then write(*,*) 'cannot assign observation ',i,' of ipf ', 1jj ! pause; ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%valid=.false. endif ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%icol = icol ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%irow = irow ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%ilay = ilay else ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%valid = .false. endif end if end if end do end do mf2005_TimeserieInit = ok end function subroutine mf2005_GetSavePath_TS(savepath,savepdir) !... modules use gwfmetmodule !... arguments character(len=*),intent(out) :: savepath,savepdir call sgwf2met1pnt(1) if (associated(resultdir))savepath=resultdir if (associated(ipestpdir))savepdir=ipestpdir end subroutine mf2005_GetSavePath_TS logical function mf2005_TimeserieGetHead(igrid) !... modules use global, only: hnew, iunit, nlay, nrow, ncol use gwfbasmodule, only: hnoflo use gwfmetmodule use tsvar implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid !... functions real :: mf2005_tserie1hmean !... locals logical :: ok integer :: jj, i, ilay, irow, icol, jlay real(kind=8) :: x, y real :: h !....................................................................... ok = .true. ! set pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) if (iipf.eq.0) then mf2005_TimeserieGetHead = ok return end if do jj = 1, abs(iipf) do i = 1, ts(jj)%nrowipf if (.not.ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%valid) cycle ! skip invalid data icol = ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%icol irow = ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%irow if (icol.eq.0 .or. irow.eq.0) then ok = .false. mf2005_TimeserieGetHead = ok return end if ilay = ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%ilay if(iipf.gt.0)then !## assign appropriate model layer if(ilay.eq.0)then do jlay=1,nlay if(real(hnew(icol,irow,jlay)).ne.hnoflo)exit enddo h=hnoflo; if(jlay.le.nlay)h=real(hnew(icol,irow,jlay)) else h=real(hnew(icol,irow,ilay)) endif else x = ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%x y = ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%y !## interpolate heads h=mf2005_tserie1hmean(x,y,icol,irow,ilay) endif ts(jj)%stvalue(i)%c = h ! set computed value end do end do mf2005_TimeserieGetHead = ok end function !> Enable PEST for MODFLOW. logical function mf2005_GetPestFlag(flag) !... modules use global, only: lipest implicit none !... arguments logical, intent(in) :: flag !....................................................................... lipest = flag mf2005_GetPestFlag = .true. end function !> Set the run-file root for DXC package logical function mf2005_GetDxcRoot(rfroot) !... modules use gwfdxcmodule, only: dxcroot implicit none !... arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: rfroot !... locals logical :: ok !....................................................................... ok = .true. dxcroot = trim(rfroot) mf2005_GetDxcRoot = ok end function logical function mf2005_PutHeadsForLayer(head,ncol,nrow, 1 ilay,igrid) !... modules use global, only: hnew implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: ncol,nrow,ilay,igrid double precision, dimension(ncol,nrow), intent(out) :: head !... locals ! get pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) head = hnew(:,:,ilay) mf2005_PutHeadsForLayer = .true. end function mf2005_PutHeadsForLayer logical function mf2005_GetRecharge(recharge,ncol,nrow,igrid) !... modules use global, only: iunit,delr,delc use m_mf2005_iu, only: iurch use gwfrchmodule, only: rechbuff !... arguments integer, intent(in) :: ncol,nrow,igrid real, dimension(ncol,nrow), intent(in) :: recharge !... locals !....................................................................... ! check if package is active if (iunit(iurch).le.0) then mf2005_GetRecharge = .false. return end if ! get pointers call sgwf2rch7pnt(igrid) ! allocate for the first time if (.not.associated(rechbuff)) then allocate(rechbuff(ncol,nrow)) end if ! set and multipy with cell area do irow=1,nrow do icol=1,ncol rechbuff(icol,irow)= 1 recharge(icol,irow)*delr(icol)*delc(irow) end do end do ! set pointers call sgwf2rch7psv(igrid) mf2005_GetRecharge = .true. end function mf2005_GetRecharge logical function mf2005_PutNumberOfRivers(n) !... modules use global, only: iunit use m_mf2005_iu, only: iudxc ! use gwfdxcmodule, only: ndxc1d,ndxcriv use gwfrivmodule implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(out) :: n !... locals integer, parameter :: igrid = 1 !....................................................................... mf2005_PutNumberOfRivers = .true. n=0 if(iunit(iudxc).eq.0)return ! set pointers call sgwf2riv7pnt(igrid) !## should be equal to ndxc1d only n = mxrivr end function mf2005_PutNumberOfRivers logical function mf2005_PutNumberOfRivers2(n) !... modules use global, only: iunit use m_mf2005_iu, only: iudxc use gwfrivmodule implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(out) :: n !... locals integer, parameter :: igrid = 1 !....................................................................... mf2005_PutNumberOfRivers2 = .true. n=0 if(iunit(iudxc).eq.0)return ! set pointers call sgwf2riv7pnt(igrid) if(.not.associated(mxrivr))return n = mxrivr end function mf2005_PutNumberOfRivers2 logical function mf2005_PutNumberOfDrains(n) !... modules use global, only: iunit use m_mf2005_iu, only: iudxc use gwfdrnmodule implicit none !... arguments integer, intent(out) :: n !... locals integer, parameter :: igrid = 1 !....................................................................... mf2005_PutNumberOfDrains = .true. n=0 if(iunit(iudxc).eq.0) return ! set pointers call sgwf2drn7pnt(igrid) IF (.NOT.ASSOCIATED(MXDRN)) RETURN n = MXDRN end function mf2005_PutNumberOfDrains logical function mf2005_Get1DWaterlevels(xchLev, mv) !... modules use global, only: iunit use m_mf2005_iu, only: iudxc use gwfdxcmodule, only: dxclevdfm, dxc1dcflux, max1d, dxcmv implicit none !... arguments double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: xchLev real, intent(in) :: mv !... locals integer, parameter :: igrid = 1 integer :: i real :: lev !....................................................................... if(iunit(iudxc).eq.0) then return endif ! set pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) do i = 1, max1d lev = real(xchLev(i)) if (lev.eq.mv) lev = dxcmv dxclevdfm(i) = lev end do ! do not use the correction fluxes of the previous time step dxc1dcflux = 0.0D+0 mf2005_Get1DWaterlevels = .true. end function mf2005_Get1DWaterlevels logical function mf2005_Put1DFlux(xchFlux) !... modules use global, only: iunit use m_mf2005_iu, only: iudxc use gwfrivmodule, only: rivr, nriver, nrivvl use gwfdxcmodule, only: dxclevdfm, dxcmv implicit none !... arguments double precision, dimension(*), intent(out) :: xchFlux ! ... locals integer, parameter :: igrid = 1 logical :: lok integer :: i real :: flux !....................................................................... lok = .true. !... check if(iunit(iudxc).eq.0) then lok = .false. mf2005_Put1DFlux = lok return endif call sgwf2riv7pnt(igrid) !... check if (.not.associated(nriver)) then lok = .false. mf2005_Put1DFlux = lok return end if do i = 1, nriver flux = rivr(nrivvl,i) if (dxclevdfm(i) /= dxcmv) then xchFlux(i) = dble(flux) else xchFlux(i) = 0.d0 end if end do mf2005_Put1DFlux = lok end function logical function mf2005_Put1DFlux2(xchFlux) !... modules use global, only: iunit ! use m_mf2005_iu, only: iudxc use gwfrivmodule !, only: rivr, nriver, nrivvl ! use gwfdxcmodule, only: dxclevdfm, dxcmv implicit none !... arguments double precision, dimension(*), intent(out) :: xchFlux ! ... locals integer, parameter :: igrid = 1 integer :: i,lbeg,lend,isub real :: flux !....................................................................... MF2005_PUT1DFLUX2=.FALSE. CALL SGWF2RIV7PNT(IGRID) !... check IF (.NOT.ASSOCIATED(RIVR))RETURN !## skip first system DO ISUB=2,NRIVSUBSYS LBEG=RIVSUBSIDX(ISUB,1) LEND=RIVSUBSIDX(ISUB,2) DO I=LBEG,LEND FLUX = RIVR(NRIVVL,I) XCHFLUX(I) = DBLE(FLUX) ENDDO END DO MF2005_PUT1DFLUX2=.TRUE. END FUNCTION logical function mf2005_PutDrnFlux(xchFlux) !... modules use global, only: iunit use m_mf2005_iu, only: iudxc use gwfdrnmodule implicit none !... arguments double precision, dimension(*), intent(out) :: xchFlux ! ... locals integer, parameter :: igrid = 1 integer :: i,lbeg,lend,isub real :: flux !....................................................................... mf2005_PutDrnFlux=.FALSE. CALL SGWF2DRN7PNT(IGRID) !... check IF (.NOT.ASSOCIATED(NDRAIN)) RETURN !## process all systems LEND=0 DO ISUB=1,NDRNSUBSYS ! LBEG=LEND+1 LBEG=DRNSUBSIDX(ISUB,1) LEND=DRNSUBSIDX(ISUB,2) DO I=LBEG,LEND FLUX = DRAI(NDRNVL,I) XCHFLUX(I) = DBLE(FLUX) ENDDO END DO MF2005_PUTDRNFLUX=.TRUE. END FUNCTION logical function mf2005_Get1DCorrectionFlux(xchFlux, mv) !... modules use global, only: iunit use m_mf2005_iu, only: iudxc use gwfrivmodule, only: nriver use gwfdxcmodule, only: dxc1dcflux, dxcmv implicit none !... arguments double precision, dimension(*), intent(in) :: xchFlux real, intent(in) :: mv ! ... locals integer, parameter :: igrid = 1 logical :: lok integer :: i real :: flux !....................................................................... lok = .true. !... check if(iunit(iudxc).eq.0) then lok = .false. mf2005_Get1DCorrectionFlux = lok return endif call sgwf2riv7pnt(igrid) !... check if (.not.associated(nriver)) then lok = .false. mf2005_Get1DCorrectionFlux = lok return end if do i = 1, nriver flux = real(xchFlux(i)) if (flux == mv) then flux = dxcmv end if dxc1dcflux(i) = flux end do mf2005_Get1DCorrectionFlux = lok end function ! !> Return number of MODFLOW grids. ! logical function mf2005_PutNumberOfGrids(igrid) ! !!... modules ! use m_mf2005_main, only: ninstance ! ! implicit none ! !!... arguments ! integer, intent(out) :: nGrids ! !!... locals ! logical :: ok !!....................................................................... ! ! nGrids = ninstance ! ! ok = .true. ! if (nGrids.le.0) ok = .false. ! mf2005_PutNumberOfGrids = ok ! ! end function