MODULE GWFMNW2MODULE INTEGER,SAVE,POINTER ::NMNW2,MNWMAX,NMNWVL,IWL2CB,MNWPRNT INTEGER,SAVE,POINTER ::NODTOT,INTTOT,NTOTNOD DOUBLE PRECISION, SAVE,POINTER :: SMALL CHARACTER(LEN=20),SAVE, DIMENSION(:), POINTER ::WELLID CHARACTER(LEN=16),SAVE, DIMENSION(:), POINTER ::MNWAUX DOUBLE PRECISION, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER ::MNW2 DOUBLE PRECISION, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER ::MNWNOD DOUBLE PRECISION, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER ::MNWINT DOUBLE PRECISION, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER ::CapTable TYPE GWFMNWTYPE INTEGER,POINTER ::NMNW2,MNWMAX,NMNWVL,IWL2CB,MNWPRNT INTEGER,POINTER ::NODTOT,INTTOT,NTOTNOD DOUBLE PRECISION, POINTER :: SMALL CHARACTER(LEN=20), DIMENSION(:), POINTER ::WELLID CHARACTER(LEN=16), DIMENSION(:), POINTER ::MNWAUX DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER ::MNW2 DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER ::MNWNOD DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER ::MNWINT DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER ::CapTable END TYPE TYPE(GWFMNWTYPE), SAVE:: GWFMNWDAT(10) END MODULE GWFMNW2MODULE SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW27AR(IN,IGRID) C ****************************************************************** C ALLOCATE ARRAY STORAGE FOR MNW2 PACKAGE. C ****************************************************************** C C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT,NLAY USE GWFMNW2MODULE, ONLY:NMNW2,MNWMAX,NMNWVL,IWL2CB,MNWPRNT, 1 NODTOT,INTTOT,MNWAUX,MNW2,MNWNOD,MNWINT, 2 CapTable,SMALL,NTOTNOD,WELLID C CHARACTER*200 LINE C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C1------Allocate scalar variables, which makes it possible for multiple C1------grids to be defined. ALLOCATE(NMNW2,MNWMAX,NTOTNOD,IWL2CB,MNWPRNT,NODTOT,INTTOT,SMALL, 1 NMNWVL) C C2------IDENTIFY PACKAGE AND INITIALIZE NMNW2. WRITE(IOUT,1)IN 1 format(/,1x,'MNW2 -- MULTI-NODE WELL 2 PACKAGE, VERSION 7,', +' 12/18/2009.',/,4X,'INPUT READ FROM UNIT ',i3) NMNW2=0 ntotnod=0 C C3------READ MAXIMUM NUMBER OF MNW2 WELLS, UNIT OR FLAG FOR C3------CELL-BY-CELL FLOW TERMS, AND PRINT FLAG CALL URDCOM(IN,IOUT,LINE) LLOC=1 CALL URWORD(LINE,LLOC,ISTART,ISTOP,2,MNWMAX,R,IOUT,IN) CALL URWORD(LINE,LLOC,ISTART,ISTOP,2,IWL2CB,R,IOUT,IN) CALL URWORD(LINE,LLOC,ISTART,ISTOP,2,MNWPRNT,R,IOUT,IN) c write(iout,3) MNWMAX 3 format(1h ,'MAXIMUM OF',i5,' ACTIVE MULTI-NODE WELLS AT ONE TIME') write(iout,*) if( write(iout,9) IWL2CB 9 format(1x, 'CELL-BY-CELL FLOWS WILL BE RECORDED ON UNIT', i3) if( write(iout,*) 'IWL2CB = ',IWL2CB if( write(iout,8) 8 format(1x,'CELL-BY-CELL FLOWS WILL BE PRINTED WHEN ICBCFL NOT 0') write(iout,*) 'MNWPRNT = ',MNWPRNT cdebug NoMoIter can be set here and used to force the solution to stop after cdebug a certain amount of flow solution iterations (used for debugging) c NoMoIter=9999 c write(iout,7) NoMoIter c 7 format(1x,'Flow rates will not be estimated after the',i4,'th', c + ' iteration') c C4------READ AUXILIARY VARIABLES ALLOCATE (MNWAUX(20)) NAUX=0 10 CALL URWORD(LINE,LLOC,ISTART,ISTOP,1,N,R,IOUT,IN) c IF(LINE(ISTART:ISTOP).EQ.'CBCALLOCATE' .OR. c 1 LINE(ISTART:ISTOP).EQ.'CBC') THEN c IMNWAL=1 c WRITE(IOUT,11) c 11 FORMAT(1X,'MEMORY IS ALLOCATED FOR CELL-BY-CELL BUDGET TERMS') c GO TO 10 IF(LINE(ISTART:ISTOP).EQ.'AUXILIARY' .OR. 1 LINE(ISTART:ISTOP).EQ.'AUX') THEN CALL URWORD(LINE,LLOC,ISTART,ISTOP,1,N,R,IOUT,IN) IF(NAUX.LT.5) THEN NAUX=NAUX+1 MNWAUX(NAUX)=LINE(ISTART:ISTOP) WRITE(IOUT,12) MNWAUX(NAUX) 12 FORMAT(1X,'AUXILIARY MNW2 VARIABLE: ',A) END IF GO TO 10 END IF C C5------ALLOCATE SPACE FOR MNW2 ARRAYS. C5------FOR EACH WELL, THERE ARE 30 DATA VALUES PLUS THE AUXILIARY VARIABLES NMNWVL=30+NAUX ALLOCATE (MNW2(NMNWVL,MNWMAX)) C5------FOR EACH NODE, THERE ARE 31 DATA VALUES c approximate number of nodes= max mnw wells * number of layers, this works well c if all are mostly vertical wells. add 10*nlay+25 for extra room. ispmnwn is c passed out to RP routine to check allocation while reading actual # nodes used NODTOT=(MNWMAX*NLAY)+(10*NLAY)+25 ALLOCATE (MNWNOD(34,NODTOT)) C5------FOR EACH INTERVAL, THERE ARE 11 DATA VALUES ALLOCATE (MNWINT(11,NODTOT)) C5------FOR Capacity Table, c 27 is the hard-wired number of entries allowed in the Capacity Table (CapTable) c 2 is the number of fields in the Capacity Table (CapTable): Lift (1) and Q (2) ALLOCATE (CapTable(mnwmax,27,2)) C5------FOR WELLID array, add an extra spot ALLOCATE (WELLID(mnwmax+1)) C C7------SAVE POINTERS TO DATA AND RETURN. CALL SGWF2MNW2PSV(IGRID) RETURN END SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW27RP(IN,kper,Iusip, Iude4,Iusor,Iupcg, + Iulmg,Iugmg,igwtunit,IGRID) C ****************************************************************** c read mnw2 locations, stress rates, conc, well char., and limits C ****************************************************************** C C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,NBOTM,LBOTM,BOTM, 1 IBOUND,LAYCBD,lipest USE GWFMNW2MODULE, ONLY:NMNW2,MNWMAX,NMNWVL,IWL2CB,MNWPRNT, 1 NODTOT,INTTOT,MNWAUX,MNW2,MNWNOD,MNWINT, 2 CapTable,SMALL,WELLID,NTOTNOD USE SIPMODULE,ONLY:HCLOSE USE DE4MODULE,ONLY:HCLOSEDE4 USE PCGMODULE,ONLY:HCLOSEPCG c USE GMGMODULE,ONLY:HCLOSEGMG C ------------------------------------------------------------------ INTEGER Qlimit,QCUT,firstnode,lastnode, & PUMPLAY,PUMPROW,PUMPCOL,PUMPLOC,PPFLAG,PUMPCAP DOUBLE PRECISION CapMult DOUBLE PRECISION Rw,Rskin,Kskin,B,C,P,CWC,RwNode,RskinNode, & KskinNode,BNode,CNode,PNode,CWCNode,Ztop,Zbotm,Zbotmlast, & Zpump,Hlim,Qfrcmn,Qfrcmx,Qdes,Cprime,PP, & Qtemp,Hlift,LIFTq0,LIFTqdes,LIFTn,Qn,HWtol CHARACTER*20 WELLNAME,LOSSTYPE real,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: qtmp C CALL SGWF2MNW2PNT(IGRID) C c c------------------------------------------------------------------ c The 11 rows of the MNW2 array store: c Row # = Description c------------------------------------------------------------------ c 1 = IACTIV (0: inactive; 1: active) c 2 = NNODES (number of nodes in this well) c 3 = LOSSTYPE (0: none; 1:THIEM; 2: SKIN; 3: GENERAL; 4:SPEC. COND) c 4 = NODNUM (number, in node list (MNWNOD), of first node of well) c 5 = QDES (desired flow rate for this stress period) c 6 = QLIMIT (pumpage constraint flag, QLIMIT>0 turns on constraint) c 7 = HLIM (limiting water level for pumpage constraint) c 8 = QCUT (pump cutoff flag: QCUT>0 limit by rate, QCUT<0 limit by c fraction of QDES) c 9 = Qfrcmn (minimum rate for well to remain active) c 10 = Qfrcmx (maximum rate to reactivate) c 11 = Cprime (concentration of inflow) c 12 = c------------------------------------------------------------------ c c If past first stress period, skip reading data sets1+2 IF(KPER.GT.1) GOTO 888 c set defaults ntotnod=0 INTTOT=0 C-------SET SMALL DEPENDING ON CLOSURE CRITERIA OF THE SOLVER IF ( Iusip.NE.0 ) SMALL = HCLOSE IF ( Iude4.NE.0 ) SMALL = HCLOSEDE4 ! IF ( Iusor.NE.0 ) SMALL = HCLOSESOR IF ( Iupcg.NE.0 ) SMALL = HCLOSEPCG IF ( Iulmg.NE.0 ) SMALL = 0.0D0 !LMG SETS HCLOSE TO ZERO c IF ( Iugmg.NE.0 ) SMALL = HCLOSEGMG c initialize WELLID=' ' MNW2=0.0D0 MNWNOD=0.0D0 MNWINT=0.0D0 write(iout,*) write(iout,*) 'MNW2 Input:' c0----read MNW info: wellid, nnodes, losstype, pumploc, Qlimit DO 1 MNWID=1,MNWMAX c initialize CapFlag2 at beginning of simulation mnw2(27,MNWID)=0 c write(iout,*) write(iout,*) write(iout,*) 'WELLID NNODES LOSSTYPE', &' PUMPLOC Qlimit PPFLAG PUMPCAP' c read Data Set 2a read(in,*) WELLID(MNWID),NNODES c read Data Set 2b read(in,*) LOSSTYPE,PUMPLOC,Qlimit,PPFLAG,PUMPCAP c convert wellid and losstype to uppercase call UPCASE(WELLID(MNWID)) call UPCASE(LOSSTYPE) c write(iout,'(1x,A20,1x,I4,5x,A10,2x,I3,2(5x,I3))') c & WELLID(MNWID),INT(NNODES),LOSSTYPE,INT(PUMPLOC),Qlimit,PPFLAG c write output with Format depending on LOSSTYPE if(LOSSTYPE.EQ.'NONE') then write(iout,'(1x,A20,1x,I4,6x,A10,1x,I3,3(5x,I3))') & WELLID(MNWID),INT(NNODES),LOSSTYPE,INT(PUMPLOC),Qlimit,PPFLAG, & PUMPCAP elseif(LOSSTYPE.EQ.'THIEM') then write(iout,'(1x,A20,1x,I4,6x,A10,1x,I3,3(5x,I3))') & WELLID(MNWID),INT(NNODES),LOSSTYPE,INT(PUMPLOC),Qlimit,PPFLAG, & PUMPCAP elseif(LOSSTYPE.EQ.'SKIN') then write(iout,'(1x,A20,1x,I4,6x,A10,1x,I3,3(5x,I3))') & WELLID(MNWID),INT(NNODES),LOSSTYPE,INT(PUMPLOC),Qlimit,PPFLAG, & PUMPCAP elseif(LOSSTYPE.EQ.'GENERAL') then write(iout,'(1x,A20,1x,I4,5x,A10,2x,I3,3(5x,I3))') & WELLID(MNWID),INT(NNODES),LOSSTYPE,INT(PUMPLOC),Qlimit,PPFLAG, & PUMPCAP elseif(LOSSTYPE.EQ.'SPECIFYCWC') then write(iout,'(1x,A20,1x,I4,2x,A10,5x,I3,3(5x,I3))') & WELLID(MNWID),INT(NNODES),LOSSTYPE,INT(PUMPLOC),Qlimit,PPFLAG, & PUMPCAP else write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** LOSSTYPE Not Recognized; stopping.' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - LOSSTYPE' end if c check WELLID vs existing names do 2 ID=1,MNWID-1 if(WELLID(MNWID).EQ.WELLID(ID)) then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** (MNW2) non-unique MNWID:,', * WELLID(MNWID) STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - WELLID' end if 2 continue c set PUMPLOC and PUMPCAP MNW2(11,MNWID)=PUMPLOC MNW2(22,MNWID)=PUMPCAP c CapTable has max 27 entires, so PUMPCAP must not be > 25 if(PUMPCAP.GT.25) then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** PUMPCAP cannot be greater than 25' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - PUMPCAP' end if c set IACTIV=0, defaulting well to inactive MNW2(1,MNWID)=0 c set number of nodes MNW2(2,MNWID)=NNODES c define LOSSTYPE using integers in MNW2 array if(LOSSTYPE.EQ.'NONE') then c for none, NNODES must be 1 if(NNODES.NE.1) then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** OPTION: NONE REQUIRES NNODES=1' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - OPTION: NONE REQUIRES NNODES=1' end if MNW2(3,MNWID)=0 elseif(LOSSTYPE.EQ.'THIEM') then MNW2(3,MNWID)=1 elseif(LOSSTYPE.EQ.'SKIN') then MNW2(3,MNWID)=2 elseif(LOSSTYPE.EQ.'GENERAL') then MNW2(3,MNWID)=3 elseif(LOSSTYPE.EQ.'SPECIFYCWC') then MNW2(3,MNWID)=4 end if c initialize QDES=0 MNW2(5,MNWID)=0.0 c set Qlimit flag. means limit or constraint is on. Qlimit<0 means c read it every stress period MNW2(6,MNWID)=Qlimit c set PPFLAG flag. PPFLAG>0 means calculate partial penetration effect. MNW2(19,MNWID)=PPFLAG c end read Data Set 2a and 2b c c warning if LOSSTYPE=SPECIFYCWC and PPFLAG>0 (no PP correction done for this LOSSTYPE) if(LOSSTYPE.EQ.'SPECIFYCWC'.and.PPFLAG.GT.0) then write(iout,*) write(iout,*) '***WARNING*** Partial penetration not', & ' calculated for LOSSTYPE = SPECIFYCWC' write(iout,*) end if c c read Data Set 2c, depending on LOSSTYPE (MNW2(3,MNWID) SELECT CASE (INT(MNW2(3,MNWID))) CASE (1) READ(in,*) Rw c don't allow Rw = 0 if(Rw.eq.0.0) then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Rw=0.0; Rw read=',Rw STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - Rw' endif CASE (2) READ(in,*) Rw,Rskin,Kskin if(Rw.eq.0.0) then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Rw=0.0; Rw read=',Rw STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - Rw' endif if(Rskin.eq.0.0) then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Rskin=0.0; Rskin read=',Rskin STOP 'MNW2 ERROR' endif if(Kskin.eq.0.0) then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Kskin=0.0; Kskin read=',Kskin STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - Kskin' endif CASE (3) READ(in,*) Rw,B,C,P if(Rw.eq.0.0) then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Rw=0.0; Rw read=',Rw STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - Rw' endif if( then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** P=',P,' exceeds 1 <= P <=3.5' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - P' endif CASE (4) READ(in,*) CWC END SELECT c end read Data Set 2c c c set HWflag (horizontal well flag) to 0 as default c can be set to 1 (true) if NNODES>0 and any R,C is different than first MNW2(21,MNWID)=0 c read Data Set 2d, the list of nodes c c if nnodes>0, read IL,IR,IC and LOSSTYPE variables set < 0 IF(NNODES.GT.0) THEN c calculate first node number in nodal list= (total nodes so far) + 1 c this will be used to access the information in the nodal array (MNWNOD) NODNUM=ntotnod+1 MNW2(4,MNWID)=NODNUM c count nodes (will uses this to check vs. allocation) ntotnod=ntotnod+NNODES if( then write(iout,*) write(iout,*) 'MNW2 NODE ARRAY ALLOCATION INSUFFICIENT' STOP 'MNW2 ALLOCATION ERROR' end if c loop over nodes DO 3 INODE=1,NNODES c If PPFLAG=0, don't read PP variable PPFLAG=INT(MNW2(19,mnwid)) IF(PPFLAG.eq.0) then c access the LOSSTYPE SELECT CASE (INT(MNW2(3,MNWID))) c LOSSTYPE=NONE, read IL,IR,IC only CASE (0) READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC c c LOSSTYPE=THIEM, read IL,IR,IC,{Rw} CASE (1) IF(Rw.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC c Rw at each node is the same if Rw>0.0 RwNode=Rw ELSE c If Rw<0, read in separate Rw for each node READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RwNode END IF c Set Rw in node list, spot is 1st node (NODNUM) + current step (INODE) - 1 MNWNOD(5,NODNUM+INODE-1)=RwNode c c LOSSTYPE=SKIN, read IL,IR,IC,{Rw Rskin Kskin} CASE (2) IF(Rw.GT.0.0) THEN IF(Rskin.GT.0.0) THEN IF(Kskin.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC RwNode=Rw RskinNode=Rskin KskinNode=Kskin ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,KskinNode RwNode=Rw RskinNode=Rskin ENDIF c else Rskin<0 ELSE IF(Kskin.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RskinNode RwNode=Rw KskinNode=Kskin ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RskinNode,KskinNode RwNode=Rw ENDIF ENDIF c else Rw<0 ELSE IF(Rskin.GT.0.0) THEN IF(Kskin.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RwNode RskinNode=Rskin KskinNode=Kskin ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RwNode,KskinNode RskinNode=Rskin ENDIF c else Rskin<0 ELSE IF(Kskin.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RwNode,RskinNode KskinNode=Kskin ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RwNode,RskinNode,KskinNode ENDIF ENDIF END IF c Set vars in node list, spot is 1st node (NODNUM) + current step (INODE) - 1 MNWNOD(5,NODNUM+INODE-1)=RwNode MNWNOD(6,NODNUM+INODE-1)=RskinNode MNWNOD(7,NODNUM+INODE-1)=KskinNode c c LOSSTYPE=GENERAL, read IL,IR,IC,{Rw B C P} CASE (3) IF(Rw.GT.0.0) THEN IF(B.GE.0.0) THEN IF(C.GE.0.0) THEN IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC RwNode=Rw BNode=B CNode=C PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,PNode RwNode=Rw BNode=B CNode=C END IF c else C<0 ELSE IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,CNode RwNode=Rw BNode=B PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,CNode,PNode RwNode=Rw BNode=B END IF ENDIF c else B<0 ELSE IF(C.GE.0.0) THEN IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,BNode RwNode=Rw CNode=C PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,BNode,PNode RwNode=Rw CNode=C END IF c else C<0 ELSE IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,BNode,CNode RwNode=Rw PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,BNode,CNode,PNode RwNode=Rw END IF ENDIF ENDIF c else Rw<0 ELSE IF(B.GE.0.0) THEN IF(C.GE.0.0) THEN IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RwNode BNode=B CNode=C PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,Rwnode,PNode BNode=B CNode=C END IF c else C<0 ELSE IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,Rwnode,CNode BNode=B PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,Rwnode,CNode,PNode BNode=B END IF ENDIF c else B<0 ELSE IF(C.GE.0.0) THEN IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,Rwnode,BNode CNode=C PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,Rwnode,BNode,PNode CNode=C END IF c else C<0 ELSE IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,Rwnode,BNode,CNode PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,Rwnode,BNode,CNode,PNode END IF ENDIF ENDIF END IF c Set vars in node list, spot is 1st node (NODNUM) + current step (INODE) - 1 MNWNOD(5,NODNUM+INODE-1)=RwNode MNWNOD(8,NODNUM+INODE-1)=BNode MNWNOD(9,NODNUM+INODE-1)=CNode MNWNOD(10,NODNUM+INODE-1)=PNode c c LOSSTYPE=SPECIFYcwc, read IL,IR,IC,{CWC} CASE (4) IF(CWC.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC CWCNode=CWC ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,CWCNode END IF MNWNOD(11,NODNUM+INODE-1)=CWCNode END SELECT c ELSE if PPFLAG NE 0, read PP flag ELSE c access the LOSSTYPE SELECT CASE (INT(MNW2(3,MNWID))) c LOSSTYPE=NONE, read IL,IR,IC only CASE (0) READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,PP c c LOSSTYPE=THIEM, read IL,IR,IC,{Rw} CASE (1) IF(Rw.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,PP c Rw at each node is the same if Rw>0.0 RwNode=Rw ELSE c If Rw<0, read in separate Rw for each node READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RwNode,PP END IF c Set Rw in node list, spot is 1st node (NODNUM) + current step (INODE) - 1 MNWNOD(5,NODNUM+INODE-1)=RwNode c c LOSSTYPE=SKIN, read IL,IR,IC,{Rw Rskin Kskin} CASE (2) IF(Rw.GT.0.0) THEN IF(Rskin.GT.0.0) THEN IF(Kskin.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,PP RwNode=Rw RskinNode=Rskin KskinNode=Kskin ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,KskinNode,PP RwNode=Rw RskinNode=Rskin ENDIF c else Rskin<0 ELSE IF(Kskin.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RskinNode,PP RwNode=Rw KskinNode=Kskin ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RskinNode,KskinNode,PP RwNode=Rw ENDIF ENDIF c else Rw<0 ELSE IF(Rskin.GT.0.0) THEN IF(Kskin.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RwNode,PP RskinNode=Rskin KskinNode=Kskin ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RwNode,KskinNode,PP RskinNode=Rskin ENDIF c else Rskin<0 ELSE IF(Kskin.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RwNode,RskinNode,PP KskinNode=Kskin ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RwNode,RskinNode,KskinNode,PP ENDIF ENDIF END IF c Set vars in node list, spot is 1st node (NODNUM) + current step (INODE) - 1 MNWNOD(5,NODNUM+INODE-1)=RwNode MNWNOD(6,NODNUM+INODE-1)=RskinNode MNWNOD(7,NODNUM+INODE-1)=KskinNode c c LOSSTYPE=GENERAL, read IL,IR,IC,{Rw B C P} CASE (3) IF(Rw.GT.0.0) THEN IF(B.GE.0.0) THEN IF(C.GE.0.0) THEN IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,PP RwNode=Rw BNode=B CNode=C PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,PNode,PP RwNode=Rw BNode=B CNode=C END IF c else C<0 ELSE IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,CNode,PP RwNode=Rw BNode=B PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,CNode,PNode,PP RwNode=Rw BNode=B END IF ENDIF c else B<0 ELSE IF(C.GE.0.0) THEN IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,BNode,PP RwNode=Rw CNode=C PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,BNode,PNode,PP RwNode=Rw CNode=C END IF c else C<0 ELSE IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,BNode,CNode,PP RwNode=Rw PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,BNode,CNode,PNode,PP RwNode=Rw END IF ENDIF ENDIF c else Rw<0 ELSE IF(B.GE.0.0) THEN IF(C.GE.0.0) THEN IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,RwNode,PP BNode=B CNode=C PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,Rwnode,PNode,PP BNode=B CNode=C END IF c else C<0 ELSE IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,Rwnode,CNode,PP BNode=B PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,Rwnode,CNode,PNode,PP BNode=B END IF ENDIF c else B<0 ELSE IF(C.GE.0.0) THEN IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,Rwnode,BNode,PP CNode=C PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,Rwnode,BNode,PNode,PP CNode=C END IF c else C<0 ELSE IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,Rwnode,BNode,CNode,PP PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,Rwnode,BNode,CNode,PNode,PP END IF ENDIF ENDIF END IF c Set vars in node list, spot is 1st node (NODNUM) + current step (INODE) - 1 MNWNOD(5,NODNUM+INODE-1)=RwNode MNWNOD(8,NODNUM+INODE-1)=BNode MNWNOD(9,NODNUM+INODE-1)=CNode MNWNOD(10,NODNUM+INODE-1)=PNode c c LOSSTYPE=SPECIFYcwc, read IL,IR,IC,{CWC} CASE (4) IF(CWC.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,PP CWCNode=CWC ELSE READ(in,*) IL,IR,IC,CWCNode,PP END IF MNWNOD(11,NODNUM+INODE-1)=CWCNode END SELECT END IF c save node location, set Qdes=0.0, set PP, flag ZPD MNWNOD(1,NODNUM+INODE-1)=IL MNWNOD(2,NODNUM+INODE-1)=IR MNWNOD(3,NODNUM+INODE-1)=IC MNWNOD(4,NODNUM+INODE-1)=0.0 if(PPFLAG.LE.0) then PP=0.d0 end if MNWNOD(19,NODNUM+INODE-1)=PP c save IR and IC to check vs the subsequent nodes for vert/horiz IF(INODE.EQ.1) THEN IRlast=IR IClast=IC ELSE c if any node is a different R,C, this is a nonvertical well IF((IR.NE.IRlast).OR.(IC.NE.IClast)) THEN c set HWflag to true MNW2(21,MNWID)=1 END IF END IF c if partial penetration ne 0, set ZPD to 1d30. this will act as a flag c until ZDP (and ZPL) are set for the well) if( MNWNOD(20,NODNUM+INODE-1)=1d30 3 CONTINUE c c end nnodes>0 read statements c c if nnodes<0, read in Ztop and Zbot which define intervals ELSE c c calculate first interval number in interval list= (total ints so far) + 1 c this will be used to access the information in the interval array (MNWINT) INTNUM=INTTOT+1 MNW2(13,MNWID)=INTNUM c the abs value of NNODES represents the number of intervals to de defined NINTVL=ABS(NNODES) c count intervals to check vs. allocation INTTOT=INTTOT+NINTVL c initialize interval node counter intnodes=0 c loop over the intervals in this well DO 4 IINT=1,NINTVL c c access the LOSSTYPE SELECT CASE (INT(MNW2(3,MNWID))) c LOSSTYPE=NONE, read Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC only CASE (0) READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC c c LOSSTYPE=THIEM, read Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,{Rw} CASE (1) IF(Rw.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC c Rw at each node is the same if Rw>0.0 RwNode=Rw ELSE c If Rw<0, read in separate Rw for each node READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,RwNode END IF c Set Rw in interval list, spot is 1st int (INTNUM) + current step (IINT) - 1 MNWINT(5,INTNUM+IINT-1)=RwNode c c LOSSTYPE=SKIN, read Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,{Rw Rskin Kskin} CASE (2) IF(Rw.GT.0.0) THEN IF(Rskin.GT.0.0) THEN IF(Kskin.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC RwNode=Rw RskinNode=Rskin KskinNode=Kskin ELSE READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,KskinNode RwNode=Rw RskinNode=Rskin ENDIF c else Rskin<0 ELSE IF(Kskin.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,RskinNode RwNode=Rw KskinNode=Kskin ELSE READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,RskinNode,KskinNode RwNode=Rw ENDIF ENDIF c else Rw<0 ELSE IF(Rskin.GT.0.0) THEN IF(Kskin.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,RwNode RskinNode=Rskin KskinNode=Kskin ELSE READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,RwNode,KskinNode RskinNode=Rskin ENDIF c else Rskin<0 ELSE IF(Kskin.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,RwNode,RskinNode KskinNode=Kskin ELSE READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,RwNode,RskinNode, & KskinNode ENDIF ENDIF END IF c Set vars for interval MNWINT(5,INTNUM+IINT-1)=RwNode MNWINT(6,INTNUM+IINT-1)=RskinNode MNWINT(7,INTNUM+IINT-1)=KskinNode c c LOSSTYPE=GENERAL, read Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,{Rw B C P} CASE (3) IF(Rw.GT.0.0) THEN IF(B.GE.0.0) THEN IF(C.GE.0.0) THEN IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC RwNode=Rw BNode=B CNode=C PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,PNode RwNode=Rw BNode=B CNode=C END IF c else C<0 ELSE IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,CNode RwNode=Rw BNode=B PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,CNode,PNode RwNode=Rw BNode=B END IF ENDIF c else B<0 ELSE IF(C.GE.0.0) THEN IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,BNode RwNode=Rw CNode=C PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,BNode,PNode RwNode=Rw CNode=C END IF c else C<0 ELSE IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,BNode,CNode RwNode=Rw PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,BNode,CNode,PNode RwNode=Rw END IF ENDIF ENDIF c else Rw<0 ELSE IF(B.GE.0.0) THEN IF(C.GE.0.0) THEN IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,RwNode BNode=B CNode=C PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,Rwnode,PNode BNode=B CNode=C END IF c else C<0 ELSE IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,Rwnode,CNode BNode=B PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,Rwnode,CNode,PNode BNode=B END IF ENDIF c else B<0 ELSE IF(C.GE.0.0) THEN IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,Rwnode,BNode CNode=C PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,Rwnode,BNode,PNode CNode=C END IF c else C<0 ELSE IF(P.GE.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,Rwnode,BNode,CNode PNode=P ELSE READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,Rwnode,BNode,CNode, & PNode END IF ENDIF ENDIF END IF c Set vars for interval MNWINT(5,INTNUM+IINT-1)=RwNode MNWINT(8,INTNUM+IINT-1)=BNode MNWINT(9,INTNUM+IINT-1)=CNode MNWINT(10,INTNUM+IINT-1)=PNode c c LOSSTYPE=SPECIFYcwc, read Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,{CWC} CASE (4) IF(CWC.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC CWCNode=CWC ELSE READ(in,*) Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,CWCNode END IF c Set var for interval MNWINT(11,INTNUM+IINT-1)=CWCNode END SELECT c Set vars for interval MNWINT(1,INTNUM+IINT-1)=Ztop MNWINT(2,INTNUM+IINT-1)=Zbotm MNWINT(3,INTNUM+IINT-1)=IR MNWINT(4,INTNUM+IINT-1)=IC c Do error-checking on interval elevations c If beyond the first interval, do check on elevation IF(IINT.GT.1) THEN IF(Ztop.GT.Zbotmlast) THEN WRITE(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Top of interval is ', & 'above bottom of last interval' WRITE(iout,*) 'Well: ',WELLID(MNWID) STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - Intervals' END IF END IF c Save bottom of last interval for above check Zbotmlast=Zbotm c c create nodes from interval information c MNWNOD will access MNWINT by pointing to the first and last interval c that intersects the node c c set node counter for this interval nodecount=0 c save IR and IC to check vs the subsequent nodes IF(IINT.EQ.1) THEN IRlast=IR IClast=IC ELSE IF((IR.NE.IRlast).OR.(IC.NE.IClast)) THEN write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Row,Col must be constant in', & 'a vertical well (NNODES < 0)' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - Vertical' END IF END IF c c find first layer that the top of this interval penetrates, set = IL ! K=1 c botm(...k) points to the bottom of layer K ! DO WHILE (Ztop.le.BOTM(IC,IR,LBOTM(K))) ! K=K+1 ! END DO do k=1,nlay !## skip inactive cells if(ibound(ic,ir,k).ne.0)then if(,ir,lbotm(k)))exit endif enddo IF(K.LE.NLAY) then IL=K ELSE write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** MNW: ', & 'Ztop below bottom of model' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - Ztop' END IF c c now that we have coordinates, start creating cells c c if we haven't create any cells, create the first IF(intnodes.eq.0) THEN IF(IBOUND(IC,IR,IL).NE.0) THEN c calculate first node number in nodal list= (total nodes so far) +1 c this will be used to access the information in the nodal array (MNWNOD) NODNUM=ntotnod+1 c increase total node count ntotnod=ntotnod+1 if( then write(iout,*) write(iout,*) 'MNW2 NODE ARRAY ALLOCATION INSUFFICIENT' STOP 'MNW2 ALLOCATION ERROR' end if c increase count of nodes in this interval nodecount=nodecount+1 c increase count of nodes in this well intnodes=intnodes+1 c mark this as the first node in the node list for this well if(intnodes.eq.1) MNW2(4,MNWID)=NODNUM c create node in node list from interval coordinates MNWNOD(1,NODNUM)=IL MNWNOD(2,NODNUM)=IR MNWNOD(3,NODNUM)=IC MNWNOD(4,NODNUM)=0.0 c set first and last intervals in this node= interval #1 c INTNUM is location in int list of 1st interval for this well c IINT is loop counter for intervals MNWNOD(12,NODNUM)=INTNUM+IINT-1 MNWNOD(13,NODNUM)=INTNUM+IINT-1 c if partial penetration ne 0, set ZPD to 1d30. this will act as a flag c until ZDP (and ZPL) are set for the well) MNWNOD(20,NODNUM)=1d30 ELSE WRITE(iout,*) '***ERROR*** MNW2 screen in no-flow node' STOP 'MNW2 - screen in no-flow node' END IF c if a node has been created (nodecount>0), then check to see if this interval c is still in that node (still NODNUM) ELSE IF(MNWNOD(1,NODNUM).EQ.IL) THEN c if interval is still in previous node, re-set "last int" for that node c do not increase nodecount, as it is in same node MNWNOD(13,NODNUM)=INTNUM+IINT-1 c if top of this interval is in a new node, create a node in that layer ELSE IF(IBOUND(IC,IR,IL).NE.0) THEN NODNUM=NODNUM+1 c increase total node count ntotnod=ntotnod+1 if( then write(iout,*) write(iout,*) 'MNW2 NODE ARRAY ALLOCATION INSUFFICIENT' STOP 'MNW2 ALLOCATION ERROR' end if c increase count of nodes in this interval nodecount=nodecount+1 c increase count of nodes in this well intnodes=intnodes+1 MNWNOD(1,NODNUM)=IL MNWNOD(2,NODNUM)=IR MNWNOD(3,NODNUM)=IC MNWNOD(4,NODNUM)=0.0 c set first and last intervals in this node= interval #1 c INTNUM is location in int list of 1st interval for this well c IINT is loop counter for intervals MNWNOD(12,NODNUM)=INTNUM+IINT-1 MNWNOD(13,NODNUM)=INTNUM+IINT-1 c if partial penetration ne 0, set ZPD to 1d30. this will act as a flag c until ZDP (and ZPL) are set for the well) MNWNOD(20,NODNUM)=1d30 ELSE WRITE(iout,*) '***ERROR*** MNW2 screen in no-flow node' STOP 'MNW2 - screen in no-flow node' END IF END IF END IF c c check nodecount here before looping over lower layers, possibility that the c interval defines nothing is then caught IF( THEN c add more nodes if the bottom of the interval penetrates below this layer, c as long as it isn't the last layer K=IL DO WHILE(,IR,LBOTM(K)).and. & ((K+1).LE.NLAY)) K=K+1 IL=K NODNUM=NODNUM+1 c increase total node count ntotnod=ntotnod+1 if( then write(iout,*) write(iout,*) 'MNW2 NODE ARRAY ALLOCATION INSUFFICIENT' STOP 'MNW2 ALLOCATION ERROR' end if c increase count of nodes in this interval nodecount=nodecount+1 c increase count of nodes in this well intnodes=intnodes+1 MNWNOD(1,NODNUM)=IL MNWNOD(2,NODNUM)=IR MNWNOD(3,NODNUM)=IC MNWNOD(4,NODNUM)=0.0 c set first and last intervals in this node= interval number MNWNOD(12,NODNUM)=INTNUM+IINT-1 MNWNOD(13,NODNUM)=INTNUM+IINT-1 c if partial penetration ne 0, set ZPD (MNWNOD(20) to 1d30. this will act as a flag c until ZDP (and ZPL) are set for the well MNWNOD(20,NODNUM)=1d30 END DO END IF c 4 CONTINUE c end loop over intervals c reset NUMNODES to -(number of nodes) instead of -(# of intervals) MNW2(2,MNWID)=-1*intnodes c c Print interval information if( then write(iout,*) c write info line write(iout,'(100A)') ' NNODES < 0: well defined using open', &' intervals as described below' c write header depending on LOSSTYPE SELECT CASE (INT(MNW2(3,MNWID))) c LOSSTYPE=NONE, read Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC only CASE (0) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Interval Ztop Zbotm ', &' Row Col' c LOSSTYPE=THIEM, read Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,{Rw} CASE (1) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Interval Ztop Zbotm ', &' Row Col Rw ' c LOSSTYPE=SKIN, read Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,{Rw Rskin Kskin} CASE (2) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Interval Ztop Zbotm ', &' Row Col Rw Rskin ', &' Kskin ' c LOSSTYPE=GENERAL, read Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,{Rw B C P} CASE (3) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Interval Ztop Zbotm ', &' Row Col Rw B C P ' c LOSSTYPE=SPECIFYcwc, read Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,{CWC} CASE (4) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Interval Ztop Zbotm ', &' Row Col spec.CWC' END SELECT c c get first interval in this well INTNUM=MNW2(13,MNWID) c write data depending on LOSSTYPE SELECT CASE (INT(MNW2(3,MNWID))) c LOSSTYPE=NONE, write Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC only CASE (0) do IINT=INTNUM,(INTNUM+NINTVL-1) write(iout,'(1x,I4,6x,1P2G12.5,1x,I4,1x,I4)') &IINT-intnum+1,(MNWINT(j,iint),j=1,2),(INT(MNWINT(j,iint)),j=3,4) end do c LOSSTYPE=THIEM, write Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,{Rw} CASE (1) do IINT=INTNUM,(INTNUM+NINTVL-1) write(iout,'(1x,I4,6x,1P2G12.5,1x,I4,1x,I4,2x,1P1G10.4)') &IINT-intnum+1,(MNWINT(j,iint),j=1,2),(INT(MNWINT(j,iint)),j=3,4), &(MNWINT(5,iint)) end do c LOSSTYPE=SKIN, write Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,{Rw Rskin Kskin} CASE (2) do IINT=INTNUM,(INTNUM+NINTVL-1) write(iout,'(1x,I4,6x,1P2G12.5,1x,I4,1x,I4,2x,1P3G10.4)') &IINT-intnum+1,(MNWINT(j,iint),j=1,2),(INT(MNWINT(j,iint)),j=3,4), &(MNWINT(j,iint),j=5,7) end do c LOSSTYPE=GENERAL, write Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,{Rw B C P} CASE (3) do IINT=INTNUM,(INTNUM+NINTVL-1) write(iout,'(1x,I4,6x,1P2G12.5,1x,I4,1x,I4,2x,1P4G10.4)') &IINT-intnum+1,(MNWINT(j,iint),j=1,2),(INT(MNWINT(j,iint)),j=3,4), &(MNWINT(5,iint)),(MNWINT(j,iint),j=8,10) end do c LOSSTYPE=SPECIFYcwc, write Ztop,Zbotm,IR,IC,{CWC} CASE (4) do IINT=INTNUM,(INTNUM+NINTVL-1) c-lfk write(iout,'(1x,I4,6x,1P2G12.5,1x,I4,1x,I4,2x,1P1G10.4)') write(iout,'(1x,I4,6x,1P2G12.5,1x,I4,1x,I4,4x,1P1G10.4)') &IINT-intnum+1,(MNWINT(j,iint),j=1,2),(INT(MNWINT(j,iint)),j=3,4), &(MNWINT(11,iint)) end do END SELECT end if c END IF c end read Data Set 2d c c loop over wells to print out Node Info c write(iout,*) c if( then firstnode=MNW2(4,MNWID) lastnode=MNW2(4,MNWID)+ABS(MNW2(2,MNWID))-1 c write info line if( then c for MNWs defined by intervals write(iout,'(100A)') ' The following', &' nodes were assigned to this well based on above open interval', &' information' write(iout,'(100A)') ' Node Lay Row Col ' do INODE=firstnode,lastnode nod=INODE-firstnode+1 c if more than one interval made up this node, write composite if(MNWNOD(12,INODE).ne.MNWNOD(13,INODE)) then write(iout,'(1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,2x,9A)') &nod,(INT(MNWNOD(i,INODE)),i=1,3), & 'COMPOSITE' else write(iout,'(1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4)') &nod,(INT(MNWNOD(i,INODE)),i=1,3) end if end do c else c for MNWs defined by nodes c if(PPFLAG.EQ.0) then c write header depending on LOSSTYPE SELECT CASE (INT(MNW2(3,MNWID))) c LOSSTYPE=NONE, read IL,IR,IC only CASE (0) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Node Lay Row Col' c LOSSTYPE=THIEM, read IL,IR,IC,{Rw} CASE (1) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Node Lay Row Col Rw ' c LOSSTYPE=SKIN, read IL,IR,IC,{Rw Rskin Kskin} CASE (2) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Node Lay Row Col Rw Rskin ', &' Kskin' c LOSSTYPE=GENERAL, read IL,IR,IC,{Rw B C P} CASE (3) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Node Lay Row Col Rw B & C P ' c LOSSTYPE=SPECIFYcwc, read IL,IR,IC,{CWC} CASE (4) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Node Lay Row Col spec.CWC' END SELECT c c write data depending on LOSSTYPE SELECT CASE (INT(MNW2(3,MNWID))) c LOSSTYPE=NONE, write IL,IR,IC only CASE (0) do INODE=firstnode,lastnode nod=INODE-firstnode+1 write(iout,'(1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4)') &nod,(INT(MNWNOD(i,INODE)),i=1,3) end do c LOSSTYPE=THIEM, write IL,IR,IC,{Rw} CASE (1) do INODE=firstnode,lastnode nod=INODE-firstnode+1 write(iout,'(1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,2x,1P1G10.4)') &nod,(INT(MNWNOD(i,INODE)),i=1,3),(MNWNOD(5,INODE)) end do c LOSSTYPE=SKIN, write IL,IR,IC,{Rw Rskin Kskin} CASE (2) do INODE=firstnode,lastnode nod=INODE-firstnode+1 write(iout,'(1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,2x,1P3G10.4)') &nod,(INT(MNWNOD(i,INODE)),i=1,3),(MNWNOD(j,INODE),j=5,7) end do c LOSSTYPE=GENERAL, write IL,IR,IC,{Rw B C P} CASE (3) do INODE=firstnode,lastnode nod=INODE-firstnode+1 write(iout,'(1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,2x,1P4G10.4)') &nod,(INT(MNWNOD(i,INODE)),i=1,3),(MNWNOD(5,INODE)), &(MNWNOD(j,INODE),j=8,10) end do c LOSSTYPE=SPECIFYcwc, write IL,IR,IC,{CWC} CASE (4) do INODE=firstnode,lastnode nod=INODE-firstnode+1 write(iout,'(1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,2x,1P1G10.4)') &nod,(INT(MNWNOD(i,INODE)),i=1,3),(MNWNOD(11,INODE)) end do END SELECT c If PPFLAG>0 print PP input else c write header depending on LOSSTYPE SELECT CASE (INT(MNW2(3,MNWID))) c LOSSTYPE=NONE, read IL,IR,IC only CASE (0) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Node Lay Row Col PP' c LOSSTYPE=THIEM, read IL,IR,IC,{Rw} CASE (1) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Node Lay Row Col Rw PP' c LOSSTYPE=SKIN, read IL,IR,IC,{Rw Rskin Kskin} CASE (2) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Node Lay Row Col Rw Rskin ', &' Kskin PP' c LOSSTYPE=GENERAL, read IL,IR,IC,{Rw B C P} CASE (3) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Node Lay Row Col Rw B & C P PP' c LOSSTYPE=SPECIFYcwc, read IL,IR,IC,{CWC} CASE (4) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Node Lay Row Col spec.CWC PP' END SELECT c c write data depending on LOSSTYPE SELECT CASE (INT(MNW2(3,MNWID))) c LOSSTYPE=NONE, write IL,IR,IC only CASE (0) do INODE=firstnode,lastnode nod=INODE-firstnode+1 write(iout,'(1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,G10.3)') &nod,(INT(MNWNOD(i,INODE)),i=1,3),MNWNOD(19,INODE) end do c LOSSTYPE=THIEM, write IL,IR,IC,{Rw} CASE (1) do INODE=firstnode,lastnode nod=INODE-firstnode+1 write(iout,'(1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,2x,1P2G10.3)') &nod,(INT(MNWNOD(i,INODE)),i=1,3),MNWNOD(5,INODE), & MNWNOD(19,INODE) end do c LOSSTYPE=SKIN, write IL,IR,IC,{Rw Rskin Kskin} CASE (2) do INODE=firstnode,lastnode nod=INODE-firstnode+1 write(iout,'(1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,2x,1P4G10.4)') &nod,(INT(MNWNOD(i,INODE)),i=1,3),(MNWNOD(j,INODE),j=5,7), & MNWNOD(19,INODE) end do c LOSSTYPE=GENERAL, write IL,IR,IC,{Rw B C P} CASE (3) do INODE=firstnode,lastnode nod=INODE-firstnode+1 write(iout,'(1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,2x,1P5G10.4)') &nod,(INT(MNWNOD(i,INODE)),i=1,3),(MNWNOD(5,INODE)), &(MNWNOD(j,INODE),j=8,10),MNWNOD(19,INODE) end do c LOSSTYPE=SPECIFYcwc, write IL,IR,IC,{CWC} CASE (4) do INODE=firstnode,lastnode nod=INODE-firstnode+1 write(iout,'(1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,1x,I4,2x,1P2G10.4)') &nod,(INT(MNWNOD(i,INODE)),i=1,3),MNWNOD(11,INODE), &MNWNOD(19,INODE) end do END SELECT end if end if end if c c check well nodes in grid c Loop over nodes in well firstnode=MNW2(4,MNWID) lastnode=MNW2(4,MNWID)+ABS(MNW2(2,MNWID))-1 do INODE=firstnode,lastnode il=MNWNOD(1,INODE) ir=MNWNOD(2,INODE) ic=MNWNOD(3,INODE) if( & & then write(iout,*) write(iout,*) 'MNW2 Node not in grid; Layer, Row, Col=' write(iout,*) il,ir,ic STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - Grid' end if end do c c read Data Set 2e, PUMPLOC c IF(PUMPLOC.GT.0.0) THEN c if PUMPLOC>0, read PUMPLAY,PUMPROW,PUMPCOL READ(in,*) PUMPLAY,PUMPROW,PUMPCOL MNW2(14,MNWID)=PUMPLAY MNW2(15,MNWID)=PUMPROW MNW2(16,MNWID)=PUMPCOL ELSEIF(PUMPLOC.LT.0) THEN c if PUMPLOC<0, read Zpump and calulate PUMPLAY,PUMPROW,PUMPCOL READ(in,*) Zpump c loop over nodes in this well firstnode=MNW2(4,MNWID) lastnode=MNW2(4,MNWID)+ABS(MNW2(2,MNWID))-1 ifound=0 DO INODE=firstnode,lastnode IL=MNWNOD(1,INODE) IF(Zpump.LT.BOTM(IC,IR,LBOTM(IL)-1).AND. & Zpump.GT.BOTM(IC,IR,LBOTM(IL))) THEN IR=MNWNOD(2,INODE) IC=MNWNOD(3,INODE) MNW2(14,MNWID)=IL MNW2(15,MNWID)=IR MNW2(16,MNWID)=IC ifound=1 END IF END DO c if PUMPLOC not in a node, assume it is at top and print warning if(ifound.eq.0) then write(iout,*) '***WARNING*** Pump location specified but & not found within a MNW2 node' write(iout,*) ' Pump assumed to be at top node' MNW2(11,MNWID)=0 end if END IF c c end read Data Set 2e c c read data set 2f (if Qlimit > 0) c IF(Qlimit.GT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Hlim,QCUT BACKSPACE in IF(QCUT.NE.0) THEN READ(in,*) Hlim,QCUT,Qfrcmn,Qfrcmx ELSE READ(in,*) Hlim,QCUT END IF c write info line c write(iout,*) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Qlimit > 0 : this well will & be constrained' write(iout,'(A,1PG13.5)') ' Hlim = ',Hlim write(iout,1111) QCUT 1111 FORMAT(' QCUT = ',I4) if( then write(iout,'(A,1PG13.5,A)') ' Qfrcmn = ',Qfrcmn write(iout,'(A,1PG13.5,A)') ' Qfrcmx = ',Qfrcmx elseif( then write(iout,'(A,1PG13.5,A)') ' Qfrcmn = ',Qfrcmn, ' L**3/T' write(iout,'(A,1PG13.5,A)') ' Qfrcmx = ',Qfrcmx, ' L**3/T' end if write(iout,*) c process min and max Q's based on QCUT MNW2(7,MNWID)=Hlim MNW2(8,MNWID)=QCUT MNW2(9,MNWID)=Qfrcmn MNW2(10,MNWID)=Qfrcmx c error check Qfrcmn C-LFK if(QCUT.GT.0) then if(QCUT.LT.0) then if( then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Qfrcmn > 1 is out of range' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - Qfrcmn' end if c error check Qfrcmx if( then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Qfrcmx > 1 is out of range' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - Qfrcmx' end if end if END IF c c end read Data Set 2f c c read Data Sets 2g & 2h, PUMPCAP data c IF(PUMPCAP.GT.0.0) THEN c if PUMPCAP>0, read Hlift, LIFTq0, LIFTqdes READ(in,*) Hlift,LIFTq0,LIFTqdes,HWtol mnw2(23,MNWID)=Hlift mnw2(28,MNWID)=HWtol c CapTable(WELLID,index,type) where c index counts the number of values (PUMPCAP+2) c type 1 = Lift values c type 2 = Q values CapTable(MNWID,1,1)=LIFTq0 CapTable(MNWID,1,2)=0.d0 CapTable(MNWID,PUMPCAP+2,1)=abs(LIFTqdes) c when we know qdes, set this c CapTable(MNWID,PUMPCAP+1,2)=qdes DO 382 index=2,PUMPCAP+1 READ(in,*) Liftn,Qn CapTable(MNWID,index,1)=LIFTn CapTable(MNWID,index,2)=abs(Qn) 382 CONTINUE END IF c end read Data Sets 2g & 2h c c check consistency of CapTable DO 383 index=2,PUMPCAP if(CapTable(MNWID,index,1).GT.CapTable(MNWID,index-1,1)) then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Lift values in capacity table &must be in descending order' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - CapTable' end if if(CapTable(MNWID,index,2).LT.CapTable(MNWID,index-1,2)) then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Q values in capacity table &must be in ascending order' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - CapTable' end if 383 CONTINUE c c end loop over MNWMAX 1 CONTINUE c c read Data Set 3, ITMP (number of wells or flag saying reuse well data) c c Skip to here unless in first SP 888 CONTINUE READ(in,*) ITMP write(iout,*) c return if there are no wells to read ........ if( itmp .ge. 0 ) then c reset # of wells and active well flag nmnw2=0 do iw=1,MNWMAX MNW2(1,iw)=0 end do if(itmp.eq.0) return end if if( ) then c if itmp less than zero, reuse data. print message and return. write(iout,6) 6 format(1h0,'REUSING MNW2 INFORMATION FROM LAST STRESS PERIOD') return else c If itmp > 0, read ITMP wells c if( then write(iout,*) 'MNW2: ',ITMP, ' active wells in stress period ', & kper else write(iout,*) 'MNW2: ',ITMP, ' active well in stress period ', & kper end if write(iout,*) do iread=1,ITMP c read data set 4a c read WELLNAME and then backspace to check for PUMPCAP read(in,*) WELLNAME backspace(in) call UPCASE(WELLNAME) c check for existence of well ifound=0 MNWID=0 do iw=1,MNWMAX if(WELLID(iw).EQ.WELLNAME) then ifound=1 c set IACTIV=1 to turn well on for this SP MNW2(1,iw)=1 nmnw2=nmnw2+1 MNWID=iw C-LFK WRITE(IOUT,*) WRITE(IOUT,*)'WELLNAME = ',WELLNAME end if end do if (ifound.eq.0) then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Well name not found in list' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - WELLID' end if c continue reading data set 4a PUMPCAP=MNW2(22,MNWID) NAUX=NMNWVL-30 if(PUMPCAP.EQ.0) then if(igwtunit.le.0) then read(in,*) WELLNAME,Qdes,(MNW2(30+IAUX,MNWID),IAUX=1,NAUX) else read(in,*) WELLNAME,Qdes,Cprime, & (MNW2(30+IAUX,MNWID),IAUX=1,NAUX) endif else if(igwtunit.le.0) then read(in,*) WELLNAME,Qdes,CapMult, & (MNW2(30+IAUX,MNWID),IAUX=1,NAUX) else read(in,*) WELLNAME,Qdes,CapMult,Cprime, & (MNW2(30+IAUX,MNWID),IAUX=1,NAUX) endif end if C-LFK write auxiliary variable info. if ( then write(iout,1900) (mnwaux(iaux),iaux=1,naux) write(iout,1910) (MNW2(30+IAUX,MNWID),IAUX=1,NAUX) 1900 format(2x,'Auxiliary Variable Information: ',5(:(A16,2x))) 1910 format(35x,5(:(f4.0,14x))) end if c read Data Set 4b, if Qlimit < 0 c Qlimit=MNW2(6,MNWID) IF(Qlimit.LT.0.0) THEN READ(in,*) Hlim,QCUT BACKSPACE in IF(QCUT.NE.0) THEN READ(in,*) Hlim,QCUT,Qfrcmn,Qfrcmx ELSE READ(in,*) Hlim,QCUT Qfrcmn=0.0 Qfrcmx=0.0 END IF c write info line c write(iout,*) write(iout,'(100A)') ' Qlimit < 0 : this well will & be constrained' write(iout,'(A,1PG13.5)') ' Hlim = ',Hlim write(iout,2111) QCUT 2111 FORMAT(' QCUT = ',I4) if( then write(iout,'(A,1PG13.5,A)') ' Qfrcmn = ',Qfrcmn write(iout,'(A,1PG13.5,A)') ' Qfrcmx = ',Qfrcmx elseif( then write(iout,'(A,1PG13.5,A)') ' Qfrcmn = ',Qfrcmn, ' L**3/T' write(iout,'(A,1PG13.5,A)') ' Qfrcmx = ',Qfrcmx, ' L**3/T' end if write(iout,*) c process min and max Q's based on QCUT MNW2(7,MNWID)=Hlim MNW2(8,MNWID)=QCUT if(QCUT.EQ.0) then Qfrcmn=0.0 Qfrcmx=0.0 end if MNW2(9,MNWID)=Qfrcmn MNW2(10,MNWID)=Qfrcmx c error check Qfrcmn if(QCUT.LT.0) then if( then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Qfrcmn > 1 is out of range' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - Qfrcmn > 1' end if if( then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Qfrcmn > Qfrcmx ' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - Qfrcmn > Qfrcmx' end if c error check Qfrcmx if( then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Qfrcmx > 1 is out of range' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - Qfrcmx > 1' end if end if END IF c c end read Data Set 4b c c set desired flow rate for well MNW2(5,MNWID)=Qdes c if transport, set cprime for well if( MNW2(12,MNWID)=Cprime c set all Qact (actual flow rate at node) = Qdes/NNODES as launching point c Loop over nodes in well firstnode=MNW2(4,MNWID) c put total Qdes in first node, allow it to go from there MNWNOD(4,firstnode)=Qdes write(iout,2112) WELLNAME,Qdes,kper 2112 FORMAT('MNW2 Well ', A20,' active, desired Q =', & 1pe12.4,' for stress period ',I4) if(PUMPCAP.GT.0) then c if Qdes is not negative for this stress period, do not apply pump capacity restraints if(Qdes.GE.0.d0) then MNW2(25,MNWID)=0 c Initialize CapFlag2 mnw2(27,MNWID)=0 else MNW2(25,MNWID)=1 c only set Qdes at upper end of CapTable if not set already if (CapTable(MNWID,PUMPCAP+2,2).LE.0.d0) then CapTable(MNWID,PUMPCAP+2,2)=abs(qdes) end if MNW2(24,MNWID)=CapMult write(iout,*) write(iout,1114) mnw2(23,MNWID) 1114 FORMAT('Reference head for calculating lift = ', 1pE12.4) write(iout,1113) CapMult 1113 FORMAT('Pump Capacity Multiplier = ', 1pE12.4) if( write(iout,1112) mnw2(28,MNWID) 1112 FORMAT('HWtol = ', 1pE12.4) if( write(iout,1115) 1115 FORMAT(5x,'(Note: Solution may be sensitive to value of HWtol;', *' adjust value if solution fails to converge.)') c zero capacity use flag if CapMult=0 if( CapMult.eq.0.d0) then MNW2(25,MNWID)=0 c Initialize CapFlag2 mnw2(27,MNWID)=0 end if c now that we have Qdes, write Capacity table write(iout,*) write(iout,*) 'Well Capacity Table' write(iout,*) ' Lift Discharge' do index=1,PUMPCAP+2 write(iout,'(1x,1pG10.5,G10.4)') CapTable(MNWID,index,1), & CapTable(MNWID,index,2) end do end if end if end do end if if(lipest)then allocate(qtmp(3,SIZE(MNWNOD,2))) do i=1,SIZE(MNWNOD,2) qtmp(1,i)=mnwnod(2,i) qtmp(2,i)=mnwnod(3,i) qtmp(3,i)=mnwnod(4,i) enddo call pest1alpha_list('MQ',SIZE(qtmp,2),qtmp,SIZE(qtmp,1), 1 SIZE(qtmp,2),1,0) ! IPEST do i=1,SIZE(MNWNOD,2) mnwnod(2,i)=qtmp(1,i) mnwnod(3,i)=qtmp(2,i) mnwnod(4,i)=qtmp(3,i) enddo do i=1,size(mnw2,1) firstnode=MNW2(4,i) qdes=MNWNOD(4,firstnode) MNW2(5,i)=qdes enddo deallocate(qtmp) endif return c end C SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW27AD(kstp,kper,IGRID) C ****************************************************************** c Update Qact for wells that were constrained C ****************************************************************** C C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,NBOTM,LBOTM,BOTM, 1 IBOUND,LAYCBD,DELR,DELC,CV,HOLD,LAYHDT, 2 STRT,HNEW USE GWFMNW2MODULE, ONLY:NMNW2,MNWMAX,NMNWVL,IWL2CB,MNWPRNT, 1 NODTOT,INTTOT,MNWAUX,MNW2,MNWNOD,MNWINT, 2 CapTable,SMALL,WELLID C ------------------------------------------------------------------ INTEGER firstnode,lastnode,nd DOUBLE PRECISION qoff,qon,qdes,csum,chsum,qact,Qsmall, & hwell,verysmall,hlim,qpot,cond,ratio,hmax,hsim, & QCUT,qnet,hhnew C CALL SGWF2MNW2PNT(IGRID) C verysmall = 1.0D-8 c1------if number of wells <= 0 then return. if(nmnw2.le.0) return c c Compute cell-to-well conductance for each well node c c Send in ITFLAG=0, this means don't calculate partial penetration effects c because we are not currently iterating on a solution ITFLAG=0 c sending in kiter=0; this is before iter loop kiter=0 call SMNW2COND(IGRID,kstp,kper,kiter,ITFLAG) c c c Allow constrained wells a new chance with the next time step c c Loop over all wells do iw=1,MNWMAX c Only operate on active wells (MNW2(1,iw)=1) if (MNW2(1,iw).EQ.1) then qdes = mnw2(5,iw) c Define qnet for well, which may be updated if well was restricted in previous time step qnet = mnw2(5,iw) C SET Q c if qlimit was hit in a previous FM routine, set qnet to updated Q, then reset flags if(mnw2(20,iw).ne.0.or.MNW2(27,iw).gt.0) then qnet=mnw2(18,iw) mnw2(20,iw)=0 mnw2(27,iw)=0 c default Q used = Qdes (this may be changed if limits kick in below) else mnw2(18,iw)=mnw2(5,iw) end if c c Retrieve QCUT, Qfrcmn, Qfrcmx if(MNW2(6,iw).NE.0) then QCUT = MNW2(8,iw) qoff=0.0 qon=0.0 if( then qoff = mnw2(9,iw) qon = mnw2(10,iw) if(QCUT.GT.0) then c convert rate into fraction of Qdes (ratio is used to compare) if(Qdes.NE.0) then qoff=abs(qoff/Qdes) qon=abs(qon/Qdes) else qoff=0.0 qon=0.0 end if C elseif (QCUT.LT.0) then c convert percentage into fraction (ratio is used to compare) c qoff=qoff*0.01 c qon=qon*0.01 end if end if end if c c Compute hwell / Qpot for multi-node well (not single-cell wells) c c if NNODES>1, that is, this is a multi-node well c write(*,*) 'MNW2(2,iw)',MNW2(2,iw) NNODES=abs(MNW2(2,iw)) if( then c write(*,*) 'MNW2(6,iw)',MNW2(6,iw) csum = 0.000D0 chsum = 0.000D0 qact = 0.0000D0 Qsmall = small*abs(qdes) c Loop over nodes in well firstnode=MNW2(4,iw) lastnode=MNW2(4,iw)+NNODES-1 hwell = mnw2(17,iw) do INODE=firstnode,lastnode il=MNWNOD(1,INODE) ir=MNWNOD(2,INODE) ic=MNWNOD(3,INODE) if(IBOUND(ic,ir,il).ne.0) then csum = csum + MNWNOD(14,INODE) hhnew=hnew(ic,ir,il) chsum = chsum + MNWNOD(14,INODE)*hhnew qact = qact + MNWNOD(4,INODE) else qact = 0.0000D0 end if C-LFK Check for MNW & specified-head boundary condition in same cell; C print warning if found if(ibound(ic,ir,il).lt.0) then nd=INODE-firstnode+1 write(iout,*) '***WARNING*** Specified-head condition s &hould not exist in same cell as a multi-node well' write(iout,840) nd,wellid(iw),il,ir,ic 840 FORMAT (14x,'Condition found for node ',I3,' in well ',A20, & ' at Lay-Row-Col Index = ',3I5/) end if end do c---div0 --- CSUM could go to zero if the entire well is dry if( csum .gt. verysmall ) then c for limit procedure, use qnet here which may have been c restricted in previous time step c hwell = ( qdes + chsum ) / csum hwell = ( qnet + chsum ) / csum else hhnew=hnew(ic,ir,il) hwell = hhnew endif c Test Hlim constraint if QLIMIT flag is set if(MNW2(6,iw).NE.0) then hlim = mnw2(7,iw) ipole = 0 if( abs(qdes).gt.verysmall ) ipole = qdes / abs(qdes) hmax = ipole*( hlim ) hsim = ipole*( hwell ) c Potential Q is... if( hsim .gt. hmax ) then hwell = hlim endif qpot = hlim*csum - chsum end if cond = csum c check cond<0, reset to 0 and print warning if( then write(iout,*) '***WARNING*** CWC<0 in Well ',WELLID(iw) cond=0.d0 end if c Else, dealing with a single-cell well else qact = mnw2(5,iw) Qsmall = small c Compute hwell / Qpot for single-node well firstnode=MNW2(4,iw) il=MNWNOD(1,firstnode) ir=MNWNOD(2,firstnode) ic=MNWNOD(3,firstnode) cond = MNWNOD(14,firstnode) c check cond<0, reset to 0 and print warning if( then write(iout,*) '***WARNING*** CWC<0 reset to CWC=0' write(iout,*) 'In Well ',WELLID(iw),' Node ',firstnode cond=0.d0 mnwnod(14,firstnode)=cond end if if(MNW2(6,iw).NE.0) then hlim = mnw2(7,iw) hhnew=hnew(ic,ir,il) qpot = (hlim - hhnew)*cond end if C-LFK Check for MNW & specified-head boundary condition in same cell; C print warning if found if(ibound(ic,ir,il).lt.0) then write(iout,*) '***WARNING*** Specified-head condition s &hould not exist in same cell as a multi-node well' write(iout,850) wellid(iw),il,ir,ic 850 FORMAT (14x,'Condition found for single-node MNW2 well ',A20, & ' at Lay-Row-Col Index = ',3I5/) end if end if c c Compute ratio of potential/desired flow rates if(MNW2(6,iw).NE.0) then ratio = 1.00D0 if( abs(qdes) .gt. small ) ratio = qpot / qdes if( ratio .gt. 0.9999D0 ) then ratio = 1.000D0 Qpot = Qdes endif c Check if potential flow rate is below cutoff c If so, set Qact = 0.0 firstnode=MNW2(4,iw) if( ratio .lt. Qoff ) then c mnw2(18,iw) = 0.0 mnw2(30,iw) = 0.0 c set qact in node too MNWNOD(4,firstnode)=0.0 c Check if potential flow rate is above restart threshold c If so, set Qact = Qpot elseif( .and. (abs(qact).lt.Qsmall)) then c mnw2(18,iw) = Qpot mnw2(30,iw) = Qpot MNWNOD(4,firstnode)=Qpot else c Otherwise leave the flow rate alone endif c End if, QLimit>0 c with QCUT=0 now, set q=qpot if neither situation holds? if( then c mnw2(18,iw) = Qpot mnw2(30,iw) = Qpot MNWNOD(4,firstnode)=Qpot end if endif c End if, active wells end if c End do, loop over all wells end do c RETURN END C SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW27FM(KITER,kstp,kper,IGRID) C ****************************************************************** C ADD MNW2 TERMS TO RHS AND HCOF C ****************************************************************** C C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,NBOTM,LBOTM,BOTM, 1 IBOUND,LAYCBD,DELR,DELC,LAYHDT,RHS,HCOF, 2 HNEW,CV,HOLD,STRT USE GWFBASMODULE, ONLY:HDRY USE GWFMNW2MODULE, ONLY:NMNW2,MNWMAX,NMNWVL,IWL2CB,MNWPRNT, 1 NODTOT,INTTOT,MNWAUX,MNW2,MNWNOD,MNWINT, 2 CapTable,SMALL,WELLID C ------------------------------------------------------------------ INTEGER PUMPCAP,firstnode,lastnode DOUBLE PRECISION verysmall,qdes,hlim,hwell,qact, & cond,dhc2w,hmax,hsim,ratio,qactCap,Hlift, & CapMult,lastQ,qtemp,temppct,lastH,htemp,HWtol,hhnew C CALL SGWF2MNW2PNT(IGRID) C verysmall = 1.0D-20 c c CR( i, j, k) ------> CR i + 1/2 c CC( i, j, k) ------> CC j + 1/2 c CV( i, j, k) ------> CV k + 1/2 c c1------if number of wells <= 0 then return. if(nmnw2.le.0) return c c Compute cell-to-well conductance for each well node c c Send in ITFLAG=1, this means calculate partial penetration effects c because we are currently iterating on a solution ITFLAG=1 call SMNW2COND(IGRID,kstp,kper,kiter,ITFLAG) c c Prepare components and limits of a multi-node well c Loop over all wells do iw=1,MNWMAX c Only operate on active wells (MNW2(1,iw)=1) if (MNW2(1,iw).EQ.1) then c Check capacity calculation flag PUMPCAP=MNW2(22,iw) CapMult=MNW2(24,iw) qdes = mnw2(5,iw) c If CapFlag was turned off (e.g. with % Q check), turn back on at beginning of new time step (kiter=1) if( & then MNW2(25,iw)=1 end if c compute well capacity restraint c if capacity should be calculated, wait until after first iteration so c the lift can be computed with a new hwell (kiter>1) if(MNW2(25,iw) then hwell = mnw2(17,iw) c save hwell before update in SEEP routine, to check vs HWtol later lastH=hwell Hlift=MNW2(23,iw) c call MNW2CAPACITY to look up Q based on capacity table (returns qactCap) call MNW2CAPACITY(IGRID,qactCap,iw) c get last Q that was looked up in table; this will be used to see if c new Q is less than 1% or more than 25% from new Q lastQ=mnw2(26,iw) c save last Q that was looked up in table for next iteration mnw2(26,iw)=qactCap c only do following if capacity Q is less than Qdes if (abs(qactCap).lt.abs(mnw2(5,iw))) then c if capacity Q from table is zero at beginning first time step, c (kiter=2 is first time here due to kiter>1 check above) c set qpot to 0; "allow" to go to zero if( then mnw2(29,iw)=0.d0 c set CapFlag2 to true, this is used in AD routine to say that the c Q has been constrained mnw2(27,iw)=1 else c only perform % checks after second iteration (lets soln get going) if( then c % check divides by lastQ, so avoid this if it is zero if( then c this is the percentage change, below which the Q will be locked in c for the time step temppct=0.01d0 c calculated % change in Q looked up in capacity tables qtemp=abs(qactCap-lastQ)/abs(lastQ) c c if Q is changing more than 1%, continue if ( then c if Q is changing more than 25% after 1st TS, constrain change c in Q to 25% increase/decrease if( then c check to see which way Q is moving; adjust accordingly if( then mnw2(29,iw)=lastQ*0.75d0 else mnw2(29,iw)=lastQ*1.25d0 end if c set CapFlag2 to true, this is used in AD routine to say that the c Q has been constrained mnw2(27,iw)=1 c save last Q mnw2(26,iw)=mnw2(29,iw) c write message that Q was constrained if( then write(iout,*) 'Capacity Q was changing more than 25%, constrained & to 25% increase/decrease for well ',WELLID(iw) write(iout,*) ' with Pump-Capacity Q = ',qactCap,' ', &kiter end if else c if Q is changing less than 1%, set equal to Q just looked up mnw2(29,iw)=qactCap c set CapFlag2 to true, this is used in AD routine to say that the c Q has been constrained mnw2(27,iw)=1 end if else c if Qcap not changing more than 1%, stop doing capacity constraint mnw2(29,iw)=qactCap c set CapFlag to false to discontinue doing capacity checks this TS mnw2(25,iw)=0 c set CapFlag2 to true, this is used in AD routine to say that the c Q has been constrained mnw2(27,iw)=1 c write message that Q was constrained if( then write(iout,*) 'Capacity Q was changing less than 1%; capacity calc &ulations stopped this TS for well ',WELLID(iw) write(iout,*)' with Pump-Capacity Q = ',qactCap,' ',kiter end if end if c else lastQ=0 else c if lastQ is zero, but new Q is not, and at first time this c happens in TS, only let it turn on at half the Q looked up if( then mnw2(29,iw)=qactCap*0.5d0 c set CapFlag2 to true, this is used in AD routine to say that the c Q has been constrained mnw2(27,iw)=1 c write message that Q was constrained if( then write(iout,*) 'Capacity Q went from zero to nonzero, new Q & constrained to half of value looked up for well ',WELLID(iw) write(iout,*) ' with Pump-Capacity Q = ',qactCap end if end if end if end if end if end if c end if c if NNODES>1, that is, this is a multi-node well NNODES=abs(MNW2(2,iw)) C-LFK if( then if(NNODES.GE.1) then CALL SMNW2SEEP(IGRID,KPER,KSTP,iw,kiter) c for PUMPCAP option, check hwell vs last H if(MNW2(25,iw) then hwell = mnw2(17,iw) htemp=abs(lastH-hwell) HWtol=mnw2(28,iw) c if htemp (head change) is less than closure criterion stop doing capacity constraint if (htemp.le.HWtol) then mnw2(29,iw)=qactCap mnw2(25,iw)=0 mnw2(27,iw)=1 c write message that Q was constrained if( then c write(iout,*) 'Capacity Q calculations stopped due to hwell c & change less than HWtol for well ',WELLID(iw) write(iout,200) kiter,WELLID(iw) 200 FORMAT (2X,'Capacity Q calculations stopped iter. no. ',I3,' due &to hwell change less than HWtol for well ',20A) write(iout,*) ' with Pump-Capacity Q = ',qactCap end if end if end if end if end if end do c c Loop over all wells do iw=1,MNWMAX c Only operate on active wells (MNW2(1,iw)=1 and IBOUND>0 if (MNW2(1,iw).EQ.1) then qdes = mnw2(5,iw) c If Capacity restrictions are set, Qdes here is actually the retricted Qpot if(mnw2(27,iw).ne.0) qdes = mnw2(29,iw) hwell = mnw2(17,iw) firstnode=MNW2(4,iw) lastnode=MNW2(4,iw)+ABS(MNW2(2,iw))-1 c Loop over nodes in well do INODE=firstnode,lastnode il=MNWNOD(1,INODE) ir=MNWNOD(2,INODE) ic=MNWNOD(3,INODE) if(IBOUND(ic,ir,il).ne.0) then qact = MNWNOD(4,INODE) cond = MNWNOD(14,INODE) c Process single-node wells (MNW2(2,iw).eq.1, i.e. NUMNODES) if( abs(MNW2(2,iw)) ) then dhc2w = Qact / cond hhnew=hnew(ic,ir,il) hwell = hhnew + dhc2w MNW2(17,iw) = hwell iqslv=0 c Test DD constraints, Hlim is assumed to be a Max/Min for Injection/Production wells c Set hwell in mnw2 array if(MNW2(6,iw).NE.0) then hlim = mnw2(7,iw) ipole = 0 if( abs(qdes).gt.verysmall ) ipole = qdes / abs(qdes) hmax = ipole*( hlim ) hsim = ipole*( hwell ) c Calculate ratio of actual flow to desired flow ratio = 1.00D0 if( abs(qdes) .gt. verysmall ) ratio = qact / qdes if( abs(ratio).gt. 1.00D0 ) qact = qdes if( ratio .lt. verysmall ) qact = 0.0D0 c If iqslv=0, Well will be simulated as a specified rate c If iqslv=1, Well will be simulated as a GHB iqslv = 0 if( .and. ) iqslv = 1 if((qdes-qact)**2 .gt. small ) iqslv = 1 if(abs(qact).lt.verysmall iqslv = 0 if(abs(qact).lt.verysmall iqslv = 1 C-LFK Set iqslv=0 if qact=0 or if PUMPCAP overides Hlimit constraint if(mnw2(27,iw).gt.1) iqslv = 0 if(abs(qact).lt.verysmall) iqslv = 0 if(abs(qdes).lt.verysmall .or. & ) iqslv =0 else hlim=mnw2(17,iw) end if c elseif( ) then qact = 0.0D0 iqslv = 0 else c Process multi-node wells, Constraints were already tested when allocating flow if( mod(kiter,2).eq.0 .and. abs(qact).gt.small ) then c hlim = mnw2(17,iw) !! Water level in wellbore hlim = MNWNOD(15,INODE) !! Water level in wellbore, C !! or bottom of cell if seepage face cell iqslv = 1 else qact = MNWNOD(4,INODE) iqslv = 0 endif end if c c Modify HCOF and RHS arrays cdebug replace below line with this if debugging with No Mo Iter cdebug if( then if( then hhnew=hnew(ic,ir,il) qact = ( hlim - hhnew) * cond hcof(ic,ir,il) = hcof(ic,ir,il) - cond rhs(ic,ir,il) = rhs(ic,ir,il) - cond * hlim else c Specify Q and solve for head; add Q to RHS accumulator. rhs(ic,ir,il) = rhs(ic,ir,il) - qact endif MNWNOD(4,INODE) = qact end if end do end if end do c return end c SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW27BD(kstp,kper,IGRID) C ****************************************************************** c calculate volumetric budget for multi-node wells C ****************************************************************** C C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,NBOTM,LBOTM,BOTM, 1 IBOUND,HNEW,BUFF USE GWFBASMODULE, ONLY:HDRY,VBVL,VBNM,DELT,PERTIM,TOTIM, 1 MSUM,ICBCFL USE GWFMNW2MODULE, ONLY:NMNW2,MNWMAX,NMNWVL,IWL2CB,MNWPRNT, 1 NODTOT,INTTOT,MNWAUX,MNW2,MNWNOD, 2 SMALL,WELLID,NTOTNOD C ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOUBLE PRECISION ratin,ratout,hhnew,DryTest, & q,qdes,hlim,hwell,s,sNL,sL,qnet,qin,qout,verysmall,hcell INTEGER firstnode,lastnode CHARACTER*16 text C CALL SGWF2MNW2PNT(IGRID) c ----+----1----+- text = ' MNW2' verysmall = 1.D-25 c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c c clear ratin and ratout accumulators. ratin=0.D0 ratout=0.D0 ibd=0 IF(IWL2CB.GT.0) IBD=ICBCFL C C2-----IF CELL-BY-CELL FLOWS WILL BE SAVED AS A LIST, WRITE HEADER. IF( THEN !swm: check if wells are active NAUX=NMNWVL-30 C-LFK NAUX = 0 !! Set to zero -- Change order to dump c IF(IAUXSV.EQ.0) NAUX=0 CALL UBDSV4(KSTP,KPER,TEXT,NAUX,MNWAUX,IWL2CB,NCOL,NROW,NLAY, 1 ntotnod,IOUT,DELT,PERTIM,TOTIM,IBOUND) END IF c clear the buffer. buff=0.000000000 c -----print the header for individual rates if requested(IWL2CB<0). ioch = 0 if( .and. ) then write(iout,'(/,1x,a,9h PERIOD =,i5,8h STEP =,i5)') + 'Nodal information for all MNW2 wells,', kper,kstp write(iout,'(101A)') 'WELLID NODE Lay ', &' Row Col Totim Q-node hwell hcel &l Seepage elev.' ioch = 1 endif c c2------if there are no wells do not accumulate flow if( then c test for dry wells imult = 0 c Loop over all wells do iw=1,MNWMAX c active well check if(MNW2(1,iw).eq.1) then firstnode=MNW2(4,iw) lastnode=MNW2(4,iw)+ABS(MNW2(2,iw))-1 c Loop over nodes in well do INODE=firstnode,lastnode il=MNWNOD(1,INODE) ir=MNWNOD(2,INODE) ic=MNWNOD(3,INODE) nd=INODE-firstnode+1 DryTest = Hnew(ic,ir,il) - Hdry if(ABS(DryTest).lt.verysmall) then MNWNOD(4,INODE)= 0.0D0 MNW2(17,iw)=Hdry iweldry=1 if( then write(iout,*) 'MNW2 node in dry cell, Q set to 0.0' write(iout,*) 'Well: ',WELLID(iw),' Node: ',INODE end if else iweldry=0 endif q = MNWNOD(4,INODE) c check to write message that inode was deactivated this time step if(,inode).eq.0.0) then if(hnew(ic,ir,il).lt.botm(ic,ir,lbotm(il))) then write(iout,200) ND,WELLID(iw) 200 FORMAT ('Node no. ',I3,' of Multi-Node Well ', A20) write(iout,*) ' deactivated this time step because Hnew0) if(NNODES.GT.0) then c rw = MNWNOD(5,INODE) Rskin = MNWNOD(6,INODE) Kskin = MNWNOD(7,INODE) B = MNWNOD(8,INODE) Cf = MNWNOD(9,INODE) PLoss = MNWNOD(10,INODE) c compute conductance term for node cond = cel2wel2(LOSSTYPE,Txx,Tyy,dx,dy, & rw,Rskin,Kskin,B,Cf,PLoss,thck,Qact, & WELLID(iw),Skin) c check cond<0, reset to 0 and print warning if( then write(iout,*) '***WARNING*** CWC<0 reset to CWC=0' write(iout,*) 'In Well ',WELLID(iw),' Node ',INODE cond=0.d0 end if c check cond<0, reset to 0 and print warning if( then write(iout,*) '***WARNING*** CWC<0 reset to CWC=0' write(iout,*) 'In Well ',WELLID(iw),' Node ',INODE cond=0.d0 end if c check PPFLAG, if on, alpha defined for each node PPFLAG=INT(MNW2(19,iw)) if(PPFLAG.GT.0) then alpha=MNWNOD(19,INODE) else alpha=1.0D0 end if else c else this is a vertical well with intervals defined c by elevations: process it c get first and last interval intersecting this node firstint=MNWNOD(12,INODE) lastint=MNWNOD(13,INODE) c initialize total length of borehole within cell totlength=0.0D0 c initialize conductance; will be summed for multiple intervals cond=0.D0 c initialize specified conductance; will be summed for multiple intervals CWC=0.D0 do iint=firstint,lastint c length of interval is ztop-zbotm ztop=MNWINT(1,iint) zbotm=MNWINT(2,iint) c check boundaries/saturated thickness if( ztop=top if( zbotm=bot if( then lengthint=ztop-zbotm else lengthint=0.D0 endif c calculate total length of borehole within cell totlength=totlength+lengthint if(LOSSTYPE.EQ.4) then if( then lengthratio=lengthint/totlength CWC = CWC + lengthratio*(MNWINT(11,iint)) endif else c calculate weighting ratio based on full thickness of node ratio=lengthint/thck c maximum ratio is 1.0 if( ratio=1.d0 c use length-weighted ratios for each interval to determine CWC of that interval if( then rw = MNWINT(5,iint) Rskin = MNWINT(6,iint) Kskin = MNWINT(7,iint) B = MNWINT(8,iint) Cf = MNWINT(9,iint) Ploss = MNWINT(10,iint) c calculate cond, weight it by length in cell (*ratio) and sum to get effective CWC cond = cond + ratio*(cel2wel2(LOSSTYPE,Txx,Tyy,dx, & dy,rw,Rskin,Kskin,B,Cf,PLoss,thck,Qact, & WELLID(iw),Skin)) c check cond<0, reset to 0 and print warning if( then write(iout,*) '***WARNING*** CWC<0 reset to CWC=0' write(iout,*) 'In Well ',WELLID(iw),' Node ',INODE cond=0.d0 end if end if end if end do c-LFK if(LOSSTYPE.EQ.4) cond=cwc c c calculate alpha for partial penetration effect if PPFLAG is on PPFLAG=INT(MNW2(19,iw)) if(PPFLAG.GT.0) then alpha=totlength/(thck) if( then if ( then nd=INODE-firstnode+1 write(iout,*) 'Penetration fraction > 0.99 for node ', & nd,' of well ',wellid(iw) write(iout,*) 'Value reset to 1.0 for this well' end if alpha=1.0 end if else alpha=1.0 endif end if c c c Correct conductance calculation for partial penetration effect c c prepare variables for partial penetration calculation c only do partial penetration effect if PP>0 and alpha <1.0 PPFLAG=INT(MNW2(19,iw)) IF( then c c use saved partial penetration effect if steady state and past 1st iter if( then dhp=MNWNOD(18,INODE) else c if transient, update dhp T = (Txx*Tyy)**0.5D0 Kh = T/thck QQ=Qact*(-1.D0) Kz=MNWNOD(33,INODE) c SS=MNWNOD(34,INODE)/(thck*dx*dy) c c determine location of well screen in cell c c only calculate this once for each well, then save topscreen and bottomscreen c topscreen (MNWNOD(20) is flagged as 1d30 until it is set if(MNWNOD(20,INODE).eq.1d30) then c if a vertical well if(NNODES.LT.0) then c if firstint=lastint for this node, it is the only interval, so use exact c location of borehole for analytical calculation if(firstint.eq.lastint ) then topscreen=ztop bottomscreen=ztop-totlength c if multiple screens in a confined (constant thck) cell, assume in middle c (calculation: from the top, go down 1/2 the amount of "unscreened" aquifer else IF(LAYHDT(IZ).EQ.0) then topscreen=top-((thck-totlength)/2) bottomscreen=topscreen-totlength c if multiple screens in an unconfined (WT) cell, assume at bottom of last screen else c (zbotm works here as it is the last thing set in the interval loop above) topscreen=zbotm+totlength bottomscreen=zbotm end if end if c save top and bottom of screen MNWNOD(20,INODE)=topscreen MNWNOD(21,INODE)=bottomscreen c else if not a vertical well c else c alpha specified; calculate length of screen totlength=thck*alpha c if confined (constant thck), assume borehole in middle IF(LAYHDT(IZ).EQ.0) then topscreen=top-((thck-totlength)/2) bottomscreen=topscreen-totlength c if unconfined, assume borehole at bottom of cell else topscreen=bot+totlength bottomscreen=bot end if c save top and bottom of screen MNWNOD(20,INODE)=topscreen MNWNOD(21,INODE)=bottomscreen end if c if topscreen and bottomscreen have been calculated, retrieve them else topscreen=MNWNOD(20,INODE) bottomscreen=MNWNOD(21,INODE) end if c c from top and bottom of screen info, calculate ZPD and ZPL for PPC routine ZPD=top-topscreen ZPL=top-bottomscreen c if ZPD is less that zero, the screen is at the "top", so set ZPD=0 if( ZPD=0.D0 c C c calculate dhp (Delta-H due to Penetration) using analytical solution c CALL PPC(dhp,ISOLNFLAG,thck,Kh,Kz,SS,QQ,rw,ZPD,ZPL) c c if analyitcal solution failed, report no partial penetration and set dhp=0.0 if( then c if alpha <= 0.2, shut well off if PPC did not converge if( then if ( then nd=INODE-firstnode+1 write(iout,*) 'Partial penetration solution did not & converge; penetration fraction < 0.2, resetting CWC= 0.0 for & node ' & ,nd,' of well ',wellid(iw) end if cond=0.0 else c if alpha > 0.2, set PPC effect = 0 if did not converge if ( then nd=INODE-firstnode+1 write(iout,*) 'Partial penetration solution did not & converge; penetration fraction > 0.2, assume full & penetration for & node ',nd,' of well ',wellid(iw) end if dhp=0.0 endif end if c store partial penetration effect (dhp) MNWNOD(18,INODE)=dhp end if c end if recalc dhp c c correct partially penetrating node-defined cells by ratio of screenlength/satthck if(NNODES.GT.0) then ratio=(topscreen-bottomscreen)/thck cond=cond*ratio end if c c re-calculate conductance to include partial penetration c calculate dpp (partial penetration effect with specific Q) if Q and dhp "align" correctly c eg if removing water (Q<0), dhp should be positive c (dhp>0 signifies drawdown). Q is either <> 0 so no div 0 problem if(ITFLAG.EQ.1. & .AND.( & .OR.( then dpp=dhp/(Qact*(-1.D0)) if( then ABC=1/cond ABCD=ABC+dpp cond=1/ABCD end if else if ( then dpp=0.d0 write(iout,*) '***WARNING*** Partial penetration term & (dpp) set to 0.0 due to misalignment of dhp= ',dhp,' and Q=',Qact end if END IF c end if PP effect endif c endif LOSSTYP EQ 4 and NNODES GT 0 c Save conductance of each node MNWNOD(14,INODE) = cond c endif irecalc=1 else c if irecalc=0, use saved cond cond= MNWNOD(14,INODE) endif c output node info c if more than one interval made up this node, write composite if(MNWNOD(12,INODE).ne.MNWNOD(13,INODE)) then ctext='COMPOSITE' else ctext=' ' end if c only write screen info for cells that have partial penetration if(ipr.eq.1) then PPFLAG=INT(MNW2(19,iw)) if( then if(LOSSTYPE.eq.2) then write(iout,'(A15,I3,1P7G12.5,1PG12.4,9A)') & WELLID(iw),nod,cond, & top,bot,topscreen,bottomscreen,alpha,Skin,B,ctext else write(iout,'(A15,I3,1P6G12.5,12A,12A,9A)') & WELLID(iw),nod,cond, & top,bot,topscreen,bottomscreen,alpha,' N/A ', & ' N/A ',ctext end if else c for no partial penetration, just repeat top and bot of layer if(LOSSTYPE.eq.2) then write(iout,'(A15,I3,1P7G12.5,1PG12.4,9A)') & WELLID(iw),nod,cond, & top,bot,top,bot,alpha,Skin,B,ctext else write(iout,'(A15,I3,1P6G12.5,12A,12A,9A)') & WELLID(iw),nod,cond, & top,bot,top,bot,alpha,' N/A ', & ' N/A ',ctext end if end if end if enddo c enddo loop over nodes endif c endif horizontal well check endif c endif active node enddo c enddo loop over wells c c write note about CWC values c if transient, by kiter=1 , if not, by tstep=1 if(ipr.eq.1) then write(iout,'(120A)') '* Cell-to-well conductance values (CWC) may &change during the course of a stress period' write(iout,*) end if c return end c c c_________________________________________________________________________________ c DOUBLE PRECISION function cel2wel2(LOSSTYPE,Txx,Tyy,dx,dy, & rw,Rskin,Kskin,B,Cf,PLoss,thck,Q,WELLNAME,Skin) C C VERSION 20030327 KJH -- Patched Hyd.K term in LPF solution C VERSION 20090405 GZH -- MNW2 c c----- MNW1 by K.J. Halford c c ****************************************************************** c Compute conductance term to define head loss from cell to wellbore c Methodology is described in full by Peaceman (1983) c ****************************************************************** C C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*20 WELLNAME INTEGER LOSSTYPE DOUBLE PRECISION pi,verysmall,rw,Txx,Tyy,yx4,xy4,ro,dx,dy,Tpi2,A, & Ploss,B,Rskin,Kskin,C,Cf,Q,thck,T,Tskin,Skin C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C pi = 3.1415926535897932D0 verysmall = 1.D-25 if( .or. .or. ) & then cel2wel2 = ( Txx * Tyy )** 0.5D0 else yx4 = (Tyy/Txx)**0.25D0 xy4 = (Txx/Tyy)**0.25D0 ro = 0.28D0 *((yx4*dx)**2 +(xy4*dy)**2)**0.5D0 / (yx4+xy4) c Tpi2 = 2.D0*pi * (Txx*Tyy)**0.5D0 c if ro/rw is <1, 'A' term will be negative. Warn user and cut off flow from this node if (ro/ then write(iout,*) & ' Ro/Rw = ',Ro/Rw, & '***WARNING*** Ro/Rw < 1, CWC set = 0.0 for well ',WELLNAME cel2wel2 = 0.D0 GOTO 888 end if A = log(ro/rw) / Tpi2 c For the "NONE" option, multiply the Kh by 1000 to equivalate Hnew and hwell if(LOSSTYPE.EQ.0) then cel2wel2=1.0D3*((Txx*Tyy)**0.5D0)/thck c c THEIM option (LOSSTYPE.EQ.1) only needs A, so no need to calculate B or C c c SKIN (LINEAR) option, calculate B, C=0 elseif(LOSSTYPE.EQ.2) then c average T in aquifer assumed to be sqrt of Txx*Tyy T = (Txx*Tyy)**0.5D0 Tskin = Kskin*thck if( then c this is from eqs 3 and 5 in orig MNW report Skin = ((T/Tskin)-1)*(DLOG(Rskin/rw)) B = Skin / Tpi2 else B = 0.D0 end if C = 0.D0 c GENERAL option, calculate B and C else if (LOSSTYPE.EQ.3) then if(Cf.NE.0.0) then C = Cf * abs(Q)**(PLoss-1) else C = 0.D0 end if else B = 0.D0 C = 0.D0 end if cel2wel2 = A + B + C cel2wel2 = 1.000000D0 / cel2wel2 endif c 888 return end c c c c_________________________________________________________________________________ c c c_________________________________________________________________________________ c subroutine SMNW2SEEP(IGRID,KPER,KSTP,iw,kiter) c c ****************************************************************** c determine q c ****************************************************************** c C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,NBOTM,LBOTM,BOTM, 1 IBOUND,LAYCBD,HNEW USE GWFBASMODULE, ONLY:HDRY USE GWFMNW2MODULE, ONLY:NMNW2,MNWMAX,MNWPRNT, 1 NODTOT,MNW2,MNWNOD,SMALL,WELLID INTEGER firstnode,lastnode,nd DOUBLE PRECISION qdes,qact,csum,chsum,Qseep, & hwell,hlim,verysmall,hmax,hsim,bottom,qcut,qoff,qon,qsmall, & qpot,cond,ratio C verysmall = 1.D-25 C-LFK initialize MNWNOD(15,IW) TO HIGH VALUE INODE = MNW2(4,IW) MNWNOD(15,INODE) = 1.0D31 qdes = mnw2(5,iw) Qsmall = small*abs(qdes) qoff=0.0 qon=0.0 c c QFM rechecking Q cutoff within FM routine c skip this whole thing if 1st or 2nd iter if( then c Retrieve Qfrcmn, Qfrcmx, Qdes if(mnw2(6,iw).ne.0) then QCUT = MNW2(8,iw) if( then qoff = mnw2(9,iw) qon = mnw2(10,iw) if(QCUT.GT.0) then c convert rate into fraction of Qdes (ratio is used to compare) if(Qdes.NE.0) then qoff=abs(qoff/Qdes) qon=abs(qon/Qdes) c else c qoff=0.0 c qon=0.0 end if end if end if c c Compute hwell / Qpot for multi-node well (not single-cell wells) c NNODES=abs(MNW2(2,iw)) csum = 0.000D0 chsum = 0.000D0 qact = 0.0000D0 Qsmall = small*abs(qdes) c Loop over nodes in well firstnode=MNW2(4,iw) lastnode=MNW2(4,iw)+NNODES-1 hwell = mnw2(17,iw) do INODE=firstnode,lastnode il=MNWNOD(1,INODE) ir=MNWNOD(2,INODE) ic=MNWNOD(3,INODE) if(IBOUND(ic,ir,il).ne.0) then csum = csum + MNWNOD(14,INODE) chsum = chsum + MNWNOD(14,INODE)*hnew(ic,ir,il) qact = qact + MNWNOD(4,INODE) else qact = 0.0000D0 end if end do c---div0 --- CSUM could go to zero if the entire well is dry if( csum .gt. verysmall ) then hwell = ( qdes + chsum ) / csum else hwell = hnew(ic,ir,il) endif c Test Hlim constraint if QLIMIT flag is set if(MNW2(6,iw).NE.0) then hlim = mnw2(7,iw) ipole = 0 if( abs(qdes).gt.verysmall ) ipole = qdes / abs(qdes) hmax = ipole*( hlim ) hsim = ipole*( hwell ) c Potential Q is... if( hsim .gt. hmax ) then hwell = hlim endif qpot = hlim*csum - chsum end if cond = csum c c Compute ratio of potential/desired flow rates if( then ratio = 1.00D0 if( abs(qdes) .gt. small ) ratio = qpot / qdes if( ratio .gt. 0.9999D0 ) then ratio = 1.000D0 Qpot = Qdes endif c Check if potential flow rate is below cutoff c If so, set Qact = 0.0 c If q-limit condition is met, do not perform this check on subsequent iterations to c avoid oscillations c Flag to perform this check is mnw2(20,iw). If > 0, limit has been met c Do not enforce q-limit oscillation-stopper until the 3rd iteration; hardwire=0 c for first two iterations if(kiter.le.2) mnw2(20,iw) = 0 c c-lfk Qsmall = small*abs(qdes) if( ratio .lt. Qoff . and. mnw2(20,iw) .ge. 0) then c mnw2(18,iw) = 0.D0 mnw2(30,iw) = 0.D0 c Set flag to avoid rechecking q-limit mnw2(20,iw) = -1 c Check if potential flow rate is above restart threshold c If so, set Qact = Qpot c If q-limit condition is met, do not perform this check on subsequent iterations to c avoid oscillations c Flag to perform this check is mnw2(20,iw). If > 0, limit has been met elseif( .and. abs(qact).lt.Qsmall .and. & mnw2(20,iw) .le. 0 ) then c mnw2(18,iw) = Qpot mnw2(30,iw) = Qpot c Set flag to avoid rechecking q-limit mnw2(20,iw) = 1 elseif( ) then mnw2(20,iw) = 2 else c Otherwise leave the flow rate alone endif endif c End if, QLimit>0 endif c End if, kiter < 3 end if c c qdes = mnw2(5,iw) qact = qdes c If Q in last TS was restricted, update qact c if( then if((abs(mnw2(18,iw)-qdes).gt.Qsmall)) then qact = mnw2(18,iw) end if c end if c If restrictions were set this time step, update qact if((mnw2(20,iw).ne.0.or.mnw2(27,iw).ne.0)) then C-lfk if((abs(mnw2(29,iw)).lt.abs(mnw2(18,iw)))) then [subst.30 below]? if((abs(mnw2(29,iw)).lt.abs(mnw2(30,iw)))) then if(mnw2(27,iw).ne.0) then mnw2(18,iw)=mnw2(29,iw) else mnw2(18,iw)=mnw2(30,iw) end if else if(mnw2(27,iw).eq.0) then mnw2(18,iw)=mnw2(30,iw) else mnw2(18,iw)=mnw2(29,iw) end if end if C-LFK if(mnw2(27,iw).ne.0.and.mnw2(20,iw).ne.0) then if(abs(mnw2(29,iw)).lt.abs(mnw2(30,iw))) then mnw2(18,iw)=mnw2(29,iw) C--LFK PUMP-CAPACITY constraint over-rides Hlimit constraint; C set flag to stop checking Hlim constraint this Time Step C and use spec. flux bdy. cond. c-lfk temp hold mnw2(20,iw)=-2 mnw2(27,iw)=2 else mnw2(18,iw)=mnw2(30,iw) end if end if qact = mnw2(18,iw) end if c C-LFK Skip seepage face calculations for single-node well NNODES=abs(MNW2(2,iw)) IF (NNODES.EQ.1) GO TO 100 c Make 2 passes to find seepage faces do kSeep = 1, 2 csum = 0.000D0 chsum = 0.000D0 Qseep = 0.000D0 firstnode=MNW2(4,iw) lastnode=MNW2(4,iw)+ABS(MNW2(2,iw))-1 c Loop over nodes in well do INODE=firstnode,lastnode il=MNWNOD(1,INODE) ir=MNWNOD(2,INODE) ic=MNWNOD(3,INODE) nd=INODE-firstnode+1 c First time through, set the hwell_by_node to big; this will be used as a flag for c whether or not there is a seepage face in the cell if( kSeep.eq.1 ) then MNWNOD(15,INODE) = 1.0D31 end if if(IBOUND(ic,ir,il).ne.0) then Bottom = BOTM(ic,ir,LBOTM(il)) c c only allow seepage or flow into a cell if the head in the cell is greater than the bottom of the cell c if(hnew(ic,ir,il).gt.bottom) then c Second time through loop, now that we have a guess for hwell, check to see if there is a seepage face c If so, use the bottom (instead of the low hwell) as the gradient driver in the qact calc c Set the hwell_by_node to the bottom to flag this as a seepage face cell c Sum the seepage (there may be more than one node's worth if( .and. )then MNWNOD(4,INODE) = (bottom - hnew(ic,ir,il)) & * MNWNOD(14,INODE) MNWNOD(15,INODE) = bottom Qseep = Qseep + MNWNOD(4,INODE) else csum = csum + MNWNOD(14,INODE) chsum = chsum + MNWNOD(14,INODE)*hnew(ic,ir,il) endif else MNWNOD(4,INODE) = 0.0D0 MNWNOD(14,INODE) = 0.0D0 MNWNOD(15,INODE) = hdry end if else MNWNOD(4,INODE) = 0.0D0 MNWNOD(15,INODE) = hdry c write message that inode was deactivated this time step if( then write(iout,210) ND,WELLID(iw) 210 FORMAT ('Node no. ',I3,' of Multi-Node Well ', A20) write(iout,*) ' deactivated this time step because IBOUND=0' end if end if end do c End loop over nodes in well c---div0 --- CSUM could go to verysmall if the entire well is dry if( csum .gt. verysmall ) then hwell = ( qact - Qseep + chsum ) / csum else hwell = hnew(ic,ir,il) endif c Because the q/hwell may now be different due to seepage flow, need to re-check constraints c Test Hlim constraints, Hlim is assumed to be a Max/Min for Injection/Production wells if(MNW2(6,iw).NE.0) then hlim = mnw2(7,iw) ipole = 0 if( abs(qdes).gt.verysmall ) ipole = qdes / abs(qdes) hmax = ipole*( hlim ) hsim = ipole*( hwell ) c if( hsim .gt. hmax ) then hwell = hlim qact = hwell*csum - chsum + Qseep c Hlim constraints that stop production are not tested until after the 2nd iteration if( ) then ratio = 1.00D0 if( abs(qdes) .gt. small ) ratio = qact / qdes if( ratio .lt. 0.00001D0 ) then qact = 0.000D0 if (csum .gt. 0.0D0) then hwell = ( qact - Qseep + chsum ) / csum else hwell = hnew(ic,ir,il) endif endif endif !! potentially stop all production after Kiter = 2 endif !! End Hlim exceedence loop endif !! Qlimit>0 enddo !! kSeep -- End of seepage face corrector here c c Loop over nodes in well, assign flow rates and water levels c use qdes to sum q's at end qdes=0 csum=0.0 do INODE=firstnode,lastnode il=MNWNOD(1,INODE) ir=MNWNOD(2,INODE) ic=MNWNOD(3,INODE) c Qseep flag (MNWNOD(15): if still 1E31 here, there is no seepage face so use actual hwell to calc Q c (if not set here, hwell < bottom and MNWNOD(15) stores value of bottom to calculate seepage, see above) c csum=csum+mnwnod(14,inode) if(MNWNOD(15,INODE) .gt. 1.0E30 )then qact = ( hwell - hnew(ic,ir,il) ) * MNWNOD(14,INODE) MNWNOD(4,INODE) = qact MNWNOD(15,INODE) = hwell qdes=qdes+qact endif end do C-LFK C DEACTIVATE WELL IF ALL NODES ARE INACTIVE (Check based on csum=0.0) IF (CSUM.EQ.0.0) THEN MNW2(1,IW)=0 WRITE (iout,220) WELLID(IW) 220 FORMAT (/,'Multi-Node Well ',A20,'DEACTIVATED THIS STRESS PERIOD * BECAUSE ALL NODES WERE DEACTIVATED'/) END IF C-LFK GO TO 105 100 CONTINUE C-LFK for single-node wells, update values & check constraints INODE=MNW2(4,IW) il=MNWNOD(1,INODE) ir=MNWNOD(2,INODE) ic=MNWNOD(3,INODE) if(IBOUND(ic,ir,il).ne.0) then c csum = MNWNOD(14,INODE) chsum = MNWNOD(14,INODE)*hnew(ic,ir,il) else MNWNOD(4,INODE) = 0.0D0 MNWNOD(14,INODE) = 0.0D0 MNWNOD(15,INODE) = hdry csum=0.0 chsum=0.0 end if c---div0 --- CSUM could go to verysmall if the entire well is dry if( csum .gt. verysmall ) then c hwell = ( qact - Qseep + chsum ) / csum hwell = ( qact + chsum ) / csum else hwell = hnew(ic,ir,il) endif c Test Hlim constraints, Hlim is assumed to be a Max/Min for Injection/Production wells C-LFK if(MNW2(6,iw).NE.0) then !also skip if PUMPCAP overrode Hlim constraint if(MNW2(6,iw).NE.0.and.MNW2(20,IW).GT.-2) then hlim = mnw2(7,iw) ipole = 0 if( abs(qdes).gt.verysmall ) ipole = qdes / abs(qdes) hmax = ipole*( hlim ) hsim = ipole*( hwell ) c if( hsim .gt. hmax ) then hwell = hlim qact = hwell*csum - chsum c Hlim constraints that stop production are not tested until after the 2nd iteration if( ) then ratio = 1.00D0 if( abs(qdes) .gt. small ) ratio = qact / qdes if( ratio .lt. 0.00001D0 ) then qact = 0.000D0 if (csum .gt. 0.0D0) then C hwell = ( qact - Qseep + chsum ) / csum hwell = ( qact + chsum ) / csum else hwell = hnew(ic,ir,il) endif endif endif !! potentially stop all production after Kiter = 2 endif !! End Hlim exceedence loop endif !! Qlimit>0 MNWNOD(4,INODE) = qact MNWNOD(15,INODE) = hwell 105 continue c Set hwell MNW2(17,iw) = hwell c c return end c c_________________________________________________________________________________ c c c_________________________________________________________________________________ c SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW27BH(iw,IGRID) C c ****************************************************************** c compute borehole flow in mnw well c ****************************************************************** c USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT USE GWFMNW2MODULE, ONLY:MNWMAX,MNW2,MNWNOD integer firstnode,lastnode,PUMPLOC double precision Qnet,diff,q C CALL SGWF2MNW2PNT(IGRID) c QBH (MNWNOD(27,m) is flow between nodes (saved at upper face) in borehole c Only operate on active wells (MNW2(1,iw)=1) if (MNW2(1,iw).EQ.1) then firstnode=MNW2(4,iw) lastnode=MNW2(4,iw)+ABS(MNW2(2,iw))-1 PUMPLOC=MNW2(11,iw) c if(PUMPLOC.eq.0) then nodepump=firstnode else ifound=0 C-RBW findpump: do inode=firstnode,lastnode C Initialize MNWNOD(27,INODE)=0.D0 c get node coordinates il=MNWNOD(1,INODE) ir=MNWNOD(2,INODE) ic=MNWNOD(3,INODE) c get pump coordinates ilp=MNW2(14,iw) irp=MNW2(15,iw) icp=MNW2(16,iw) if( then ifound=1 nodepump=inode exit findpump end if enddo findpump if(ifound.eq.0) then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** Pump location specified but & not found, MNW2' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - PUMPLOC2' end if end if c get qnet Qnet=0.D0 do INODE=firstnode,lastnode q=MNWNOD(4,INODE) Qnet=Qnet+q end do c Set flux at top of first node equal to Qnet (if pump at top) c or set to zero if pump is somewhere else c c Set flux inbetween node 1 and node 2 (saved at top of node 2) equal to flux at c that node and Qnet (if pump at top) c or just to flow if pump is somewhere else if(nodepump.eq.firstnode) then MNWNOD(27,firstnode)=-Qnet else MNWNOD(27,firstnode)=0.D0 end if c c Loop over nodes in well do INODE=firstnode+1,lastnode c Loop over other nodes in this MNW to set QBH c QBH between successive nodes is Q at previous node - Q at node if(nodepump.eq.inode) then MNWNOD(27,INODE)=MNWNOD(27,INODE-1)+MNWNOD(4,INODE-1)-Qnet else MNWNOD(27,INODE)=MNWNOD(27,INODE-1)+MNWNOD(4,INODE-1) end if enddo end if C RETURN C END C C C MNW2HORIZ C C Process CWC for nonvertical MNWs C C ****************************************************************** C SUBROUTINE MNW2HORIZ(IGRID,LOSSTYPE,NNODES,firstnode,lastnode, & IW,kstp,kper,ipr,alpha) C C ****************************************************************** USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT,NCOL,NROW,NLAY,NBOTM,LBOTM,BOTM, 1 IBOUND,LAYCBD,DELR,DELC,LAYHDT, 2 HNEW USE GWFMNW2MODULE, ONLY:NMNW2,MNWMAX,NMNWVL,IWL2CB,MNWPRNT, 1 NODTOT,INTTOT,MNWAUX,MNW2,MNWNOD,MNWINT, 2 CapTable,SMALL,WELLID C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C ALLOCATABLE ivert1(:),ivert2(:),zseg1(:),zseg2(:) INTEGER Wel1flag,QSUMflag,BYNDflag INTEGER L1,R1,C1,L2,R2,C2,L,R,C, & firstnode,lastnode REAL & x1face1,x1face2,y1face1,y1face2,z1face1,z1face2, & x1face,y1face,z1face, & x2face1,x2face2,y2face1,y2face2,z2face1,z2face2, & x2face,y2face,z2face, & m,lxf,lyf,lzf,lbf, & zwt,ywt,xwt, & zi,yi,xi,zi2,yi2,xi2,t1,b1 DOUBLE PRECISION z1,y1,x1,z2,y2,x2,top1,bot1,top2,bot2, & betweennodes,omega_opp,omega,theta_opp,theta_hyp, & theta,thck1,thck2,lw,cel2wel2SEG,dx1,dx2,dy1,dy2, & cel2wel2,alpha,T,Kh,Kz,Txx1,Tyy1 DOUBLE PRECISION & Txx,Tyy,rw,Rskin,Kskin,B,Cf,PLoss,Qact,cond1,cond2,cond,Skin DOUBLE PRECISION dgr_to_rad,pi ALLOCATE(ivert1(NODTOT),ivert2(NODTOT),zseg1(NODTOT), & zseg2(NODTOT)) c convert degree trig func modified from pi = 3.1415926535897932D0 dgr_to_rad = (pi/180.D0) c compute borehole length and screen orientation c c compute length associated with each section c c compute CWC for each node c c Initialize flags ivert1=0 ivert2=0 C-LFK ZSEG1=0.0 ZSEG2=0.0 c Loop over "segments" do INODE=firstnode,lastnode-1 nod=INODE-firstnode+1 c Initialize flags is_intersection=0 c Define node and next node L1=MNWNOD(1,INODE) R1=MNWNOD(2,INODE) C1=MNWNOD(3,INODE) L2=MNWNOD(1,INODE+1) R2=MNWNOD(2,INODE+1) C2=MNWNOD(3,INODE+1) dx1=DELR(C1) dx2=DELR(C2) dy1=DELC(R1) dy2=DELC(R2) C convert to real coodinates x1=0 do C=1,C1-1 x1=x1+DELR(C) end do x1=x1+0.5D0*DELR(C1) x2=0 do C=1,C2-1 x2=x2+DELR(C) end do x2=x2+0.5D0*DELR(C2) y1=0 do R=1,R1-1 y1=y1+DELC(R) end do y1=y1+0.5D0*DELC(R1) y2=0 do R=1,R2-1 y2=y2+DELC(R) end do y2=y2+0.5D0*DELC(R2) if(LAYHDT(L1).EQ.0) then c if confined (THICKNESS IS NOT HEAD-DEPENDENT), don't use hnew=top top1=BOTM(C1,R1,LBOTM(L1)-1) else top1 = hnew(C1,R1,L1) if(,R1,LBOTM(L1)-1))) & top1=BOTM(C1,R1,LBOTM(L1)-1) end if bot1 = BOTM(C1,R1,LBOTM(L1)) thck1 = (top1-bot1)/2.d0 z1 = 0.5D0*(top1+bot1) c if(LAYHDT(L2).EQ.0) then c if confined (THICKNESS IS NOT HEAD-DEPENDENT), don't use hnew=top top2=BOTM(C2,R2,LBOTM(L2)-1) else top2 = hnew(C2,R2,L2) if(,R2,LBOTM(L2)-1))) & top2=BOTM(C2,R2,LBOTM(L2)-1) end if bot2 = BOTM(C2,R2,LBOTM(L2)) thck2 = (top2-bot2)/2.d0 z2 = 0.5D0*(top2+bot2) c save z coords as we don't want z screen elevations to change for WT cases c if(kstp.eq.1.and.kper.eq.1) then MNWNOD(26,INODE)=z1 MNWNOD(26,INODE+1)=z2 else z1=MNWNOD(26,INODE) z2=MNWNOD(26,INODE+1) end if c caculate distance between nodes betweennodes=SQRT(((x1-x2)**2)+((y1-y2)**2)+((z1-z2)**2)) c c c estimate length of borehole segments c c in first node, use vertical section up to top or WT for segment 1 if(INODE.eq.1) then MNWNOD(23,INODE)=0.D0 if( MNWNOD(23,INODE)=top1-z1 ivert1(INODE)=1 end if c if this is a vertical segment, define lengths with elevations, skip other calc if(x1.eq.x2.and.y1.eq.y2) then if(top1.le.bot1) MNWNOD(24,INODE)=0.D0 if( then MNWNOD(24,INODE)=top1-bot1 else MNWNOD(24,INODE)=z1-bot1 endif MNWNOD(23,INODE+1)=top2-z2 c if blank spaces inbetween, save that length if( MNWNOD(25,INODE)=bot1-top2 ivert2(INODE)=1 ivert1(INODE+1)=1 c c if not vertical, calculate theta and omega for segment c else c if(z1.eq.z2) then C-LFK omega=0.d0 omega=90.d0 else if( then c-lfk omega_opp=SQRT(((x1-x2)**2)+((y1-y2)**2)) c-lfk omega=DASIN((dgr_to_rad * omega_opp)/betweennodes) omega=acos((z1-z2)/betweennodes)/dgr_to_rad else omega=asin((z2-z1)/betweennodes)/dgr_to_rad+90.0 c-lfk omega=dasind(dabs(z2-z1)/betweennodes)+90.0 c-lfk write(iout,*) 'Note: z2>z1 & distal part of well is shallower.' end if MNWNOD(28,INODE)=omega c theta_opp=dabs(y2-y1) theta_hyp=SQRT(((x1-x2)**2)+((y1-y2)**2)) c-lfk theta=DASIN((dgr_to_rad * theta_opp)/(dgr_to_rad * theta_hyp)) theta=ASIN((theta_opp)/(theta_hyp))/dgr_to_rad c correct for right quadrant if( then if( then theta=360.D0-theta else if (x2.le.x1) then theta=270.D0-theta end if else if (y2.le.y1) then if (x2.le.x1) then theta=180.D0-theta end if end if MNWNOD(29,INODE)=theta c define first cell's limits to test for first intersection c only for nonvertical sections x1face1=x1-0.5D0*DELR(C1) x1face2=x1+0.5D0*DELR(C1) y1face1=y1-0.5D0*DELC(R1) y1face2=y1+0.5D0*DELC(R1) z1face1=z1-0.5D0*(BOTM(C1,R1,LBOTM(L1)-1)-BOTM(C1,R1,LBOTM(L1))) z1face2=z1+0.5D0*(BOTM(C1,R1,LBOTM(L1)-1)-BOTM(C1,R1,LBOTM(L1))) c define possible face of intersection in x direction, first cell if( then x1face=x1face2 else if( then x1face=x1face1 else x1face=0 end if c define possible face of intersection in y direction, first cell if( then y1face=y1face2 else if( then y1face=y1face1 else y1face=0 end if c define possible face of intersection in z direction, first cell if( then z1face=z1face2 else if( then z1face=z1face1 else z1face=0 end if c define second cell's limits to test for last intersection x2face1=x2-0.5D0*DELR(C2) x2face2=x2+0.5D0*DELR(C2) y2face1=y2-0.5D0*DELC(R2) y2face2=y2+0.5D0*DELC(R2) z2face1=z2-0.5D0*(BOTM(C2,R2,LBOTM(L2)-1)-BOTM(C2,R2,LBOTM(L2))) z2face2=z2+0.5D0*(BOTM(C2,R2,LBOTM(L2)-1)-BOTM(C2,R2,LBOTM(L2))) c define possible face of intersection in x direction, second cell if( then x2face=x2face1 else if( then x2face=x2face2 else x2face=0 end if c define possible face of intersection in y direction, second cell if( then y2face=y2face1 else if( then y2face=y2face2 else y2face=0 end if c define possible face of intersection in z direction, second cell if( then z2face=z2face1 else if( then z2face=z2face2 else z2face=0 end if c c if 1st z-coord is greater than the WT, start from intersection with WT C-LFK if(,R1,L1)) then if(,R1,L1).and.layhdt(L1).NE.0) then zwt=HNEW(C1,R1,L1) c at wt face, determine intersection with line segment c-lfk if ((z2-z1).eq.0.0) then m=0.0 else m=(zwt-z1)/(z2-z1) end if xwt=x1+m*(x2-x1) ywt=y1+m*(y2-y1) c redefine 1st point x1=xwt y1=ywt z1=zwt end if c at x face, determine intersection with line segment c xi=intersection point for x face c m is "slope" in parameterization of 3d line segment, c define m for known x (at the face) and then use that m to solve for c other coordinates to give point of intersection c xi=x1 + (x2-x1)*m c xi-x1/(x2-x1)=m c if( then is_intersection=0 idone=0 m=(x1face-x1)/(x2-x1) yi=y1+m*(y2-y1) zi=z1+m*(z2-z1) if( & then c if x1face intersection point lies within cell, this is exit point xi=x1face lxf=SQRT(((x1-xi)**2)+((y1-yi)**2)+((z1-zi)**2)) MNWNOD(24,INODE)=lxf is_intersection=1 end if c if exit point is on boundary with second cell, done with both segments if(is_intersection.eq.1) then if(x2face.eq.xi) then lxf=SQRT(((x2-xi)**2)+((y2-yi)**2)+((z2-zi)**2)) MNWNOD(23,INODE+1)=lxf idone=1 end if end if else lxf=0.d0 end if c c at y face, determine intersection with line segment if( then m=(y1face-y1)/(y2-y1) xi=x1+m*(x2-x1) zi=z1+m*(z2-z1) if( & then c if yface intersection point lies within cell, this is exit point yi=y1face lyf=SQRT(((x1-xi)**2)+((y1-yi)**2)+((z1-zi)**2)) MNWNOD(24,INODE)=lyf is_intersection=1 end if c if exit point is on boundary with second cell, done with both segments if(is_intersection.eq.1) then if(y2face.eq.yi) then lyf=SQRT(((x2-xi)**2)+((y2-yi)**2)+((z2-zi)**2)) MNWNOD(23,INODE+1)=lyf idone=1 end if end if else lyf=0.d0 end if c c at z face, determine intersection with line segment if( then m=(z1face-z1)/(z2-z1) xi=x1+m*(x2-x1) yi=y1+m*(y2-y1) if( & then c if zface intersection point lies within cell, this is exit point zi=z1face lzf=SQRT(((x1-xi)**2)+((y1-yi)**2)+((z1-zi)**2)) MNWNOD(24,INODE)=lzf is_intersection=1 end if c if exit point is on boundary with second cell, done with both segments if(is_intersection.eq.1) then if(z2face.eq.zi) then lzf=SQRT(((x2-xi)**2)+((y2-yi)**2)+((z2-zi)**2)) MNWNOD(23,INODE+1)=lzf idone=1 end if end if else lzf=0.d0 end if c if idone still=0, then there are blank spaces inbetween nodes. Calculate c length of that segment by getting intersection out of last node if(idone.eq.0) then is_intersection=0 c at x face, determine intersection with line segment if( then m=(x2face-x2)/(x2-x1) yi2=y2+m*(y2-y1) zi2=z2+m*(z2-z1) if( & then c if x2face intersection point lies within cell, this is exit point xi2=x2face lxf=SQRT(((x2-xi2)**2)+((y2-yi2)**2)+((z2-zi2)**2)) MNWNOD(23,INODE+1)=lxf is_intersection=1 end if else lxf=0.d0 end if c at y face, determine intersection with line segment if( then m=(y2face-y2)/(y2-y1) xi2=x2+m*(x2-x1) zi2=z2+m*(z2-z1) if( & then c if y2face intersection point lies within cell, this is exit point yi2=y2face lyf=SQRT(((x2-xi2)**2)+((y2-yi2)**2)+((z2-zi2)**2)) MNWNOD(23,INODE+1)=lyf is_intersection=1 end if else lyf=0.d0 end if c at z face, determine intersection with line segment if( then m=(z2face-z2)/(z2-z1) xi2=x2+m*(x2-x1) yi2=y2+m*(y2-y1) if( & then c if z2face intersection point lies within cell, this is exit point zi2=z2face lzf=SQRT(((x2-xi2)**2)+((y2-yi2)**2)+((z2-zi2)**2)) MNWNOD(23,INODE+1)=lzf is_intersection=1 end if else lzf=0.d0 end if c now that we have both node exit intersection points, blank distance is betweem c them. Save in MNWNOD(25) of the first node between them lbf=SQRT(((xi-xi2)**2)+((yi-yi2)**2)+((zi-zi2)**2)) MNWNOD(25,INODE)=lbf end if C-LFK Set vertical elev. limits for nonvertical segments if (ivert1(inode).eq.0) then zseg1(inode)=zseg2(inode-1) end if if (ivert2(inode).eq.0) then zseg2(inode)=zi zseg1(inode+1)=zi end if c c For last segment, continue the line to the exit intersection of the last cell c Define possible face of intersection in x direction, second cell if(INODE.eq.(lastnode-1)) then if( then x2face=x2face2 else if( then x2face=x2face1 else x2face=0 end if c define possible face of intersection in y direction, second cell if( then y2face=y2face2 else if( then y2face=y2face1 else y2face=0 end if c define possible face of intersection in z direction, second cell if( then z2face=z2face2 else if( then z2face=z2face1 else z2face=0 end if if( then m=(x2face-x2)/(x2-x1) yi=y2+m*(y2-y1) zi=z2+m*(z2-z1) if( & then c if x2face intersection point lies within cell, this is exit point xi=x2face lxf=SQRT(((x2-xi)**2)+((y2-yi)**2)+((z2-zi)**2)) MNWNOD(24,INODE+1)=lxf end if else lxf=0.d0 end if c c at y face, determine intersection with line segment if( then m=(y2face-y2)/(y2-y1) xi=x2+m*(x2-x1) zi=z2+m*(z2-z1) if( & then c if yface intersection point lies within cell, this is exit point yi=y2face lyf=SQRT(((x2-xi)**2)+((y2-yi)**2)+((z2-zi)**2)) MNWNOD(24,INODE+1)=lyf end if else lyf=0.d0 end if c c at z face, determine intersection with line segment if( then m=(z2face-z2)/(z2-z1) xi=x2+m*(x2-x1) yi=y2+m*(y2-y1) if( & then c if zface intersection point lies within cell, this is exit point zi=z2face lzf=SQRT(((x2-xi)**2)+((y2-yi)**2)+((z2-zi)**2)) C-LFK MNWNOD(24,INODE+1)=lyf MNWNOD(24,INODE+1)=lzf end if else lzf=0.d0 end if C-LFK Set vertical elev. limit for final nonvertical segment if(ivert2(inode+1).eq.0) then C write(iout,*) 'ivert(inode+1).eq.0' zseg2(inode+1)=zi end if c end if end if c lw=MNWNOD(23,INODE) if ( then Txx = MNWNOD(16,INODE) Tyy = MNWNOD(17,INODE) Txx1 = Txx*0.5d0 Tyy1 = Tyy*0.5d0 rw = MNWNOD(5,INODE) Rskin = MNWNOD(6,INODE) Kskin = MNWNOD(7,INODE) B = MNWNOD(8,INODE) Cf = MNWNOD(9,INODE) PLoss = MNWNOD(10,INODE) Qact = MNWNOD(4,INODE) c compute conductance term for segment if(ivert1(INODE).eq.0) then Kz=MNWNOD(33,INODE) cond1 = cel2wel2SEG(lw,theta,omega,LOSSTYPE, & Txx,Tyy,dx1,dy1,rw,Rskin,Kskin,B,Cf,PLoss,thck1,Qact, & WELLID(iw),Kz) c if a vertical segment, use original function else cond1 = cel2wel2(LOSSTYPE,Txx1,Tyy1,dx1,dy1, & rw,Rskin,Kskin,B,Cf,PLoss,thck1,Qact, & WELLID(iw),Skin) end if else cond1=0.D0 end if MNWNOD(30,INODE)=cond1 c calculate CWC of second segment of node lw=MNWNOD(24,INODE) if( then Txx = MNWNOD(16,INODE) Tyy = MNWNOD(17,INODE) Txx1 = Txx*0.5d0 Tyy1 = Tyy*0.5d0 rw = MNWNOD(5,INODE) Rskin = MNWNOD(6,INODE) Kskin = MNWNOD(7,INODE) B = MNWNOD(8,INODE) Cf = MNWNOD(9,INODE) PLoss = MNWNOD(10,INODE) Qact = MNWNOD(4,INODE) c compute conductance term for segment if(ivert2(INODE).eq.0) then Kz=MNWNOD(33,INODE) cond2 = cel2wel2SEG(lw,theta,omega,LOSSTYPE, & Txx,Tyy,dx1,dy1,rw,Rskin,Kskin,B,Cf,PLoss,thck1,Qact, & WELLID(iw),Kz) c if a vertical segment, use original function else cond2 = cel2wel2(LOSSTYPE,Txx1,Tyy1,dx1,dy1, & rw,Rskin,Kskin,B,Cf,PLoss,thck1,Qact, & WELLID(iw),Skin) end if else cond2=0.D0 end if MNWNOD(31,INODE)=cond2 c sum cond for cell to get resultant CWC for node cond=cond1+cond2 c Save conductance of each node MNWNOD(14,INODE) = cond if(ipr.eq.1) then t1=top1 b1=bot1 if (ivert1(inode).eq.0) t1=zseg1(inode) if (ivert2(inode).eq.0) b1=zseg2(inode) write(iout,'(A15,I3,1P6G12.5,9A)') WELLID(iw),nod,cond, & top1,bot1,t1,b1,alpha,' ' end if c c process last node separately c if(INODE.EQ.lastnode-1) then c calculate CWC of first segment in node lw=MNWNOD(23,INODE+1) if ( then Txx = MNWNOD(16,INODE+1) Tyy = MNWNOD(17,INODE+1) Txx1 = Txx*0.5d0 Tyy1 = Tyy*0.5d0 rw = MNWNOD(5,INODE+1) Rskin = MNWNOD(6,INODE+1) Kskin = MNWNOD(7,INODE+1) B = MNWNOD(8,INODE+1) Cf = MNWNOD(9,INODE+1) PLoss = MNWNOD(10,INODE+1) Qact = MNWNOD(4,INODE+1) c compute conductance term for segment if(ivert1(INODE+1).eq.0) then Kz=MNWNOD(33,INODE) cond1 = cel2wel2SEG(lw,theta,omega,LOSSTYPE, & Txx,Tyy,dx2,dy2,rw,Rskin,Kskin,B,Cf,PLoss,thck2,Qact, & WELLID(iw),Kz) c if a vertical segment, use original function else cond1 = cel2wel2(LOSSTYPE,Txx1,Tyy1,dx2,dy2, & rw,Rskin,Kskin,B,Cf,PLoss,thck2,Qact, & WELLID(iw),Skin) end if else cond1=0.D0 end if MNWNOD(30,INODE+1)=cond1 c calculate CWC of second segment of node c it is the same as the other segment in this node MNWNOD(24,INODE+1)=MNWNOD(23,INODE+1) cond2=cond1 MNWNOD(31,INODE+1)=cond2 c sum cond for cell to get resultant CWC for node cond=cond1+cond2 c Save conductance of each node MNWNOD(14,INODE+1) = cond if(ipr.eq.1) then t1=top2 b1=bot2 if (ivert1(inode+1).eq.0) t1=zseg1(inode+1) if (ivert2(inode+1).eq.0) b1=zseg2(inode+1) write(iout,'(A15,I3,1P6G12.5,9A)') WELLID(iw),nod+1,cond, & top2,bot2,t1,b1,alpha,' ' end if end if c end loop over "segments" end do c print segment info if(ipr.eq.1) then write(iout,*) write(iout,*) 'MNW2 Nonvertical Well: Segment Information for W &ell ',WELLID(IW) write(iout,'(A)') 'Node L R C Segment Length & DEG.TILT MAP-ANGLE CWC-segment' do INODE=firstnode,lastnode L=MNWNOD(1,INODE) R=MNWNOD(2,INODE) C=MNWNOD(3,INODE) c segment 1 lw=MNWNOD(23,INODE) if( then omega=MNWNOD(28,INODE-1) theta=MNWNOD(29,INODE-1) else omega=0.d0 theta=0.d0 end if cond1=MNWNOD(30,INODE) write(iout,'(4I4,I8,1pG16.6,1p3G12.5)') & INODE,L,R,C,1,lw,omega,theta,cond1 c segment 2 lw=MNWNOD(24,INODE) if( then omega=MNWNOD(28,INODE) theta=MNWNOD(29,INODE) else omega=MNWNOD(28,INODE-1) theta=MNWNOD(29,INODE-1) end if cond2=MNWNOD(31,INODE) write(iout,'(4I4,I8,1pG16.6,1p3G12.5)') & INODE,L,R,C,2,lw,omega,theta,cond2 c closed casings if(MNWNOD(25,INODE).GT.0) then write(iout,'(A,1pG16.6)') ' Closed casing length = ', & MNWNOD(25,INODE) end if C end do write(iout,*) C-LFK rewrite header for MNW well conductances if segment info was printed C (if there are any more MNW wells) if ( then write(iout,'(120A)') ' M O D E L & L A Y E R W E L L S C R E E N Penetration SKIN & CALCULATED' write(iout,'(120A)') 'WELLID Node CWC* top elev &bott.elev top elev bott.elev fraction COEFF. & B' end if c end if c DEALLOCATE(ivert1,ivert2,zseg1,zseg2) C RETURN C END C c c_________________________________________________________________________________ c DOUBLE PRECISION function cel2wel2SEG(lw,theta,omega,LOSSTYPE,Txx, & Tyy,dx,dy,rw,Rskin,Kskin,B,Cf,PLoss,thck,Q,WELLNAME,Kz) c C C VERSION 20030327 KJH -- Patched Hyd.K term in LPF solution C VERSION 20090405 GZH -- MNW2 c c----- MNW1 by K.J. Halford c c ****************************************************************** c Compute conductance term to define head loss from cell to wellbore c Methodology is described in full by Peaceman (1983) c ****************************************************************** C C SPECIFICATIONS: C ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER LOSSTYPE,i CHARACTER*20 WELLNAME DOUBLE PRECISION pi,verysmall,rw,Txx,Tyy,yx4,xy4,ro,dx,dy,Tpi2,A, c-lfk & Ploss,B,Rskin,Kskin,C,Cf,Q,thck,T,Tskin,x1,x2,x3,x4, & Ploss,B,Rskin,Kskin,C,Cf,Q,thck,T,Tskin, & roz,roy,rox,zx4,xz4,zy4,yz4,Az,Ay,Ax,Tpi2z,Tpi2y,Tpi2x, & theta,omega,kz,ky,kx,lw,bz,by,bx,clz,cly,clx,CLi, & numerator,denom1,denom2,lwz,lwy,lwx, & ct,st,cw,sw,omega0 c convert degree trig func modified from DOUBLE PRECISION dgr_to_rad c dsind = sin(dgr_to_rad * dgr_argument) c dcosd = cos(dgr_to_rad * dgr_argument) C ------------------------------------------------------------------ c define parameters c C c-lfk if ( then omega0=omega omega=180.0-omega end if pi = 3.1415926535897932D0 dgr_to_rad = (pi/180.D0) verysmall = 1.D-25 c Kx=Txx/thck Ky=Tyy/thck c this makes conductance very small if( .or. .or. ) & then cel2wel2SEG = ( Txx * Tyy )** 0.5D0 c For the "NONE" option, multiply the Kh by 1000 to equivalate Hnew and hwell else if(LOSSTYPE.EQ.0) then cel2wel2SEG=1.0D3*((Kx*Ky)**0.5D0) else c c define ro (effective radius) for each direction yx4 = (Ky/Kx)**0.25D0 xy4 = (Kx/Ky)**0.25D0 roz = 0.28D0 *((yx4*dx)**2 +(xy4*dy)**2)**0.5D0 / (yx4+xy4) Tpi2z = 2.D0*pi * thck *(Kx*Ky)**0.5D0 c zx4 = (Kz/Kx)**0.25D0 xz4 = (Kx/Kz)**0.25D0 roy = 0.28D0 *((zx4*dx)**2 +(xz4*thck)**2)**0.5D0 / (zx4+xz4) Tpi2y = 2.D0*pi * dy * (Kx*Kz)**0.5D0 c yz4 = (Kz/Ky)**0.25D0 zy4 = (Ky/Kz)**0.25D0 rox = 0.28D0 *((yz4*dy)**2 +(zy4*thck)**2)**0.5D0 / (yz4+zy4) Tpi2x = 2.D0*pi * dx * (Kz*Ky)**0.5D0 c c if ro/rw is <1, 'A' term will be negative. Warn user and cut off flow from this node if (rox/ then write(iout,*) & ' Ro_x/Rw = ',Rox/Rw, & ' Ro_y/Rw = ',Roy/Rw, & ' Ro_z/Rw = ',Roz/Rw, & '***WARNING*** At least one value of Ro/Rw < 1, & CWC set = 0.0 for well ' cel2wel2SEG = 0.D0 GOTO 888 end if Az = log(roz/rw) / Tpi2z Ay = log(roy/rw) / Tpi2y Ax = log(rox/rw) / Tpi2x c c THEIM option (LOSSTYPE.EQ.1) only needs A, so no need to calculate B or C c c SKIN (LINEAR) option, calculate B, C=0 if(LOSSTYPE.EQ.2) then c average T in aquifer assumed to be sqrt of Txx*Tyy if( then c this is from eqs 3 and 5 in orig MNW report lwz=thck Bz=(thck*(Kx*Ky)**0.5D0/(Kskin*lw)-1)*(DLOG(Rskin/rw))/Tpi2z lwy=dy By = (dy*(Kx*Kz)**0.5D0/(Kskin*lw)-1)*(DLOG(Rskin/rw))/Tpi2y lwx=dx Bx = (dx*(Ky*Kz)**0.5D0/(Kskin*lw)-1)*(DLOG(Rskin/rw))/Tpi2x else Bx = 0.D0 By = 0.D0 Bz = 0.D0 end if C = 0.D0 c NONLINEAR option, calculate B and C else if (LOSSTYPE.EQ.3) then B = B / Tpi2z if(Cf.NE.0.0) then C = Cf * abs(Q)**(PLoss-1) else C = 0.D0 end if else Bx = 0.D0 By = 0.D0 Bz = 0.D0 C = 0.D0 end if c these are per length CLz = Az + Bz + C CLz = 1.000000D0 / CLz / thck CLy = Ay + By + C CLy = 1.000000D0 / CLy / dy CLx = Ax + Bx + C CLx = 1.000000D0 / CLx / dx c calculate CWC for slanted well (from 2.45b in SUTRA doc) numerator=(CLz*CLy*CLx) c dsind = sin(dgr_to_rad * dgr_argument) c dcosd = cos(dgr_to_rad * dgr_argument) c-lfk x1=dcos(dgr_to_rad * theta) c-lfk x2=dsin(dgr_to_rad * theta) c-lfk x3=dcos(dgr_to_rad * omega) c-lfk x4=dsin(dgr_to_rad * omega) denom1=CLz*((CLy*(cos(dgr_to_rad * theta)**2)) & +CLx*(sin(dgr_to_rad * theta)**2)) & *sin(dgr_to_rad * omega)**2 denom2=CLx*Cly*(cos(dgr_to_rad * omega)**2) c if((denom1+denom2).eq.0) then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** MNW2 slanted well error' STOP 'MNW2 -- slanted well' end if CLi=numerator/(denom1+denom2) cel2wel2SEG=lw*(numerator/(denom1+denom2)) endif c 888 continue c-lfk if ( omega=180.0-omega end c C C C MNW2CAPACITY C C Compute Qact restrained by pumping capacity C C ****************************************************************** C SUBROUTINE MNW2CAPACITY(IGRID,qactCap,iw) C C ****************************************************************** USE GLOBAL, ONLY:IOUT USE GWFMNW2MODULE, ONLY:NMNW2,MNWMAX,NMNWVL,IWL2CB,MNWPRNT, 1 NODTOT,INTTOT,MNWAUX,MNW2,MNWNOD,MNWINT, 2 CapTable,SMALL,WELLID INTEGER PUMPCAP DOUBLE PRECISION qactCap,LIFTact,Hlift,hwell,m,b, & L1,L2,Q1,Q2 DOUBLE PRECISION CapMult C C C Compute lift PUMPCAP=MNW2(22,iw) hwell = mnw2(17,iw) Hlift=MNW2(23,iw) LIFTact=Hlift-hwell CapMult=MNW2(24,iw) C qactCap=0.d0 c progress flag: idone=1 mean have interp points; idone=2 means have Q value idone=0 c if actual lift is greater than first value in table, use Q for first value if(,1,1)) then qactCap=CapTable(iw,1,2) idone=2 end if c if actual lift is less than final value in table, use Q for final value if(,PUMPCAP+2,1)) then qactCap=CapTable(iw,PUMPCAP+2,2) idone=2 end if C Loop over CapTable to check for table entry matches or to find encompassing Lift values if(idone.eq.0) then do index=1,PUMPCAP+2 c if actual lift equals one of the table entries, set Q and done if(LIFTact.eq.CapTable(iw,index,1)) then qactCap=CapTable(iw,index,2) idone=2 end if c if LIFTact is an intermediate value, find first entry it is less than; this c will define which two value to use in interpolation if(idone.eq.0) then if( then if(,index+1,1)) then ifirstL=index isecondL=index+1 idone=1 end if else c if table is constructed properly, this should never be executed (index=PUMPCAP+2) write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** MNW2 Capacity table read error' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - CapTable' end if end if end do end if c error check; idone should be set by now if(idone.eq.0) then write(iout,*) '***ERROR*** MNW2 Capacity table read error' STOP 'MNW2 ERROR - CapTable' end if C Interpolate Q value from table if(idone.eq.1) then c define points L1=CapTable(iw,ifirstL,1) L2=CapTable(iw,isecondL,1) Q1=CapTable(iw,ifirstL,2) Q2=CapTable(iw,isecondL,2) c calculate slope and intercept of line between the two points m=(Q2-Q1)/(L2-L1) b=Q1-(m*L1) c interpolate by finding Q on the line segment for actual lift qactCap=m*LIFTact+b end if c convert discharge to MODFLOW sign convention qactCap=qactCap*(-1.d0) c-LFK IF (CapMult.GT.0.0.and.CapMult.LT.1.0) THEN qactCap=qactCap*CapMult END IF c RETURN END SUBROUTINE PPC(DDPP,ISOLNFLAG,BB,HKR,HKZ,SS,QQ,RW,ZPD,ZPL) C ******************************************************** C * * C * **** PPC **** * C * COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR CALCULATING DRAWDOWN * C * IN A CONFINED AQUIFER WITH AXIAL-SYMMETRIC * C * FLOW TO A PARTIALLY PENETRATING, * C * INFINITESIMAL-DIAMETER PUMPED WELL * C * VERSION 3.0 CURRENT AS OF 01/25/08 * C *From Barlow, P.M., and Moench, A.F., 1999, WTAQ--A * C * computer program for calculating drawdowns and * C * estimating hydraulic properties for confined and * C * water-table aquifers: U.S. Geological Survey * C * Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4225 * C * * C ******************************************************** C C---SPECIFICATIONS C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) DIMENSION GAMMA(5) C C---COMMON STATEMENTS COMMON /PAR1/ IPWD,IRUN,IPWS,NOBWC,IOWS,IDPR COMMON /PAR2/ NGAMMA,IDRA,NS,KK,NMAX,NTMS COMMON /PAR6/ BETAW,SIGMA,GAMMA COMMON /PAR7/ RERRNR,RERRSUM,TDLAST,TLAST COMMON /PAR8/ R,ZP,Z1,Z2,WDP COMMON /PAR9/ V(20),XLN2,EXPMAX COMMON /PAR10/ RD,ZD,ZD1,ZD2 COMMON /PAR11/ XLD,XDD,WD,SW C c OPEN(UNIT=94,FILE='PPC.out',STATUS='OLD') C C C---THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS NEED TO BE PASSED FROM MAIN PROGRAM C BB=AQUIFER THICKNESS C HKR=HORIZONTAL K (L/T) C HKZ=VERTICAL K (L/T) C SS=SPECIFIC STORAGE (1/L) C C QQ=PUMPING RATE OF WELL (L**3/T) C RW=RADIUS OF THE SCREENED INTERVAL OF PUMPED WELL (L) C ZPD=DEPTH BELOW TOP OF AQUIFER TO THE TOP OF THE SCREENED C INTERVAL OF THE PUMPED WELL (L) C ZPL=DEPTH BELOW TOP OF AQUIFER TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREENED C INTERVAL OF THE PUMPED WELL (L C C TIMEDD=TIME FOR WHICH DRAWDOWNS WILL BE CALCULATED (T)--MUST BE C GREATER THAN 0.0D0 C c input for uncoupled code c QQ=96000.0 c RW=0.99 c ZPD=33.3 c ZPL=66.7 C TIMEDD=100. c BB=100.0 c HKR=140.0 c HKZ=140.0 c SS=0.000002 C C NOTE, PROGRAM ASSUMES THAT THE PUMPED WELL IS PARTIALLY PENETRATING. C THEREFORE, NEED A TEST IN THE MAIN PROGRAM THAT ENSURES THAT THE C PUMPED WELL IS PARTIALLY PENETRATING. IF THE PUMPED WELL IS FULLY C PENETRATING, DO NOT CALL THIS SUBROUTINE. C C1--SET PARAMETERS C CONFINED AQUIFER (IAQ=0) C DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS (IFORMAT=1) C NO DRAINAGE FROM WT (IDRA=0), NALPHA=0 C USER-SPECIFIED TIMES (ITS=1) AND NO MEASURED DATA (IMEAS=0) C BECAUSE ITS=1, TLAST=0.0D0, NLC=0, AND NOX=0 IAQ=0 IFORMAT=1 IDRA=0 NALPHA=0 ITS=1 TLAST=0.0D0 NLC=0 NOX=0 IMEAS=0 C PROGRAM SOLUTION VARIABLES RERRNR=0.0D0 RERRSUM=1.D-07 NMAX=200 NTMS=0 NS=8 C C PUMPED-WELL INFORMATION C WELL IS PARTIALLY PENETRATING (IPWS=0) C WELL HAS INFINITESIMAL DIAMETER (IPWD=0); THAT IS, NO WELLBORE C STORAGE C WELL-BORE SKIN IS NOT ACCOUNTED FOR HERE (SW=0.0D0) IPWS=0 IPWD=0 RC=0.0D0 SW=0.0D0 C DRAWDOWNS WILL BE CALCULATED FOR A SINGLE TIME (NTSPW=1; IRUN=1) NTSPW=1 IRUN=1 C C OBSERVATION-WELL INFORMATION C NO DRAWDOWN CALCULATIONS ARE MADE FOR OBSERVATION WELLS NOBWC=0 C C CALCULATE AQUIFER PARAMETERS AT=HKR*BB XKD=HKZ/HKR ASC=SS*BB SIGMA=0.0D0 C12d-CALCULATE PUMPING-WELL DIMENSIONLESS PARAMETERS RWD=RW/BB BETAW=XKD*(RWD*RWD) IF(IPWD.EQ.0)WD=0.0D0 IF(IPWS.EQ.0)THEN XDD=ZPD/BB XLD=ZPL/BB ENDIF C C3--DEFINE SELECTED PROGRAM PARAMETERS PI=3.141592653589793D0 IF(IFORMAT.GE.1)THEN F1=(SS*RW*RW)/HKR F2=QQ/(4.0D0*PI*HKR*BB) ENDIF C C---EXPMAX IS THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ABSOLUTE VALUE OF EXPONENTIAL ARGUMENTS EXPMAX=708.D0 C C4--CALL LINVST TO CALCULATE COEFFICIENTS USED FOR THE STEHFEST C ALGORITHM CALL LINVST(V,NS) XLN2=DLOG(2.D0) C C7--SET KK=1 (NECESSARY FOR SUBROUTINE LTST2): KK=1 C C7a-CACULATE DIMENSIONLESS VARIABLES TO PASS TO LAPLACE TRANSFORM C SOLUTION SUBROUTINES C IOWS=2 RD=1.0D0 RDSQ=RD*RD ZD=0.0D0 WDP=0.0D0 C C7b-DEFINE DIMENSIONLESS TIME (TD IF(IFORMAT.GE.1)RDSQ=1.0D0 C C DO 30 NT=1,NTS C HD=0.0D0 C C---DETERMINE DIMENSIONLESS TIME OF CURRENT TIME STEP. C NTT=NTS-NT+1 C TD=TIMEDD/F1 C C---CALCULATE DRAWDOWNS DDPPOLD=0.0D0 EPSILON=0.00001D0 ISOLNFLAG=0 TD=1.0D4 C TD=1.0D-2 DO 30 NT=1,10 TD=TD*10.0D0 C---CALCULATE DIMENSIONLESS DRAWDOWN FOR PARTIALLY PENETRATING C WELL, CALL LTST2 CALL LTST2(TD,HD) IF(HD.LT.1.D-02)HD=0.0D0 C RTD=F1*TD RHDPP=F2*HD C C---CALCULATE DIMENSIONLESS DRAWDOWN FOR FULLY PENETRATING C WELL, CALL LTST1 CALL LTST1(TD,HD) IF(HD.LT.1.D-02)HD=0.0D0 C RHDFP=F2*HD C C---CALCULATE DRAWDOWN DUE TO PARTIALLY PENETRATING WELL DDPP=RHDPP-RHDFP C C---WRITE RESULTS C IF(DABS(DDPP).LT.0.001D0)THEN DDPPOLD=0.0D0 GO TO 30 ENDIF C DDTEST=(DABS(DDPP-DDPPOLD))/DABS(DDPP) IF(DDTEST.LT.EPSILON)THEN ISOLNFLAG=1 GO TO 10 ELSE DDPPOLD=DDPP ISOLNFLAG=-1 ENDIF C---END TIME LOOP FOR DRAWDOWN CALCULATIONS 30 CONTINUE C 10 CONTINUE C C---FORMAT STATEMENTS 14 FORMAT(3X,' DIMENSIONLESS TIME = ',D12.1,' TIME= ',D12.5, 2' PPHD= ',D12.5,' FPHD= ',D12.5,' DDPP= ',D12.5) 15 FORMAT(3X,' VALUE RETURNED TO MAIN PROGRAM (DDPP) = ',D12.5) RETURN END C C C ****************************************************** C * * C * SUBROUTINE LINVST * C * * C * VERSION 1.0 CURRENT AS OF 10/01/99 * C * * C ****************************************************** C C15-SUBROUTINE LINVST CALCULATES COEFFICIENTS USED FOR THE C STEHFEST ALGORITHM C SUBROUTINE LINVST(V,NS) C---SPECIFICATIONS IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION G(20),V(20),HS(20) C G(1)=1.D0 NH=NS/2 DO 1 IS=2,NS 1 G(IS)=G(IS-1)*IS HS(1)=2.D0/G(NH-1) DO 3 IS=2,NH FI=IS IF(IS.EQ.NH) GO TO 2 HS(IS)=FI**(NH)*G(2*IS)/(G(NH-IS)*G(IS)*G(IS-1)) GO TO 3 2 HS(IS)=FI**(NH)*G(2*IS)/(G(IS)*G(IS-1)) 3 CONTINUE SN=2*(NH-NH/2*2)-1 DO 4 IS=1,NS V(IS)=0.D0 K1=(IS+1)/2 K2=IS IF(K2.GT.NH)K2=NH DO 5 KS=K1,K2 IF(2*KS-IS.EQ.0) GO TO 6 IF(IS.EQ.KS)GO TO 7 V(IS)=V(IS)+HS(KS)/(G(IS-KS)*G(2*KS-IS)) GO TO 5 6 V(IS)=V(IS)+HS(KS)/(G(IS-KS)) GO TO 5 7 V(IS)=V(IS)+HS(KS)/G(2*KS-IS) 5 CONTINUE V(IS)=SN*V(IS) SN=-SN 4 CONTINUE RETURN END C C C ****************************************************** C * * C * SUBROUTINE LTST1 * C * * C * VERSION 1.0 CURRENT AS OF 10/01/99 * C * * C ****************************************************** C C16-SUBROUTINE LTST1 CALCULATES THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM SOLUTION FOR C DRAWDOWN FOR FLOW TO A FULLY PENETRATING WELL OF INFINITESIMAL C DIAMETER IN A CONFINED AQUIFER (THEIS SOLUTION). C SUBROUTINE LTST1(TD,HDT) C---SPECIFICATIONS IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) C---COMMON STATEMENTS COMMON /PAR2/ NGAMMA,IDRA,NS,KK,NMAX,NTMS COMMON /PAR9/ V(20),XLN2,EXPMAX COMMON /PAR10/ RD,ZD,ZD1,ZD2 C XP=0.D0 DO 1 I=1,NS PP=XLN2*I/TD C CA=RD*DSQRT(PP) IF(CA.GT.EXPMAX) CA=EXPMAX RE0=BESSK0(CA) PDL=RE0/PP 1 XP=XP+V(I)*PDL HDT=2.D0*XP*XLN2/TD C C---RETURN TO MAIN PROGRAM RETURN END C C C ****************************************************** C * * C * SUBROUTINE LTST2 * C * * C * VERSION 1.0 CURRENT AS OF 10/01/99 * C * * C ****************************************************** C C17-SUBROUTINE LTST2 CALCULATES THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM SOLUTION FOR C DRAWDOWN FOR FLOW TO A FINITE DIAMETER, PARTIALLY PENETRATING C WELL IN A CONFINED AQUIFER (MODIFIED SOLUTION OF DOUGHERTY AND C BABU, 1984). DELAYED DRAWDOWN RESPONSE AT OBSERVATION WELLS C IS INCLUDED. C SUBROUTINE LTST2(TD,HD) C---SPECIFICATIONS IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION GAMMA(5) C---COMMON STATEMENTS COMMON /PAR1/ IPWD,IRUN,IPWS,NOBWC,IOWS,IDPR COMMON /PAR2/ NGAMMA,IDRA,NS,KK,NMAX,NTMS COMMON /PAR6/ BETAW,SIGMA,GAMMA COMMON /PAR7/ RERRNR,RERRSUM,TDLAST,TLAST COMMON /PAR8/ R,ZP,Z1,Z2,WDP COMMON /PAR9/ V(20),XLN2,EXPMAX COMMON /PAR10/ RD,ZD,ZD1,ZD2 COMMON /PAR11/ XLD,XDD,WD,SW C HD=0.D0 IF(IRUN.EQ.0.AND.KK.EQ.1) RETURN C PI=3.141592653589793D0 C IF(IPWS.EQ.1) THEN XDD=0.D0 XLD=1.D0 ENDIF C XP=0.0D0 C DO 1 I=1,NS PP=XLN2*I/TD Q0=DSQRT(PP) Q0RD=Q0*RD IF(Q0.GT.EXPMAX) Q0=EXPMAX IF(Q0RD.GT.EXPMAX) Q0RD=EXPMAX RE0=BESSK0(Q0) RE1=BESSK1(Q0) RE0X=BESSK0(Q0RD) A0=RE0*(XLD-XDD)/(Q0*RE1) E0=RE0X*(XLD-XDD)/(Q0*RE1) A=0.D0 E=0.D0 IF(IPWS.EQ.1) GOTO 30 IF(IOWS.EQ.1) GOTO 30 SUMA=0.D0 SUME=0.D0 C NNN=0 C 10 NNN=NNN+1 IF(NNN.GE.NMAX) GOTO 40 SUMTA=SUMA SUMTE=SUME XNPI=NNN*PI QN=DSQRT(BETAW*XNPI*XNPI+PP) IF(QN.GT.EXPMAX) QN=EXPMAX DB=DSIN(XNPI*(1.0D0-XDD)) DA=DSIN(XNPI*(1.0D0-XLD)) IF(IPWS.EQ.1) DA=0.D0 SINES=DB-DA RE0=BESSK0(QN) RE1=BESSK1(QN) XNUM=RE0*SINES*SINES/(XNPI*(XLD-XDD)) XDEN=0.5D0*QN*RE1*XNPI A=XNUM/XDEN SUMA=SUMTA+A C IF(KK.GT.1)THEN QNRD=QN*RD IF(QNRD.GT.EXPMAX) QNRD=EXPMAX RE0X=BESSK0(QNRD) IF(IOWS.EQ.0) 1 XNUM=RE0X*SINES*(DSIN(XNPI*ZD2) 2 -DSIN(XNPI*ZD1))/(XNPI*(ZD2-ZD1)) IF(IOWS.EQ.2) 1 XNUM=RE0X*SINES*DCOS(XNPI*ZD) E=XNUM/XDEN SUME=SUMTE+E ENDIF C IF(IPWS.EQ.0.AND.NNN.LT.25) GOTO 10 ERRA=DABS(SUMTA-SUMA) IF(KK.EQ.1)THEN IF(ERRA.LT.RERRSUM*SUMA) GOTO 40 ENDIF IF(KK.GT.1)THEN ERRE=DABS(SUMTE-SUME) IF(ERRA.LT.RERRSUM*SUMA.AND.ERRE.LT.RERRSUM*SUME) GOTO 40 ENDIF C GOTO 10 C 40 CONTINUE C A=SUMA 30 DENOM=(1.D0+WD*PP*(A0+A+SW)) IF(KK.EQ.1) PDL=(A0+A+SW)/(PP*DENOM) IF(KK.GT.1) THEN E=SUME IF(IDPR.EQ.0) PDL=(E0+E)/(PP*DENOM) IF(IDPR.EQ.1) THEN SLUGF=1.D0/(1.D0+WDP*PP) PDL=SLUGF*(E0+E)/(PP*DENOM) ENDIF ENDIF C XP=XP+V(I)*PDL C 1 CONTINUE C HD=2.D0*XP*XLN2/(TD*(XLD-XDD)) C C IF(NNN.GE.NMAX) WRITE(IO,100) C C---FORMAT STATEMENTS C100 FORMAT('PROGRAM CONTINUES TO NEXT TIME STEP BECAUSE NNN', C 2' EXCEEDS NMAX.') C C---RETURN TO MAIN PROGRAM RETURN END C C ****************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION BESSK0 * C * * C * VERSION 1.0 CURRENT AS OF 10/01/99 * C * * C ****************************************************** C C19-FUNCTION BESSK0 CALCULATES THE ZERO-ORDER MODIFIED BESSEL FUNCTION C OF THE SECOND KIND. SOURCE: PRESS AND OTHERS (1992). DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION BESSK0(X) C---SPECIFICATIONS DOUBLE PRECISION X,Y,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7, * Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,BESSI0 DATA P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7/-0.57721566D0,0.42278420D0,0.23069756D0, * 0.3488590D-1,0.262698D-2,0.10750D-3,0.74D-5/ DATA Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7/1.25331414D0,-0.7832358D-1,0.2189568D-1, * -0.1062446D-1,0.587872D-2,-0.251540D-2,0.53208D-3/ C IF (X.LE.2.D0) THEN Y=X*X/4.D0 BESSK0=(-DLOG(X/2.D0)*BESSI0(X))+(P1+Y*(P2+Y*(P3+ * Y*(P4+Y*(P5+Y*(P6+Y*P7)))))) ELSE Y=(2.D0/X) BESSK0=(DEXP(-X)/DSQRT(X))*(Q1+Y*(Q2+Y*(Q3+ * Y*(Q4+Y*(Q5+Y*(Q6+Y*Q7)))))) ENDIF C C---RETURN TO MAIN PROGRAM RETURN END C C ****************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION BESSI0 * C * * C * VERSION 1.0 CURRENT AS OF 10/01/99 * C * * C ****************************************************** C C20-FUNCTION BESSI0 CALCULATES THE ZERO-ORDER MODIFIED BESSEL FUNCTION C OF THE FIRST KIND. SOURCE: PRESS AND OTHERS (1992). DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION BESSI0(X) C---SPECIFICATIONS DOUBLE PRECISION X,Y,AX,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7, * Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8,Q9 DATA P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7/1.0D0,3.5156229D0,3.0899424D0,1.2067492D *0, * 0.2659732D0,0.360768D-1,0.45813D-2/ DATA Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8,Q9/0.39894228D0,0.1328592D-1, * 0.225319D-2,-0.157565D-2,0.916281D-2,-0.2057706D-1, * 0.2635537D-1,-0.1647633D-1,0.392377D-2/ C IF (DABS(X).LT.3.75D0) THEN Y=(X/3.75D0)**2 BESSI0=P1+Y*(P2+Y*(P3+Y*(P4+Y*(P5+Y*(P6+Y*P7))))) ELSE AX=DABS(X) Y=3.75D0/AX BESSI0=(DEXP(AX)/DSQRT(AX))*(Q1+Y*(Q2+Y*(Q3+Y*(Q4 * +Y*(Q5+Y*(Q6+Y*(Q7+Y*(Q8+Y*Q9)))))))) ENDIF C C---RETURN TO MAIN PROGRAM RETURN END C C ****************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION BESSK1 * C * * C * VERSION 1.0 CURRENT AS OF 10/01/99 * C * * C ****************************************************** C C21-FUNCTION BESSK1 CALCULATES THE FIRST-ORDER MODIFIED BESSEL FUNCTION C OF THE SECOND KIND. SOURCE: PRESS AND OTHERS (1992). DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION BESSK1(X) C---SPECIFICATIONS DOUBLE PRECISION X,Y,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7, * Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,BESSI1 DATA P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7/1.0D0,0.15443144D0,-0.67278579D0, * -0.18156897D0,-0.1919402D-1,-0.110404D-2,-0.4686D-4/ DATA Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7/1.25331414D0,0.23498619D0,-0.3655620D-1, * 0.1504268D-1,-0.780353D-2,0.325614D-2,-0.68245D-3/ C IF (X.LE.2.0) THEN Y=X*X/4.0 BESSK1=(LOG(X/2.0)*BESSI1(X))+(1.0/X)*(P1+Y*(P2+ * Y*(P3+Y*(P4+Y*(P5+Y*(P6+Y*P7)))))) ELSE Y=2.0/X BESSK1=(EXP(-X)/SQRT(X))*(Q1+Y*(Q2+Y*(Q3+ * Y*(Q4+Y*(Q5+Y*(Q6+Y*Q7)))))) ENDIF C C---RETURN TO MAIN PROGRAM RETURN END C C ****************************************************** C * * C * FUNCTION BESSI1 * C * * C * VERSION 1.0 CURRENT AS OF 10/01/99 * C * * C ****************************************************** C C22-FUNCTION BESSI1 CALCULATES THE FIRST-ORDER MODIFIED BESSEL FUNCTION C OF THE FIRST KIND. SOURCE: PRESS AND OTHERS (1992). DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION BESSI1(X) C---SPECIFICATIONS DOUBLE PRECISION X,Y,AX,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7, * Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8,Q9 DATA P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7/0.5D0,0.87890594D0,0.51498869D0, * 0.15084934D0,0.2658733D-1,0.301532D-2,0.32411D-3/ DATA Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8,Q9/0.39894228D0,-0.3988024D-1, * -0.362018D-2,0.163801D-2,-0.1031555D-1,0.2282967D-1, * -0.2895312D-1,0.1787654D-1,-0.420059D-2/ C IF (ABS(X).LT.3.75) THEN Y=(X/3.75)**2 BESSI1=X*(P1+Y*(P2+Y*(P3+Y*(P4+Y*(P5+Y*(P6+Y*P7)))))) ELSE AX=ABS(X) Y=3.75/AX BESSI1=(EXP(AX)/SQRT(AX))*(Q1+Y*(Q2+Y*(Q3+Y*(Q4+ * Y*(Q5+Y*(Q6+Y*(Q7+Y*(Q8+Y*Q9)))))))) ENDIF C C---RETURN TO MAIN PROGRAM RETURN END C SUBROUTINE GWF2MNW27DA(IGRID) C Deallocate MNW MEMORY USE GWFMNW2MODULE C CALL SGWF2MNW2PNT(IGRID) DEALLOCATE(NMNW2) DEALLOCATE(MNWMAX) DEALLOCATE(NMNWVL) DEALLOCATE(IWL2CB) DEALLOCATE(MNWPRNT) DEALLOCATE(NODTOT) DEALLOCATE(INTTOT) DEALLOCATE(NTOTNOD) DEALLOCATE(SMALL) DEALLOCATE(WELLID) DEALLOCATE(MNWAUX) DEALLOCATE(MNW2) DEALLOCATE(MNWNOD) DEALLOCATE(MNWINT) DEALLOCATE(CapTable) C RETURN END SUBROUTINE SGWF2MNW2PNT(IGRID) C Change MNW data to a different grid. USE GWFMNW2MODULE C NMNW2=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%NMNW2 MNWMAX=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%MNWMAX NMNWVL=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%NMNWVL IWL2CB=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%IWL2CB MNWPRNT=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%MNWPRNT NODTOT=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%NODTOT INTTOT=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%INTTOT NTOTNOD=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%NTOTNOD SMALL=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%SMALL WELLID=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%WELLID MNWAUX=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%MNWAUX MNW2=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%MNW2 MNWNOD=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%MNWNOD MNWINT=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%MNWINT CapTable=>GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%CapTable C RETURN END SUBROUTINE SGWF2MNW2PSV(IGRID) C Save MNW2 data for a grid. USE GWFMNW2MODULE C GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%NMNW2=>NMNW2 GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%MNWMAX=>MNWMAX GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%NMNWVL=>NMNWVL GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%IWL2CB=>IWL2CB GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%MNWPRNT=>MNWPRNT GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%NODTOT=>NODTOT GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%INTTOT=>INTTOT GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%NTOTNOD=>NTOTNOD GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%SMALL=>SMALL GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%WELLID=>WELLID GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%MNWAUX=>MNWAUX GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%MNW2=>MNW2 GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%MNWNOD=>MNWNOD GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%MNWINT=>MNWINT GWFMNWDAT(IGRID)%CapTable=>CapTable C RETURN END