!! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2017. !! !! This file is part of iMOD. !! !! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify !! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by !! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or !! (at your option) any later version. !! !! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! along with this program. If not, see . !! !! Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl !! Stichting Deltares !! P.O. Box 177 !! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. !> description !! allocate arrays and read data subroutine gwf2dxc1ar(in,igrid) ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT,NCOL,NROW use gwfdxcmodule use imod_utl, only: imod_utl_rel_to_abs, imod_utl_qksort3 use pks_iarmwp, only: liarmwp, nrxp, xp use gwfrivmodule !, only: rivr, nriver, nrivvl, irivsubsys use gwfdrnmodule !, only: rivr, nriver, nrivvl, irivsubsys implicit none ! arguments integer , intent(in) :: in !> unit number of input file integer , intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number ! local variables integer :: i,n,ilay,irow,icol,id real :: usf logical :: used character (len=256) :: line real :: r integer :: lloc,istart,istop character(len=256) :: fname, label logical :: mozartcoupling, dflowfmcoupling integer :: lun, cfn_getlun, ios, lswid, pvid, maxriv2, maxdrn real :: owc logical :: lused, lfirst double precision :: mask ! PKS integer :: ixp, ok1, ok2, j, nn, nid, ndum, iact ! PKS integer :: cfn_unique_i, cfn_idx_get_i ! PKS integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iwrk1, iwrk2, iwrk3, iwrk4 ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! set pointer call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2riv7pnt(igrid) ! package id write(iout,'(/,9x,a,i4)') ' DXC -- Data eXChange PACKAGE, VERSION 1'// & ', 29 june 2011 INPUT READ FROM UNIT',in ! allocate scalars allocate(mxdxc,ndxc,minid,maxid,idxccb) ! read maximum number of data exchange elements and the Schematisation ID read(in,'(a)') line lloc=1 ! get maximum number of data exchange elements call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,mxdxc,r,iout,in) ! get schematisation id call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,idxccb,r,iout,in) ! allocate arrays ! Add dummy ID's for iarmwp = 1: count if (liarmwp) then ! PKS ndum = 0 ! PKS do ixp = 1, nrxp ! PKS ndum = ndum + xp(ixp)%nid ! PKS end do ! PKS mxdxc = mxdxc + ndum ! PKS end if ! PKS allocate(dxcid(mxdxc),dxcic(mxdxc),dxcir(mxdxc),dxcil(mxdxc)) ! read data read(in,*) ndxc n=0 lfirst = .true. do i=1,ndxc ! read one line and convert indices to local grid when necessary read(in,*) ilay,irow,icol,id if (lfirst) then minid = id maxid = id lfirst = .false. end if minid = min(minid,id) maxid = max(maxid,id) call pks7mpitrn(icol,irow,ilay,lused) ! PKS if(.not.lused) cycle ! PKS call pks7mpimask( mask, icol, irow, ilay ) ! PKS if (mask.lt.0.5d0) id = -id ! PKS if (n.lt.mxdxc) then n=n+1 dxcic(n)=icol dxcir(n)=irow dxcil(n)=ilay dxcid(n)=id else write(iout,'(a)') ' ERROR, Not enough elements allocated for DXC package.' call exit(11) endif enddo ! store number of read elements ndxc=n write(iout,*) ndxc,'elements found for this model' write(*,*) ndxc,'elements found for this model' ! PKS: Add dummy ID's for iarmwp = 1: add if (liarmwp) then ! PKS allocate(iwrk1(max(1,ndxc)),iwrk2(max(1,ndxc))) do i = 1, ndxc iwrk1(i) = abs(dxcid(i)) iwrk2(i) = i end do call imod_utl_qksort3(iwrk1,iwrk2) !,SIZE(IWRK1),SIZE(IWRK1)) ! count interface nodes nn = 0 do ixp = 1, nrxp nn = nn + xp(ixp)%nid end do allocate(iwrk3(max(1,nn)),iwrk4(max(1,nn))) ! fill with interface nodes nn = 0 do ixp = 1, nrxp do i = 1, xp(ixp)%nid id = xp(ixp)%id(i) nn = nn + 1 iwrk3(nn) = id iwrk4(nn) = nn end do end do ! get unique interface nodes if (nn.gt.0) then call imod_utl_qksort3(iwrk3,iwrk4) nid = cfn_unique_i(iwrk3,nn,0) end if iwrk4 = 0 do ixp = 1, nrxp do i = 1, xp(ixp)%nid id = xp(ixp)%id(i) ok1 = cfn_idx_get_i(id,iwrk1,ndxc,j) if(ok1.ne.0) then ! index found -- do nothing xp(ixp)%idx(i) = -iwrk2(j) else ok2 = cfn_idx_get_i(id,iwrk3,nid,j) if (iwrk4(j).eq.0) then ! first unique index, so add n = n + 1 dxcic(n)=0 dxcir(n)=0 dxcil(n)=0 dxcid(n)=id end if iwrk4(j) = 1 xp(ixp)%idx(i) = n end if end do end do ndxc=n deallocate(iwrk1,iwrk2,iwrk3,iwrk4) end if !PKS ! allocate arrays for parameter values ! at least 1 element n=max(ndxc,1) allocate(dxchead(n),dxcuzflux(n),dxcsf(n)) ! read mozart coupling table allocate(maxlsw,ndxclsw,ndxcpv,max1d,ndxc1d,ndxcriv,ndxcdrn) maxlsw = 1 max1d = 1 ndxclsw = 0 ndxcpv = 0 idflowfm = 0 ndxc1d = 0 ndxcriv = 0 ndxcdrn = 0 mozartcoupling = .false. dflowfmcoupling = .false. line = ' ' read(unit=in,fmt='(a)',iostat=ios) line if (ios.eq.0) then call cfn_token(line ,'tcu') if (index(line,'MOZART').gt.0) then mozartcoupling = .true. read(in,*) maxlsw elseif(index(line,'DFLOWFM').gt.0) then dflowfmcoupling = .true. max1d = mxrivr !## flag needed for river-flux correction idflowfm=1 ! read(in,*) max1d,maxriv2,maxdrn ! ndxc1d = max1d ! ndxcriv= maxriv2 ! ndxcdrn= maxdrn else maxlsw = 1 end if end if allocate(dxclevdfm(max1d)) !dfm allocate(dxc1dcflux(max1d)) !dfm allocate(dxciclsw(maxlsw), dxcirlsw(maxlsw), dxcidlsw(maxlsw), dxcowclsw(maxlsw)) allocate(dxcicpv(maxlsw), dxcirpv(maxlsw), dxcidpv(maxlsw)) allocate(dxclevlsw(maxlsw), dxclevpv(maxlsw)) allocate(nhrivsys, hrivsys(maxnhrivsys)) allocate(seepageconc(ncol,nrow)) nhrivsys = 0 dxclevlsw = dxcmv dxclevpv = dxcmv dxclevdfm = dxcmv dxc1dcflux = dxcmv if (mozartcoupling) then read(in,'(a)') fname call imod_utl_rel_to_abs(dxcroot,fname) lun = cfn_getlun(10,99) open(unit=lun,file=fname) read(lun,'(a)') line do while(.true.) read(unit=lun,fmt=*,iostat=ios) icol, irow, lswid, pvid, owc if (ios.ne.0) exit call pks7mpitrn(icol,irow,1,lused) ! PKS if(.not.lused) cycle ! PKS ndxclsw = ndxclsw + 1 dxciclsw(ndxclsw) = icol dxcirlsw(ndxclsw) = irow dxcidlsw(ndxclsw) = lswid dxcowclsw(ndxclsw) = owc if (pvid.gt.0) then ndxcpv = ndxcpv + 1 dxcicpv(ndxcpv) = icol dxcirpv(ndxcpv) = irow dxcidpv(ndxcpv) = pvid end if end do close(lun) allocate(levels(ncol,nrow)) end if !7------SAVE POINTERS TO DATA AND RETURN. CALL SGWF2dxc1PSV(IGRID) read(unit=in,fmt='(a)',iostat=ios) line if (ios.eq.0) then call cfn_token(line ,'tcu') if (index(line,'NOTRANSOL').gt.0) then notransol = .true. label = 'concentration' call u2drel(seepageconc,label,nrow,ncol,1,in,iout) call sgwf2bcf7psv(igrid) end if end if ! end of program return end subroutine gwf2dxc1rp(igrid) ! modules use gwfdxcmodule use gwfrivmodule, only: rivr, nriver, nrivvl, irivsubsys use gwfdrnmodule, only: drai, ndrain, ndrnvl, idrnsubsys, drnlev implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid ! locals logical :: lskip integer :: i, j, icol, irow, n real :: lev, rbot, elev ! set pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) call sgwf2riv7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2drn7pnt(igrid) if (ndxclsw.eq.0 .and. ndxcpv.eq.0 .and. ndxc1d.eq.0) return if (ndxc1d > 0) then if (.not.associated(nriver)) then write(*,*) 'Error: no rivers found.' call ustop(' ') end if if (nriver /= ndxc1d) then write(*,*) 'Error: non matching DflowFM rivers.' call ustop(' ') end if do i = 1, nriver rbot = rivr(6,i) lev = dxclevdfm(i) if (lev.ne.dxcmv) then rivr(4,i) = max(lev, rbot) end if end do return endif if (nhrivsys.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'Warning, no rivers defined to skip.' end if ! fill levels levels = dxcmv ! LSW do i = 1, ndxclsw icol = dxciclsw(i) irow = dxcirlsw(i) lev = dxclevlsw(i) levels(icol,irow) = lev end do ! PV do i = 1, ndxcpv icol = dxcicpv(i) irow = dxcirpv(i) lev = dxclevpv(i) levels(icol,irow) = lev end do ! OWC do i = 1, ndxclsw icol = dxciclsw(i) irow = dxcirlsw(i) lev = levels(icol,irow) if (lev.ne.dxcmv) then levels(icol,irow) = lev + dxcowclsw(i) end if end do ! correct rivers if (associated(nriver)) then if (irivsubsys.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'Error: no river subsystems found.' call ustop(' ') end if do i = 1, nriver lskip = .false. do j = 1, nhrivsys if (int(rivr(irivsubsys,i)).eq.hrivsys(j)) lskip = .true. end do if (.not.lskip) then irow = rivr(2,i) icol = rivr(3,i) rbot = rivr(6,i) lev = levels(icol,irow) if (lev.ne.dxcmv) then rivr(4,i) = max(lev, rbot) end if end if end do call sgwf2riv7psv(igrid) else write(*,*) 'Error: no rivers set.' call ustop(' ') end if ! correct drains if (associated(ndrain)) then do i = 1, ndrain irow = drai(2,i) icol = drai(3,i) elev = drnlev(i) ! get original drain levels lev = levels(icol,irow) if (lev.ne.dxcmv) then drai(4,i) = max(lev, elev) end if end do call sgwf2drn7psv(igrid) else write(*,*) 'Error: no drains set.' call ustop(' ') end if end subroutine !> description !! perform formulate for DXC Flux subroutine gwf2dxc1fm(igrid) ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use global, only:ibound,rhs use gwfrivmodule, only: rivr, nriver use gwfdxcmodule implicit none ! arguments integer , intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number ! local variables integer i,icol,irow,ilay real q ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! set pointers call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) ! perform formulate do i=1,ndxc icol=dxcic(i) irow=dxcir(i) ilay=dxcil(i) if(ilay.eq.0) cycle ! PKS q =dxcuzflux(i) if (q.ne.dxcmv) then ! not a missing value if (ibound(icol,irow,ilay).gt.0) then ! Active Cell ! add flux to the RHS rhs(icol,irow,ilay)=rhs(icol,irow,ilay)-q endif endif enddo if (ndxc1d > 0) then if (.not.associated(nriver)) then write(*,*) 'Error: no rivers found.' call ustop(' ') end if if (nriver /= ndxc1d) then write(*,*) 'Error: non matching DflowFM rivers.' call ustop(' ') end if do i = 1, nriver ilay=rivr(1,i) irow=rivr(2,i) icol=rivr(3,i) if(ilay.eq.0) cycle ! PKS q =dxc1dcflux(i) if (q.ne.dxcmv) then ! not a missing value if (ibound(icol,irow,ilay).gt.0) then ! Active Cell ! add flux to the RHS !BM rhs(icol,irow,ilay)=rhs(icol,irow,ilay) + q rhs(icol,irow,ilay)=rhs(icol,irow,ilay)-q !BM q is <0, negative value should be substracted from RHS (analogue to WEL package) endif endif end do return endif ! save pointers call sgwf2bas7psv(igrid) ! end of program return end ! ****************************************************************************** !> description !! calculate budget terms for DXC fluxes subroutine gwf2dxc1bd(KSTP,KPER,igrid) ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,IBOUND,BUFF USE GWFBASMODULE,ONLY:MSUM,ICBCFL,IAUXSV,DELT,PERTIM,TOTIM,VBVL,VBNM use gwfdxcmodule implicit none ! arguments integer , intent(in) :: kstp !> time step number integer , intent(in) :: kper !> stress period number integer , intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number ! local variables integer i,icol,irow,ilay real rin,rout,q,zero integer ibd,ibdlbl CHARACTER (len=16) :: TEXT DOUBLE PRECISION :: RATIN,RATOUT DATA TEXT /' DXC FLUXES'/ ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! set pointers call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) !C1------CLEAR RATIN AND RATOUT ACCUMULATORS, AND SET CELL-BY-CELL !C1------BUDGET FLAG. ZERO=0. RATIN=ZERO RATOUT=ZERO IBD=0 IF(IdxcCB.LT.0 .AND. ICBCFL.NE.0) IBD=-1 IF(IdxcCB.GT.0) IBD=ICBCFL IBDLBL=0 !C3------CLEAR THE BUFFER. DO ilay=1,NLAY DO irow=1,NROW DO icol=1,NCOL BUFF(ICol,IRow,ILay)=ZERO enddo enddo enddo do i=1,ndxc icol=dxcic(i) irow=dxcir(i) ilay=dxcil(i) if (ilay.eq.0) cycle ! PKS q =dxcuzflux(i) if (q.ne.dxcmv) then ! not a missing value if (ibound(icol,irow,ilay).gt.0) then ! Active Cell ! add flux to the RHS buff(icol,irow,ilay)=buff(icol,irow,ilay)+q if (q.ge.zero) then ratin =ratin + q else ratout=ratout - q endif endif endif enddo !C6------IF CELL-BY-CELL FLOWS WILL BE SAVED AS A 3-D ARRAY, !C6------CALL UBUDSV TO SAVE THEM. IF (IBD.EQ.1) CALL UBUDSV(KSTP,KPER,TEXT,IdxcCB,BUFF,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,IOUT) !C7------MOVE RATES, VOLUMES & LABELS INTO ARRAYS FOR PRINTING. RIN=RATIN ROUT=RATOUT VBVL(3,MSUM)=RIN VBVL(4,MSUM)=ROUT VBVL(1,MSUM)=VBVL(1,MSUM)+RIN*DELT VBVL(2,MSUM)=VBVL(2,MSUM)+ROUT*DELT VBNM(MSUM)=TEXT !C8------INCREMENT BUDGET TERM COUNTER(MSUM). MSUM=MSUM+1 ! end of program return end ! ****************************************************************************** !> description !! save pointers subroutine sgwf2dxc1psv(igrid) ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use gwfdxcmodule implicit none ! arguments integer , intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ gwfdxcdat(igrid)%mxdxc => mxdxc gwfdxcdat(igrid)%idxccb => idxccb gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxc => ndxc gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcid => dxcid gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcic => dxcic gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcir => dxcir gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcil => dxcil gwfdxcdat(igrid)%minid => minid gwfdxcdat(igrid)%maxid => maxid gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxchead => dxchead gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcuzflux => dxcuzflux gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcsf => dxcsf gwfdxcdat(igrid)%maxlsw => maxlsw gwfdxcdat(igrid)%max1d => max1d gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxclsw => ndxclsw gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxc1dcflux => dxc1dcflux gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxc1d => ndxc1d gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxcriv => ndxcriv gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxcdrn => ndxcdrn gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxcpv => ndxcpv gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxciclsw => dxciclsw gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcirlsw => dxcirlsw gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcidlsw => dxcidlsw gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcowclsw => dxcowclsw gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcicpv => dxcicpv gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcirpv => dxcirpv gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcidpv => dxcidpv gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxclevlsw => dxclevlsw gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxclevdfm => dxclevdfm gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxclevpv => dxclevpv gwfdxcdat(igrid)%nhrivsys => nhrivsys gwfdxcdat(igrid)%hrivsys => hrivsys gwfdxcdat(igrid)%seepageconc => seepageconc ! end of program return end ! ****************************************************************************** !> description !! restore pointers subroutine sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use gwfdxcmodule implicit none ! arguments integer , intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mxdxc => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%mxdxc idxccb => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%idxccb ndxc => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxc dxcid => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcid dxcic => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcic dxcir => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcir dxcil => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcil minid => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%minid maxid => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%maxid dxchead => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxchead dxcuzflux => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcuzflux dxcsf => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcsf maxlsw => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%maxlsw max1d => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%max1d ndxclsw => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxclsw dxc1dcflux => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxc1dcflux ndxcpv => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%ndxcpv dxciclsw => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxciclsw dxcirlsw => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcirlsw dxcidlsw => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcidlsw dxcowclsw => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcowclsw dxcicpv => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcicpv dxcirpv => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcirpv dxcidpv => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxcidpv dxclevlsw => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxclevlsw dxclevdfm => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxclevdfm dxclevpv => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%dxclevpv nhrivsys => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%nhrivsys hrivsys => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%hrivsys seepageconc => gwfdxcdat(igrid)%seepageconc ! end of program return end ! ****************************************************************************** !> description !! deallocate pointers subroutine sgwf2dxc1da(igrid) ! declaration section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use gwfdxcmodule implicit none ! arguments integer , intent(in) :: igrid !> grid number ! program section ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call sgwf2dxc1pnt(igrid) deallocate(mxdxc) deallocate(idxccb) deallocate(ndxc) deallocate(dxcid) deallocate(dxcic) deallocate(dxcir) deallocate(dxcil) deallocate(minid) deallocate(maxid) deallocate(dxchead) deallocate(dxcuzflux) deallocate(dxcsf) deallocate(maxlsw) deallocate(max1d) deallocate(ndxclsw) deallocate(ndxc1d) deallocate(ndxcriv) deallocate(ndxcdrn) deallocate(dxc1dcflux) deallocate(ndxcpv) deallocate(dxciclsw) deallocate(dxcirlsw) deallocate(dxcidlsw) deallocate(dxcowclsw) deallocate(dxcicpv) deallocate(dxcirpv) deallocate(dxcidpv) deallocate(dxclevlsw) deallocate(dxclevdfm) deallocate(dxclevpv) deallocate(nhrivsys) deallocate(hrivsys) deallocate(seepageconc) ! end of program return end