c Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2024. c c This file is part of iMOD. c c This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by c the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or c (at your option) any later version. c c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of c MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the c GNU General Public License for more details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License c along with this program. If not, see . c c Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl c Stichting Deltares c P.O. Box 177 c 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. module getfrombcflpf contains subroutine getbcfmincminkd(imkd,imc,mkd,mc) use gwfbcfmodule, only: iminkd,iminc,minkd,minc implicit none integer, pointer, intent(inout) :: imkd, imc real, pointer, intent(inout) :: mkd, mc imkd => iminkd imc => iminc mkd => minkd mc => minc end subroutine getbcfmincminkd subroutine getbcfsc1(s1) use gwfbcfmodule, only: sc1 implicit none real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: s1 s1 => sc1 end subroutine getbcfsc1 subroutine getlpfmincminkd(imkd,imc,mkd,mc) use gwflpfmodule, only: iminkd,iminc,minkd,minc implicit none integer, pointer, intent(out) :: imkd, imc real, pointer, intent(out) :: mkd, mc imkd => iminkd imc => iminc mkd => minkd mc => minc end subroutine getlpfmincminkd subroutine getlpfsc1(s1) use gwflpfmodule, only: sc1 implicit none real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: s1 s1 => sc1 end subroutine getlpfsc1 subroutine getbcflayavg(lavg) use gwfbcfmodule, only: layavg implicit none integer, pointer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: lavg lavg => layavg end subroutine subroutine getlpflayavg(lavg) use gwflpfmodule, only: layavg implicit none integer, pointer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: lavg lavg => layavg end subroutine end module getfrombcflpf module gwfpwtmodule implicit none integer, parameter :: ihnew = 2 ! 1=USE HNEW 2=USE HOLD integer,parameter :: ipilay = 1 ! (p) layer integer,parameter :: ipirow = 2 ! (p) row integer,parameter :: ipicol = 3 ! (p) column integer,parameter :: ipsc2 = 4 ! (p) freatic storage coefficient of lower layer integer,parameter :: ipbot = 5 ! (p) bottom of aquifer integer,parameter :: iptop2 = 6 ! (p) top of lower layer (leest dikte) integer,parameter :: ipthkaf= 7 ! (p) thickness of aquifer integer,parameter :: ipvcont= 8 ! (p) vcont of pwt-element (leest c) integer,parameter :: ipsc1 = 9 ! (p) backup for storage real,save,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: pwt_kd integer,save,pointer :: npwt real,save,dimension(:,:),pointer :: pwt type gwfpwttype real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: pwt_kd integer,pointer :: npwt real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: pwt end type type(gwfpwttype), save:: gwfpwtdat(10) end module subroutine gwf2pwt3da(igrid) c deallocate purged water table memory use gwfpwtmodule implicit none integer, intent(in) :: igrid call sgwf2pwt3pnt(igrid) deallocate(pwt_kd) deallocate(npwt) deallocate(pwt) end subroutine subroutine sgwf2pwt3pnt(igrid) c change purged water table data to a different grid. use gwfpwtmodule implicit none integer, intent(in) :: igrid pwt_kd => gwfpwtdat(igrid)%pwt_kd npwt => gwfpwtdat(igrid)%npwt pwt => gwfpwtdat(igrid)%pwt end subroutine subroutine sgwf2pwt3psv(igrid) C save purged water table data for a grid. use gwfpwtmodule implicit none integer, intent(in) :: igrid gwfpwtdat(igrid)%pwt_kd => pwt_kd gwfpwtdat(igrid)%npwt => npwt gwfpwtdat(igrid)%pwt => pwt end subroutine subroutine gwf2pwt3ar(inpwt,inbcf,igrid,iout) use getfrombcflpf use global, only: kdsv, ibound use gwfpwtmodule use global, only: nlay,nrow,ncol,delr,delc use rdrsmodule, only: nodata implicit none c arguments integer, intent(in) :: inpwt ! package input file integer, intent(in) :: inbcf integer, intent(in) :: igrid ! grid number integer, intent(in) :: iout c parameters real, parameter :: tiny = 1.0e-20 c locals character(len=24) :: aname(6) data aname(1) /'pwt model layer '/ data aname(2) /'pwt storage top aquifer '/ data aname(3) /'pwt top aquitard '/ data aname(4) /'pwt thick. aquitard '/ data aname(5) /'pwt thick. top aquifer '/ data aname(6) /'pwt resis. aquitard '/ integer :: i, ip, iact, ilay, irow, icol integer, pointer :: iminkd => null(), iminc => null() real :: rval, dxy real, pointer :: minkd => null(), minc => null() real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: sc1 => null() c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c allocate allocate(npwt) allocate(pwt_kd(ncol,nrow,nlay)) c read the PWT data do i = 1, 6 call u2drel(pwt_kd(1,1,1),aname(i),nrow,ncol,1,inpwt,iout) if (i.eq.1) then do iact = 1, 2 npwt = 0 do irow = 1, nrow do icol = 1, ncol rval = pwt_kd(icol,irow,1) if (rval.ne.nodata) then ilay = int(rval) if (ilay.gt.0.and.ilay.le.nlay)then if(ibound(icol,irow,ilay).gt.0) then npwt = npwt + 1 if (iact.eq.2) then pwt(1,npwt) = ilay pwt(2,npwt) = irow pwt(3,npwt) = icol end if endif end if end if end do end do if (iact.eq.1) then allocate(pwt(9,max(1,npwt))) end if end do else do ip = 1, npwt irow = pwt(2,ip) icol = pwt(3,ip) rval = pwt_kd(icol,irow,1) if (rval.eq.nodata) then write(*,*) 'Error PWT: reading nodata for ', 1 trim(aname(i)),' (icol,irow) =',icol,',',irow call ustop(' ') else pwt(i+2,ip) = rval end if end do end if end do c init the PWT data if (inbcf.gt.0) then call sgwf2bcf7pnt(igrid) call getbcfmincminkd(iminkd,iminc,minkd,minc) call getbcfsc1(sc1) else call sgwf2lpf7pnt(igrid) call getlpfmincminkd(iminkd,iminc,minkd,minc) call getlpfsc1(sc1) end if do ilay=1,nlay; do irow=1,nrow; do icol=1,ncol pwt_kd(icol,irow,ilay) = kdsv(icol,irow,ilay) enddo; enddo; enddo do ip = 1, npwt ilay = pwt(ipilay,ip) irow = pwt(ipirow,ip) icol = pwt(ipicol,ip) if (iminc.eq.1) then pwt(ipvcont,ip) = max(minc,pwt(ipvcont,ip)) end if dxy = delr(icol)*delc(irow) pwt(ipvcont,ip) = (1.0/(pwt(ipvcont,ip)+tiny))*dxy ! c--> conductance pwt(ipsc2,ip) = pwt(ipsc2,ip)*dxy ! muliply psc2 by cell area pwt(ipsc1,ip) = sc1(icol,irow,ilay+1) ! backup sc for ilay+1 if (ilay.gt.1) then pwt_kd(icol,irow,ilay)=sum(pwt_kd(icol,irow,1:ilay)) if (iminkd.eq.1) pwt_kd(icol,irow,1:ilay-1)=minkd end if end do c save data call sgwf2pwt3psv(igrid) end subroutine subroutine gwf2pwt3fm(kiter,kper,igrid,inbcf) use getfrombcflpf use gwfpwtmodule use global, only: nlay,nrow,ncol,delr,delc,cc,cr,cv, 1 ibound,hnew,hold,issflg,rhs use gwfbcfmodule, only: laycon use gwflpfmodule, only: laytyp implicit none ! character(len=52) :: fname c arguments integer, intent(in) :: kiter integer, intent(in) :: kper integer, intent(in) :: igrid ! grid number integer, intent(in) :: inbcf c parameters real, parameter :: tiny = 1.0e-20 c locals integer :: iss, ip, ilay, irow, icol, i, ir, ic, ii integer, dimension(:), pointer :: layavg => null() real :: h, h1, t, fct, q1, q2 real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: sc1 => null() integer, pointer :: iminkd => null(), iminc => null() real, pointer :: minkd => null(), minc => null() integer,dimension(3,4) :: rci data rci/-1, 0,-1, !## row/col/cc (north) 1 0, 1, 2, !## row/col/cr (east) 1 1, 0, 1, !## row/col/cc (south) 1 0,-1,-2/ !## row/col/cr (west) c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c check if PWT can be used in combination with BCF and LPF if (inbcf.gt.0) then call sgwf2bcf7pnt(igrid) call getbcflayavg(layavg) if (sum(laycon).ne.0) then write(*,*) 'Error, PWT package can only be used', 1 ' with confined layers.' call ustop(' ') end if else call sgwf2lpf7pnt(igrid) call getlpflayavg(layavg) if (sum(laytyp).ne.0) then write(*,*) 'Error, PWT package can only be used', 1 ' with confined layers.' call ustop(' ') end if end if if (sum(layavg).ne.0) then write(*,*) 'Error, PWT package can only be used', 1 ' with horizontal harmonic weighed transmissivities.' call ustop(' ') end if c get iss for this stress period iss=issflg(kper) c return if steady-state if (iss.ne.0) return c init the PWT data if (inbcf.gt.0) then call sgwf2bcf7pnt(igrid) call getbcfmincminkd(iminkd,iminc,minkd,minc) call getbcfsc1(sc1) else call sgwf2lpf7pnt(igrid) call getlpfmincminkd(iminkd,iminc,minkd,minc) call getlpfsc1(sc1) end if ! reset parameters do ip = 1, npwt ilay = pwt(ipilay,ip) irow = pwt(ipirow,ip) icol = pwt(ipicol,ip) if (ibound(icol,irow,ilay) .gt.0 .and. 1 ibound(icol,irow,ilay+1).gt.0) then sc1(icol,irow,ilay+1)= pwt(ipsc1,ip) cv(icol,irow,ilay) = pwt(ipvcont,ip) end if end do do icol=1,ncol; do irow=1,nrow; do ilay=1,nlay cc(icol,irow,ilay) = pwt_kd(icol,irow,ilay) enddo; enddo; enddo !## store top of pwt rhs=-9999.0 do ip = 1, npwt ilay = pwt(ipilay,ip) irow = pwt(ipirow,ip) icol = pwt(ipicol,ip) if (ibound(icol,irow,ilay) .gt.0 .and. 1 ibound(icol,irow,ilay+1).gt.0) then !## store top of pwt layer rhs(icol,irow,ilay)=pwt(ipbot,ip) !xpwt(i,ipbot) !## storage below pwt layer t = pwt(ipbot,ip)- pwt(iptop2,ip) if(ihnew.eq.1)then h =real(hnew(icol,irow,ilay)) h1=real(hnew(icol,irow,ilay+1)) elseif(ihnew.eq.2)then h =real(hold(icol,irow,ilay)) h1=real(hold(icol,irow,ilay+1)) endif if(h1.lt.t)sc1(icol,irow,ilay+1)=pwt(ipsc2,ip) !## conductance !## adjust transmissivity fct=(h-pwt(ipbot,ip))/pwt(ipthkaf,ip) cc(icol,irow,ilay)=max(minkd,cc(icol,irow,ilay)*fct) !## head below pwt is lower than pwt layer if(h1.lt.pwt(ipbot,ip))then !## force cv to yield hnew>=bot() q1=max(0.0,h-pwt(ipbot,ip))*cv(icol,irow,ilay) !## computed by ax=b q2=(h-h1)*cv(icol,irow,ilay) !## correction to vertical conductance (smaller) fct=0.0; if(q2.gt.0.0) fct=q1/q2 !(q2+tiny) fct=max(tiny,fct) cv(icol,irow,ilay)=fct*cv(icol,irow,ilay) endif end if end do ! compute transmissivities using harmonic mean do ilay = 1, nlay !## no usage of minkd for pwt - allready processec in pwt_kd call sgwf2bcf7c(ilay,iminkd,minkd,1.0d0) !iminkd,minkd) !,cc,cr) ! call sgwf2bcf7c(ilay,0,0.0,1.0) !iminkd,minkd) !,cc,cr) end do ! open(99,file='d:\tmp.txt',status='unknown',action='write') ! write(99,*) cc ! write(99,*) cr ! write(99,*) cv ! close(99) !## correct harmonic conductances whenever next cells are dry (below top pwt) do ilay=1,nlay do irow=1,nrow do icol=1,ncol !## found pwt top if(rhs(icol,irow,ilay).eq.-9999.0)cycle do i=1,4 ir=min(nrow,max(1,irow+rci(1,i))) ic=min(ncol,max(1,icol+rci(2,i))) ii= rci(3,i) if(rhs(ic,ir,ilay).ne.-9999.0)cycle if(ihnew.eq.1)then h1=hnew(ic,ir,ilay) elseif(ihnew.eq.2)then h1=hold(ic,ir,ilay) endif if(h1.lt.rhs(icol,irow,ilay))then select case (ii) case (-1) !## north cc(icol,irow-1,ilay)=0.0 case (2) !## east cr(icol,irow,ilay)=0.0 case (1) !## south cc(icol,irow,ilay)=0.0 case (-2) !## west cr(icol-1,irow,ilay)=0.0 end select endif enddo enddo enddo enddo !## clear rhs rhs=0.0 ! extra checks conform imod do ilay=1,nlay do irow=1,nrow-1 do icol=1,ncol-1 if(ibound(icol,irow,ilay).eq.0) 1 cr(icol,irow,ilay)=0.0 if(ibound(icol+1,irow,ilay).eq.0) 1 cr(icol,irow,ilay)=0.0 if(ibound(icol,irow,ilay).eq.0) 1 cc(icol,irow,ilay)=0.0 if(ibound(icol,irow+1,ilay).eq.0) 1 cc(icol,irow,ilay)=0.0 enddo enddo enddo do ilay=1,nlay do irow=1,nrow; cr(ncol,irow,ilay)=0.0; enddo do icol=1,ncol; cc(icol,nrow,ilay)=0.0; enddo enddo c cr(ncol,1:nrow,1:nlay)=0.0 c cc(1:ncol,nrow,1:nlay)=0.0 ! write(fname,'(a,i2.2,a)') 'd:\tmp_error',kiter,'.txt' ! open(99,file=fname,status='unknown',action='write') ! do ilay=1,nlay; write(99,*) 'pwt_kd',ilay; write(99,*) ! 1pwt_kd(:,:,ilay); enddo ! do ilay=1,nlay; write(99,*) 'cc',ilay; write(99,*) cc(:,:,ilay); ! 1enddo ! do ilay=1,nlay; write(99,*) 'cr',ilay; write(99,*) cr(:,:,ilay); ! 1enddo ! do ilay=1,nlay; write(99,*) 'cv',ilay; write(99,*) cv(:,:,ilay); ! 1enddo ! close(99) ! save pointers call sgwf2bas7psv(igrid) end subroutine