c Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2017. c c This file is part of iMOD. c c This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by c the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or c (at your option) any later version. c c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of c MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the c GNU General Public License for more details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License c along with this program. If not, see . c c Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl c Stichting Deltares c P.O. Box 177 c 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. function rdrs_main(file,array,larray,ndimi,type,iout, 1 iupsc,idosc,ilay,ioper,coper) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c MODFLOW-2005 wrapper around rdrs_data to read data from a file. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use rdrsmodule use global, only: ncol, nrow use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_has_ext implicit none c function declaration integer rdrs_main ! return value: 0: OK ! <>0: ERROR c arguments c file : I: file naam c array : O: data read c larray: I: maximum number of elements in array c ndimi : I: maximum number of dimensions c O: number of dimension of data read c nodata: I: no data value c type : I: data type as expected for array: 'R'eal 'I'nteger c If necessary, conversion will be applied logical, dimension(5),intent(in) :: ioper ! DLT integer, dimension(5),intent(in) :: coper ! DLT integer :: larray ! (I) integer :: ndimi ! (I) integer :: iout ! (I) integer :: array(larray) ! (O) character :: file*(*) ! (I) character :: type*(*) ! (I) integer,intent(in) :: ilay integer :: iupsc ! (I) integer :: idosc ! (I) c local variables integer, parameter :: iipf = 1 integer, parameter :: iidf = 2 integer, parameter :: igen = 3 integer :: ndim, dims(ndimi), ios, filetype c functions integer :: cfn_length, rdrs_rddata_ipf, 1 imod_idfread, rdrs_rddata_gen c include files c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c set nodata ndim = ndimi c check for ipf (u2drel only) if (imod_utl_has_ext(file,'ipf')) then filetype = iipf ios = rdrs_rddata_ipf(file,iout,ilay) else if (imod_utl_has_ext(file,'idf')) then filetype = iidf if (type(1:1).eq.'i') then if (.not.allocated(rwrk)) then allocate(rwrk(ncol,nrow)) else if (size(rwrk,1).lt.ncol .or. 1 size(rwrk,2).lt.nrow) then deallocate(rwrk) allocate(rwrk(ncol,nrow)) end if end if ios = imod_idfread(file,array,rwrk,nodata,type(1:1), 1 iupsc,idosc,ioper,coper) else if (.not.allocated(iwrk)) then allocate(iwrk(ncol,nrow)) else if (size(iwrk,1).lt.ncol .or. 1 size(iwrk,2).lt.nrow) then deallocate(iwrk) allocate(iwrk(ncol,nrow)) end if end if ios = imod_idfread(file,iwrk,array,nodata,type(1:1), 1 iupsc,idosc,ioper,coper) end if else if (imod_utl_has_ext(file,'gen')) then filetype = igen ios = rdrs_rddata_gen(file,iout,ilay) else rdrs_main = -1 return end if if (ios.ne.0) then call ustop(' Stopped in routine rdrs_main') endif c assign result flag rdrs_main = ios c echo file type to list file select case(filetype) case(iidf) write(iout,*) ' FILE IDENTIFIED AS IDF' case(iipf) write(iout,*) ' FILE IDENTIFIED AS IPF' case(igen) write(iout,*) ' FILE IDENTIFIED AS GEN' end select c end of program return end function rdrs_rddata_ipf(file,iout,ilay) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c Read IPF file. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use global, only: ncol, nrow, delr, delc, iunit, issflg use m_mf2005_main, only: kper use gwfbasmodule, only: delt use gcdmodule use gwfmetmodule, only: coord_xll, coord_yll, time_ostring, ieq, 1 cdelr, cdelc, iss use imod_utl use m_mf2005_iu, only: iumet implicit none c function declaration integer rdrs_rddata_ipf,HR,MN,SC ! return value: ios c arguments character file*(*) ! (I) integer iout ! (O) integer,intent(in) :: ilay c local variables character(len=8) :: cdate character(len=300) :: txtfile, root, name CHARACTER(LEN=2048) :: LINE integer :: i, ret, ios, lun, nlist, icol, irow, ii, nc, iext, 1 sdate, edate, ttime, idate, TSC,ip1,ip2,nlen,j integer(kind=8) :: stime, etime real(kind=8) :: x, y real :: q, tf, bf !, dimension(1) logical :: found character(len=3) :: ext character(len=50), allocatable, dimension(:) :: string ! real, dimension(:), allocatable :: qsort c functions integer cfn_getlun, 1 osd_open2, 2 osd_fsplit c include files c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c c check if MET package is activated if (IUNIT(IUMET).le.0) then rdrs_rddata_ipf = -20 return else if (.not.associated(coord_xll) .or. 1 .not.associated(coord_yll)) then rdrs_rddata_ipf = -10 return end if end if ret = 0 c open file lun=cfn_getlun(10,99) if (lun.gt.0) then !## wait until it is ther i=0; do inquire(file=file,exist=found) if(found)exit if(i.eq.0)write(*,'(a)') 'iMODFLOW keeps trying to find '// 1trim(file) i=1; call sleep(10) enddo !## try to open it ios=osd_open2(lun,0,file,'old,formatted,readonly,shared') if (ios.ne.0) then ! ERROR opening file write(*,*) ' ERROR. opening file. ', 1 'I/O status: ',ios ret = -11 endif else ! ERROR no lun found write(*,*) ' ERROR. no free lun found for opening file.' ret = -12 end if if (ret.ne.0) then rdrs_rddata_ipf = ret return end if c read data read(lun,*) nlist read(lun,*) nc do i = 1, nc read(lun,'(a)') line end do read(lun,*) iext, ext c overrule iext when current timestep is steady-state iss = 0 if (issflg(kper).eq.1) then ! steady-state iss = 1 else if (issflg(kper).eq.0) then ! transient iss = 2 end if if(iss.eq.1)iext=0 c determine root and date if (iext.ne.0) then call osd_s_filename(file) ios=osd_fsplit(file,root,name) if (ios.ne.0) then write(*,*) 'ERROR. File splitting ipf.' call ustop(' ') end if c ### work-around Julian date ### read(time_ostring(1:8),*) idate sdate=imod_utl_idatetojdate(idate) c ### work-around Julian date ### c sdate = time_cjd ttime = int(delt) if (iss==1) ttime = 1 edate = sdate + ttime ! days only !## ipf use stime/etime STIME=IMOD_UTL_JDATETOIDATE(SDATE) read(time_ostring(9:14),'(3i2)') hr,mn,sc stime=stime*1000000+hr*10000+mn*100+sc call imod_utl_stimetoetime(stime,delt,etime) end if c allocate if(allocated(string)) deallocate(string) allocate(string(nc)) allocate(ipflist(isub,icolumn)%list(nc,nlist)) ipflist(isub,icolumn)%nlist = nlist ii = 0 do i = 1, nlist ! read(lun,'(a300)') line READ(LUN,'(A2048)',IOSTAT=IOS) LINE !## comma-seperated file IF(INDEX(LINE,',').GT.0)THEN IP2=1; NLEN=LEN_TRIM(LINE) DO ICOL=1,NC IP1=IP2 IP2=NLEN IF(ICOL.LT.NC)IP2=INDEX(LINE(IP1:NLEN),',')-1; IP2=IP1+IP2-1 IF(IP2.LT.IP1)THEN WRITE(*,'(/A)') 'STOP ERROR READING IPF FILE' WRITE(*,'(2X,A)') TRIM(FILE) WRITE(*,'(2(A,I10))') 'AT LINE ',I,' ITEM ',ICOL WRITE(*,'(A)') 'LINE:' WRITE(*,'(2X,A)') TRIM(LINE) call ustop('Error reading IPF file') ENDIF READ(LINE(IP1:IP2),'(A)',IOSTAT=IOS) STRING(ICOL) IF(IOS.NE.0)EXIT IP2=IP2+2 !## remove quotes if any READ(STRING(ICOL),*) STRING(ICOL) ENDDO ELSE !## space seperated file READ(LINE,*,IOSTAT=IOS) (STRING(ICOL),ICOL=1,NC) ENDIF ! read(line,*,iostat=ios) (string(icol),icol=1,nc) if(ios.ne.0) then write(*,*) 'ERROR. Reading ipf '//trim(file) write(*,'(a)') trim(line) call ustop('Error reading IPF file') end if ! read x, y read(string(1),*,iostat=ios) x if(ios.ne.0) then write(*,*) 'ERROR. Reading X-crd from ipf '//trim(file) write(*,'(a)') trim(line) call ustop('ERROR. Reading X-crd from ipf') end if read(string(2),*,iostat=ios) y if(ios.ne.0) then write(*,*) 'ERROR. Reading Y-crd from ipf '//trim(file) write(*,'(a)') trim(line) call ustop('ERROR. Reading Y-crd from ipf') end if call imod_utl_geticir(x,y,icol,irow,ncol,nrow,cdelr,cdelc, 1 delr(1),ieq) found = .true. if (icol.lt.1.or.icol.gt.ncol) found = .false. if (irow.lt.1.or.irow.gt.nrow) found = .false. if (found) then if (ilay.eq.0)then !nc.ge.5) then read(string(4),*,iostat=ios) tf !(1) if(ios.ne.0) then write(*,*) 'ERROR. Reading TopFilter from ipf '// 1trim(file) write(*,'(a)') trim(string(4)) call ustop('ERROR. Reading TopFilter from ipf') end if read(string(5),*,iostat=ios) bf !(1) if(ios.ne.0) then write(*,*) 'ERROR. Reading BotFilter from ipf '// 1trim(file) write(*,'(a)') trim(string(5)) call ustop('ERROR. Reading BotFilter from ipf') end if end if if (iext.eq.0) then read(string(3),*) q !(1) else txtfile = trim(root)//trim(string(iext))//'.'//trim(ext) call imod_utl_readipf(stime,etime,q,txtfile,iss) end if ii = ii + 1 ipflist(isub,icolumn)%list(1,ii) = real(irow) ipflist(isub,icolumn)%list(2,ii) = real(icol) ipflist(isub,icolumn)%list(3,ii) = q !(1) ! if (nc.ge.5) then if (ilay.eq.0)then ipflist(isub,icolumn)%list(4,ii) = tf !(1) ipflist(isub,icolumn)%list(5,ii) = bf !(1) end if end if ! found end do ipflist(isub,icolumn)%nlist = ii if (nlist.gt.ipflist(isub,icolumn)%nlist) then write (*,*) 'Items skipped for ',trim(file), 1 nlist-ipflist(isub,icolumn)%nlist end if c close file close(lun) c assign function value rdrs_rddata_ipf = ret c deallocate ! if(allocated(qsort)) deallocate(qsort) if(allocated(string)) deallocate(string) c end of program return end function imod_idfread(file,iarray,rarray,nodata,type, 1 iupsc,idosc,ioper,coper) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c read idf file and scale is necessary c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c modules use idfmodule use global, only: delr, delc, ncol, nrow use gwfmetmodule use pksmpi_mod, only: nrproc, myrank implicit none c arguments logical, dimension(5),intent(in) :: ioper ! DLT integer, dimension(5),intent(in) :: coper ! DLT character(len=*), intent(in) :: file integer, dimension(ncol,nrow), intent(inout) :: iarray real, dimension(ncol,nrow), intent(inout) :: rarray real, intent(in) :: nodata character(len=1) :: type integer, intent(in) :: iupsc integer, intent(in) :: idosc c function declaration integer :: imod_idfread,cidfout c local variables logical :: lop integer :: icol, irow, ieqd, i, j real :: val character(len=1000) :: fname logical :: lnodata, lex character(len=10) :: partstr c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c check if coordinates are specified if (.not.associated(coord_xll) .or. & .not.associated(coord_yll) ) then write(*,*) 'Error: idf can only be used with xll and yll' imod_idfread = 1 return end if c read idf header if (.not.idfread(idfc,file,0)) then c read the entire IDF ! if (.not.idfread(idfc,file,1)) then if (idfc%iu.gt.0) close(idfc%iu) imod_idfread = 1 return end if c map on cell centroids call idfnullify(idfm) ieqd=0 do i=2,ncol; if(delr(i).ne.delr(i-1))exit; enddo if(i.le.ncol)ieqd=1 if(ieqd.eq.0)then idfm%dx=delr(1) idfm%dy=delc(1) idfm%ncol=ncol idfm%nrow=nrow idfm%ieq=int(0,1) else idfm%ncol=ncol; idfm%nrow=nrow; idfm%ieq=int(1,1) IF(.NOT.IDFALLOCATESXY(IDFM)) 1 stop 'cannot allocate memory for sx and sy vectors' idfm%sx(0)=coord_xll do i=1,ncol idfm%sx(i)=idfm%sx(i-1)+delr(i) enddo idfm%sy(0)=coord_yur do i=1,nrow idfm%sy(i)=idfm%sy(i-1)-delc(i) enddo endif idfm%xmin = coord_xll idfm%xmax = coord_xur idfm%ymin = coord_yll idfm%ymax = coord_yur idfm%nodata = nodata if (usexmask) then IF(.NOT.IDFALLOCATEX(IDFM)) 1 stop 'cannote allocate memory for x array' ! !allocate(idfm%x(ncol,nrow)) idfm%x = xmask do irow = 1, nrow do icol = 1, ncol if (idfm%x(icol,irow)==idfc%nodata) then idfm%x(icol,irow)=nodata end if end do end do end if c read idf and scale if (.not.idfreadscale(idfc,idfm,iupsc,idosc)) then if (idfc%iu.gt.0) close(idfc%iu) imod_idfread = 1 return end if c deallocate child idf and close call idfdeallocatex(idfc) if (idfc%iu.gt.0) then inquire(unit=idfc%iu,opened=lop); if(lop)close(idfc%iu) endif c set array lnodata = .false. do irow = 1, nrow do icol = 1, ncol val = idfm%x(icol,irow) c change data in case nodata value is used c if (val.eq.idfm%nodata) val = nodata if (val.eq.idfc%nodata) then val = nodata lnodata = .true. end if if (type.eq.'i') then iarray(icol,irow) = int(val) else rarray(icol,irow) = val end if end do end do !## apply fct/imp if(type.eq.'i')then call applyarithoper_int(fname,rarray,nrow,ncol,ioper,coper) ! DLT else call applyarithoper(fname,rarray,nrow,ncol,ioper,coper) ! DLT endif ! idfm%x(200,199) c check for nodata if (nrproc.gt.1) then if (lnodata) then c write(*,*) 'Warning, nodata found in ',trim(file), myrank end if end if c debug if(associated(write_debug_idf))then i = index(file,'/',back=.true.) if (i.le.0) then i = index(file,'\',back=.true.) end if i = max(i,1) j = index(file,'.',back=.true.) fname = trim(debugdir)//file(i:j-1) call pks7mpipartstr(partstr) fname = trim(fname)//trim(partstr)//'.idf' inquire(file=fname,exist=lex) if (lex) then write(*,'(1x,a,1x,a,1x,a)') 'Warning: ',trim(fname), 1 ' already exists!' end if write(*,'(1x,a,1x,a,1x,a)') 'Writing',trim(fname),'...' cidfout=lidfout; lidfout=2 if (.not.idfwrite(idfm,fname,0)) then imod_idfread = 1; lidfout=cidfout return end if lidfout=cidfout end if c deallocate mother idf call idfdeallocatex(idfm) c assign function value imod_idfread = 0 c end of program return end integer function rdrs_rddata_gen(file,iout,ilay) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c Read GEN file. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use lcdmodule use imod_utl use gwfmetmodule, only: cdelr, cdelc implicit none c arguments character(len=*) :: file integer, intent(in) :: iout,ilay c local variables integer :: lun c functions integer cfn_getlun,iformat !,osd_open2 logical rdrs_rddata_gen_ascii,polygon_utl_opengen, 1rdrs_rddata_gen_binair c include files c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c c check for lcd file rdrs_rddata_gen = 0 if (lcdinit) then rdrs_rddata_gen = -20 return end if c open file if(.not.polygon_utl_opengen(file,iformat,lun))then rdrs_rddata_gen = -20 return end if c init if (allocated(genpos))deallocate(genpos) if (allocated(genip))deallocate(genip) if(iformat.eq.0)then if(.not.rdrs_rddata_gen_binair(file,lun,iout,ilay)) 1rdrs_rddata_gen=-14 else if(.not.rdrs_rddata_gen_ascii(file,lun,iout,ilay)) 1rdrs_rddata_gen=-14 endif c close file close(lun) c clear memory call intersect_deallocate() end function rdrs_rddata_gen logical function rdrs_rddata_gen_binair(file,lun,iout,ilay) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c Read GEN file. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use lcdmodule use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_intersect_equi, 1 imod_utl_intersect_nonequi, 1 xa,ya,fa,ln,ca,ra,intersect_deallocate use gwfmetmodule, only: cdelr, cdelc implicit none c function declaration integer rdrs_rddata_gen ! return value: ios c arguments integer, intent(in) :: iout,ilay,lun character(len=*) :: file c local variables character(len=256) :: line logical :: ok integer :: maxpol,maxcol,itype,iact,nid,i,j,ii,n,l,icol,irow,m,nn, 1npnt real(kind=8) :: x1,y1,x2,y2,tl,zl,z1,z2,dz real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:) :: xc,yc,zc c include files c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rdrs_rddata_gen_binair = .false. c read file do iact = 1, 2 read(lun) read(lun) maxpol,maxcol if(maxcol.gt.0)then read(lun) read(lun) endif m = 0; nid = 0 do i=1,maxpol ii=0 READ(lun) npnt,itype if(maxcol.gt.0)read(lun) !## xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax read(lun) !## only line - otherwise skip it if(itype.ne.1028)then read(lun); cycle endif IF(ilay.EQ.0)THEN allocate(xc(npnt),yc(npnt),zc(npnt)) read(lun) (xc(j),yc(j),zc(j),j=1,npnt) ELSE allocate(xc(npnt),yc(npnt)) read(lun) (xc(j),yc(j),j=1,npnt) ENDIF nid = nid + 1 if (iact.eq.2) genip(nid) = genip(nid-1) do j=1,npnt-1 !## intersect line x1 = xc(j) !xx1 y1 = yc(j) !yy1 x2 = xc(j+1) !xx2 y2 = yc(j+1) !yy2 n=0 if(lqd)then call imod_utl_intersect_equi(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax, 1 simcsize,simcsize,x1,x2,y1,y2,n,.true.) else call imod_utl_intersect_nonequi(cdelr,cdelc,lnrow,lncol, 1 x1,x2,y1,y2,n,.true.) endif IF(ilay.EQ.0)THEN !## skip, probably a perfect-vertical segment TL=0.0; DZ=0.0 IF(SUM(LN(1:N)).LE.0.0)THEN N=0 ELSE z1=zc(j) z2=zc(j+1) DZ=(Z2-Z1)/SUM(LN(1:N)) ENDIF ENDIF !## fill result array nn = 0 do l = 1, n icol=int(ca(l)) irow=int(ra(l)) if(icol.ge.1.and.irow.ge.1.and. 1 icol.le.lncol.and.irow.le.lnrow) then m = m + 1; nn = nn + 1 if (iact.eq.2) then genpos(m,1) = icol genpos(m,2) = irow genpos(m,3) = nid genpos(m,4) = int(fa(l)) IF(ilay.EQ.0)THEN IF(L.EQ.1)THEN TL=0.5*LN(L) ELSE TL=TL+0.5*LN(L-1)+0.5*LN(L) ENDIF ZL=Z1+(TL*DZ); genpos(m,5)=ZL*100.0 ENDIF endif end if enddo if (iact.eq.2) then genip(nid) = genip(nid)+nn end if ! endif ! ii=ii+1 ! IF(ilay.EQ.0)Z1=Z2 enddo deallocate(xc,yc) if(ilay.eq.0)deallocate(zc) end do if (iact.eq.1) then rewind lun if (m.gt.0) allocate(genpos(m,5)) allocate(genip(0:nid)) genip = 0 else close(lun) end if end do ! iact c assign function value rdrs_rddata_gen_binair = .true. c end of program return end function rdrs_rddata_gen_binair logical function rdrs_rddata_gen_ascii(file,lun,iout,ilay) c description: c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c Read GEN file. c c declaration section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use lcdmodule use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_intersect_equi, 1 imod_utl_intersect_nonequi, 1 xa,ya,fa,ln,ca,ra,intersect_deallocate use gwfmetmodule, only: cdelr, cdelc implicit none c function declaration integer rdrs_rddata_gen ! return value: ios c arguments integer, intent(in) :: iout,ilay,lun character(len=*) :: file c local variables character(len=256) :: line logical :: ok integer :: ios, id, nid, 1 i, ii, n, nn, m, l, icol, irow, iact real(kind=8) :: x1,y1,x2,y2,xx1,yy1,xx2,yy2,tl,zl,z1,z2,dz c include files c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rdrs_rddata_gen_ascii=.true. c read file do iact = 1, 2 m = 0; nid = 0 do while(.true.) ii=0 read(lun,'(a)') line call cfn_s_trim(line) call cfn_s_lowcase(line) ios=0 if(index(line,'end').gt.0)exit read(line,*,iostat=ios) id if(ios.ne.0)exit nid = nid + 1 if (iact.eq.2) genip(nid) = genip(nid-1) do while (.true.) read(lun,'(a)') line call cfn_s_trim(line) call cfn_s_lowcase(line) ios=0 if(index(line,'end').gt.0)exit IF(ilay.EQ.0)THEN READ(LINE,*,IOSTAT=IOS) xx2,yy2,Z2; IF(IOS.NE.0)EXIT ELSE READ(LINE,*,IOSTAT=IOS) xx2,yy2; IF(IOS.NE.0)EXIT ENDIF ! read(line,*,iostat=ios) xx2,yy2 if(ios.ne.0)exit if(ii.gt.0)then !######intersect line x1 = xx1 y1 = yy1 x2 = xx2 y2 = yy2 ! IF(ilay.EQ.0)THEN; ZZ1=Z1; ZZ2=Z2; ENDIF n=0 if(lqd)then call imod_utl_intersect_equi(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax, 1 simcsize,simcsize,x1,x2,y1,y2,n,.true.) else call imod_utl_intersect_nonequi(cdelr,cdelc,lnrow,lncol, 1 x1,x2,y1,y2,n,.true.) endif IF(ilay.EQ.0)THEN !## skip, probably a perfect-vertical segment TL=0.0; DZ=0.0 IF(SUM(LN(1:N)).LE.0.0)THEN N=0 ELSE DZ=(Z2-Z1)/SUM(LN(1:N)) ENDIF ENDIF !######fill result array nn = 0 do l = 1, n icol=int(ca(l)) irow=int(ra(l)) ! if(icol.eq.12.and.irow.eq.6)then ! write(*,*) ! endif if(icol.ge.1.and.irow.ge.1.and. 1 icol.le.lncol.and.irow.le.lnrow) then m = m + 1; nn = nn + 1 if (iact.eq.2) then ! if(m.eq.92)then ! write(*,*) ! endif genpos(m,1) = icol genpos(m,2) = irow genpos(m,3) = nid genpos(m,4) = int(fa(l)) IF(ilay.EQ.0)THEN IF(L.EQ.1)THEN TL=0.5*LN(L) ELSE TL=TL+0.5*LN(L-1)+0.5*LN(L) ENDIF ! if(dz.ne.0.0)then ! write(*,*) ! endif ZL=Z1+(TL*DZ); genpos(m,5)=ZL*100.0 ENDIF end if end if enddo if (iact.eq.2) then genip(nid) = genip(nid)+nn end if endif ii=ii+1 xx1=xx2 yy1=yy2 IF(ilay.EQ.0)Z1=Z2 enddo if (ios.ne.0) then write(*,*) 'ERROR. Reading ',trim(file) rdrs_rddata_gen_ascii = .false. exit end if end do if (iact.eq.1) then rewind lun if (m.gt.0) allocate(genpos(m,5)) allocate(genip(0:nid)) genip = 0 else close(lun) end if end do ! iact c end of program return end function rdrs_rddata_gen_ascii !###====================================================================== LOGICAL FUNCTION POLYGON_UTL_OPENGEN(FNAME,IFORMAT,IU) !###====================================================================== use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_getunit IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN) :: FNAME INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: IFORMAT,IU INTEGER :: IOS,MAXPOL,MAXCOL REAL(KIND=8) :: X POLYGON_UTL_OPENGEN=.FALSE. IU=imod_utl_getunit() IFORMAT=0 open(IU,FILE=FNAME,STATUS='OLD',FORM='UNFORMATTED', 1ACTION='READ',IOSTAT=IOS) !## error in opening gen file IF(ios.ne.0)RETURN READ(IU,IOSTAT=IOS) ; IF(IOS.NE.0)IFORMAT=1 READ(IU,IOSTAT=IOS) MAXPOL,MAXCOL; IF(IOS.NE.0)IFORMAT=1 CLOSE(IU) IF(IFORMAT.EQ.1)THEN open(IU,FILE=FNAME,STATUS='OLD',FORM='FORMATTED',ACTION='READ', 1IOSTAT=IOS) ELSEIF(IFORMAT.EQ.0)THEN open(IU,FILE=FNAME,STATUS='OLD',FORM='UNFORMATTED',ACTION='READ', 1IOSTAT=IOS) ELSE IOS=-1 ENDIF IF(IOS.NE.0)THEN write(*,*) 'iMOD cannot open/read '//TRIM(FNAME) RETURN ENDIF POLYGON_UTL_OPENGEN=.TRUE. END FUNCTION POLYGON_UTL_OPENGEN subroutine assign_layer(tlp,irow,icol,z1,z2,lkhv) c modules use global, only: nlay, nrow, ncol, delr, delc, cv, hcof, cc, cr, 1 kdsv use global, only: ibound, botm, lbotm use gwfmetmodule, only: coord_xll, coord_yll, time_cstring, ieq use imod_utl, only: IMOD_UTL_ST1CREATEIPF_GETTLP implicit none c arguments real, dimension(nlay), intent(out) :: tlp integer, intent(in) :: irow, icol real, intent(in) :: z1, z2 logical,intent(in) :: lkhv c parameters ! real, parameter :: maxc = 1000000.0 real, parameter :: minkh = 0.0 real, parameter :: tiny = 1.0e-20 integer, parameter :: iclay = 1 c locals logical :: found integer :: ilay real :: dz real, dimension(nlay) :: kh, tp, bt !, C c init tlp = 0. c init kh = 0.; tp = 0.; bt = 0. do ilay = 1, nlay tp(ilay) = botm(icol,irow,lbotm(ilay)-1) bt(ilay) = botm(icol,irow,lbotm(ilay)) if (ibound(icol,irow,ilay).gt.0) then ! if (ilay.lt.nlay) then ! if (ibound(icol,irow,ilay+1).gt.0) then ! if(cv(icol,irow,ilay).le.0.0)then ! write(*,*) ! endif ! c(ilay)=1.0/(cv(icol,irow,ilay)/(delr(icol)*delc(irow))) ! endif ! end if kh(ilay)=kdsv(icol,irow,ilay) ! kh(ilay)=(cc(icol,irow,ilay)+cr(icol,irow,ilay))/2.0 tp(ilay) = botm(icol,irow,lbotm(ilay)-1) bt(ilay) = botm(icol,irow,lbotm(ilay)) dz = tp(ilay)-bt(ilay) if (dz.gt.0.0) then kh(ilay) = kh(ilay)/(dz) !+tiny) !## apply uniform khv in case tlp is not depending on khv, such as for rivers if(.not.lkhv)kh=1.0 else kh(ilay) = 0.0 end if end if end do call IMOD_UTL_ST1CREATEIPF_GETTLP(nlay,tlp,kh,tp,bt,z1,z2, 1 minkh,iclay,'error-txt') c## nothing in model, whenever system on top of model, put them in first modellayer if(sum(tlp).le.0)then tlp=0; if(z2.ge.tp(1))tlp(1)=1.0 endif c## still nothing in model, check whether in clay layer if(sum(tlp).le.0)then tlp=0 do ilay=1,nlay-1 if(bt(ilay).ge.z1.and.tp(ilay+1).le.z2)tlp(ilay)=1.0 enddo endif end subroutine