c Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2005-2017. c c This file is part of iMOD. c c This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify c it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by c the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or c (at your option) any later version. c c This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, c but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of c MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the c GNU General Public License for more details. c c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License c along with this program. If not, see . c c Contact: imod.support@deltares.nl c Stichting Deltares c P.O. Box 177 c 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands. module fsplitmodule ! DLT implicit none integer, parameter :: maxfiles = 100 integer, parameter :: splitsize = 1 integer, parameter :: splitidf = 2 integer, parameter :: splitnc = 3 integer, save, pointer :: nfsplit integer, save, dimension(:), pointer :: foiu character(len=300), save, dimension(:), pointer :: fofname character(len=20), save, dimension(:), pointer :: fofmtarg character(len=20), save, dimension(:), pointer :: foaccarg character(len=7), save, dimension(:), pointer :: fofilstat character(len=20), save, dimension(:), pointer :: fofilact real, save, dimension(:), pointer :: fomaxfs integer, save, dimension(:), pointer :: fosubnr integer, save, dimension(:), pointer :: fotype integer, save, dimension(:), pointer :: foocnlay ! output control integer, save, dimension(:,:), pointer :: fooclay ! output control type fsplittype integer, pointer :: nfsplit integer, dimension(:), pointer :: foiu character(len=300), dimension(:), pointer :: fofname character(len=20), dimension(:), pointer :: fofmtarg character(len=20), dimension(:), pointer :: foaccarg character(len=7), dimension(:), pointer :: fofilstat character(len=20), dimension(:), pointer :: fofilact real, dimension(:), pointer :: fomaxfs integer, dimension(:), pointer :: fosubnr integer, dimension(:), pointer :: fotype integer, dimension(:), pointer :: foocnlay ! output control integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: fooclay ! output control end type fsplittype type(fsplittype), save:: fsplitdat(10) end module fsplitmodule subroutine fsplitnull(igrid) c modules use fsplitmodule implicit none c arguments integer, intent(in) :: igrid call fsplitpnt(igrid) nfsplit => null() foiu => null() fofname => null() fofmtarg => null() foaccarg => null() fofilstat => null() fofilact => null() fomaxfs => null() fosubnr => null() fotype => null() foocnlay => null() fooclay => null() call fsplitpsv(igrid) end subroutine subroutine fsplitinit(iu,fname,fmtarg,accarg,filstat,filact, 1 maxfs,type) ! DLT c modules use fsplitmodule implicit none c arguments integer, intent(in) :: iu character(len=300), intent(inout) :: fname character(len=20), intent(in) :: fmtarg character(len=20), intent(in) :: accarg character(len=7), intent(in) :: filstat character(len=20), intent(in) :: filact real, intent(in) :: maxfs character(len=*), intent(in) :: type c local variables character(len=300) :: ofname c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (.not.associated(nfsplit)) then ! initialize allocate(nfsplit) nfsplit = 0 allocate(foiu(maxfiles), 1 fofname(maxfiles), 1 fofmtarg(maxfiles), 1 foaccarg(maxfiles), 1 fofilstat(maxfiles), 1 fofilact(maxfiles), 1 fomaxfs(maxfiles), 1 fosubnr(maxfiles), 1 fotype(maxfiles)) allocate(foocnlay(maxfiles)) foocnlay(:) = 0 allocate(fooclay(maxfiles,1)) end if nfsplit = nfsplit + 1 foiu(nfsplit) = iu fofname(nfsplit) = fname fofmtarg(nfsplit) = fmtarg foaccarg(nfsplit) = accarg fofilstat(nfsplit) = filstat fofilact(nfsplit) = filact fomaxfs(nfsplit) = maxfs fosubnr(nfsplit) = 1 if (type.eq.'size') then fotype(nfsplit) = splitsize write(ofname,'(2a,i3.3)') trim(fname),'.',fosubnr(nfsplit) fname = ofname end if if (type.eq.'idf') then fotype(nfsplit) = splitidf end if if (type.eq.'nc') then fotype(nfsplit) = splitnc end if c end of program return end subroutine splitfiles(iout,igrid) ! DLT c modules use fsplitmodule implicit none c arguments integer, intent(in) :: iout integer, intent(in) :: igrid c local variables character(len=300) :: fname logical :: opened integer :: isub, lun, ifstat(13) c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call fsplitpnt(igrid) if (.not.associated(nfsplit)) return do isub = 1, nfsplit ! test or file is opened, if not: no need to re-open it if (fotype(isub).eq.splitsize) then lun = foiu(isub) inquire (unit=lun,opened=opened) if (opened) then ! check file size call osd_fstat(lun,ifstat) if (ifstat(8).gt.fomaxfs(isub)) then ! close file and reopen it close(lun) ! create new file name fosubnr(isub) = fosubnr(isub) + 1 write(fname,'(2a,i3.3)') trim(fofname(isub)), 1 '.', fosubnr(isub) ! open new file if (lun.eq.iout) then open(unit=lun,file=fname, 1 form =fofmtarg(isub), 1 access=foaccarg(isub), 1 status=fofilstat(isub),err=2000) else open(unit=lun,file=fname, 1 form =fofmtarg(isub), 1 access=foaccarg(isub), 1 status=fofilstat(isub), 1 action=fofilact(isub),err=2000) end if end if end if ! opened end if end do ! isub call fsplitpsv(igrid) c end of program return 2000 CONTINUE WRITE(*,2010)fname,lun,fofilstat(isub), 1 fofmtarg(isub),foaccarg(isub), 1 fofilact(isub) WRITE(iout,2010)fname,lun,fofilstat(isub), 1 fofmtarg(isub),foaccarg(isub), 1 fofilact(isub) 2010 FORMAT(/,1X,'*** ERROR OPENING FILE "',A,'" ON UNIT ',I5,/, &7X,'SPECIFIED FILE STATUS: ',A,/ &7X,'SPECIFIED FILE FORMAT: ',A,/ &7X,'SPECIFIED FILE ACCESS: ',A,/ &7X,'SPECIFIED FILE ACTION: ',A,/ &2X,'-- STOP EXECUTION (FSPLITINIT)') CALL USTOP(' ') end subroutine fsplitpnt(igrid) use fsplitmodule implicit none integer igrid if (.not.associated(fsplitdat(igrid)%nfsplit)) return nfsplit => fsplitdat(igrid)%nfsplit foiu => fsplitdat(igrid)%foiu fofname => fsplitdat(igrid)%fofname fofmtarg => fsplitdat(igrid)%fofmtarg foaccarg => fsplitdat(igrid)%foaccarg fofilstat => fsplitdat(igrid)%fofilstat fofilact => fsplitdat(igrid)%fofilact fomaxfs => fsplitdat(igrid)%fomaxfs fosubnr => fsplitdat(igrid)%fosubnr fotype => fsplitdat(igrid)%fotype foocnlay => fsplitdat(igrid)%foocnlay fooclay => fsplitdat(igrid)%fooclay C return end subroutine fsplitpsv(igrid) use fsplitmodule implicit none integer igrid C if (.not.associated(nfsplit)) return fsplitdat(igrid)%nfsplit => nfsplit fsplitdat(igrid)%foiu => foiu fsplitdat(igrid)%fofname => fofname fsplitdat(igrid)%fofmtarg => fofmtarg fsplitdat(igrid)%foaccarg => foaccarg fsplitdat(igrid)%fofilstat => fofilstat fsplitdat(igrid)%fofilact => fofilact fsplitdat(igrid)%fomaxfs => fomaxfs fsplitdat(igrid)%fosubnr => fosubnr fsplitdat(igrid)%fotype => fotype fsplitdat(igrid)%foocnlay => foocnlay fsplitdat(igrid)%fooclay => fooclay return end subroutine splitbudget(ipos,line,lloc,nlay,iout,label,inoc,iact) ! DLT c modules use gwfbasmodule, only: ihedun use fsplitmodule implicit none c arguments integer, intent(in) :: ipos character(len=*),intent(in) :: line integer, intent(in) :: lloc integer, intent(in) :: nlay integer, intent(in) :: iout character(len=*), intent(in) :: label integer, intent(in) :: inoc integer, intent(in) :: iact c local variables integer :: istart, istop, l, nset, i, iiu real :: r integer, parameter :: igrid = 1 ! temporary c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c read unit number if (iact.eq.1) then ! save budget call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,l,r,-1,inoc) else call sgwf2bas7pnt(igrid) if (.not.associated(nfsplit)) return l = ihedun end if c return in case no layers are specified if (l.le.0) return c find index for unit number call splitgetiuidx(l,iiu) if (iiu.le.0) return c set pointers call fsplitpnt(igrid) c set number of layers if (sum(foocnlay).eq.0) then if (associated(fooclay)) then deallocate(fooclay) allocate(fooclay(nfsplit,nlay)) fooclay = 0 else write(iout,*) 'ERROR. Allocating fooclay' call ustop(' ') end if end if foocnlay(iiu) = nlay c read layers 10 call urword(line,lloc,istart,istop,2,l,r,-1,inoc) nset = 0 if(l.gt.0 .and. l.le.nlay) then nset=nset+1 fooclay(iiu,l) = 1 go to 10 end if c store pointers call fsplitpsv(igrid) c end of program return end subroutine splitgetiuidx(iu,iuidx) ! DLT c modules use fsplitmodule, only: nfsplit, foiu implicit none c arguments integer, intent(in) :: iu integer, intent(out) :: iuidx c local variables integer :: i c program section c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iuidx = 0 do i = 1, nfsplit if (foiu(i).eq.iu) then iuidx = i exit end if end do if (iuidx.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'WARNING. SAVE BUDGET unit number not found.' end if c end of program return end